God of Fishing

Chapter 2463: Xinghai Piranha

This is a year or even years of competition.

   After all, once every ten thousand years, once every few years, the problem does not seem to be a big deal.

   So, when the referee said that after the game started, everyone didn't rush into the chaotic galaxy the first time. After all, they didn't care about such a little time.

  Because they are in the same direction, it is worth thinking about whether these 200 people should play their own games or play in twos and threes.

   After all, everyone is ultimately competing for rankings, ranking the top three, but there is an initial place as a reward. But this is an extremely long journey after all. Now that he hasn't even figured out the dangers of this chaotic galaxy, he set off rashly. It was obviously a problem.

   Anyway, Feng Xingliu jumped to Han Fei's side for the first time and said: "We formed a team, but unfortunately, Zhou Run and the others, none of them made it to the finals. As a result, there are not many of us who can team up."

   Feng Yu came in gracefully. At this time, it is unwise to take the risk alone, even if she is strong, but there is no need for her teammates, isn’t she sick?

   Feng Yu naturally converged with Han Fei, and there is a relationship with Feng Xingliu, no one would doubt it.

   I only heard Han Fei’s voice saying: “We are not enough! I think we will be targeted. If we go early, we will be hunted down. If we go too late, we will be ambushed.”

   Here, Han Fei greeted Wushuang, "Wushuang, do you want to form a team?"

   Wushuang's mouth twitched, eldest brother, will you come with you waiting to be ambushed? Do you know how many people you have offended? There are more than a dozen members of the aristocratic family and the Celestial family here. Among them, some were guarded by the Heavenly Clan and several big clans. This means that these people will inevitably attack Han Fei.

   However, Wushuang pondered again, even the Queen of the two had to take the opportunity to ask Han Fei to ask for favors.

   In such a comparison, Wushuang looked at Deng Xingtian and Ruo Youhe, asking for this favor. The danger is a bit dangerous, but it might be useful in the future. Moreover, Han Fei already owed himself a favor, so he owed another one. In this way, Han Fei owed him more favors than the Queen.

   Wushuang smiled slightly and responded: "Okay!"

   Fengxing looked at Han Fei in surprise: "Ah this, is it so easy? It's here as soon as you call it?"

   Feng Xingliu shouted to the crowd: "Is there anyone who wants to team up with us?"

   For a while, many people tilted their heads and looked over, and then looked disgusted, saying that although your team is strong, you have any troubles, don't you have any points in your heart?

   At this moment, Han Fei gave full play to his shameless spirit and greeted Wang Beichen: "Brother Beichen, team up?"

   However, Wang Beichen shook his head slightly: "No, the road of sword repair is lonely. I want to walk alone."

   "Go alone?"

   Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, all right! Jian Xiu's brain is usually not very good. If he wants to go alone, he should go alone, right?

   Then Han Fei greeted: "Brother Xingtian, let's go together! You can still eat hot pot on the road!"

   Deng Xingtian is now with Ruoyouhe, Ruoyouran. Hearing Han Fei's call, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, with you, you will become a target. Go slowly by yourself!"

   Deng Xingtian spoke clearly and neatly, so he would not feel embarrassed when he said it directly.

   Han Fei called out, but unfortunately there was no result, everyone ignored them. In the end, it was barely determined as a four-person team.

   Feng Xingliu smiled with Wushuang at this moment: "Wushuang, are you here because of me?"

   Wushuang narrowed his eyes and smiled: "No! I want Han Fei to owe favor."

   Han Fei: "..."

   Han Fei couldn't help but touched his chin, shouldn't I call Wushuang? When I came up here, I asked for favors with myself. Is my favors so precious now?

   But, regardless of whether one's favor is precious or not, it is definitely not a good thing to owe favor.

   Han Fei said leisurely: "Or, Wushuang girl, are you with Deng Xingtian and the others?"

   Wushuang feigned anger, and gave Han Fei a slight glance: "I've come here, and I will lose face when I go back."

   Han Fei sighed slightly: "All right! Then the four of us, even if Zhao Qinglong comes, we can fight."

   Han Fei said nothing wrong this time, with his current strength, Zhao Qinglong is not necessarily his opponent. He himself has turned into a great consummation and has limited room for growth. But he was different. During the Ten Thousand Years Grand Tournament, he had been growing rapidly, and his combat power had soared like a demon. It is estimated that Zhao Qinglong's tears would fall after the fight.

   Of course, if you can keep a low profile, then keep a low profile. Because I was still expecting to leave the Kingdom of God and cheat these people.

  While others are still discussing team formation, Han Fei and the others have formed four people anyway, so Han Fei and Feng Yu are together, so what are you waiting for? Go chant.

   Therefore, Han Fei and the others became the first team to enter Broken Galaxy.

And after they entered the Broken Star River, the male commentator of the Shendu Dynasty said: "Now, we see that the first one to set off is a group of four. It is a peerless power from the South China Sea Shenzhou Phoenix Protoss and is also a top ranking. The first strong Feng Yu. As well as the Phoenix God Clan’s supreme arrogance Feng Xingliu. Together with the super strong of the West Sea Shenzhou Wild Ancient Clan, Han Fei also ranked first in the four rounds of qualifiers, plus the capital of horror, like a monster The arrogant girl of the heavens, Wushuang, formed a group of four... They took the lead into the Broken Galaxy and embarked on the road of stars. Let's wait and see and see their performance."

And the female commentator also said: "Wow, it seems that our second group members have also set off. This is the super power of the East China Sea, the peerless double pride of the ghost strait, Ruoyouhe and Ruoyouran. These two people are said to be connected with each other. Ranked 21st and 22nd respectively in the top ten in the top ten in the four rounds of qualifiers... and Deng Xingtian of Quanmang Mountain. It is said that this is a super strong who inherited the blood of the **** of fist. Ranked fifth in the Tiankeng World, a man known as a boxing demon..."

Over there, the male commentator suddenly exclaimed: "What, what did I see? Others are fighting alone, but Wang Beichen, who is alone in the Eastern sword pavilion, stepped into the chaotic galaxy alone. My goodness, the sky list. The first team is still in a team, but Wang Beichen, a team, let’s see how confident he is..."

   For a while, countless people showed their faces full of shock. Who are these people! The names are so horrible, this is the first, the fifth, this is known as the boxing demon, and the other is known as the sword idiot.


   Here, Zhao Qinglong is not with the family, and he is not going to shoot Han Fei in the finals. Because it didn't make sense, Han Fei had a protector of the Taoist temple, and he was also the protector of the Temple of Time. It was impossible for him to kill Han Fei under the eyes of the protector.

   Then, I can only bear with him for a while, until the end of the 100,000-year competition, and when Han Fei leaves the Shendu Dynasty, it will be his death.

   Of course, he didn't reject the kindness of the family members, and he indicated that he would cooperate with him when necessary and attacked Feng Yu and Han Fei.

   After all, Feng Yu is his strong competitor. He wants to get the first place. Only the first place of the first reward is the best place to start.

   As long as Feng Yu and Han Fei are attacked, this number one throne must belong to oneself.

   Therefore, I saw Zhao Qinglong and the aristocratic family, who set off one after another.

   Before Han Fei and the others entered the Broken Star Sea, they discovered that where most of the star fragments were, perception could not penetrate at all.

   Therefore, in order to explore the specific reasons why perception cannot penetrate, Han Fei and the others are standing on a broken natal star.

   And ordinary people in the Kingdom of God, how could they have the opportunity to see this scene, at this moment, they all exclaimed.

   "Wow, what is that? Is this a natal star?"

   "This star is broken!"

   "What a big star."

   "These four people are just four dots in front of this star!"

   "Huh! What are they doing into the stars?"


  Han Fei and the others know that the final will be broadcast live, but at this moment, they have no idea whatsoever. Although they were broadcast live, they were in the finals, so they had to show up in the finals, deliberately to retain their strength, for fear that they would not reach the end.

   The four people were not in danger yet, so in the sky, they gave Han Fei a close-up. Yes, just like the movie, the open-sky realm powerhouses are fascinated by the canopy. Can the canopy be played like this? Others don't know, but the strong of Open Heaven Realm knows. Han Fei and the others do not seem to be fast. But in fact, it was only in the big environment of Xinghai. In fact, their speed is very fast.

   At this moment, Han Fei and the others boarded the broken star.

  I was surprised to hear Feng Xingliu: "This star seems to be silent! How can the silent star block our perception?"

   Wushuang: "It shouldn't be easy, take a closer look."

  Han Fei took the lead. He was very fast and he was not here to go shopping, so he just took a look and left.


   At the moment when Han Fei and the others are about to fall on the broken star, UU reading www.uukanshu. com suddenly, among the ruins, countless red lights burst into the sky.

   Han Fei pushed with one hand, and the endless water turned into a huge barrier, blocking the void and blocking the red thorns in the sky.

   However, the number of these red thorns is increasing, and each of them is amazing. If this continues, it is not a solution, right?

   The next moment, before Han Fei and the others could make any decision, they saw red lights and shadows rushing towards Han Fei and the others.

   Fengyu, Void grabbed a big hand, pinched one of the red lights, and said to Han Fei: "Retreat."

   A few people come quickly and go quickly.

   Han Fei swept away from Feng Yu, a message appeared in his eyes:

   [Name] Xinghai Piranha

   [Introduction] The omnivorous Xinghai creatures living in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the Xinghai piranhas have ferocious temperaments. They actively attack and devour all non-native creatures, and mostly feed on chaotic energy. Xinghai Piranhas are gregarious creatures, with tens of thousands at every turn forming a nest. In a certain star sea, they may all belong to their tribes.


  【Quality】Ancient Alien Species

  【Boundary】Open the sky

  【Contains fierce spirit】4 strands

  【Combat Skills】Flashing thorn, star-scar speed, void sharp teeth, fierce shield armor, flying wing cut

   [Collectable] Piranha Teeth


   [Remarks] The gregarious Xinghai creatures are numerous, so don’t be surrounded

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