God of Fishing

Chapter 2499: The lock of the avenue

It was the person behind Shui Dongze that Han Fei was chasing. When this person came up to name the name, he would be Zhang Daqian. Who is this to look down on?

So, a moment later, when Han Fei stood in front of this person, this person frowned: "Who are you?"

Han Fei now looks like Ren Tianfei, as he said, the name Han Fei will disappear if he is out of the dynasty of Shendu.

This person didn't recognize Han Fei, but he sneered: "A mere metamorphosis star who is unstable in the late stage of the transformation, dare to stop me?"

Han Fei didn't linger. The purpose of this man was purer, which was revenge. His purpose is also very pure, that is, to kill.

I only saw that Han Fei drew out a long knife, cut it out with one knife, all the ways were united, the will of victory and invincibility, smashed out the terrifying power that was almost a blow from the emperor.

The harvest of Invincible Road was much better than Han Fei had imagined. Now, Han Fei casually took a knife, using an invincible posture. This situation has increased Han Fei's pure combat power by about 20%.

Right now, Han Fei hasn't completely eaten Zhao Qinglong's invincible road. It is the same at any time, but it also needs to be refined, so at this moment it is only reflected in the strengthening of combat power.

"What? How is it possible?"

That person was shocked. This kind of power had just been seen in Pan Litian, and now seen in a stranger. The key is that the stranger did not seem to be in the late stage of Huaxing. How can people dare to believe this?


This person exploded, burned his blood, and exploded with a blow of the star bead.

But the next moment, a fist light, like a starburst, illuminates the sky.


A huge explosion that destroyed the world and swept the surrounding void.

But Han Fei still shook his head slightly. Sure enough, he still underestimated the super power of Huaxing Dzogchen. The two outbreaks only severely wounded him.

Sure enough, the people who appeared in the 100,000-year-old competition were still too young after all. Even at the peak level of combat power, compared to the veteran, it is slightly inferior.

Han Fei didn't waste time either. With a thought, the man lost his expression and fell into a daze. Then, there was no more.

At the moment when the two of them retreated, Pan Litian didn't dare to stay either. Qi Tonghai died, which he didn't expect. However, he cannot die.

The forcible eruption just now caused the seal in the body to loosen. Once there are repetitions, I am afraid it will be a little tricky.

Therefore, Pan Litian escaped from the spot as quickly as possible. But even so, when Pan Litian felt that the astronomical phenomenon seemed to change slightly, his heart moved. I have run this far, and I can still feel the faint celestial changes. This is probably at least the fall of the strong in the late stage of the star.

On the other end, Duan Qingsi just followed An Taiping, but didn't immediately make a move. An Taiping's speed is too fast, this is the advantage of the Tianchan family.

Therefore, if possible, it is best to kill with one blow, or trap Antaiping, this is the normal hunting method.

However, Duan Qingsi had been following for less than half an hour, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be some slight changes in the sky.

Suddenly, Duan Qingsi and An Taiping were a little dumbfounded.

What Duan Qingsi was thinking is, Han Fei solved a transformation of the Star of Dzogchen so quickly? Are you kidding me?

An Taiping was slightly frightened, could it be that Pan Litian has caught up again? Why is this person so scary? Is it possible that one enemy and four cannot be achieved? Did he completely unlock the lock of the avenue?

Thinking of this, An Taiping ran away quickly.

At this time, letting go of An Taiping, who was running away, Duan Qingsi was helpless. Once she chased at full speed, she would surely stun the snake, and then it would be difficult to hunt An Taiping again.

However, Han Fei arrived before An Taiping had been running. He saw Duan Qingsi and felt the state of the nearby space. He couldn't help but wonder: "You didn't make a move?"

Duan Qingsi asked at the same time: "Did you kill that person?"

Han Fei grinned: "It's done, where's An Taiping?"

Duan Qingsi: "I was shocked by the astronomical change. You know, the people who settled their homes were too fast. If I make a move, I can only sneak attack, otherwise I can't take it."

Han Feixin said that Duan Qingsi, who looked extremely powerful before, didn't talk about his strength, but only talked about speed, I was afraid it was not strong enough!

Han Fei: "Then catch up! I don't believe how long he can run?"

Duan Qingsi: "Be careful, An Taiping and Pan Litian are not easy. If nothing happens, they will have their strength sealed, and there is a great lock in their bodies that seals their strength."

"The lock of the avenue?"

Han Fei looked at Duan Qingsi suspiciously. It was the first time he heard this word.

Duan Qingsi: "Huaxing Dzogchen has come to an end, the body cannot bear the growth of strength, and dare not prove the way, so you have to find a way to seal your strength, so there is the saying that the lock of the great road. The lock of the great road in the body is over. More means that the person is stronger."

Han Fei was surprised: "What if it is unblocked? How strong is it?"

Duan Qingsi: "That's not right, Pan Litian should have unblocked it just now."

Han Fei couldn't help but tilt his head to look at Duan Qingsi: "How about you?"

Duan Qingsi: "No comment, we are not familiar."

Han Fei: "..."

Three days later.

An Taiping didn't stop until he ran a long way. This time, the loss was big. As expected, Pan Litian was still strong. Just now he felt that Pan Litian was about to explode. There were at least three great roads in the opponent's body, which exceeded his own guess. I thought that in the city of scavengers, there was only one Zhao Honghuang who was the most apex powerhouse of the kind of star-changing Dzogchen. But now it seems that external rumors that Pan Litian is only slightly weaker than Zhao Honghuang, this is actually true.

After another half day, An Taiping even stopped in a certain camp.

After starting again, it was only an hour. When An Taiping stepped into a sea area, suddenly, countless silver threads appeared in the void.


"Got it~"

An Taiping's speed is not unpleasant. From the moment he saw Yinsi, he knew Duan Qingsi was coming.

Before, he hunted Pan Litian, but now Duan Qingsi hunted him. Is it true that there is a cycle of heaven? In other words, Duan Qingsi has always followed him?

In the next moment, when no one arrives, the sound comes first. I just listen to a voice in the void: "An Taiping, you have entered my blue silk domain, and your speed will be suppressed to the limit. If you run, I will try. "

An Tai's face changed, and he coldly snorted: "Duan Qingsi, don't think I don't know. You are the only one here in the city of wanderers. It's not that we haven't played against each other, but it's just evenly divided, and you can't win. , Why bother?"

Duan Qingsi sighed coldly: "If you can win, you will know this time."



Here, Duan Qingsi and An Taiping entered a fighting state in an instant. Because in Duan Qingsi's Qingsi domain, An Taiping was almost completely suppressed.

However, as An Taiping said, he did not lose either.

An Taiping's speed is too fast, and his physique and spiritual power are not weak, and it is relatively balanced. And Duan Qingsi is strong in her soul.

However, what surprised Han Fei was that Duan Qingsi had previously thought that Duan Qingsi was not fast enough, but that was not the case. Because the two men fought for a while, the Blue Silk Territory was broken open for a while, in a very short period of time, both of them erupted at a terrible speed exceeding 15 times the speed of light.

From this point of view, even though Duan Qingsi is weak, she is already very strong.

Finally, An Taiping was sure that he really couldn't break through the Qingsi realm, and then he roared: "Duan Qingsi, you forced me, God descended..."

At this critical moment, Suddenly, An Taiping only felt terrified, and a crisis of death hit his forehead. He subconsciously offered a token.

However, when the token appeared, before it could be activated, he found that the token was gone.

In the next moment, An Taiping only felt confused and chaotic in his eyes.

But fortunately, the **** descending technique attracted the mind into the body, so An Taiping recovered quickly, and he forcibly carried the power of the void thieves.

As soon as he took the Void Thieves technique, An Taiping screamed, Han Fei only heard two "kaka" sounds, something seemed to break. An Taiping's strength skyrocketed instantly.

However, it was too late. The moment he returned to his senses, a knife had already cut off most of his body.

A piece of blue silk buckled most of his soul.


So far, An Taiping had never imagined that he was actually taking advantage of the loopholes because of the god-descendment technique, and deprived of his consciousness with magical power.

As that dying, he seemed to realize something. Unfortunately, there was no time for him to think about it. His spirit seemed to have suffered a terrible attack, and until the end, he could not recover his sobriety.

Han Fei put away the line of nothingness. He drew a lot of spirit and vitality from An Taiping. After making a simple supplement to himself, Han Fei grinned and said: "His body is left to me."

Duan Qingsi looked sideways at the moment, showing a surprised look, looking at Han Fei, seeing Han Fei a little hairy.

She was astonished that Han Fei's methods were too weird. An Taiping had already exploded, and her strength had skyrocketed, but she failed to play out. She was smashed like a target.

Han Fei: "What are you looking at?"

Duan Qingsi took a deep breath and said, "You are, Han Fei."

Han Fei couldn't help but stunned: "Ah! Who?"

Duan Qingsi, with a firm gaze: "Don't pretend, you have performed the same technique many times in the Shendu Dynasty. Once or twice, no one found any clues, but you don't want to think, in the end, where there are weak. Many. Everyone knows that you have this kind of strange power, and they guess it is a magical technique, saying that you can deprive others of their consciousness."

Han Fei was silent for a moment: "Should I say it is a coincidence?"

Duan Qingsi sneered: "That's a coincidence. I always knew that you must have participated in the 100,000-year competition in the Open Heaven Realm, but unfortunately I didn't find you from the beginning to the end. But that's because I never thought about it. , You could be so high-profile,"

Han Fei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Fine, since you have discovered all of them, I won't pretend. However, I hope you keep this matter secret."

Duan Qingsi was a little shocked. She had seen Han Fei once before, when it was Han Fei who met Pan Litian. It's just that Han Fei had only a chance to escape at that time, and even if he didn't show up by himself, Han Fei might not be able to escape.

Now, Han Fei killed the two great stars of Dzogchen in a blink of an eye. What is this concept? This son, I am afraid it is already strong enough to be invincible in the Open Heaven Realm.

Because Duan Qingsi and the others left early, they didn't know that Han Fei had killed Zhao Qinglong, or that Han Fei was a disciple of the Void Temple, otherwise they would only be more shocked.

Her feelings are just a bit complicated now. Han Fei, calling herself the emperor, wants to compete with Gu Tingnan for the position of emperor. This son is growing so fast, does he really have the opportunity to become the emperor's great cause?

Duan Qingsi looked complicated and said, "Will Pan Litian still chase after him?"

Han Fei smiled and looked at Duan Qingsi, who suddenly realized that, yes, Pan Litian definitely doesn't need to chase after him. Someone will always carry this pot.

Waiting to go back, spread Pan Litian's killing of An Taiping and the others, spreading Pan Litian's hidden strength, will naturally cause a gap between the original city and the city of scavengers.

Han Fei said: "Okay, the **** thing is almost dead, we should part ways too. By the way, I remind you one thing, be sure to tell Gu Tingnan."

Duan Qingsi's face became cold: "Han Fei, that is the Lord of Silence."

Han Fei waved his hand and said, "Don't be the Lord of Silence. When you go back, tell him that the current Emperor Wanlin is a fake. The Chaos Wasteland has shocking secrets. If he has the opportunity, try his best to take the wanderer. The city hurriedly left the Chaos Wasteland."

"What? Great Emperor Wanlin is fake? Han Fei, the strength of Great Emperor Wanlin, not just me, you should have seen..."

Han Fei's face became serious: "I'm not joking with you, the chaotic wasteland has secrets that you don't even know. You can't care about it, just tell Gu Tingnan this anyway."

The **** who likes fishing, please collect it: () The **** of fishing has the fastest update speed.

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