God of Fishing

Chapter 2543: Go back to the jasper stone bridge

"Northern mining area?"

Han Fei's heart moved. After buying information with Old Man Chen in the outskirts camp, Han Fei knew that the northern mining area was dangerous, so he didn't plan to go to the northern mining area.

After all, the comprehensive strength of these people under his own team is still not enough. Even the hundred powerful forces who have lived in the endless mining area dare not easily enter the northern mining area. The old tortoise even talks about the northern mining area as soon as he opens his mouth.

Han Fei frowned, "Lao Yuan, do you know that the northern mining area is close to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. It is one of the most dangerous directions in the known areas of the endless mining area?"

The old tortoise doesn’t matter. "What’s wrong with this, is there any place that is not dangerous? It’s near the sea of ​​gods and demons, and it’s not in the sea of ​​gods and demons. I can tell you 100% that they will suffer some evil The influence of Wei is not a big problem. Moreover, I know the way! Don’t you want to train? There is a mine monster in the northern mining area. Although I don’t know what is going on now, but if it is still there, it is very Suitable for military training."

Han Fei's heart moved, "Are you sure? Old Yuan, I heard that many of the emperors were in the northern mining area."

Old tortoise "Then I don't know. Anyway, in my time, the northern mining area was completely developed. There was a special training ground over there. After all, in the age of the gods, not everyone was born strong. At that time, the northern mining area was not strong. It’s safe, and there are many places to test. I don’t know exactly what it is now, but you will definitely like it.”

When Han Fei heard that the old tortoise was so determined, he couldn't help feeling curious.

Moreover, the old tortoise is actually right. Although this is considered experience now, all their experience now is created for them by their own ways. If there is something accidental. Anyone who missed a strong opponent might not have enough people to slap him.

Although there are many pirates, it is troublesome to fight in the east and west. If there is a suitable and stable trial place, it will be much more perfect.

He believes that with sufficient resources and trials, these people under his own hands, plus the speed of his life and stars, will help them. It is difficult to shape the Open Heaven Realm, but it is definitely not difficult to create the Sea Realm.

There was a time when Pihai, who made him look up to him, the king of the past, can actually manufacture it in batches by himself today, and Han Fei felt agitated when he thought about it.

Han Fei "Okay! I will consider it after hunting enough resources to use for a period of time."

There are never too many resources. Don't think you have just grabbed a treasure house of resources, but the seven killers you want to train are different in nature from others, and the resources needed are completely two concepts.

Han Fei didn't ask too much, whether it was the northern mining area or Daosuo, he didn't ask too much.

Because it is impossible for him to listen to the words of the old tortoise at all, what about the northern mining area, you will know when the time comes. As for the Dao Suo, that’s something that I will only think about when the Transformation of the Star reaches the Great Consummation. What I need to consider now is why the Dao Wen can’t be carved, and also, continue to compress the stellar core. This is another problem. The seal cutting of the Huidao pattern is related to the compression of the star core, and these must be studied.

Seven days later.

Above the natal stars.

Han Fei was walking backwards on the Jasper Stone Bridge. This bridge, while walking, was the muddy road and the hot gate. In the past few days, Han Fei tried many times, but still couldn't bear the terrifying heat.

However, Han Fei was not discouraged. There are many secrets of the Jasper Stone Bridge.

Before in the Ten Thousand Years Competition, when Dao Yu Kui Shou helped him absorb a lot of the power of the origin, he thought that the Jasper Stone Bridge could go back.

Later, it was not because there were too many things, and there was no time to go back and try. But now, the Jasper Stone Bridge showed its mysterious and powerful power, and Han Fei was moved. The heart says that it can't get through in the front, so try to go back.

It's just that when Han Fei walked back, after the first step when he walked over, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Yes, Han Fei's heart was upset. He was right. This jasper stone bridge is not a connection between reality and the avenue. The front and back of this bridge is a whole, a mysterious road. The Jasper Stone Bridge, in the middle, is the key to connecting this road.

Just like what I saw after walking through the steps, there were waves of white mist covering it, and I needed to open the way with the spirit of the fairy. Of course, it is also possible to open the way with a lot of chaotic energy.

Where is Han Fei missing this now? Tens of thousands of celestial spirits blended into the white mist, and a broad road quickly appeared in front of them.

The difficulty of opening up is the same as the road that opened up the front. Therefore, for the current Han Fei, it is not too simple to open up this path.

It only took a mere amount of time and effort, and Han Fei opened up a 10,000-meter-long wide road, but the reverse road was somewhat different from the forward road.

The muddy road I met was too hot.

But the road going in the opposite direction was very cold, and similarly, in the realm of 10,000 meters, there was a mirror blocking it.

"Heh! Is this mirror again? Huh, wait..."

Suddenly, Han Fei felt wrong. He felt that his physique and his spirit seemed to be strengthened.

He suddenly realized that, yes, there is strength to open up this path. Just as when the front road was opened up, the power can be doubled by running the road.

Now, this reverse path has been opened up by himself, and Han Fei can feel that his avenue is getting deeper and deeper, and it seems that with his full burst, he can be twice as strong.

This means that you can explode six times the combat power without using the Eye of Invincibility.

However, Han Fei smiled bitterly, even if he could continue to grow stronger. He hasn't condensed the Dao Bone yet, so he can barely withstand six times the combat power.

As far as this is concerned, it is already very powerful. In terms of physique, Han Fei is even comparable to the emperor.

Three hours later, when Han Fei felt the feeling of becoming stronger, it gradually disappeared.

Looking at the information, Han Fei couldn't help grinning.

The strength has increased by about 40,000 waves, and Han Fei doesn't care about such an increase in strength.

It is already commendable to blaze a path and bring 40,000 waves of strength growth to oneself. It's a pity that there are only two roads like this, otherwise, would he be invincible if he took ten of them?

The point is that after breaking this mirror, there is another small-scale growth. As for breaking the mirror, Han Fei is very experienced now. He doesn't need to find soil, fat and round, he just needs to double his power.


With a punch, the mirror surface broke, and it couldn't stop Han Fei's fist mark at all. This time is different from last time. Last time Han Fei felt that a long time had passed. But this time, because his body is intact and his mind is clear, he only feels that there is a certain Taoist rhyme, a certain law between heaven and earth, submerged in his body.

In the silence, it seemed that several years had passed, and it seemed that several months had passed. Anyway, Han Fei suddenly returned to his senses. He was so agitated, feeling abnormally cold, and subconsciously withdrew thousands of meters. Only then was he surprised to find that he had just fallen into a certain state of sleep, a little bit horrified.

After returning to his senses, he immediately looked at his personal information

Host Han Fei

Grade level (open sky and extreme balance)

Canghaiwan Genealogy (Evolving/4 years)

Fairy spirit 40,000

Soul 4 yuan (4 points)

Perceive thousands of miles

Power 4 Star Power (4 Waves)

First Spirit Vein Primal Vein

Second Spirit Vein Eternal Dark Vein

The first talent soul beast twin Yin and Yang Sky-swallowing fish level

Second talent: Soul Beast Emperor Sparrow

Majoring in Kungfu, Gods and Devils


A smile appeared at the corner of Han Fei's mouth. Anyway, this wave of growth has come too easily. It took less than a day to go from yuan to 4 yuan.

This kind of growth rate might scare an individual to death.

But Han Fei was not complacent either, because there was only one promotion of this kind. Compared with finding out one's own self avenue, this kind of improvement should only be incidental.

Through this icy road, Han Fei saw a door again, yes. There is a door, behind a pale dirt road that seems to be spilled with frost, there is a towering giant door, erected there.

Seeing this door, Han Fei was a little surprised.

So, the Jasper Stone Bridge is actually a bridge between two doors? But the difference between these two doors is too big, right? One is dyingly hot, the other is dyingly cold, and I'm caught in the middle, but it's just right.

Han Fei walked tentatively on this road for a while, but soon he was frozen back directly. It was not that his body was frozen, but that his soul could not hold the power of the horrible ice cold, and he felt that he would forcibly walk back. , The soul will be frozen to pieces.

"That's it, it seems that I am not strong enough to get close to these two doors. But anyway, the secrets of the self avenue are unfolding step by step as the strength grows. Huh! Can the crystallization of the avenue be gathered here? "

Suddenly, Han Fei felt ecstatic.

Yes, before, although I had condensed the crystallization of the Dao of I Dao, it was condensed by the hot road.

Now, on this icy road, Taoism is full of rhyme. If this is also a part of one's own dao, does it mean that the crystallization of one's own dao before is not complete?

Thinking of this, Han Fei stopped hesitating, sat cross-legged, and began to gather the crystallization of the road.

Han Fei couldn't keep his mouth shut until a new avenue crystal appeared.

Not only that, but Han Fei saw a new way of fighting. The icy road on this road is not weaker than the icy power above the ice layer of the chaotic wasteland, and may even exceed the back of the road.

If so, wouldn't the Frost Orb be able to replenish its strength at any time? This means that he can have an unlimited number of emperor's blows?

"No, I have to ask Feng Yu to ask for a fire-attribute artifact similar to the Arctic Orb. In this way, the hot power on the other road can also be used as a blow to the emperor, so I have a double guarantee. "

At the star core, there is no need for Han Fei to stuff this avenue crystal into the star core. This avenue crystal is immediately sucked into the star core.


The next moment, Han Fei only felt that the entire star nucleus trembled. He immediately noticed that a large amount of impurities were being expelled, and the strength of his star nucleus directly flew over a level.

This means that the compression of the star core will be easier again. -

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