God of Fishing

Chapter 2642: Northwest mining area, miasma and blood (2 in 1)

Han Fei and Liu Qiansi simply and swiftly killed an emperor, directly shocking the other two.

The remaining two people thought this was simply unbelievable. Han Fei's description of his combat power was actually not that exaggerated. When in the puppet city, the power of the puppet city was used to participate in the battle of the emperor.

Moreover, according to the rumors, the yin and yang grinding disc where Han Fei killed the last remnant soul of the Blood Hand Emperor did not appear, not even the Heaven and Earth, and the five dao locks did not open, just like that, he killed one For those who are strong in the Taoist realm, this kind of combat power is a bit too terrifying.

"Exotic treasure?"

The two emperors looked at each other. First of all, they determined that Han Fei had suffered a backlash. It should have used some special means to convert the punch just now into his own backlash.

This demon planting is not simple. The empress wondered why her sleeping illusion could not make the other party pause and hesitate at all? Could it be that this demon plant is naturally able to resist its own power?

This ambush came to an end because of the fall of an emperor. The remaining sword cultivator and the female emperor did not make another move, but gave Han Fei a deep look and disappeared into the void.

Naturally, Han Fei and Liu Qiansi didn't pursue them either, only if they were stupid. It seemed that he killed an emperor with ease just now, but Han Fei stole the power of the two emperors in an instant, suffered a backlash on the spot, and consumed a lot of mental power. Liu Qiansi's blow, with her supreme soul power, condensed a soul-breaking blow, which seemed to easily shatter the emperor's soul-suppressing artifact, but with this level of attack, he is now exhausting all his strength. , and at most one more time.

After all, you are a strong proving Daoist, and so are others. If you want to win, it depends on who pays more.

After the two left, Liu Qiansi suddenly said, "It's only a few days, how can you meet so many powerful emperors, do you have so many enemies in the outside world?"

Liu Qiansi did the math. Since she came out of God Burying Ridge, she had encountered many encounters along the way. If she was given another chance to choose, she would definitely stay in the Sea of ​​​​Storm and Quicksand. It was too dangerous outside.

Han Fei swallowed a ball of liquid divine light with a solemn expression: "Speak carefully, those two may not have left."

Liu Qiansi was suddenly stunned and did not dare to ask again.

And just as Han Fei expected, the two didn't leave for the first time.

I just heard the woman say, "How much do you think Rentu and that Yaozhi were hurt?"

Sword Cultivator: "Rentu has lost at least 30% of his combat power, but Yaozhi hasn't suffered any injuries. But her power of the soul is probably extremely powerful, otherwise it is impossible to break a soul-suppressing artifact in an instant, but now it is not It's not worth our effort. Did you see that man Tu's last punch?"

Woman: "What?"

Sword Cultivator: "That punch contained too complex power, the power was not a law, but it could break the body. God does not enter the emperor, but it has the power to forbid the emperor's soul, which is a bit like the legendary body. Double kill."


The woman couldn't help showing a shocked expression: "The technique of double killing with the legal body?"

Jianxiu strong: "It's entirely possible, this person Tu's strength will definitely not be weak. In the battle of Puppet City, it is said that he took the **** fist. Just now, that punch actually defeated the soul of the silver fist. Even that power has the power to destroy the reorganization of the soul, it should be the technique of double killing of the legal body."

The woman's face was solemn: "It's a lineage of divine beasts who uses a knife to kill people, but even some basic information is hidden."

Sword Cultivator: "Not necessarily, they don't necessarily know. It's like we don't know that there will be an Emperor Zunjing Yaozhi to protect the way. There should be no Emperor Zunjing Yaozhi in the line of beasts. It can only be said that this man Tu has many unknown secrets."

Woman: "If this double-killing technique of the law body is used, will it be able to resist the power of our law? The three of us tried to suppress them with the power of law just now, but we were unsuccessful."

Sword Cultivator: "It's possible, whether it's because of this special technique or not, Rentu certainly has the ability to resist the power of the law, but he can't completely hold it, that Yaozhi didn't completely resist you at first. The law of hallucination. What I am worried about is actually the strange treasure in Rentu's hands, which can forcibly use the attack of the Silver Fist for his own use."

Woman: "Could it be magic or something?"

Jianxiu frowned slightly: "Divine art? If there is such a divine art in the world, what level would it be? Forget it, it's useless to talk about it now, this time we thought too simply and underestimated him. But Rentu showed up. The news has spread all over Baimeng City, and there are many people who want to take action against them. Now that we have seen the strength of this slaughter, we might as well let those people do it first."

The fall of a strong emperor in the emperor realm should be a sensation in all directions.

It's a pity that the place where this emperor died is too remote, and it's still far away from Baimeng City. On the other hand, the Ferocious Beasts got the news right away, and Li Luoluo just took a look from the air and held down those restless beasts.

And she herself muttered to herself: "I was targeted so quickly? Is there an undercover in the line of divine beasts? Impossible, I know my people myself. But, why is that?"

Here, Han Fei and Liu Qiansi recovered almost quickly.

Liu Qiansi said, "Are we still following the same path?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Of course not, if he didn't leak his whereabouts, it would be nothing. But now, emperors have already started to ambush him, and they are the experts who are proving the way. If you still follow the same path, That's courting death."

Han Fei: "Walk along the edge of the northwest mining area."

The mining area in the northwest was filled with miasma and poisonous miasma. Han Fei didn't go deep into it. In the next two days, although he accidentally entered the miasma once, he encountered a few great perfection-level mine monsters. There was no big problem either.

On the third day.

Han Fei suddenly felt the information synchronization of Zhang Daqian's clone.


Han Fei was in a bad mood at the time, and Zhang Daqian's clone should never have appeared here. But when he felt the information synchronization, he immediately learned a lot of news.

For example, in Baimeng City, someone reported his whereabouts every half a day. For example, there are undercurrents surging in Baimeng City, and countless forces are uniting with each other, preparing to hunt themselves.

The combination of these forces is quite mixed, and they are also afraid of being retaliated by Han Fei at that time, so many powerhouses of the forces are chaotic to form a team.

According to Han Fei's reputation, these teams have an average of 100 talents.

Even, there was information that Emperor Zun took the lead, with five or six groups, big and small, to take action against Han Fei.

However, in the information obtained from Zhang Daqian, there is no information that there is an Emperor Venerable Realm monster plant around him, and no one has mentioned that the Emperor Venerable has died under his hands.

In the end, it was naturally where Zhang Daqian's clone was now. These people actually entered the mystery barrier and hid in advance, and there were also strong formations, who were waiting for Han Fei to throw themselves into the net.

Han Fei was in a bad mood at the time, not because someone set up an array to kill him in advance, but because his whereabouts were updated every half a day, and it was quite accurate, even with a special roadmap.

Han Fei couldn't understand this. The only one who knew his whereabouts was Liu Qiansi, but Liu Qiansi never left him. Or, there are strong emperors who follow him secretly, but if he is only in the Taoist realm, he will have discovered it long ago. And if it is not in the realm of Proving Dao, you can directly take yourself down, and there is no need to do this.

Therefore, Han Fei immediately discovered the problem. Someone has some kind of strange treasure, or a strange ability, and can accurately locate their whereabouts.

Han Fei paused, his face ugly. When he received the information about Zhang Daqian's clone, it was actually too late. Because they hid in the miasma and set up a large formation, which affected the distance of information synchronization.

In addition, this time they hunted, they didn't just ambushed in one place. The other party set up six ambush at once, each with the leader of the Taoist realm. From the moment Han Fei felt the information synchronization, he had already entered the encirclement. .

And the team that Zhang Daqian was in happened to be led by the Emperor Zun of the Zhonghai Shenzhou Shenyao Forest who he had powerfully killed.

Han Fei was immediately speechless, just to kill himself, such a big battle? The six emperors joined forces and each brought two or three hundred teams. The reason why Zhang Daqian was able to infiltrate was that there was a four-level lock-level powerhouse and three great perfection powerhouses from the city of scavengers, which gave Zhang Daqian a qualification to watch the battle.

Obviously, Zhang Daqian's avatar knew the danger long ago, so he deliberately followed to inform the main body.

Unfortunately, it's still a bit late.

At this moment, Han Fei's expression was solemn.

Six directions, six emperors, all of them have been sealed, and even one is ambushed in the miasma in the northwest mining area.

"You son of a bitch, if you dare to leak my news, after this time, I won't screw your head off, I will write it upside down in Korean."

At this moment, if there are no six emperors, it is actually very easy. A puppet army of 10,000 people can wipe out these six teams.

However, the power of the Six Great Emperor Venerable Realm is so terrifying that the army of 20,000 puppets cannot be stopped. Even if it is hard consumption, the result must be that the puppet army suffers heavy losses, and the six emperors run away one after another, and then continue to contain themselves after a period of time, how much troops can I consume with them?

Moreover, if the puppet army of the puppet city died in such a place, it would not be worth it, so Han Fei gave up the idea of ​​pushing the puppet army horizontally.

And Liu Qiansi plus herself, in fact, can deal with at most three emperors of the Taoist realm. That was still by surprise, and it was a sneak attack.

If he really fights seriously, his current combat power is actually five locks, and he may be able to duel with an emperor in a short period of time.

He might be able to win the heads-up, but other emperors are not fools, so they won't give him this chance.

In the face of the six emperors, even if he can plot against himself, even if he can plot against two emperors, it is already very impressive, but the remaining four emperors are not something he and Liu Qiansi can stop. .

Therefore, whether it is to use the puppet army to push horizontally, or to use the frontal battlefield, he is completely at a disadvantage and does not have any advantage.

Then, there is only one result, and that is to rush into the northwest mining area.

Only in this way can we truly escape the pursuit of these forces. Wait until you are safe, then go to the **** who leaked his whereabouts.

Han Fei's voice transmission Liu Qiansi: "Don't show any strangeness, we were ambushed, six directions, six Taoist experts, more than 2,000 Great Perfection. After a while, they should not know your existence, you Disguised as my weapon, we'll break through and enter the northwest mining area later."

"Six emperors?"

Liu Qiansi was in a bad mood at the time. There were only three emperors in front of her, but now there are twice as many emperors. Are there so many emperors in the outside world?

Liu Qiansi: "You were outside and offended so many people?"

Han Fei: "Afraid?"

Liu Qiansi: "How is that possible! I just feel that after spending a few days with you, I have met more powerful people than I have ever seen in my life."

Han Fei: "This shows that the outside world is very exciting."

Liu Qiansi was speechless, what is so wonderful about this? This is cruel. You are chased and killed every day, don't you have any points in your heart? Is this wonderful?

But he saw that Liu Qiansi immediately turned into a stick and flew to Han Fei's hand, and Han Fei held it smoothly.

After walking for about half an hour, from Zhang Daqian's synchronized information center, the emperor of the God-Monster Forest had informed them that they were ready to start.

At this time, Liu Qiansi also reminded: "It seems that there is a demon plant spying on us, should we continue to move forward?"

Han Fei: "No, let's go."

It was too late, but it was fast. The moment Han Fei decided to leave, he grabbed Liu Qiansi, burst into the fastest speed, and sprinted frantically toward the northwest mining area.


The strong goddess and demon forest who had been waiting for Han Fei to get into the trap was puzzled. Could it be that there was a problem, and this guy found out the clue?

He only heard him shout: "Everyone enters my destiny and chases them."

At this time, Han Fei had obviously started to flee, so these people in ambush naturally wouldn't wait foolishly. It is rare to be able to learn all the action routes of this guy. If it is possible to let him run away, it is simply unbearable.

There was Emperor Zun sneering, and he had already prevented this fellow from running to the northwest mining area, so they had already ambush someone, and he can't escape today.

In the previous Northern Expedition, Han Fei only captured the hearts of loose cultivators. These powerful and powerful people still hold grudges against Han Fei. Moreover, the people who were present at the time were everyone who would envy and covet the inheritance that Han Fei had obtained.

At this time, Han Fei was not flustered. He knew that those who murdered him were not stupid. If he could murder him here, he must be ready to enter the northwest mining area.

But, is it a bit too naive for you to leave only one emperor in the miasma and want to take yourselves?

Although it has only been a few days, I have encountered so many dangers. But Han Fei already had a certain understanding of the doom that Heaven brought to him.

The so-called Heavenly Dao, he will not directly take action on himself, but will only change a destiny of his own future in the current stage through some coincidences, some coincidences, just like writing a script.

However, the protagonist in the script is not under control.

At this moment, Han Fei was piercing through the void at thirty-two times the speed of light. In fact, this speed was already comparable to that of some of the experts of the Dao, even if it was worse, it wasn't much worse.

However, even the slightest difference is also bad.

If it was anywhere else, Han Fei would definitely not be able to escape. But in this northwestern mining area, he always walked right next to this miasma mining area, so when something happened, he entered the mining area very quickly.

The so-called miasma can confuse the mind, distort the space, make people lose their direction, and produce confused perceptions. These are all normal phenomena. The first time he entered the mystery barrier, the rosary of the gods was full of brilliance, and it even formed a faint light on Han Fei's body, helping him block the erosion of this miasma.

Han Fei raised the corner of his mouth, the ability of the best artifact is powerful, especially the auxiliary best artifact, the function is too strong.

Han Fei didn't know where the hidden emperor was in the miasma. But he felt that the other party didn't necessarily know where he was. After all, he was separated by a miasma. The emperor who was in the Taoist realm was not a god. How could he know so much?

After half an hour.

Han Fei crossed a miasma and encountered another wave of poisonous miasma. The miasma has the power to inhibit perception, which reduces the sensitivity of perception by almost ten times. It stands to reason that they should not be able to find themselves directly.

However, just when he relaxed his vigilance, Liu Qiansi suddenly said, "Someone is here, Emperor Zunjing."

Han Fei was surprised; "How is that possible?"

Liu Qiansi: "I took the blue silk as my vision and saw it with my own eyes. The person who came here turned into a cloud, so it's not easy to be discovered."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Just one?"

Liu Qiansi: "Just this one."

Han Fei gritted his teeth. Although a large-scale battle broke out in this situation, it means nothing to him, but if he can kill the chickens and warn the monkeys again, the effect should be good.

Yang Yunwu, a strong preacher in the clouds and fog of Zhonghai Shenzhou, he has nothing to do with Han Fei, and he has not forged a relationship. Even during the Northern Expedition, they only went to a few people in the clouds, and they were finally rescued by Han Fei in disguise.

However, for this plan, he still came. After all, who could resist the inheritance of a great emperor?

At this moment, Yang Yunwu was holding a sensor stone in his hand, thinking in his heart, this kid is really bold and careful. There was a slight disturbance outside, and the miasma immediately entered.

When the induction stone is quite close, the light will become more and more bright. Yang Yunwu was vigilant. Even if the besieged and killed was an Open Heaven Realm, it should not be underestimated. This is not a simple Open Heaven Realm.

Here, Yang Yunwu quickly caught up to where Han Fei was just now, and the power in his body was even running.

It's just that he didn't expect that a blade of light would come from the void.

Yang Yunwu was speechless, did this man Tu misunderstand something? Obviously he was hunted, and since you found the clue and knew there was a problem, you should hurry up and run! Why are you attacking yourself here?

Yang Yunwu felt that Han Fei didn't know whether to live or die, a Taoist expert who sneakily attacked him in the open sky.

I saw Yang Yunwu instantly transform into a person, and when he waved his hand, the miasma seemed to be compressed and shrouded towards Han Fei. There is a reason why he stayed in the miasma to ambush.

The Yunwu Sect is very good at the aura of cloud and fog. Whether it is miasma or poisonous miasma, it may be useful to others, but to Yang Yunwu, it is not only useless, but may even become his weapon.

The clouds swept across, Yang Yunwu grinned, the inheritance of the Great Emperor, is in front of him, how could he not be excited?


When a large piece of miasma was slashed by the sword light, Yang Yunwu clenched his fist, the power of the law surged, and the cloud and mist were sticky, like glue paint. As long as he is in this cloud, Yang Yunwu is confident that he can easily take down Han Fei.


But the next moment, Yang Yunwu's complexion changed slightly, how could the Kaitian realm break his own cloud law?

I saw a sword glow sticking out of the clouds and slashing towards Yang Yunwu.

Seeing it is just a sword light, although it is very powerful, it seems to have reached the limit of the Open Heaven Realm. But how could such an attack get into Yang Yuanwu's eyes?

I saw his finger lightly, the sky filled with clouds and mist, rolled into a sea of ​​clouds and a dragon, shrouding Han Fei's sword light.



Yang Yunwu finished pointing the finger, and the old **** was still there, waiting to see Han Fei make an embarrassment.

However, the next moment, his expression changed drastically, and he only saw that his Yunhai Flood Dragon was completely penetrated by Han Fei's blow, and the entire dragon body was beheaded from head to tail.

"This is impossible."

Yang Yunwu's expression finally became solemn. Don't look at this as just a cloud-qi-turning-dragon, but there is his own divine soul power and cloud-mist law in it. Even if it is the top ten masters of the gods list, it will not break the law in the opening of the sky!

At this moment, a giant of ten thousand feet, with a fist of silence in his hand, penetrates the sky and the ground.

"Humph! In the cloud and mist, how dare you play the world with me. The cloud is bound, the rain is bound."

At that moment, Han Fei saw all the clouds gathered here, and the clouds were unusually moist and sticky. Because he was in the fog, this kind of power was unavoidable.

The fist of annihilation blasted out, forcibly falling into the cloud and mist.

Yang Yunwu only saw that his cloud and fog magic showed signs of collapse, and his color changed at that time. What is the origin of this man Tu? His physique and soul have reached a terrifying height.

Finally, Yang Yunwu didn't dare to underestimate Han Fei anymore, but when he saw him beckoning, he seemed to be in the cloud and mist, and the whole person looked immortal.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was when Yang Yunwu raised his head to the sky, thinking about how to break the dharma of human slaughter. Suddenly, his body froze, because a force method rushed into his body. If it wasn't Liu Qiansi, who else could it be?

At that moment, Yang Yunwu knew that it was not good, and immediately released 200 Stars of Great Perfection.

At the moment when these people appeared, Han Fei walked out of the Void Mountain, but he ignored these people. With a wave of his hand, a thousand puppet army appeared on the Void, and directly gave the 200 officers to him. surrounded.

I just heard Han Fei's voice indifferent: "I don't know who told you my news, didn't he tell you that I already killed an emperor?"

Seeing Yang Yunwu's surprised expression, Han Fei said with a smile, "I really didn't tell you? Isn't that tricking you?"

Yang Yunwu felt like a marionette. When he looked down with great difficulty, he saw a cyan stick with hundreds of millions of cyan threads inserted into his body.


Liu Qiansi: "He blew himself up, but it wasn't the kind of self-destruction of death."

Han Fei: "He likes to blow himself up, so give him a ride."

Liu Qiansi was surprised: "Don't you sign a master-servant contract with it?"

Han Fei: "Humanoids can't sign. Besides, I have changed my mind. I'm not in a hurry to go to the northern mining area on this trip."

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