God of Fishing

Chapter 2602: 2 Big Back Pot (2 in 1)

An Shanbei ran away with the five powerful Huaxing Dzogchen experts.

After all, the concentrate puppets are not wise, and the speed is not as fast as them, so naturally they can't be stopped.

And Luo Chen, although the four chains were broken, there was only one person after all, and he seemed to have only brought a dozen people. Except for himself, everyone else has fallen in the battle.

But An Shanbei had to admit that Luo Chen's actions had indeed almost knocked down the primitive city. In just a few hours of battle, the late-stage powerhouse of Primitive City was wiped out, and the Dzogchen powerhouse fell 13 people. Originally there were 89 people, but the only ones who could escape were 32 strong Dzogchens.

There were only 5 people who fled with An Shanbei.

An Shanbei burst out: "Lao Luo Chen, this enemy Laozi has taken note. If you are so cruel, wait for the mine demon stream, wait for the war!"

An Shanbei didn't think Luo Chen was controlled or anything. Because of this battle, Luo Chen used 11 people and replaced 57 powerhouses in his Primitive City. This was definitely a huge victory.

If you change to yourself, if you had expected this ending, you might be able to do the same thing. After all, their primitive city and scavenger city are in competition after all.

Here, because the road lock had been opened, Anshanbei had no scruples, dashed all the way, passed many streets, and quickly beheaded 30 six-level concentrate puppets before stopping.

Someone who followed Anshanbei said: "Uncle Bei, what shall we do now?"

An Shanbei's face was gloomy: "I can only fight through it. Fortunately, the mine demon stream isolates the outside world. Although I opened the Dao lock, I didn't arouse the power of the heavens, and I couldn't feel the opportunity of the emperor's robbery. Looking at it this way, collapsed. It's not a loss to open the road lock, at least you don't have to be restrained."

An Shanbei quickly gathered his mind and was already defeated. He didn't want to make any excuses. He now needs to use his own strength to break all four road locks to make a quick way. The road lock is broken, and it can be renewed within three days, and it will be difficult to renew after three days. Therefore, these three days are crucial.

Just as Anshanbei was preparing to continue its attack, suddenly, the entire street and many places outside the street, tens of thousands of spears were inserted into the ground. This is not the Fengshen Spear Formation, and what is it?

"No, it's in ambush."

All of a sudden, Anshanbei and the others' faces changed drastically. They didn't even find out where the enemy was! And he moved extremely fast along the way, why was he still being calculated?


Only saw Anshanbei display nearly 20 times the speed of light, destroying more than 30 sealed guns in one blow. But compared to tens of thousands of Fengshen Spears, Anshanbei may need thousands of full-scale attacks to open the Fengshen Spear array.

But when An Shanbei was furious, he shouted: "Who is it? What is the ability to hide and tuck? I have the ability to come out for a fight."

However, at this moment Han Feike had no intention of showing up at all, but, with his thoughts, a thousand flashing lizards appeared on this street.


Anshanbei was stunned, where did the flash lizard come from this ghost place?

"Yang Kun?"

The first thing An Shanbei thought of was Yang Kun. Only the people of the Royal Soul Sect could control the mine monsters, especially if they could control thousands of them at once, others couldn't do it at all.

But, didn't Yang Kun say that Han Fei had already killed him?


Anshanbei's spirit was shocked, Han Fei only said that there was no Yuhunzong in the Wuyin mining area, but he did not say that he killed Yang Kun. Could it be that Yang Kun also came in?

But it's not right! How did Yang Kun come to the puppet city? Is he always here? Had Han Fei and him ever fought here?

Or, at that time, Han Fei just drove him into the mine monster stream?


An Shanbei's eyes were cold, it was definitely not Yang Kun. What grade is Yang Kun? He just got an army of one hundred and eighty thousand mine monsters, and he couldn't even cross the long distance of the mine monster stream to the puppet city. The mine demon he controls are not opponents of the blood hand mine demon at all, okay?

Moreover, why did Yang Kun shoot himself? This makes no sense.

Therefore, Anshanbei suddenly got a shock, and it was Han Fei. Yang Kun's disappearance is only related to Han Fei. Now suddenly an army of mine monsters attacked him, and that could only be a masterpiece of Han Fei.

Either Han Fei controlled Yang Kun, or Han Fei killed Yang Kun and obtained a way to manipulate the mine demon from him.

And why did Han Fei shoot himself? Because Han Fei is a human race.

However, if Han Fei is a human race, he should also attack the Scavenger City! Why don't you chase yourself down?

Wait, An Shanbei thought that Luo Chen not only found himself, but somehow launched a suicide charge on the Primitive City. Just now he thought that Luo Chen had replaced his fifty or so people with a dozen people, but he suddenly realized that Luo Chen seemed to have changed.

It's not that he has never dealt with Luo Chen before, but he is not so crazy. Could it be that Luo Chen had a problem? In other words, Luo Chen was controlled?

When he thought of Luo Chen being controlled, An Shanbei only felt cold on his back spine. If everything was as he had guessed, then Han Fei would be terrible.

Anshanbei couldn't help but swallowed, and then he shouted: "Ren Tu, is it you?"

However, no one responded. Only the flash lizard army rushed in madly. The flash lizard, its strength is equivalent to the late stage of the star, or a little weaker than the late stage.

However, thousands of flash lizards launched a charge in such a small space, and the result was terrible.

So far, An Shanbei didn't hesitate anymore, whether it was done by human beings or not, in order to protect himself, he had to release the people from the stars of his life.

If you let it go, you might live. If you don't let it go, you will probably die.

He had already cultivated the four Dao Shou, this time he participated in the Northern Expedition, in addition to the Great Emperor's inheritance, of course he also wanted to condense the fifth Dao Shou.

Once the fifth Dao is successfully locked, it means that he also has a great probability of proving Dao.

Therefore, he would rather release the people in his fate to save his life, he would not be besieged to death by a group of flash lizards.

Because of this, Anshan's northern eyes became cold, and the surrounding space changed, and 40 Dzogchen-level powerhouses suddenly appeared. In terms of quantity, it is more than Luo Chen's side. Including An Shanbei himself and the five Dzogchen Enhancers he brought, there are 46 people in total.

If there were only a thousand flash lizards, it would be impossible to shake them so many powerful ones.

When these people appeared, the first reaction was also a little dazed.

"Uncle Bei, what's the situation?"

An Shanbei: "I was calculated by others, and the other party can control the mine demon. I need your combat power."

These people saw only a thousand flash lizards. Although their strength was not weak, they wanted to kill all of them. It was not a big problem. On average, everyone only had to kill more than twenty, which was nothing.

However, before they could take action, they discovered that two thousand flash lizards had emerged out of thin air.

Everyone: "???"

An Shanbei: "Don't be stunned, kill! He can't control too many mine demon of this level at once."

Anshanbei determined that if it was Yang Kun, unless he had hunted the flash lizards in the northern mining area a long time ago, it would be impossible to control so many flash lizards.

Even if it was Han Fei, he had learned Yang Kun's method of controlling mine monsters, but the time was too short. How much could Han Fei control even if he was a wizard of the sky?

For a while, An Shanbei and others made an all-out effort.

The flash lizards, almost comparable to the existence of the later stages, are falling one after another, no matter how they sprint or jump, there is still only one way to perish in front of the same strange speed of the cicada family.

In less than an hour, none of Anshanbei and others had fallen, but the flash lizard remains were everywhere. The concentrate fell on the ground, no one to pick it up, and was finally swallowed by the invisible power of the ground.

After the last flash lizard was killed, there was a smile on his face: "It's finally over!"

However, as soon as this person's voice fell, he saw a ghost appearing on this street, unexpectedly three thousand flashing lizards appeared again.

Everyone: "???"

Huaxing Dzogchen is also a human being, and it is difficult to keep making continuous shots. Moreover, even the creatures in the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm, once they increase in number, they will consume the power of Dzogchen.

For example, Han Fei used Xinghai Golden Ants to test Zhao Qinglong and the others. Xinghai Golden Ants are of any level, and there are no stars, and 10,000 of them can consume a lot of energy.

This flash lizard is almost a late stage existence, let alone 10,000, a hundred can make the scalp numb to the strong Dzogchen. At this moment, three thousand flashing lizards directly caused An Shanbei and the others to scold their mothers. Which **** is doing things?

However, the appearance of the flash lizard made them have no time to break the Kaifeng Gunslinger Formation, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue fighting.

However, this time, Han Fei was no longer indifferent, and time dragged on for a while. Because of Anshanbei's special abilities, he couldn't move faster than others, so Han Fei had time to spend with them.

However, now he was not ready to delay, with a hand of Void Thieves, a person's soul-suppressing artifact appeared out of thin air. But I saw that person was shocked: "No, someone is attacking me."

But after that, Han Fei once again used the Void Thieves technique on the other two people, and as a result, these two people also possessed the soul-suppressing artifact.

"Sure enough, it is rich and powerful!"

Han Fei also knew in his heart that at the level of Dzogchen, it was not difficult to obtain a magical weapon. Perhaps their soul-suppressing artifact is only a low-grade artifact, but it is also an artifact. At this time, the shortcomings of the Void Thieves technique appeared. Once the opponent's soul-suppressing artifact guarded his back, not only would it be difficult for him to steal the opponent's consciousness, but he would also start to frighten the snake.

Han Fei is not going to try it on other people, because these people must each have a soul-suppressing artifact.

In this case, Han Fei could only use the Void Thieves three times, all on one person. Since you can't steal your consciousness, then steal your actions, your power, and your avenue.

However, one of them was stolen by a three-in-one, and he was directly stunned on the spot. The next moment he was bombarded by dozens of flash lizards. Han Fei saw that the flash lizard failed to penetrate it, and directly chose to let the flash lizard explode.

"Boom boom boom~"

The successive explosions finally exploded this person, the flesh and blood poured out, the soul escaped, and finally he was sucked by the ground formation and fell.

When the first person fell, everyone else panicked, and even the enemy's face had not been seen, and the people on his side fell.

There were one and two, and after only three breaths, the second person was killed by the flash lizard in the same way.

Then there is the second and the third.

It wasn't until Han Fei killed the 11th strong man in Primitive City in the form of Void Thieves. Finally, Anshanbei sacrificed a one-time artifact. There, there is a blow of the great emperor.

This blow was directed at the Fengshen Spear Formation. However, what disappointed An Shanbei was that this blow exploded more than three hundred sacred guns. Just as a weak spot appeared in the Conferred Spear Array, more than two hundred Conferred Spears once again descended into the void.

Someone was furious: "Who the **** is it, get out of me."

Someone asked, "What is the ability to hide in the dark all the time?"

An Shanbei saw that the Great Emperor couldn't penetrate the Conferred Spear Array with a single blow, so he could only bite the bullet and fight!

However, before long, seven or eight people fell. Just listened to Anshanbei's burst of shout: "Everyone, follow me to shoot."

I saw that this time, An Shanbei took out three of the great emperor's blow jade slips like the one just now. Fall to the same place of the Fengshen Spear Array. At the same time, everyone gave up the siege of the flash lizard and started to rush with Anshanbei.

However, when the three jade slips were released, a blue orb shot out out of thin air.


The Extreme Frost Orb exploded with the power of the Unexpected Realm powerhouse, and annihilated the three great emperor's jade slips in one blow.

At this moment, An Shanbei finally confirmed that this person was Han Fei and that he was right.

An Shanbei: "Ren Tu, if you have the ability to fight, I know it's you."

This time, Han Fei didn't hide it anymore, but saw that he put away the Gemini Divine Art and appeared outside the Fengshen Spear Formation.

Just listen to Han Fei's voice: "Okay! I have a showdown."

An Shanbei: "It really is you."

Han Fei shrugged: "It's me, what can you do with me?"

Anshanbei: "Human Tu, my primitive city has no grievances and no grudges against you, so why make you hurt the killer?"

As he said, Han Fei stepped into the battle, but saw him go round: "I said, I just see you upset, do you believe it or not?"

After speaking, Han Fei took the shot himself.

At the terrifying speed of Han Fei thirty times the speed of light, under the siege of the flash lizard, under the dual suppression of the Puppet City and the Fengshen Spear Array. Half an hour later, even Anshanbei was nailed to this long street by Han Fei.

At this time, Han Fei chuckled: "By the way, you may not know my hatred with you. The trash emperor of your family, An Bailin, dare to shoot my daughter-in-law three times and five times, wanting to put her on her. Death. Sooner or later I will kill through the primitive city and avenge my daughter-in-law."

Anshanbei: "???"

He wanted to say something, do you still have a wife? Why is your daughter-in-law getting involved with our emperor?

Unfortunately, Han Fei didn't give him another chance to speak. Instead, he began to refine the puppets.

No, after an hour, there is no Anshanbei here, only Han Fei's puppet. But when he saw Han Fei waved his hand: "Go, there is one person in the Demon Forest, kill one. Other forces, if they can grab it..."

So far, during the Northern Expedition, the City of Scavengers and the City of Primitives were all folded into Han Fei's hands. Although some people escaped, Han Fei didn't panic at all. Those people either died in their own hands or died in the hands of others. It didn't make any difference, as long as they died anyway.

This day.

In the City of Scavengers, Luo Chen led people to looting, and eventually, the people in the City of Scavengers turned into rats crossing the street and were hunted and killed everywhere.

And Anshanbei in the Primitive City, as long as they encounter people, they will never be soft. They even robbed the strongest in the line of sacred beasts and fierce beasts.

It is conceivable that once these people come back to the City of Hundred Leagues once they rise from the demon stream of the mines, how they will deal with the forces of the City of Scavengers and the Primitive City in the Boundless Mining District.

After cleaning up Luo Chen and An Shanbei, the tens of thousands of flash lizards controlled by Han Fei were almost dead, with only more than two thousand remaining.

Han Fei did not deal with the power of God Demon Forest again, after all, the Link who wanted to kill him had been killed on the spot by him, and his hatred was not so heavy. It can only be said that if you encounter it in the future, you will be killed easily.

This time, Han Fei, the strong man in the Scavenger City and the Primitive City, actually just killed it smoothly. Since then, the main purpose of Puppet City is to find Lao Yuan.

Since Da Lao Yuan brought him out of the Gods and Demons Wuxiang Gong, the relationship between the two is no longer a master and servant, it can be said that they are friends. From the initial enemies, to calculating with each other, to forcing the confession of the Lord, to now becoming friends, the relationship between the two of them has undergone subtle changes long ago after so many years.

At this moment, although Han Fei's mood was a little more cheerful, he just felt relaxed and happy. After all, through these two operations of his own, a large number of powerhouses in the City of Scavengers and the City of Primitives were destroyed.

But this kind of relaxation didn't make Han Fei proud, because he knew that if the Chaos Wasteland this 100,000 years was just the present kind of petty jokes. Then, in the mysterious place of the Chaos Wasteland, there must have been a lot of powerful people, hundreds of people, and they may not be enough to see. So, there is no need to be proud now, everything has to go according to plan.

After allowing Luo Chen and An Shanbei to perform by themselves, Han Fei continued to turn into a black mist body and went to the place pointed by the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

Entering the inner city, there is still no figure of the Demon Tree, and he can't feel the information synchronization of his clone. Han Fei has a bad premonition in his heart. I am afraid that his clone is cold, or else I can't explain why he doesn't feel it. Any information to the letter of the clone.

Because he was the body of the black mist, Han Fei unscrupulously headed towards the center of the inner city. When Han Fei encountered a river around the city, he suddenly saw two turtles standing behind the bridge, carrying heavy shields in his hands.

Behind the bridge, there was a wide road. Han Fei could see that there were two rows of puppets with at least 20 people, armed with spears and golden knives on their waists, patrolling.

Behind every team, there will be a big guy.

"Fuck, there are many kinds of concentrate puppets?"

Han Fei was a little surprised. He always thought that the concentrate puppets were all the ones he had seen before. But it was not. At this moment, Han Fei saw three varieties at once.

One is a puppet holding a shield, the other is a patrol puppet with a gun and a sword, and the other is a large puppet following the team.

This phenomenon only shows that the more you go to the center of the puppet city, the more dangerous it is.

Han Fei could even vaguely see that on the other side of the river, even the buildings seemed a little different.

However, if you want to cross the river, you can only go over the bridge. The road is such a road, or just swim past the river. But Han Fei thinks, you can think of swimming over, when the Puppet City designed the city defense, would this not be taken into consideration?

Therefore, swimming in the river will definitely not work.

Han Fei didn't feel entangled, anyway, he was in the body of the black mist, so it's better to move it slowly. These concentrate puppets also don't have the ability to perceive, because they have no spirits, so theoretically they should not be able to find themselves.

After a while.

Han Fei slowly moved to the opposite side of the river, very close to the concentrate puppets. Especially the distance between the shield puppets on the opposite side of the guardian bridge and Han Fei can only be calculated in meters.


Han Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, just when he thought he had avoided the perception of these puppets and was about to cross the last step of the bridge. Suddenly, I saw the two puppets holding shields, and suddenly saw a ninety-degree turn and looked at the place where Han Fei was.


Han Fei's heart was shocked, was this discovered?

The next moment, Han Fei naturally jumped forward and crossed the bridge first. You might not have reached the other side of the bridge, so you can go back again?

At the same time, the two patrols with a total of 40 people all looked towards Han Fei's direction.

Han Fei curled his lips. It would be okay to say if it was a level 7 concentrate puppet, but this is still a level 6 concentrate puppet, still wanting to go to heaven?

"Swipe it~"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of spear lights were horizontal and horizontal, Han Fei still kept the black mist body unchanged, but the avenue was already in motion, and his strength skyrocketed.

"Boom boom boom~"

The shadow of the fist swiftly attacked, shattering the spear light.

Then, Han Fei felt those puppets draw knives, but saw Han Fei sneer, playing knives? I grew up playing with it.

Seeing Han Fei's finger, endless water rushed out, directly turning into a sword prison, smashing all the attacking sword lights into pieces.

Han Fei was not in love with war, and wanted to force a breakthrough. However, he only saw two huge shields descending from the sky, it was the two shield puppets.


Han Fei punched the starburst fist, powerful, two pieces of shields flew horizontally, and even flew out with the people behind.

But behind the shield armor is a towering puppet, a giant puppet that accompanies each patrol team.


Han Fei could even feel that energy was circulating in this puppet, and the puppet blasted out with a punch, facing Han Fei's starburst fist, without retreating half a point.


Finally, because the power was too strong, a ripple was formed, which is difficult to see in Puppet City, because once the power escapes, it will be absorbed by the ground.

This time, it was really caused by too much power.

However, Han Fei only saw the huge puppet, and he stabilized his figure after only sliding on the ground for more than ten meters.

"Hi! Such a strong power?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth trembled, which is too much. The defensive power of the shield puppet is very strong, and it can barely block the starburst fist. This puppet of power can actually shake the fist of the starburst. Those puppets with guns and swords, replaced by ordinary people, may have been hacked by them long ago.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing. If he were to describe it, these three types of puppets, one was a shield armor, one was a soldier armor, and the other was a force armor. They were very powerful in cooperation with the battle.

However, Han Fei felt that this kind of cooperation seemed to be missing something.

Just when Han Fei fell into a moment of thinking, the light flashed, and a terrifying arrow instantly fell on Han Fei's chest. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Han Fei's reaction was also timely, but he didn't completely avoid it. But this arrow could burn the realm of heaven, so Han Fei made a decisive decision, and the Chilling Orb appeared again.


This blue flame arrow, along with the flame, was frozen and hit Han Fei's arm.


The arm exploded, but it did not produce a burning effect, which made Han Fei breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, the state of one's own black mist body actually doesn't matter if it really burns. If you give up the black mist body, and then the twins become one, you can recover. Left and right is a waste of hundreds of years of vitality.

Han Fei couldn't help raising his head and looking into the distance. It was the roof of a building. There was a lone figure standing there, holding a longbow, that could shoot a burst of light.

Han Fei snorted, bow armor, yes. The battle formation combination just now lacked a long-range attack. Now it seems that there is no shortage, and all are alive.

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