God of Fishing

Chapter 2472: With the army

In fact, many people have thought about this matter if they want to control the ant queen of the broken star sea, or the king of other races. Almost every time someone enters the Broken Star Sea, they have wanted to do it.

   However, there are very few successful people, and the problem they have to face is not just as simple as the king who controls this race. In such a large ethnic group, there is often no one at the leader level. If you want to control this ethnic group, you have to make the leader unique and control the leader.

  Secondly, even if one race is controlled, it does not mean that this race group will definitely be able to win the other races behind. However, being able to control a group for their own use can indeed go a long way.

   There is also the manipulation of this group itself. Without absolute, strong, and efficient action, it is difficult for a normal person to capture a leader-level creature.

There are many conditions for Han Fei to find the Worm’s Nest, such as the nautical universal instrument, such as the magic star boxing, such as ten times the speed of light, such as the body that can hardly be broken. This gave him a chance to penetrate a star. .

   Otherwise, if Han Fei stays on the surface of the star for more than a breath, he will be overwhelmed by the insect tide. Even if Han Fei is indeed extremely powerful, it is impossible to repel tens of thousands of star-sea gold-eaters in an instant.

  In other words, on the side of the Kingdom of God, the referees who presided over the 100,000-year-old competition are all twitching at the moment. He knows better than anyone that Han Fei's things like this cannot be copied. Even though others have the strength of Han Fei, what's the use of not being able to find a queen?

   This road to the chaotic sea of ​​stars was originally meant to experience, break through, become stronger, and even prove the Dao in the Open Heaven Realm. Although it is said that it is a life of nine deaths, for some absolute powerhouses, there is only that life, not the nine deaths.

   At this moment, Han Fei's 300,000 army began to make a frantic assault in this star sea area, and almost everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded.

   Someone took a breath: "This...he surrendered the queen?"

   Someone sighed: "Hey, why, I think he did it very simple?"

   Suddenly, many people tilt their heads and look at this person. Simple? Why are you going to call me to see? Among the hundreds of thousands of strong, capture a super strong at the level of the queen, would you tell me the simplicity?

   is also the time when Han Fei led the worm tide army. On the other side, Zhao Qinglong captured a void beast, a weird creature that could quickly traverse the void in the cracks.

On the ghost strait, Ruo Youhe and Ruo Youran, brothers and sisters, use an instrument that does not know whether it is a divine tool or something, which can twist and repel the cracks in space, and continue to move forward like a ship in the sea of ​​void storms, and the speed is not slow. .

   Feng Yu and Wushuang's side, where they came out was different from Han Fei's, they were still in the Void Storm Sea. Among them, when there was no one else, Feng Yu used a flame jumping method, which seemed to be a super enhanced version of the Universe Move. With his Dzogchen strength, Feng Yu could forcibly avoid the void storm.

   As for Wushuang, it is completely relying on the agility of the body to toss and turn in the void storm.

   In a continuous month, almost all the contestants rushed into the sea of ​​void storm.

   Today, the finals have started 8 months, and the total number of eliminations is 46. This number ratio is actually very small. Because the players in the finals are too strong, it seems that the chaotic sea of ​​stars is not difficult enough.

   But, in the long term, Han Fei and the others are on the road now, only one percent of the entire Xinghai Road. That's the case, and now 46 people have been eliminated. If you do this, you can feel the terrible shattered sea of ​​stars.

  Of course, most of these 46 people are not qualified enough. Otherwise, it would be difficult to eliminate them.

  Because everyone showed their magical powers in Voidstorm, there were very few shots for Han Fei at this time.

  The **** curtain is controlled by people. Obviously, the controller of the **** curtain doesn't want to give Han Fei too many shots to prevent Han Fei from leading others astray.

   It is precisely in these time periods when there is no lens that Han Fei has captured 12 worms in a row.

   It's not that the other queens don't want to stop, but they can't stop it at all.

I can't beat it, can I intercept it? The star where I'm on is there, I can't escape at all. Is it forcibly guarding the three outer layers of the gold ant and the blue fire ant in the sea of ​​stars, and it is easy to be blocked by Han Feiyi? The sharp spear formation suppresses, don't you protect it, there is a dead end. Do you want to fight?

   Therefore, the entire Xinghai Golden Ant family chose to surrender when Han Fei killed 12 queen ants. Because for the last time, Han Fei gave three ant queens united together in one breath.

   Even so, all the methods they could think of could not cause half harm to Han Fei. Because Han Fei also has his own army.


one year later.

   Within a certain area of ​​the Broken Star Sea.

   More than 5 million Star Sea Gold-Eating Ants are launching a charge against a large spiral blade.

   Those spiral blades are a kind of starfish called Xinghaifeixing. This kind of starfish is a good match for Xinghai Gold Eater Ants. They all grow by absorbing the power of the stars, and then start to eat stones when they have no time to eat, refining the Qi of Chaos, and then invade and corrode the areas of other creatures.

   When Han Fei and his group of Star Sea Golden Devouring Ants came over, these Star Sea Flying Stars were of course unhappy. They had always swallowed other people's territory, and no one could swallow theirs.

   But, after a charge came down, Xinghai Feixing suffered heavy casualties. Because Xinghai Gold-Eating Ants were originally strange creatures that swallowed metals, and their defenses were already very strong, so in terms of defense, they didn't lose these starfish.

   Moreover, Han Fei had 32 queens in his hands at this moment. He didn't listen to the words of the first queen, and only killed some of the queens in the early stage. Later, the other queens surrendered, so there is no need to kill them forcibly, right?

   Therefore, the battle with the Xinghai Fei Xing is that the queen ants first attacked with a wave of souls, then the Xinghai Blue Fire Ants carried out a suicide charge against the Xinghai Fei Xing colony, and finally the Xinghai Gold Ants faced the enemy head-on.

   In the past two years, Han Fei has come here in this way. Wherever he passed, these Star Sea races had no enemies.

   Of course, the main reason is that Han Fei is ruthless. Of course, the cost is also huge. From the beginning, he had 19 million Xinghai Gold Eaters, but now there are only 5 million left. It can be seen how many troops he has lost in the past two years.

   Just, does Han Fei care? He didn't care at all. After arriving in this chaotic sea of ​​stars, he knew that there were too many powerful creatures in this world, to the point that he couldn't understand them at all.

  What ten thousand races, what sea world, that may be the place where the ten thousand races originated, but it is only the place of origin. In the distant galaxy, the strong people often enter the crucian carp that crosses the river, just like the stars hanging in the night sky, countless.

   Under such circumstances, would Han Fei care about the destruction of a single race?

  On the contrary, Han Fei got a huge amount of life metal.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Xinghai blue fire ants exploded, causing serious trauma to the Xinghai flying star colony. If it is one-to-one, they are confident that they can kill the Xinghai Gold Eater, but they don't have this chance!

   Discussing the fierce battle again, among the debris in the sky, Han Fei's voice spread in all directions: "Those who stand in the way of me, kill me without mercy, and those who are sensible will immediately stop fighting for me, stay at home, don't make heads."

  Han Fei could see that this Xinghai Feixing group was also very powerful, but he didn't have the strength to fight. In fact, he had already played.

   Just after getting the army of nearly 20 million, Han Fei tried to attack a group of star snails, only to lose 3 million troops, but he didn't take the opponent's lair.

   Han Fei shot himself, even if he used Star Boxing, he couldn't hold the opponent. Because the defensive power of the star snails is stronger, beyond Han Fei's expectations, they can resist even the magic arts.

   After losing this time, Han Fei thought that he had just picked the wrong target, and he shouldn't have shot the shelled star snail.

   So, for the second time, Han Fei launched an attack on a starry sky snake field. As a result, this time losing less than 2 million troops, Han Fei simply stopped. Because the Snake Territory's hallucinogenic attack was too powerful, the 2 million Star Sea Gold Ants, who didn't even have the ability to turn a splash, were taken down by others. UU reading www.uukananshu. com

   As a last resort, Han Fei took the action again personally, only to encounter the insane self-destruction of the Soul Snake, and was beaten back abruptly.

   From these two lessons, Han Fei understands a truth. The races here are very strong and each has its own characteristics. Don't think that you will be invincible if you control a race. Otherwise, Broken Star Sea would have been unified by a strong clan.

   Since then, Han Fei has also learnt well. It is very troublesome to win a race, but he just happened to encounter the Star Sea Gold Ants that was crushed by him in all directions, so he can win such a big race.

   However, the collision between ethnic groups and ethnic groups generally does not smash very hard. When the strength of the two ethnic groups is equal, the real fight will be a situation where both sides will suffer. They will often only go to a small scale.

   Therefore, Han Fei shouted at this moment: "We are just passing by, walking through the road, and have no intention of fighting. But if I want to fight, I am not afraid. It is a fight or a peace. Let me reply."

   The contact battle here has ended, and the result is that Han Fei has a slight victory here.

   After a while, there is a voice transmission in the void: "Pass!"

   Han Fei has become accustomed to this kind of thing, so he was not at all surprised, so he let the army move on.

   At this moment, Han Fei looked through the qualification order, and as long as he crossed this area of ​​the star sea meteor, it should be the end point.

   If there is no accident, at this time, most people should have just got out of the void storm sea, even if someone is faster, it is impossible to rush in front of them.

   Therefore, this hunt has just begun.

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