God of Fishing

Chapter 2470: Xinghai Worm's Nest

When Han Fei chose to stop and fight the Xinghai Golden Ant, although countless people were surprised, more of them were still puzzled. Some people will say, from the final to the present, how many mass lives have you met, don't you have any points in your heart? How many can you fight in this huge sea of ​​stars?

   Sealed spear formation, endless water storm, gravity killing formation, and Han Fei's personal action, after the multiple weakened Xinghai Golden Ants, there is no enemy of Han Fei at all.

   In just half a day, the 30,000 star sea gold ants in the Fengshen Spear Array have been completely wiped out.

   The terrifying combat power displayed by Han Fei has made many spectators amazed, which is too strong. That's a total of 30,000 stars and sea golden ants! It's not 30,000 Chinese cabbage.


   At this moment, the periphery of the Fengshen Spear Array was attacked too severely, and the Fengshen Spear had been forcibly broken through more than a thousand roots.

No, Han Fei let in more than 20,000 Xinghai Golden-Eating Ants, but the number of Xinghai Golden-Eating Ants outside the Sealed Spear Array is still increasing. If this continues, within three days, his own Sealed Spear Array will be It must be broken.

   Even, maybe earlier.

   "These bugs are not afraid of death at all?"

   Han Fei frowned slightly. Although there are a lot of Xinghai Gold Eater ants, they are equivalent to bugs of the Open Heaven Realm level. They can't be grown casually, right?

   They have leaders and strong people behind the scenes, just let so many Star Sea Golden Ants come and die?

after one day.

   Han Fei has killed 80,000 Xinghai Gold-eaters, and the Fengshen Spear Formation has almost been breached by nearly half. Although Han Fei doesn't feel sorry for Fengshen Spear Formation at all, because this thing can be condensed anytime, anywhere as long as he wants to.

   But when Han Fei discovered that a blue flame-burning bug was launching a suicidal charge on the Conferred Gun, this idea was dispelled.

   is just a round of more than a thousand blue flame ants, suicidal charge, directly knocked out more than 300 sealed gun array, directly knocked out a gap in the gun array.

   "Fuck! What kind of bug is this?"


   Han Fei left the gravitational space directly, his fists roared and blocked the gap. He grabbed a blue flame bug for Qianxing.

   It’s just that, before Han Fei could catch it, the worm exploded, and at the same time, it annihilated his empty hand.

   Han Fei frowned, immediately cast the Void Thieves technique, and grabbed one again, only then could he see the information of the bug.

   [Name] Xinghai Blue Fire Ant

   [Introduction] The group of creatures living in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the blue fire ants of the stars, seek out the unowned stars, the metal veins in the star fragments, and draw the power and vitality of the stars as the conditions for growth. Xinghai blue fire ants are a special existence in the Xinghai ant clan. They are dying ants for the purpose of attacking fortifications, guarding and survival. They only protect the queen throughout their lives and unconditionally obey any orders of the queen.


   [Quality] Normal


  【Avenue】Eat metal

  【Contains fierce spirit】1020

  【Combat Skills】Blue armor-piercing flame, corrosive light

  【Can be collected】Life Metal


   [Remarks] After the Xinghai blue fire ant explodes, nothing will be left, including life metal.

   "Ant Squad?"

   Han Fei understands, this thing is indeed a strong one, a lot stronger than the Xinghai Golden Ant, but their strongest is to attack and guard.

   For the queen ant behind the scenes, he is the one who needs to attack. After sacrificing nearly 100,000 ethnic groups and failing to win Han Fei, the queen sent this star sea blue fire ant.

  According to this destructive power, it only needs more than ten thousand Star Sea Blue Fire Ants, and his own Conferred Spear Formation is about to be destroyed.

   Han Fei thought about it, because he had already collected a lot of life metal anyway. I have been regarded as a tough target, and I can't stand the suicidal detonation of so many Star Ocean Blue Fire Ants no matter what!

   However, from Xinghai Blue Fire Ant’s information, Han Fei learned that this is a guard used by the queen to protect herself. The guards of the queen are all out, so why don't you take the queen's nest directly?

   Fishing out of the Vientiane Mariner, Han Fei suddenly burst out ten times the speed of light. It's not that Han Fei doesn't want to go faster, but that ten times the speed of light is already a theoretical limit of the Open Heaven Realm. He doesn't want anyone to know that he already has a terrifying speed of more than ten times the speed of light.

   Putting away the endless water and the sacred spear formation, Han Fei used star boxing to open a way out among the hundreds of thousands of star-eating gold ants.

   unscrupulous all the way, rushed towards a distant star.

   That is a relatively intact star. It's just that there are too many holes in the hole like a volcanic cave, which is obviously one of the entrances to the ant's nest.

   It seems that he knew that Han Fei was rushing towards him. At this moment, countless Xinghai Gold-eaters and Xian Xinghai Blue Fire ants were waiting, causing a dense cluster of ants on this star.

  Dynasty, the spectators swallowed their saliva.

   Someone was astonished: "This guy is crazy, and he dared to rush to the ant nest. Looking at it, there are 100,000 ants, which is not counted in the ant nest. Why is this guy?"

   Someone was horrified: "This Han Fei is a lunatic, no wonder he is a guy who can fight Zhao Qinglong head-on. This strength, even if he fails to make the list, is definitely one of the top ten in the top ten."

Someone sneered: "What do you know? God's list dare not play like this? We have been watching the battle for so long, how can we not count how strong these Xinghai creatures are? In the star sea, the creatures of the Open Heaven realm are like stars in the sky, densely packed. I heard that in the Demon Realm, Han Fei alone faced thousands of powerhouses, I thought he was vigorous enough. Unexpectedly, he would now face 100,000 Kaitians alone... Nima..."

   For a while, even some emperor-level spectators of the Divine Capital Dynasty were a little fascinated.

   Someone said lightly: "This kid is afraid that he doesn't know his guardian of the Temple of Time, and he has been lost now."

   Someone shook his head slightly: "If you know, I'm afraid it's not necessarily the current reaction."


   I only saw Han Fei suddenly roar, and then his chest was still hot, and Han Fei's body shape suddenly rose in a circle. A so-called macho giant with a double axe in his hand and a bull helmet appeared behind Han Fei and gradually merged with Han Fei.

   After a pause, the emperors were in an uproar.

   There is a great clan emperor, his expression is moved: "The God of War really is not dead yet, he is still alive in the depths of the Star Sea."

  The twelfth palace of the gods, the emperor raised his eyes to look at the **** curtain, after all, his expression was faint: "It seems that the **** of war is probably extremely injured, and the power that this son can show is still not enough!"

The emperor of the Celestial Clan sees the clue: "Even if the God of War is still alive? No one knows where in the depths of the Star Sea. The power displayed through inheritance is not weak, but it is definitely not the character of the God of War. After all, he It's still at the end."

At this moment, Nandi was looking at the **** curtain faintly, and muttered: "This kid is really not easy! The West Wilderness has been asking for many years, and the number of times the God of War responded is not many. Unexpectedly, this kid not only took the inheritance. , You can also directly borrow the power of God of War."

   At this time, no one paid attention to Han Fei himself. They were all thinking about the God of War.

   Ordinary people only think that this is Han Fei's borrowed power, but only a few people have doubts, and the God of War reappears in people's vision. This is currently, after the War of the Gods, the first **** to enter people's field of vision again.

  Yes, don’t take the God of War as a god. Those who know the past will never underestimate the God of War. Because they know that this person is the only horrible existence in the Open Heaven Realm that can be mixed into the War of the Gods.

   At this moment, the God of War seal launched, Han Fei took out his two forged large axes, and at ten times the speed of light, he smoothed the entrance of a wormhole in an instant.

The ants near    still wanted to resist, but Han Fei's speed was too fast, and the moment they landed, these ants instinctively trembled, and they didn't dare to attack Han Fei at all.

   However, this kind of instinctive fear and trembling was also the moment when Han Fei summoned the power of the God of War. When Han Fei landed and hit the insect nest directly, these Xinghai gold-eaters and Xinghai blue fire ants rushed over again desperately.

   It's just that Han Fei fights and always likes to get a heavy hammer.

   So, he borrowed the power of God of War, not to find the queen of worms in this star. I saw a dazzling light burst on Han Fei's fist print. The scorching heat, like the hot temperature in the star core, is rapidly compressing.

   violent, domineering, and lonely, this punch carries an invincible brilliance, like a big star detonating, and rushes straight into the star.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   For an instant, Han Fei blasted out seven or eight punches, feeling weak, and then stopped.


   The next moment, the entire star shook crazily, dense cracks appeared on the surface, the earth began to shatter, earthquakes continued, and the stars inside had power backlash.


   I only saw that this star was torn apart in an instant. Han Fei was planning to go in and catch the worm.

   He did rush in, but he didn't rush in on his own initiative, but was sucked in by a huge force of suction.

  Because the scene was too chaotic, in fact, the spectators only knew that this star was bombed by Han Fei, and everything else was chaotic.

   And they didn't know that Han Fei actually saw a vortex rotating in the star core at this moment.

   And a fleshy giant ant that is nearly 10,000 meters long is trying to get rid of the vortex, trying to run out.

   "Fuck! It collapsed?"

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