God of Fishing

Chapter 2580: Secret meeting

However, for this information, Han Fei's most important thing is not the location where Blood Hand Great discovered the Blood Concentrate in the past.

This position is still there, indicating that it was not a secret back then, otherwise it would be your turn to find it? For such a long time, I don’t know how many people there are and how many times I have searched for it.

And the last piece of information is important. The last sentence of this piece of information clearly gave a specious result. That is, the person who deliberately guided the watch had to hemorrhage the view that the emperor was the demon god.

If the intelligence is true, then the last battle of God may be the last battle of the Demon God.

Han Fei couldn't help but sounded that the old turtle body once said to himself the four words "Devil God Fights Yu", but he hadn't asked before because he didn't want to touch the secrets of the sea of ​​gods and demons for a while.

But now it seems that I happen to know it, so it is inevitable that I will investigate it.

Therefore, Han Fei immediately said: "Where did the divine battle mentioned in the intelligence break out?"

The old man was a little surprised, and Han Fei was actually interested in this. However, he immediately shook his head and said: "This specific place is hard to tell. How can the battle of the gods be confined to one area? Besides, when the battle of gods erupts, the place where the battle is fought must be the Jedi. Go to the open world. Most of it is dead, who is willing to touch this mold in the Emperor Realm? Therefore, the specific location of this divine battle is difficult to say. At most, only a rough direction can be given."

Han Fei: "Which direction? How much?"

Old man: "This is free. The specific location should be in the West, deep in the deep. But I advise fellow daoists not to touch the war of gods. In the past, there were many emperors who respected the strong and tried to find the relics of war of gods, but the result was that one Never came back."

Han Fei frowned: "I couldn't get back any of them?"

The old man nodded: "None was able to return. Therefore, the powers of Hundred League City rarely set foot in the depths of the west, which also led to the gradual occupation of the west by fierce beasts."

Han Fei knew that there were many fierce beasts in the west. It stands to reason that those fierce beasts should actually be the younger brothers of Emperor Sparrow. Before the emperor bird's strength had not reached, it was actually impossible to unify the fierce beasts in the boundless mining area. The fierce beasts are naturally more fierce, who is willing to subdue to others? But now, the strength of Emperor Sparrow should be enough. This guy swallowed a lot of unknown air, and has successfully formed three chains. This strength improvement has been fast enough.

Not surprisingly, when the Emperor Sparrow is completely digested this time, it may not be able to directly impact Wudao Lock. Because for the Emperor Sparrow, there is no legal bottleneck.

Of course, it is not anyone, any creature, who wants to prove the Dao Emperor, does not necessarily impose a Dao lock on oneself. The meaning of Dao lock is to prevent one's own emperor from being too difficult, so the Dao lock is imposed.

If this is not the case, Huaxing Dzogchen can directly proclaim the Dao, and the effect will not be bad. After proving the Dao, make up for a little gap locked in the Dao, that is also very fast.

Han Fei turned his mind for a moment, smiled and stopped the topic, but smiled faintly: "Now, our first transaction is over. Why not talk about the second transaction?"

The old man glanced at Han Fei suspiciously: "Secondary transaction?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Yes, for example, the inheritance of the Blood Hand Great Emperor, I don't know if the Divine Capital Dynasty is not interested here!"


The old man suddenly stunned, and only listened to his long voice: "So, in the past few months, there have been rumors that the Ninth Northern Expedition is about to begin. Was it the pure emperor's confidant who secretly arranged it?"

Han Fei raised his head slightly: "How is it? What if it is not? The information I gave is accurate."

However, I only heard the old man shook his head decisively: "Don't buy it."

This time it was Han Fei's turn to be surprised. He just listened to the old man saying: "My God Capital Dynasty is the leader of the East China Sea Shenzhou. Your intelligence, if it involves the Northern Expedition, it will inevitably prompt many people to go to the northern mining area, and the deaths and injuries will be immeasurable. If this matter is led by our Divine Capital Dynasty, once there is a slight accident, it will only ruin the reputation. Therefore, this information, our God Capital Dynasty will not buy it."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "That's a pity, I'll go to someone else's house and ask again."

The old man suddenly said, "I think, when Fellow Daoist Pure Emperor went to the Information Center of the Capital of Terror, he had already mentioned this matter? They might buy it with a certain probability, didn't they?"

Han Fei smiled, who said no, they have already bought it! But wouldn’t it be better if I could sell a second copy?

However, this was also in Han Fei's expectation. No one is a fool, and the Divine Capital Dynasty may not be able to do things that others can do.

After leaving the Information Center of the Shendu Dynasty, Han Fei just walked out and said lightly: "60 refining stars of 360,000 li are really expensive!"

When Han Fei finished saying this, the old man before, suddenly changed. Because Han Fei didn't block the voice, but Hundred League City was crowded with people. When Han Fei said this, many people would know immediately that he had completed a deal with the Shendu Dynasty.

It stands to reason that this is nothing, and the content of the transaction is not discussed, only the transaction price. Even if the content of the transaction is discussed, it is the information that others have bought with money, so why not talk about it?

However, the old man always felt that he had a bad premonition. It seemed that Han Fei came a little bit inexplicably, and walked a little inexplicably.

If you sell something, you can’t sell it, shouldn’t you explore it again? Good guy, when I heard that the Kingdom of Gods did not sell, they left directly, and didn't worry about the information of the Bloodhand Great being leaked by the Dynasty of Gods.

And at the moment when Han Fei walked out of the Intelligence Center of the Shendu Dynasty, another Han Fei was sitting cross-legged and tasting tea at the concentrate sales office of the non-intelligence center somewhere in the Terror City of Hundred Leagues City. Opposite Han Fei, it's not Wushuang who is sitting there?

Wushuang: "You are here with me, who is that who swaggered outside?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Cava! Avatar outside! Guess."

Wushuang smiled slightly: "I guess it's not. You have many secrets. Okay, now everyone's eyes are attracted by the you outside, and no one will notice here. Therefore, you specifically called me to come to Wuyin. What is the mining area?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "Aren't you already doing it, the Northern Expedition, I want to launch a Northern Expedition."

Wushuang frowned: "It's not just that simple, right? I heard that you have engaged in the Seven Killers of the Personal Race, in and out of the Wuyin Mine, with an unusually high profile, destroying the Yuhunzong of others, and leaving a message to ridicule. This doesn't seem to be your style. "

But Han Fei grinned and said: "Oh, yes! I was happy for a while, so I left a message. Let's talk about this Northern Expedition! This Northern Expedition will suffer heavy losses, so I will take your horror away. .But I received 600 refining stars from you before, this money, if you believe me, you can earn it back ten times. What I want you to do is to help me catch the powerhouses of the Primordial City and the Scavenger City. , How many can come, even if Zhang Beihai and An Qingzhi go out in person. Of course, I know that they will not make a move, so I can only let them have more people."

Wushuang was a little surprised. She always felt that Han Fei really came from West China Sea. However, the Primitive City and the Scavenger City seem to be chaotic wasteland, right? Why did Han Fei take a shot at these two?

However, no matter why, Han Fei chose to shoot, which means that these two forces have come to an end.

As the contemporary heir of the Void Temple, let alone dealing with two local small forces, she believed it even if the chaotic wasteland was wiped out. However, Han Fei did the layout by himself, which was obviously regarded as a trial. Therefore, in this trial, there will be no Void Temple powerhouse.

Wushuang nodded: "Okay! I want to attract a large number of masters into the City of Scavengers and the City of Wanderers. You have to give me the bait of Mine Demon Stream, you can't use it yourself. Also, it's definitely not enough to just pull the two forces into the water, so There must be at least ten or more powers to pull the water down. The more the better. Anyway, there are many enemies in the capital of terror, and you can’t count it with one hand. But, the capital of terror itself has to jump in, can you? Ensure that the people in our capital of terror will not have any problems?"

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, as long as you listen to me, people in the capital of terror will not have any problems."

Wushuang suddenly smiled and curled his eyebrows: "Well, I will go personally on this trip and cooperate with you. Afterwards, our city of terror can take action to help you level the city of scavengers and the city of primitives."

Han Fei shook his head: "No, at most you can help me hold the line. I will get rid of these two by myself."

Wushuang thought for a while and thought: "Then I think you must start quickly, because after the ninth Northern Expedition, there will be many powerful emperors coming. At that time, if there are any big things, the emperor will inevitably be concerned. Pay attention to this point yourself."

Han Fei nodded, that's why Wushuang came, unconditionally cooperate, and he doesn't have to worry about betrayal or not. This is not only a question of whether the relationship is good, but Wushuang knows their true identity, and they also promised to help the Queen of Terror to ask her the way.

After talking about business, Han Fei said, "When are you going to preach?"

Wushuang smiled and poured a cup of tea for Han Fei, and said softly: "If it goes well, it will take about a hundred years! If there is an extraordinary opportunity, it may be even faster. How about you? Just a few decades after you haven't seen you, you will become a star. When you are done, you should prepare to preach, right?"


Han Fei took a sip of tea and proclaimed? How could it be so simple to prove the way by oneself. However, the first step finally started.

Just listen to Han Fei with a smile: "If there is no accident, it should be later than you."

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