God of Fishing

Chapter 2627: Name (2 in 1)

After fighting the Great Bloody Hand, Han Fei no longer had any reverence for the emperor.

The emperor in front of him, if according to what Huang Ergou said, he had not been able to completely suppress Sha Laosan's spirit in the last moment, and he has not been able to kill Sha Laosan's spirit now, which means that his strength is very weak. However, an Emperor Venerable Soul Body that has just shown signs of recovery.

Such a role, to be precise, can not be regarded as an emperor, this is completely a great perfection with the power of the law.

Han Fei also felt the power of the law, pressing on him, full of tingling. However, under the influence of invincible will, the power of this law is too weak, so he can cut it open with one sword.

The big mouse was horrified and shouted: "If you take action against me, this person will also perish."

However, the next moment, I saw that Han Fei suddenly exploded with a speed of more than thirty times the speed of light, and it was not the speed of his physical body, but the separation of his soul from his body.


Han Fei bombarded Sha Laosan with a punch, and the latter was directly hit with a soul shadow, which was a sign that his soul was almost smashed by Han Fei.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

After a series of punches, Sha Laosan was almost beaten into a **** mess, and the Emperor Zun's soul body, which was not guarded by the soul-suppressing artifact, was beaten out by Han Fei in the eyes of everyone.


Huang Ergou swallowed his saliva and said, "This! Has Xiaojuejue's return to the ancestors broke out? Or is there some chance that he has become so fierce all of a sudden? This is too fierce!"

Wang Xiaojiu's eyes were still glistening, but the hair on his body had already exploded. It wasn't because of the sentence Wang Lanlan called out to Han Fei, but because of the boxing technique that Yang Soul displayed. He seemed to have seen it not long ago, this is not... Isn't this the Big Brother Ren Tu?

Wang Xiaojiu's whole cat was stunned, how did Brother Rentu become Xiao Juejue? This is the master of the Emperor Sparrow! I let him dig holes and knock on his head along the way, and it's over...

Here, the Divine Soul of Emperor Venerable was blasted out, but he was not without any combat power. When he was beaten, he held back a wisp of the Law Dao Sword, and at the moment when the Yang God left the body, he stabbed Han Fei Yang God with a sword.

However, something unexpected happened to him, but he saw a glittering grit suddenly appear on Han Feiyang's soul. This Law Dao Sword fell on it, as if it was absorbed, but it was enough to knock Han Fei back a hundred miles.

In a mere hundred miles, Han Fei's mind moved, and the void stealing technique was activated, trying to directly steal this person's consciousness.

The emperor's soul body was obviously stunned, but Han Fei felt that this guy's consciousness collapsed directly. Yes, maybe it was because he had just regained a little consciousness and was stolen by himself, causing this guy to collapse directly.

Han Fei frowned, only to see him bullying him up, piercing the soul body with one hand, and at the same time clasping the soul body of the person with the thread of nothingness. Because the other party was in chaos again, Han Fei wanted to try to get some clues about the ancient times through this soul body memory.

Unfortunately, what he saw in the end was only a very small part. He only saw the scene of this person being suppressed. That was a flash of sword light that came from a back view thousands of miles away. He couldn't even see the man, so he was pierced by a sword and nailed to the ground.

The sword qi exploded, and a sword qi seal like snowflakes condensed here, so this person was suppressed.

"So strong."

Han Fei couldn't help but feel a bit of shock in his heart. This man is also an emperor-level powerhouse. Although he doesn't know which level he is, he can be nailed to death with a casual sword from thousands of miles away. How strong is that person?

I just listened to Han Fei: "I'm dead, what's the point of living, go! I'll practice cultivation in my next life."

The next moment, I only saw the emperor's soul body, which exploded and turned into invisible dust in this world.

Han Fei didn't pretend anymore, it had already exploded like this, so it couldn't be Yu Jue's shot. So his body quickly changed from a pangolin to a humanoid body.


When Han Fei returned, he saw Wang Xiaojiu sitting directly on the ground.

However, Han Fei raised his mouth: "I heard that you call me a brother? I heard that I appreciate you? I heard that you rejected me? I heard..."

Huang Ergou just felt inexplicable, and now of course he knew that this person was just pretending to be Xiao Juejue. It's just, why is Wang Xiaojiu so scared? He was shaking all over.


He only heard Wang Xiaojiu wailing: "Brother Rentu! I'm always watching jokes with you on the way! For the sake of Lord Dique, don't care about me!"

Saying that, Wang Xiaojiu put his head in front of Han Fei, with a gesture of apologizing: "I'm always blowing fish on the road. I'll knock your head for you, so you can calm down..."

Wang Lanlan: "…"

Huang Ergou: "..."

With a smile, Han Fei stretched out a finger and hung it on Wang Xiaojiu's head. The cat that scared Wang Xiaojiu completely exploded.


With a flick of his finger, Han Fei really flicked his finger on Wang Xiaojiu's head, the latter slumped directly into the sand sea, and the whole person was directly stuck in the sand sea for nearly ten miles before stopping, and a hole was bounced directly on his head. .

And the power of this finger, the rolling ripples set off, the Huang Er dog's teeth are all bared, and the body trembles unconsciously. So strong, so strong, who is this?

On the other hand, Wang Xiaojiu, although he was flicked with one finger, did not suffer much damage. After all, he is also a cat with five locks, so he will not be destroyed by Han Fei.

It's just that this guy is lying motionless in the sand, pretending to be dead.

I just heard Han Fei snort softly: "Okay, don't pretend, or I'll shave the fur off this body."


But Wang Xiaojiu appeared in front of Han Fei when he saw Wang Xiaojiu "whoosh", where is the big cat that babbles?

Han Fei didn't care about him, but looked at the third Sha Lao San, who had turned into a mushy flesh. At this moment, his spirit finally recovered, but because he was suppressed too hard by the remnant soul of the emperor, He just said "thank you" with difficulty, and then he lay down on the ground, really exhausted.

Wang Lanlan was pulling out a spiritual pill in pain, and when he was entangled in whether to feed him, Han Fei couldn't help laughing and crying. Shrouded in divine brilliance, the flesh body is recovering rapidly, the bones are crackling, and the divine soul seems to be bathed in warmth and spring water.


Huang Ergou and Wang Xiaojiu both stared wide-eyed and dared not speak, but the stingy Wang Lanlan saw Han Fei's shot, and immediately put away the medicine pill in his hand.

Han Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw it. He thought that you are also a Daoist-level powerhouse. Will it really not affect the proving of the Dao?

When the divine light dissipated, Sha Laosan's physical body finally returned to normal, and his spirit also recovered a little, at least he didn't even lose the mental strength to speak.

Seeing that the third Sha Laosan was also a bachelor, he knelt directly on one knee to Han Fei, and his voice was shocking: "Thank you for your life-saving grace, this life will be yours in the future, and the third Sha Laosan is willing to go through fire and water for him. Regardless."

It's completely different from Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan's personalities. This Sha Lao San has no smiling face, and even said that he was pulling his face, but what he said was much harder than Wang Xiaojiu and the others who were unreliable. Neat and decisive, he has the appearance of a man of integrity.

Sha Laosan saw everything just now, but his spirit was so tired that he didn't even have the power to control his body. So he watched Han Fei blast the Emperor Zun's remnant soul out of his body. If he hadn't had a soul-suppressing artifact, he might have even been knocked out of his soul just now.

But it was nothing, because he knew that Han Fei really saved him.

At this moment, the stupid Huang Ergou realized later: "This one is..."

Wang Xiaojiu immediately glared at Huang Ergou, thinking that if you don't know how to speak, don't talk, Rentu is in front of you, that is Dique in front of you, and this one, you should be called an lord, boss...

I saw Han Fei glanced at Wang Lanlan lightly, Wang Lanlan was suddenly shocked, and quickly pointed at Huang Ergou and said, "Shut up, this is the human emperor Han Fei, and the owner of the contemporary Emperor Que. The new owner of the puppet city. Lord Han Fei, his strength is boundless, and he can fight the emperor alone without falling behind. If you hadn't gone to the depths of the wind circle today, you stupid dog and Sha Laosan would have been cold by now. "

"Master Emperor Que?"

Huang Ergou and Sha Laosan only felt their heads buzzing. Although they did not participate in the Northern Expedition, they also knew the danger level of this Northern Expedition.

Even Mojiu fell into the puppet city, and the battle of the emperor was involved. It was difficult for them to imagine how Wang Xiaojiu and the group of beasts who went to the northern expedition survived.

Compared with Huang Ergou's dumbfoundedness, Sha Laosan reacted a little faster. Looking at Wang Lanlan's attitude and Wang Xiaojiu's licking, Sha Laosan immediately said, "Thank you, Lord Han Fei, Emperor. Lord Que's life-saving grace. Sha Laosan has nothing to repay, and is willing to serve the Lord's command and serve the canine and horse's work."

While speaking, Sha Laosan immediately swore an oath, sacrificed his life essence and blood, and waited for Han Fei to nod his head.

In this regard, Wang Lanlan is not surprised at all. Since the news of the birth of the emperor bird came out, in fact, in the line of fierce beasts, there have been voices saying that the emperor bird will return sooner or later. Still to surrender.

After all, it is the king of the ancient beasts, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, such existence, really come, who can stop it?

Therefore, although many beasts have not seen the Emperor Sparrow, they actually already have the heart of surrender. And those who do not have the heart to surrender, or even have hostility to the emperor bird, are the beasts of the emperor's realm, or the beasts who are arrogant and unparalleled in talent, who can prove the Tao and become emperors, and even step into the emperor's beasts. And there are very few such beasts in the line of beasts in the boundless mining area.

No, Sha Laosan set an example, and Huang Ergou quickly followed suit, sacrificing his life essence and blood, expressing his surrender.

They naturally awe and love Li Luoluo, which does not mean that they will refuse to submit to the Emperor Que. If Han Fei had to ask them to choose between Li Luoluo and himself, they might choose neither, nor die. They can even die for Li Luoluo, which Han Fei actually knows, and they know too.

However, seeing the looks of Wang Xiaojiu and Wang Lanlan, they felt that there was no hatred between Han Fei and Li Luoluo, and they should not fight. At this time, the chance of gambling on life is very small, and the part of gambling on the future is big.

Han Fei didn't refute it, but said lightly, "If you all are willing to follow me, aren't you afraid of being punished?"

I only listened to Sha Lao San: "Da Luoluo is a very enlightened emperor, and we have always decided some major life events and choices by ourselves. Moreover, on the way of Lord Dique's growth, there are bound to be many beasts to follow, Da Luoluo can't Wouldn't understand. It's a danger, and it's an opportunity."

The third son of Sha was very straightforward, and Han Fei couldn't help but nodded. When they saw Li Luoluo, the two of them didn't talk much about the future direction of Emperor Que. However, as the king of the beasts of the emperor bird, he will eventually have a constant relationship with the beasts.

Therefore, if Li Luoluo generously said where Burial God Ridge is located, it may also have the meaning of betraying Emperor Que's favor. Of course, as soon as she sells her favor, she will sell a pair, and she can also sell Han Fei a copy, so if he can get the worm of space and the worm of time, he will definitely think of her.

Of course, if Han Fei didn't give her the Worm of Space and Worm of Time at that time, he might leave Luoluo's vein, and it would be impossible to have too many interactions with Han Fei. This is probably one of the reasons why Li Luoluo turned a blind eye to Han Fei's subduing Wang Lanlan and Yu Jue.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou, and then turned his gaze to Wang Xiaojiu.

Wang Xiaojiu: "???"

In fact, when Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou surrendered to Han Fei, Wang Xiaojiu was already embarrassed. The current situation is very obvious, Wang Lanlan and Yu Jue have already surrendered to Han Fei, and now Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou are also going to surrender. He was the only one who hadn't surrendered this trip. He thought he didn't know what to wear, but he thought that Han Fei shouldn't force him to surrender, right?

However, who would have expected that Han Fei would look straight over, and Wang Xiaojiu's scalp was numb when he saw it.

To be honest, he doesn't want to submit. As a free-spirited cat, he thinks he can do whatever he wants. That's his greatest pleasure. Now he has to submit inexplicably, which makes him a little bit conflicted. Although the person who surrendered is Emperor Que, he is also a very powerful cat. The only Miao Miao in the world of fierce beasts and cats, if he just serves others, doesn't he lose his freedom?

However, under Han Fei's piercing gaze, Wang Xiaojiu was embarrassed and uneasy. In the end, he had no choice but to show the serious expression of a cat. His big eyes were round and round, as if looking at Han Fei curiously.

When these two looked at each other, Han Fei was so speechless, can't you understand my look? In the end, why are you acting cute with me here?

Han Fei snorted softly: "Don't you want the fur on your body?"

Just seeing Wang Xiaojiu's hair immediately froze, and her entire back bowed. Just listen to Han Fei: "Perhaps, you want Emperor Que to talk to you in person."

Immediately, Han Fei's brows flickered, but he saw the emperor bird appearing on Han Fei's shoulder, with his head proudly raised.

Immediately, Wang Lanlan, Sha Lao San, and Huang Ergou said quickly, "I have seen Lord Dique."


Di Que's gaze turned to Wang Xiaojiu, who was trembling a little, and there was a pleasing coo in his throat.

I just heard Di Que say lightly: "Wuji Demon Cat, I didn't have time to take care of you last time, didn't expect to meet again so soon?"

Wang Xiaojiu just felt that the tears were about to fall. Facing Han Fei, it was okay to say that he had chatted with Han Fei before, and he didn't feel how bad Han Fei was. But Di Que, that look made him feel cold.

Wang Xiaojiu said quickly, "I have seen Lord Dique."

Emperor Que: "If I remember correctly, your lineage should have died long ago."

Wang Xiaojiu: "Ah! This, this no, and me."

Emperor Que: "Do you know why your bloodline is called Wuji Demon Cat?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Emperor Que, and even Han Fei looked at Emperor Que, thinking that this guy's memory is very clear, obviously he also came up from first-level cultivation, why does he know so much about past life inheritance? Could it be that his legacy memories are filled with memories of previous lives?

Wang Xiaojiu shook his head, he really didn't know this, he had never met a cat like himself since he was born.

Emperor Que said lightly: "Because of the Way of Promise, your lineage is older than the age of the gods, and can be traced back to the prehistoric era, when it was the world of divine beasts and beasts. Your ancestors created the Way of Promise and broke the emperor. Shackles, entering the position of gods. Unfortunately, in the age of gods, because of the fall of Emperor Wuji, the way of Wuji has become lonely, and the strongest in the age of gods has only reached the level of the emperor, whose name is Wang Xian, for my eight men. The Great Emperor ranks sixth. In your generation, how much can you master the Way of Promise?"

Wang Xiaojiu's eyes were green, and after a long while, he said: "Also, there is this way? In my heritage memory, there is none!"

Wang Xiaojiu's breathing became rapid, which was a bit too strong and a little too much. His ancestors once gave birth to gods, and this thing could last a lifetime.

Emperor Que snorted softly: "Inheriting memory, there are two situations in which it will disappear. The first is that your bloodline has not been fully awakened, so you cannot start the inheritance of the Way of Promise. A wisp of soul reincarnation between heaven and earth, although the bloodline continues, but the road is broken. If you want to open this road again, either you will re-learn this way, or... someone will reproduce this way for you to help you understand."

At that moment, Wang Xiaojiu's breathing became rapid, and his eyes lit up. He didn't feel anything like bloodline awakening, and he was already a pure-blooded beast, so how could he awaken?

Therefore, Wang Xiaojiu couldn't help but say, "Lord Dique, you mean..."

Di Que said coldly: "When I prove the Tao, I can grasp the true meaning of the law and help you re-comprehend the infinite Tao, if you have that talent."


Not only Wang Xiaojiu, but Wang Lanlan and Sha Laosan couldn't help swallowing Wang Xiaojiu.

What is talent? If you don't try it, who knows if there is any talent for this? Moreover, this is the Emperor Que's speech, and it is impossible to deceive people. There is no need for a dignified Emperor Que!

But Wang Xiaojiu said quickly: "I am willing to follow Lord Dique, and I can also swear."

Wang Lanlan hurriedly said: "Lord Dique, what do you think of my bloodline?"

Di Que glanced at her sideways: "No way, it's just an ordinary pure-blooded beast. However, the path of cultivation cannot be completely determined by blood. The road is all out. In this world, no one depends on blood. God's."

Wang Lanlan was a little disappointed, and sighed in his heart, I really hope that I can have a bloodline like Wang Xiaojiu's.

Emperor Que glanced at Han Fei lightly: "Okay, these few are enough. Before I return to the throne, there are other beasts to be attached to, and I don't need it. This is what I give you. help."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Now that their identities have been exposed, Wang Xiaojiu and the others must be their own people, especially Wang Xiaojiu. Who knows when the big mouth will tell the world about their identities.

Of course, he also took a fancy to Wang Xiaojiu's strength. The powerhouse of the five dao locks is not something that can be conquered if he can conquer it. He may not need Wang Xiaojiu and the others to follow him for a long time, but in the short term, it will definitely become a big help for him.

After a while, Wang Xiaojiu surrendered, and Han Fei took a few people to the mine.

When Han Fei saw a lot of crystals of gods, chalcedony of heaven, and chaotic spiritual soil, he couldn't help but sigh, they are all good things! Sure enough, if you want to get rich, there are only two ways of robbery and treasure hunting. Conquering Sha Laosan and Huang Ergou, who are born to hunt for treasures, may be really useful in this Storm Ridge. No matter how bad it is, you can always find some treasures!

It's just that Han Fei doesn't need the Crystal of God and the Chalcedony of Heaven. If he had found so many crystals of gods and jade chalcedony before cultivating the Gods and Demons Wuxianggong, he might have drooled over.

It's a pity that now he is cultivating the supreme divine art of the human race, and there is no phase in the gods and demons, so that he does not need to rely on these foreign objects at all.

But the chaotic spiritual soil is a good thing, which is what is needed in the natal stars. When I was in the Demon Domain, I killed Mo Yuan by myself, but I got a few pieces of Chaos Spiritual Soil, but the quality was too poor to compare with the current ones.

There are about 800 squares of chaotic spiritual soil here, and nearly a hundred squares have reached the top-grade level. Compared with the little chaotic spiritual soil of his own natal star, the chaotic spiritual soil here is enough to subtly improve the natal star of about 10,000 miles. It is enough to make the land within ten thousand miles reach the level of mysterious loess.

If it is evenly spread on the entire natal star, it will not make much sense. The natal star is too big, and the chaotic spiritual soil is too small. Therefore, these chaotic spiritual soils can only be gathered together, so that I can plant a medicine garden in the stars of my life, so that I can continuously produce spiritual fruits by myself.

Han Fei looked at the crystals of the gods and the chalcedony of the heavenly way, and thought for a moment: "I want all of these resources, the chaotic spiritual soil. The crystals of the gods and chalcedony of the heavenly way, you can take half, and bring Yu Jue that one. share."


Wang Lanlan smiled at that time: "Thank you, Lord Han Fei."

I saw Wang Xiaojiu, Wang Lanlan, Huang Ergou had already rushed over, only Sha Laosan was still standing behind Han Fei and didn't move.

When Han Fei looked at him, the guy was distracted.

Han Fei was speechless: "What are you thinking?"

However, seeing Sha Laosan snapped back to his senses, he quickly said: "This subordinate has two mortal situations in this life. The first time, my mother and six brothers perished, and I was the only one left alive. I owe them a lot. Second Second, Lord Han Fei will help me regain my new life... Therefore, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has a ruthless request."

Han Fei remembered the mourning hall enshrined by Sha Laosan, and nodded slightly: "Speak."

Sha Laosan: "Sha Laosan is dead, please give your name to Lord Han Fei."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei pondered for a moment: "I heard that you have the bloodline of Tong Tianmo and Fenglei Sable?"

Sha Lao San: "Yes, my lord."

Han Fei thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered: "Is it a little bit bad to be called Sha Diao?"

However, Han Fei had just finished muttering when he heard the third son of Shao arrive: "Sha Diao thanked Lord Han Fei for his name."


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Two in one, ask for a ticket...

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