God of Fishing

Chapter 2537: The first trial of life and death

Han Fei has already received a lot of information.

The Black Wind Pirate Group has been wiped out, and Zhang Daqian's clone should have almost reached Zhang Beihai's side. In the short term, there should be no problems.

And he himself, when he finished collecting the pirate's wool, he had to find a way to enter the boundless mining area.

As Old Man Chen said, pirates around the Wuyin mining area are rampant, and they are inextricably linked to the Wuyin mining area.

If this were the case, the Black Wind Pirate Group had just been destroyed, and he would blatantly sweep the pirates, which would surely cause a siege.

Although I am not afraid of the siege by these pirates or the big bosses in the boundless mining area, I am not alone here.

But he wants to train and train a group of strong soldiers. After seeing Broken Star Sea, Han Fei knew that even though he had trained a powerful team of 100,000 Open Heaven Realm, he still couldn't see enough in Xinghai.

However, the 100,000 Open Heaven Realm is already extraordinary in the Sea Realm.

One person is strong, he has done it. Everyone is strong. This is his current goal. These people are the seeds in his own hands, the vanguard of the rise of the human race, and a hope.

Of course, this does not mean that these pirates outside the Wuyin Mine District, he will not fight. Of course he wants to fight, but he needs to fight targeted and hunt some special targets.

one year later.

Above the natal stars.

This year, Han Fei used it for nearly two hundred years, mainly haunting the natal stars and the sea of ​​stars.

On this day, Han Fei finished speaking to everyone, Hong Yue and the others, hurriedly led a group of people into the sea. There are still seven people going to advance to the Open Heaven Realm, and Han Fei personally took the door, and a total of five people survived.

In this year, another 32 people succeeded in opening the day. Even though the progress was already very fast, it was still not enough.

Because there are more and more Open Heaven Realm powerhouses, more and more resources are consumed. So far, half of the resources of the Black Wind Pirate Group have been used.

And half of the sea-breaking realm powerhouses of the Sea Breeze Pirate Group have already been crushed to death. Open Heaven Realm was also dead for nearly half, mainly because Han Fei's strength increased too fast.

Most of the time, these people are cultivating great skills, physiques, and spirits.

But cultivating penance can't grow quickly, Han Fei knew that it was time to go out hunting again. And this time, with sufficient preparations, there will be a series of battles after another.

Including Han Fei himself, because he has embarked on a brand-new exercise system, where the human supreme divine arts are mixed with the gods and demons, there is actually a certain conflict.

The supreme divine art emphasizes the strengthening of the physique, and the speed of practice is incredibly fast.

However, the gods and demons have no phase power. They follow a balanced route. The two pulses are parallel and compatible with the heavens and all paths. It can realize the fusion, entanglement, and transformation of the soul and power, but it also greatly reduces the speed of the supreme divine art.

This year, I mainly used it to transform the power to the spirit. Although the cultivation speed of God and Demon Wuxiang Gong is not as fast as Human Supreme Divine Art, the perfect balance knows that it has brought great benefits to Han Fei's combat power.

However, as the practice progressed, Han Fei discovered a problem. That is, the practice of God and Demon Wuxiang Gong has stagnated, and the reason is related to the Supreme Divine Art.

Because his current star core is compressed a thousand times later, it is no longer easy to compress.

The method of Supreme Divine Art is simple and rude, compress and compress. Compared with the beginning of his own, his star core has been compressed ten thousand times. Now that it has to be compressed thousands of times on this basis, Han Fei has tried it, but it is difficult to control.

Of course, he is not without gain, that is, the engraving of Dao patterns helps to lock the abnormal movement of the star core.

From the late stage of transformation to Dzogchen, people generally only need to practice the Dao Bone, but to practice the Supreme Divine Art, it is necessary to practice the Dao Bone and to compress the star core again.

Although the gods and demons have no phase power, they transform their souls and powers. However, Han Fei discovered that once the Supreme Divine Art could not break through, the Divine Demon's Phaseless Art itself could not bring him an essential improvement.

It is equivalent to the master of the supreme magic arts, and the master of the gods and demons has no phase balance. The supreme divine art was slowed down by the problem of the star core, and the **** and devil's phaseless power also stagnated.

Han Fei talked with the **** of war and the old tortoise about tempering the bones. It is to engrave one's own avenue on one's bones in the form of Taoist patterns.

However, the seal carving here is not like engraving on it, but rather the power of the law to be imprinted on the initiative.

At present, Han Fei's right arm is in the Palace of Enlightenment of the Gods. Because of the inheritance of the Hammer of Limit, half of his arm has formed the Dao pattern of the Power Avenue, but this part of the Dao pattern is not perfect.

Moreover, Han Fei discovered one thing. This part of the Dao pattern is slowly degrading and disappearing. The marking is more than half lighter than when it was first branded.

Moreover, this year, Han Fei wanted to enrich the power avenue on his right arm, the law of sensibility, but no matter how he branded it, he couldn't seal his bones.

I asked the God of War, and the God of War said that it should be the reason why his understanding of Dao is not enough, and he needs to have the true meaning of the law in it. But he also expressed doubts, shouldn't be imprinted on anything.

Because Han Fei's strength had just slowed down a bit, he didn't care too much. He thinks it may be that there are many avenues of his own, and which avenues are engraved, it takes time to comprehend the laws one by one.

Moreover, Han Fei is still struggling with the matter of his own way of self. He tried, walked through the avenue of self, tried to walk the avenue of self, but he never got through.

Therefore, Han Fei was not in a hurry for the seal carving of Dao bones.

Since the promotion to Huaxing Dzogchen and there is still a distance, Han Fei simply let go. Anyway, he realized that he had solved the mystery of the supreme divine art of the human race. Other practices are not so eager, after all, I have limited time.

Therefore, he decided not to retreat anymore, and all his staff returned to the sea world, starting a new round of trials and sharpening their swords.

In fact, Han Fei still has some people who can be used as whetstones. Those are the people like An Tufu. They were brought into Yuanyuanhai by An Taiping, and An Taiping was beheaded by himself. These people were trapped in Yuanyuanhai and could not leave. .

Don't underestimate this peak of Pihai with only a hundred people. Those were all going to participate in the One Hundred Thousand Years Grand Tournament. I really wanted to get a magic knife, and I wanted to grind a lot of people to death.

Therefore, it is not yet time to activate them, and the people on their side are not strong enough or fierce enough.

After half a month.

Sea world.

Han Fei had already chosen a goal more than half a year ago. This target is a bloodthirsty pirate group in the outer waters pirate group. They were originally a special species of fish called bloodthirsty sailfish.

It was an ancient tribe outside the Wuyin mining area. Because of its inherent bloodthirsty nature, it was not tolerated by the major tribes, and finally launched a joint strangulation. But after a hundred secrets, there is always a group of people who escape the strangulation and become pirates in the end.

However, they maintain the habit of tribal grouping, but their location is not known.

Among the pirate introductions in the outskirts camp, only this bloodthirsty pirate group has the most detailed information. It is foreseeable that Mr. Chen liked Han Fei to wipe out the pirate group.

Han Fei lived up to expectations, and the first target he chose was the bloodthirsty pirate group.

In the past half month, Han Fei was looking for the tribal position of the bloodthirsty pirate group, and the second was investigating their dynamics and the cultivation zone they occupied, which was where they cultivated their tribe.

You know, above the wilderness, more than the endless mining area can steadily cultivate talents.

Outside the boundless mining area, there are more tribes and forces with fixed training sites. This bloodthirsty pirate group sits on more than 30,000 people from the sea-opening realm. The Venerable-level explorer realm adds up to more than 200,000. There are more than 60 in the open sky realm. There are many strong people in the boundless world. Outside the mining area, it is much stronger than the Black Wind Pirates.

Others can't find the bloodthirsty pirate group, but Han Fei can.

After finding them, Han Fei only took three days to lock the trial ground of the bloodthirsty pirate group.

The trial field is for below the Venerable Realm, the Venerable Realm, and the Sea Boundary Realm. Of course, by this time, most of the sea-opening realms still go to hunting experience, so there are only 10,000 people in the sea-opening realm who are still experiencing in the form of trial grounds.

And this is precisely the best whetstone.

On Han Fei's side, there are less than 30,000 people who can really get the sea-breaking realm. The remaining 100,000 people still missed a chance.

On this day, Han Fei personally led the army.

The Proving Ground of the Bloodthirsty Pirate Group.

A hunting competition is underway. It is a competition of countless bloodthirsty sailfish races chasing and killing captives, comparing who kills the most enemies. There were as many as 50,000 contestants and only 8,000 captives.

There were only seven people watching the battlefield.

These seven people, except for one in the late stage of Transforming Star, were all in the early stage of Open Heaven Realm.

At this moment, seven people are evaluating.

Someone said: "Look, that jellyfish, incarnate and transparent, the opportunity is completely curtailed, and the law enforcement is hidden. Really, I bet she can escape one hundred thousand miles."

Someone laughed and said, "Oh, it's just the white sting clan. Although it's rare, how can the contestants of my clan be so unbearable? I bet she can only escape 50,000 miles, not more."

At first the man grinned: "Okay! If you win, I have a white sting that is the pinnacle of the sea in my hand, and I will give you a drink."

Just as a few people were talking and laughing, a voice suddenly sounded beside them: "I bet, you didn't find my existence, or else death is imminent, and you can still be so happy."


These seven people changed their colors in an instant. When they recovered, they saw a soul body and looked at them with a smile.

At that moment, the bloodthirsty swordfish in the late stage of Huaxing Star slammed out with a palm, and the sword glowed empty.


I only saw that in front of the old tortoise at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, the soul shell was quietly emerging, easily blocking the next blow. When other people saw this, they fled one after another.

Na Huaxing later shouted: "Quickly, the Hui people pass through, our position is exposed."

However, the old tortoise did not stop him.

On the other end, Hong Yue stepped out of the void: "Friends, how about becoming my puppet? I treat the puppet, but it's great."

On the other side, Yingyue stopped a person: "This way is nowhere."

Someone chanted: "Well, I was ambushed."

For a time, these seven people were all intercepted.

At this moment, a young man walked out of the void, and he waved his hand casually, and more than 70,000 people appeared here. The strength is below the sea.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "All of you enter the trial field. This is your first trial of life and death. Those who kill the enemy will be rewarded with a grand skill of the noble god."

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