God of Fishing

Chapter 2555: Mine Demon Stream, Blood Hand Mine Demon

Chapter 2555 Mine Demon Stream, Blood Hand Mine Demon

Mine monster streams, rioting ocean currents, raging, turbulent and without direction.

Han Fei stepped into it and immediately felt a variety of uncomfortable sensations.

One is the turbulent flow of water with no direction, like an irregular gravitational space, but he immediately determined that it might be the total display of the avenue of water.

One is that the water flow in the mine monster stream is similar to the old dying Yuanshui, but it is stronger. This kind of water flow has the characteristics of ice and cold, the impact force is very strong, and the corrosive force is also very strong. Under the open world, or when the body is not able to reach a certain level, it will be eroded by these water currents.

Soon, Han Fei felt that there was a lot of special power here, perhaps the power contained in the so-called concentrate.

This kind of power is stronger than the best spirit stone used to open up the Origin Sea. After all, the best spirit stone is incomparable with concentrate, and the two are not the same concept at all.

If the mineral vein resources that Han Fei harvested in the past are compared with what he feels now, the judgment is higher. In the past, mineral vein resources were just ordinary mineral vein resources, not even the first-level concentrate. Occasionally, the second-level or third-level concentrate was mixed in it, which greatly improved the quality of those veins.

But now it seems that those resources, perhaps 100,000 miles of ordinary mineral vein resources, can't keep up with the first-level concentrate resources of 10,000 to 20,000 miles.

Old tortoise: "Do you feel it? This is the place of trial, the place of training. Insufficient resources can be solved here. How troublesome did you get 10,000 li resources in the past? But here, you may just draw hundreds of li freely. The power of the concentrate has reached the effect of thousands of miles of resources."

Han Fei nodded, this is also the most important feature of Mine Demon Stream being able to serve as a training ground.

Those other forces need to mine by themselves. Moreover, most of the mines dug out are some top-grade spirit stone mines and a few concentrate mines.

But in Mine Demon Stream, you don't need to dig at all. In the past, a great emperor had already excavated here, as long as he absorbed and practiced steadily.

Han Fei actually couldn't understand the saying that mineral veins become refined. In his opinion, mineral veins are all resources, which can be used to supplement the natal stars.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that resources and resources are also very different.

Han Fei said indifferently: "I can't enter the Sea-Opening Realm. This is the training ground of the Open-Sky Realm. There are only a hundred people in the Open-Heaven Realm that I can use. However, it is really good here. There are more Open Heaven Realms, which can help them quickly move towards the Transforming Star Realm."

Old tortoise: "You have to walk step by step. I think you have gone fast enough. Just in this little time, how many resources, how many weapons, and how many exercises have you sent? I haven't found you a generous person before. , But now in my opinion, you are being taken advantage of."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "That's my people, they are all my subordinates. I am practicing now, and I don't need those resources anymore. If I don't give the Seven Killers, I will stay on my natal star to rot? Also, such a small amount of resources is enough. Generous? On my natal star, there are still tens of millions of life metals, as well as many resources obtained over the years. I am going to spend all of these things, as long as I can build a sea of ​​100,000 people The pinnacle army."

Old tortoise: "You now have these people together, there are no more than 100,000 people."

Han Fei: "But those who have survived are rapidly becoming stronger, and now there are nearly 60,000 people in the sea. Moreover, the city of scavengers must have hidden human race powers. Even if there is not, the city of scavengers governs more human races. Hundreds of thousands? The goal of the Seven Kills is one hundred thousand, not one hundred thousand must be there now."

Old Turtle did not refute Han Fei, because Han Fei also knew that it was obviously impossible to build an army of 100,000 people in the Open Heaven Realm with his resources. Not to mention 100,000 people, it is difficult to build a thousand open heavens.

Therefore, Han Fei's short-term goal is to create a pinnacle of 100,000 people.

Suddenly, the Emperor Sparrow who had been standing on Han Fei's shoulder suddenly said, "There are enemies."

Han Fei and Old Turtle's expressions suddenly changed slightly. The two of them did not perceive the danger. At this moment, although the Emperor Sparrow has been upgraded to three consecutive levels, it is currently only Level 106, which is equivalent to not reaching the late stage of Transforming Star. Can they already perceive the danger they can't perceive?

After the emperor was ascended, within five breaths of time, a **** thorn suddenly appeared from the turbulent current.

Han Fei, who had been prepared for a long time, secretly ran the avenue, took this **** thorn light with his own hands, and landed it on his palm, giving Han Fei an illusion of confronting the instant mysterious spear.

Han Fei: "The power of the Dzogchen Dzogchen, but it should only be the kind that has just been promoted to the Dzogchen Dzogchen. I only saw the attack, but didn't see the person, and we didn't notice it, so there should be some distance from us. Then this Scarlet thorns, what is it?"

Han Fei was about to study the blood-colored thorn light, but this thorn light suddenly softened and turned into a red root, then the color gradually faded, and it disappeared into Han Fei's hands out of thin air.


Han Fei's expression changed slightly: "This thorn light seems to be the roots of a certain creature, and it will change color. Before, it was hidden in the water and drifted with the flow, so we didn't find it. Lao Yuan, there are monster plants in this mine's monster stream. ?"

The old tortoise paused, seemed to be remembering something, and said uncertainly: "I remembered a demon plant called Fumoshu that once appeared next to Emperor Xuanwu. But I don’t know him well, it’s just that I have seen it once. However, it is reasonable to say that it should not be him. The Demon Tree cannot create a lizard demon. Moreover, if it is the Demon Tree, the power of a root is much stronger than this."

The emperor said: "There is a faint purifying power in this blood-colored roots, and it must have nothing to do with the demon seed on the lizard demon."

Han Fei: "This also cannot rule out the possibility that the Demon Tree is partially demonized. Go, I feel that there are dozens of such attacks hidden in the surrounding turbulence. These roots are in a state of dissociation and do not have autonomous consciousness. , Then their existence is definitely not aimed at us. Rather, they are aimed at the mine demon here."

As the saying goes, art masters are bold, Mine Demon Stream, a place where maybe no one has been to for millions of years, Han Fei and the others dared to rush inside.

When Han Fei and the others had just dived for less than two hundred miles, the mine demon creatures had already appeared, and a third-level mine demon first appeared in the field of vision.

These mine monsters are like fish, with gold and silver intertwined light on their bodies, swimming in the water like glimpses of light. They were born from a soft gold and jade mine, and they have a rich appearance.

The third grade concentrate is just the mainstream material for refining the lower-grade Dinghai Yibao.

After Han Fei killed more than 300 hairtails, this kind of hairtail refused to come over. Although it is a mine demon with a low IQ, it has also grown step by step by absorbing the power of concentrate.

Seeing Han Fei hit one by one, who would dare to run in front of Han Fei.

It’s just that, before Han Fei and the others dived five hundred miles, they encountered colorful strange fishes all over their bodies. They all possessed the power of the metamorphosis and even the later stage of the metamorphosis. They finally killed dozens of them, and they came again. Several hundred.

Han Fei proposed to forcibly break through, but this was not a wise choice, and was opposed by the old turtle.

Just listen to the emperor's bird: "No matter, since they are just some mine demon with low intelligence, then I will leave it to me!"

"here you are?"

Han Fei was puzzled, only to see the figure of the emperor swelling rapidly, but familiar with the kung fu, it turned into a fierce bird of the size of ten thousand meters, exuding monstrous ferocious might.

At this prestige, those colorful mine monsters immediately became a mountain of birds and beasts, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and they all ran away.


Han Fei looked at indeed in amazement, and said to his heart that you still have this ability to open the way?

Ignoring Han Fei’s gaze, Emperor Sparrow said lightly, “This is the suppression from the depths of the soul. In fact, if you can mention your bloodline again, the pressure and killing intent will be heavier, perhaps you can also scare away. them."

The old tortoise didn't speak at the side, but he was shocked in his heart, and he was indeed a generation of fierce beasts. The mine monsters themselves belonged to the kind of creatures that were extremely insensitive to coercion, even if it was the coercion of the emperor, most of them would not ignore it.

However, as soon as the emperor bird came out, the innate bloodline was suppressed, which shocked even these mine monsters with low IQ.

Mine monster stream, UU reading www.uukanshu.com three thousand miles deep.

Han Fei and the others have experienced three different levels of mine monsters, including Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5. When Han Fei discovered that the level of the mine demon reached level five, it was at least the level of the late stage of the star. If the total number is calculated, it is impossible to estimate. Han Fei predicted that it should be more than 50,000.

And this is nothing. It wasn't until Han Fei and the others came to the underground of this mine demon stream that they realized that there might have been an accident in the puppet city. Because there are blood all over here, and dozens of big blood hands are floating scattered in the air. Yes, it is a separate arm and palm, God knows how the mine demon can grow like this.

And on half of these blood-colored arms, there was a small flashing lizard lying on his stomach.

But the old tortoise exclaimed: "Bloodhand mine demon? Did the bloodhand great and the Xuanwu go to war?"

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(End of this chapter)

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