God of Fishing

Chapter 2586: Throw bait

   The recruitment of personnel from the Northern Expedition is in full swing. The promise given by Hundred League City is that whoever gets things outside of the inheritance will belong to whoever, and there will be no competition.

   This is already the biggest promise, because once someone really gets the Great Emperor's Inheritance, or the best artifact, it must be fake to say that no one is tempted.

   The implication of this recruitment information is that we can manage the outside of the place of inheritance, but we don't care about it internally. When the time comes, we will kill each other. That is your personal business, and it has nothing to do with Baimeng City. No one will be responsible for it.

   For most people, the seventh-level concentrate is already equivalent to a divine tool. As for the things inside the land of inheritance, it depends on the face. Their purpose in coming to the Wuyin Mine is to become stronger, to break through, and to prove the truth.

   Now there is an opportunity, and the scale is so large, which means that there are many opportunities. If you participate in this kind of event, you can only blame the lack of strength and bad luck if you die.

   But, who wants to admit that he is not strong enough and bad luck?

   At this moment, the recruitment place is full of people, mainly because there are many onlookers.

   Although it is common to see Dzogchen Dzogchen, there are not so many people today. Surprised voices are heard from the crowd from time to time.

   Someone exclaimed: "That is the old stray knife, Feng Lun, his strength has been in the late stage as early as ten thousand years ago. Now that he has appeared, I don't know if he has broken through to the Great Perfection."

   Someone was surprised: "Look, that is Demon Sword Chen Shang. He hasn't been seen for more than five thousand years. I didn't expect that he was still alive. He was once a famous sword repairman in the Wuxian mining area."

Someone pointed to a burly man and said in shock: "Longhuan Zhang Ning, another great perfectionist. He has 18 large rings made from keel bones in both hands. It is said to be a top-grade artifact. I didn't expect this guy to also come. "


   When the casual repair recruitment was in progress, the various races within the Baimeng were also conducting various personnel competitions, and disputes continued.

   Some forces, internal discussions.

Someone said: "I think this Northern Expedition can be given up. That person Tu is not a fool. He could have been able to figure out the place of the great emperor's inheritance by himself. Now it is open, and he can explore it directly in the form of the Northern Expedition. He is A saint? A gift boy? This kind of thing can also go out."

Someone said: "No need to worry about this. First of all, the inheritance of the great emperor shouldn't run away. The blood hand mine demon didn't see one or two things. Everyone who went to the joint exploration team saw it. Although they didn't get to the real one. Entrance. But this time the Northern Expedition, Ren Tu himself has to go. Under the supervision of my entire Hundred League City, where can he go? There will be so many people at that time, and he is afraid of any small actions alone?"

   Someone said: "Outside the land of inheritance, he may not have any thoughts, but in the land of inheritance? Who have you been there? What kind of inside, will it be slaughtered, who knows?"

Someone agreed: "Yes, this is really not easy to grasp. But I guess that this person may not have the opportunity to enter the inheritance land. He wants to use the power of the boundless mining area to get through the inheritance land, but Baimeng City The other members may not have had the same thoughts. Anyway, that place was to be opened up, and it took so much effort for Ren Tu now to facilitate this Northern Expedition. Instead, the Hundred League City tribe saved a lot of trouble, and they knew it. The place of the great emperor's inheritance, why not do it?"


   There are powers that are also discussing.

   Someone said: "This Northern Expedition must go. It is rare to have such a chance to carry out a Northern Expedition. There are many opportunities for this. Even if there is no Great Emperor's inheritance, you have to go, let alone the Great Emperor's inheritance?"

Someone agreed: "Yes. The world has seen the terrible falling probability of the Northern Expedition, but they have ignored it. After the Northern Expedition, there will be people who will rise. In this world, there are too many powerful people in the Open Heaven Realm, and there are tens of thousands of Open Heavens missing. It’s hard to make up for yourself if you don’t want to rise up."

Someone seconded: "In this Northern Expedition, there are bound to be many fallen, so if these people's natal stars can be collected in the bag, it will be the opportunity for us to rise. I am afraid that many people will also take this point. ."

   Someone sneered, "Ranxiu, besides being mindless, what else do they have? At that time, the corpses obtained by the loosexiu will have to be auctioned in Hundred League City, or someone can get the natal star."


   In addition to internal discussions by some major forces, the capital of terror, opposite Wushuang, is a middle-aged man who looks quite wise.

   just heard this person arrive: "I don't know Wushuang girl invited me to come here, what's the so-called?"

Wushuang smiled faintly: "Senior An, I have come to you, and I have some requests. The Northern Expedition is approaching, and Wushuang will not go around with seniors. I heard that the chaotic wasteland is affected by tidal waves all the year round, where energy crystals and Jingshi II are produced there. Objects, the more I want, the better."


   Sitting across from Wushuang, An Qing was taken aback first. As a wise man, he immediately thought of something: "Jingshi? Wushuang girl, that is a purifying object to deal with ominous things. And this Northern Expedition is to look for the inheritance of the great emperor..."

   Suddenly, An Qingzhi stopped talking, he took a deep look at Wushuang. It seemed to have insight into everything in an instant.

   Wushuang asks for a pure stone. It is impossible for him to be interested for a while, because of need. And the role of Jingshi is to purify the ominous, which means that the place where the bloodhand great is, there is an ominous invasion.

Gu    then thinks of Han Fei's behavior. With his ability to fight the Seven Avenue Lock-level powerhouse alone, and with the key, there should be a way to directly enter the land of inheritance.

   However, he came back after a lot of trouble, even not hesitating to announce such good things. Is he really kind? At first everyone thought that Han Fei was using the powerful combat power of Hundred League City to help him open up the road to the land of inheritance. But now it seems that there may not be a deeper meaning behind this.

   Yes, if there is such a good thing, he doesn't need to start the Northern Expedition. Therefore, the problem may not be the blood hand mine demon, but rather that there is ominousness there.

   Having figured this out, An Qing's heart is settled. Wushuang came to ask for Jingshi, which meant that Wushuang knew a lot, and she needed Jingshi to help her complete this Northern Expedition.

   Ke Wushuang is now looking for himself to ask for a pure stone. This is actually giving the Primitive City a chance, which is equivalent to telling himself another secret of the land of inheritance.

   But when An Qingzhi changed his mind, there are three companies who can give Wushuang Jingshi. One is the primitive city, the other is the city of scavengers, and the other is the city of wanderers.

   Because these three forces are all seeking survival in the chaotic wasteland, they all have a large reserve of pure stones.

An Qingzhi: "Miss Wushuang, my primitive city is in the Chaos Wasteland. It has the longest history, and the output of pure stone is also the largest. Therefore, the girl can do as much as she wants. However, the primitive city will naturally not give in vain, no Know what Wushuang girl can offer?"

   heard Wushuang said: "What can I offer?"

   But seeing the corners of Wushuang's mouth slightly aroused, he flipped out a jade slip between his hands and pushed it in front of An Qingzhi.

   An Qingzhi glanced at the jade curiously, and suddenly saw Wushuang raising his head: "Mining Demon Stream? The Great Emperor Xuanwu? Puppet City..."

   When An Qingzhi saw this information, he was very surprised. Because this information records Emperor Xuanwu, records the mine monster stream, and records the puppet city.

   When An Qingzhi finished reading all the information, he couldn't help sighing that there were so many things he didn't know.

   The place where Bloodhand Great was suppressed, in addition to the inheritance of Bloodhand Great, there is actually a puppet city. This city was the base camp of Emperor Xuanwu.

   So, it turns out that this place is actually not only the place where the bloodhand great is inherited, but also the location of the puppet city, it is very likely that it also has the inheritance of the Xuanwu great.

Just listen to Wushuangdao: "In the age of the gods, there are a lot more emperor-level powerhouses than they are now. If the Primitive City has enough intelligence to support it, in fact, it is not difficult to discover the opportunities inside. So, I can provide. , Is to give Primordial City one more choice than others. Moreover, I also clearly tell your Excellency that I have invited the City of Scavengers and the Wanderer Support to come to meet."

   Anqing’s words immediately said: "Wu Shuang girl, in fact, there is no need to trouble. In terms of combat power, ranking, and the strong, my primitive city is among the top ten powers in the boundless mining area, and it is not comparable to the two of them."

Wushuang shook his head slightly: "You can't say that. Your Primitive City may be strong, but I can't just cooperate with your family. Moreover, it really involves a place like Puppet City, even if all the strong in your Primitive City are on it. Not necessarily enough. UU reading www.uukanshu.com So, you don’t have to be able to do it, our purpose is chance. And the struggle of the three families in the chaotic wasteland, hope to stop temporarily at this moment. At least, during the Northern Expedition, don’t have to. Because of the grudges and grievances of the past, the good deeds of others have been ruined."

  An Qingzhi was silent for a moment: "How many pure stones does the Wushuang girl need?"

   Wushuang: "It depends on the sincerity of seniors."


   Chapter Beihai, the magic chapter is transformed, and the strength is hidden. The outside world speculates that one foot may have stepped on the fifth road lock. Once it breaks through, it may be the time for Zhang Beihai to prove Dao.

  At this moment, when An Qingzhi came out, Zhang Beihai and him collided with each other, and both sides just nodded slightly.

   A moment later.

  Zhang Beihai: "Miss Wushuang, you have to ask others to tell you something, and you have to come to discuss things, and you must come by Zhang himself. I don’t know what happened, but you will come to my city of scavengers?"

   Wushuang repeated what he said just now, and then said: "Wushuang has said everything here. This information told you is considered to be the purchase of your pure stone. As for the chance, everyone depends on their strength."

   Chapter Beihai: "Within three days, the clean stone will be in place."


   After Anqing and Zhang Beihai left, Long Wu arrived.

   It's just that the person who met Long Wu was no longer Wushuang, but Han Fei.

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