God of Fishing

Chapter 2663: Blade of Hope: The Fall of the Great Emperor (2 in 1)

Latest website: Under normal circumstances, the time line is different, and you can cross it through the Avenue of Time. But the time avenue is invalid, which means that he will never catch up with the ominous Han Fei.

The first thing Han Fei thought of was the Blade of Hope. The only thing known to break time is the Blade of Hope. However, seeing Han Fei's two swords in his hand, although running the Avenue of Time could not break the timeline here, the power of the Avenue of Time was still there. I saw that the blade of hope was filled with the rhythm of the Dao of Time, and it slashed through the void with one sword.


Han Fei looked happy, the blade of hope could cut through the long river of time blocked by the fog. That meant that it was easy for him to catch up with the ominous Han Fei.

But while Han Fei's face was happy, he soon fell into contemplation. . He didn't step into this timeline for the first time, but sat cross-legged and began to think.

For some reason, he always felt that this trip seemed to be too smooth.

Han Kuai, Han Fei used the Navigation Vientiane again, this time referring to Xia Xiaochan, and the direction was the same as before, along the river of time.

This also means that Xia Xiaochan is also in this long river of time shrouded in mist.

"Huh? He actually brought Xiao Chan with him?"

Han Fei was surprised and not surprised. Because the ominous Han Fei must also know that he owns the Navigation Vientiane, and he can't hide it.

The purpose of his taking Xia Xiaochan away was nothing more than to make himself avoid the rat. Killing Xia Xiaochan would only make him crazy. But he couldn't even open the coffin of the ancient tree of life, so how could he let himself throw the rat?

Although there are still doubts in my heart, the matter has come here, and it is time to stop. No matter what, you have to catch up.

No, Han Fei didn't stop. The matter of beheading me may have been a little tortuous in the past, but it's not too troublesome. Cut off the ominous Han Fei, and everything will naturally return to the right track.

With Han Fei's thoughts moving, the blade of hope burst out with a strange brilliance, and even cut a passage in the fog of time.

When the Navigation Vientiane pointed to a time node, Han Fei broke out of time. After he appeared, his perception swept thousands of miles away, and it only took a few hours for him to see Yucheng.

Also, during this time, Yucheng was still there, and it had not yet become a city of justice.

In addition to seeing Yucheng, Han Fei also saw the Great Wilderness Village in the past, where he once transformed into Wang Han and lived.

In the place where he often grilled mantis shrimp, beside the ominous Han Fei stood a tree coffin, looking towards him.

Liu Qiansi exclaimed, "I found him."

Han Fei; "Shut up."

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Han Fei, in a moment, follow my instructions.

Liu Qiansi: "Okay."

"You are still here, let me guess, you can break the timeline in this fog, should you use the blade of hope?"

Han Fei did not expect that the ominous Han Fei was waiting for him here. In other words, there is no need to wait. As long as the ominous Han Fei has been sitting here for more than 700 years, when the time comes, he will naturally be able to take action against his father and mother.

After a breath, Han Fei crossed thousands of miles and came to the Great Wilderness Village.

Just listen to Han Fei: "You should know that you can't run away, and you can't kill me before I was born."

This is the negativity between Han Fei and himself. This is the first time they are facing each other head-on. The ominous Han Fei's appearance at the moment is no different from himself. He should have used the invisibility technique to hide the leakage of his ominous aura.

I just listened to the ominous Han Fei: "Unfortunately, I don't know why, I couldn't fish for the Blade of Hope, otherwise you would already be dead by now."

Han Fei's heart moved, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. The ominous Han Fei naturally knew time fishing. If he could catch the Blade of Hope and break the fog of time, the consequences would be hard to say.

Just listen to Han Fei: "So, are you giving up?"

The ominous Han Fei shook his head: "You heard what the mysterious powerhouse said in the Dao Enlightenment Palace of the Shendu Dynasty, and of course I heard it. He said that I would go back in time and come back to kill you. Don't say it, I really didn't think about it if he didn't say it."


He just heard Han Fei sneer: "At the moment you were beheaded, that person only said that he gave me a cause and effect, but did not say that you would go back in time to kill me."

The ominous Han Fei smiled: "You forgot, in the prophecy house of the Shendu Dynasty, you mastered the ability to trace back in time. Oh, that was also my ability to trace back the time once. Oh, you left so much in the Shendu Dynasty. There are many traces, as long as I go back to the past, I will naturally know what you said at that time."

Han Fei sneered: "With that person's ability, if you go back in time to peep, you won't be found out?"

Ominous Han Fei: "What if he finds out? He just gave you a karma, he gave it, and he did it. As for whether I will peep, and what I peep, he doesn't really care. Because of this The cause and effect has been completed, and it was after listening to his reminder that I realized that I can still kill you by tracing back time.

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly. It turns out that it is not a good thing for him to have too many methods. As much as he knows, this ominous Han Fei will be as much.

Han Fei: "It turns out that even if you know the cause and effect, even if you act in advance, you will still be caught up by me."


The ominous Han Fei chuckled: "Do you know why I can't open this ancient tree of life, and still bring Xia Xiaochan?"

Han Fei was really puzzled by this. If the ancient tree of life cannot be opened, then there is no point in carrying the ominous Han Fei. Because sooner or later I can find it and bring it back safely.

Just listen to the ominous Han Fei: "Because even if I can't open it, someone can open it!"

After speaking, the ominous Han Fei patted the ancient tree of life, only to see that the lid of the coffin was opened, and Xia Xiaochan was lying peacefully inside.


Han Fei's scalp exploded at once, and the ancient tree of life was opened? The key point is that this ominous Han Fei is ominous! Han Fei didn't dare to think about it if he did something to Xia Xiaochan.

However, I only heard the ominous Han Fei continue: "The time is long, no one to accompany you, isn't it boring? Don't worry, she is the woman you love, and she is also the woman I love. She is pregnant with your child, but It's also my child. So, I won't do anything to her. Just, why does she belong to you alone?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched wildly, and for some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Without waiting for him to speak, he heard the ominous Han Fei say: "Come out, my promise has been fulfilled."


The next moment, Han Fei saw a man wearing a golden silk white robe and a golden crown walking out of the river of time.


At that moment, Han Fei only felt like a mountain, pressing down on him, that terrifying coercion was a power beyond the immortal realm.


Han Fei couldn't help bleeding from the corner of his mouth, while Liu Qiansi trembled wildly.

Originally, Han Fei wanted to use Liu Qiansi as a trump card, but it was revealed in such an instant!

"It's over, I'm dead, I'm dead."

Liu Qiansi was about to collapse, this was simply invincible! Such coercion, I don't even have the courage to resist.

"Heh, a demon plant that proves the Tao, dare to bring it here?"

The ominous Han Fei sneered, showing disdain on his face.

Han Fei's face was ugly. He once reached the level of the immortal realm with the Azure Dragon Defying Scale, and felt the power of the immortal realm. But what this person has shown is stronger than Qinglong's strength, but it has not exceeded the feeling of Qinglong's senior brother.

Therefore, this person should undoubtedly be in the Great Emperor Realm, but in the Great Emperor Realm, he may not be so strong. But in any case, the other party is also a strong emperor, and it is not something he can contend against.

When this person appeared, Han Fei didn't hesitate to activate the Void Mark, and he didn't stop at all. However, he was surprised to find that even if he activated the Void Mark, he did not respond.

I just heard the ominous Han Fei say: "You don't have to try. I know all your cards. Master Summoning is your strongest card. That's why I sighed that the Nautical Vientiane is a good thing, and it helped me find this one. The powerhouse of the Temple of Time. I know you don't like the Temple of Time, but as one of the three temples, it has existed side by side with the Temple of the Void for so many years, and you have some understanding of the methods of the Temple of the Void. It can block the Void Mark and the big brother. Perhaps only people from the Three Temples can do it.”

Ominous Han Fei slowly got up: "I don't know whether the senior brother is the emperor or the god. Although the powerhouses of the Temple of Time should not be able to beat the senior brother, I bet they have a way to block the connection between the void mark and the senior brother. Now it seems that I won this bet!"

At that time, the emperor-level powerhouse of the Temple of Time looked at the ominous Han Fei coldly: "How much more do you have to say?"

Ominous Han Fei: "Don't worry, wait for me to finish."

Just listening to the ominous Han Fei grinned: "Do you really think I'm sitting here waiting for this time to flow by? Or do you really think that I have to kill you before you were born? Although the mysterious powerhouse reminded me I can go back in time and come here to kill you. But why do I have to do what he said? What if he deliberately fooled me? Anyway, as long as you die, I can come back, whether I kill you, or Does it make any difference if someone kills you?"

Han Fei couldn't move at the moment, but it wasn't that he had no chance to resist. He still had a calamity of the gods. I just didn't expect that the robbery of the gods sent by the senior brother would come in handy so soon.

I just heard Han Feihan say: "Do you think that when I die, you can return to the ominous? The meaning of the existence of the Three Temples is to deal with the ominous. Even if this senior of the Temple of Time kills me, do you think you can escape? "

"Tsk tsk!"

The ominous Han Fei smiled contemptuously: "Anything can be discussed. He can kill me, but there are reasons why he has to let me go. Do you think I will go to him without any help? If I die , you are killed by the Temple of Time, and it will appear somewhere in the field of vision of the Temple of Void. This is the basis of our transaction, you don't have to worry about it, sometimes, the simpler the transaction, more unbreakable.”

Han Fei couldn't help but look at the powerful emperor in the Temple of Light at that time, the latter looked dignified: "Hand over the two knives, hand over the refining demon pot. Don't worry, after you die, even if he can return to the ominous, he will wait for me to rise. In the end, it will kill you and avenge you. And, if you are willing to hand over these two things, I can also keep your wife and children. This is my promise to you. "

The powerhouse of the Temple of Time did not hide his ominous hatred. Of course, he also made no secret of his greed for the Blade of Hope and the Demon Teapot.

In fact, these two things are too tempting.

The blade of hope can cut all the shackles of time. If he can get it, it may be possible to trace back to the era of chaos.

And refining the demon pot is even more terrifying. This is one of the most powerful treasures known so far. In the past, the gods used the demon pot to fight the ominous.

Even the great emperor of the Temple of Time was glad that the ominous Han Fei found himself. Because the two treasures that Han Fei possesses are too heaven-defying, any of them can change the fate of a strong man.

He believes that if it were any other person, he would not miss this opportunity.

And Han Fei's heart sank. At this time, although he knew that it was useless to say anything, he still said: "Senior, have you ever thought that since he dares to let you get these two things, he will Are you afraid of these two things?"

However, the great emperor of the Temple of Time shook his head slightly: "You don't understand, and he doesn't understand either. In the end, he's not ominous yet, he's just in the process of transformation. So, he's just your negative for the time being, he I don't understand the meaning of these two things at all. Including you, I don't understand the meaning of these two things at all. Han Fei, I know you, so if you chose to join the Temple of Time at the beginning, and then exposed the pair of knives, this No one in the world can kill you. But you didn't join, unfortunately..."


Han Fei sneered: "If I had known that the Temple of Time was this virtue, it would have been even more impossible for me to join. The three temples of the dignified and ominous cooperation, if you were known to the Temple of the Void, you would surely die."

At this time, the Great Emperor of the Temple of Time seemed to completely disintegrate Han Fei's heart, and only listened to him: "Tell you the truth! Even the Lord of the Void, it is impossible to discover this interception. In fact, even without your negativity, you will eventually Enter the game. This game based on your parents' bait has been laid out for 100,000 years."


Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: "What do you mean?"

The great emperor of the Temple of Time seems to be quite proud, with a proud look: "Actually, from your birth, your arrival, being sent to the future, and your great luck, there are shadows of the Temple of Time. It's a pity that you were sent to that world, There is the existence of the refining demon pot, which can cover the avenue of heaven and all prying eyes. Therefore, the Temple of Time cannot spy and seek, so we can only wait for your return. But who knows, your return is too amazing, we only planned to get Refining the demon pot, but you brought this pair of knives. Sure enough, everything is good luck!"

Han Fei was horrified, and for the first time truly felt the horror of these so-called powerhouses.

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "How do you know what you can't spy on is the refining demon pot?"

Just listen to this person: "The worm of time, the worm of space, and the refining demon pot were all acquired by Chu Hao in the past. After Chu Hao disappeared, these two things appeared on your parents' bodies, so it can be concluded that, The place where they came must be where the refining demon pot is. So as long as you have enough luck, it will be a matter of time to get the refining demon pot back."

Han Fei gritted his teeth: "Since my parents have arranged it, if you want to get the refining demon pot, you can just search for your soul, why is it so complicated."

I saw this human being: "You don't understand the power of refining the demon pot. Anyone who touches it will be disturbed. Even if you search for souls, you can't accurately find the way they came. You don't think that, Is the time node fixed in the long river of time?"

The great emperor chuckled lightly: "Of course, this demon refining pot shouldn't have been earned by me, but your negativity happened to find me, so I knew the news that you were going to be hooked before everyone else. So, I use The chaotic clock, the treasure of creation, covers this place. Even if the gods are alive, it is impossible to discover the mysteries of this place. Therefore, the Lord of the Void can't discover me either. Now, are you giving up?"

"Oh? Are you sure?"

At the same time as this person finished speaking, Time Changhe once again opened a gap, and saw a person covered in a silver veil walking out of it, and his heroic posture made people's eyes shine.

But seeing the great emperor of the Temple of Light at that time couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Why are you here? Didn't you go to protect the emperor's robbery for Girl Mo Qi?"

The ominous Han Fei also frowned. He didn't expect that there would be a second person who would find this place. Who is this person? Even the powerhouses of the Great Emperor were unable to detect it, and I am afraid that he is also a Great Emperor.

And Liu Qiansi is completely numb, one great emperor is not enough, and now there are two, she has 10,000 lives today, I am afraid that it is not enough to give! If I knew earlier, I might as well apply to stay in the lava giant clan. It is better to be killed by heat than to be crushed to death by the emperor, right?

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly, Mo Qi's teacher? Just, why does it look a little familiar.

Han Fei frowned, and he seemed to have an answer in his heart. I'm afraid, the picture when he and Mo Qi parted were traced back in time by this man.

With the ability of the Great Emperor, it is not difficult to trace back the picture at that time and find that I have the Blade of Hope.

He has to blame himself for being too careless about this. He has always protected the refining demon pot so well that outsiders have no way of knowing. But the Blade of Hope, because he didn't use it much, before helping Mo Qi behead me, he didn't feel the powerful use of the Blade of Hope, until Mo Qi reminded himself.

Now it seems that today is impossible to escape. Although the eldest brother gifted a catastrophe of the gods, but now there are two strong emperors here, even if they deal with one person, what about the other person?

The life scales of the Eastern God Crocodile can only resist the power of the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm. The scales of the devil is just to temporarily have the combat power of the immortal realm, and it is impossible to stop these two shots.

And here, even the omnipotent senior brother can't call, let alone call the devil.

This was the first time in his life that Han Fei felt that he had no cards to use. Yes, even if he did everything he could, it would be impossible for him to escape under the hands of the two great emperors.

Even, from his birth, everything is counted.

Before, he thought that Lao Han was helping him and that Lao Han was calculating.

Now, he realized that Lao Han was just a **** in the game.

Only to hear the woman say: "Ao Wutian, secretly use the Chaos Clock, you don't think that no one can find it?"

The Great Emperor, known as Ao Wutian, looked solemn: "Since you found out, you should have heard it just now. There are two treasures on this person, and it happens to be one for you and me, how about it?"


The woman responded simply, and then said, "Which one do you want?"


Ao Wuchang is speechless: "Do you need to divide it now?"

Woman: "Naturally. Although we both belong to the Temple of Time, our abilities are not the same. We still have to make it clear, and we have to hold things in our hands first. After all, I am still a bit apprehensive that the Chaos Clock is in your hands now. ."

Arrogant: "…"

Ao Wuchang was caught in a short-term tangle, it was really too difficult to choose between these two treasures. Even at this moment, Ao Wuchang gave birth to the idea of ​​killing people.

Yes, he wants to kill this woman together. As she said, the Chaos Clock is in his hands, and he is the one who has the initiative.

It seemed that after a long struggle in his mind, Ao Wuchang finally made a choice: "I choose, those two swords."

"Okay! I have no opinion."

Ao Wuchang's heart was dripping blood, but he already had a plan in his heart. This ominous Han Fei told himself that Han Fei's demon refining pot already had six small vines.

However, he knew that there were not only six vines, but nine vines in the demon pot. This can prove that the current refining demon pot is not in a complete state. In other words, even if this woman took it away, she would have to spend time looking for a few other vines.

Moreover, the demon pot can not be used as a weapon for direct combat. It can only be said that relying on the demon pot, the cultivation will be extremely fast, the growth limit is extremely high, and becoming a **** is almost a sure thing.

However, this takes time.

The Blade of Hope is different. The Blade of Hope is the most complete, and it has the ability to cut through time, and its characteristics are quite restraining the powerhouse who masters the Avenue of Time.

Then, once you get the Blade of Hope, your combat power will be greatly enhanced. As long as she spends a period of time with this woman, and when she finds the next vine for refining the demon pot, with the blade of hope, the success rate is still very high.

Ao Wutian quickly made the best choice in his heart. In his opinion, these two treasures are his own, it's just a matter of time.

At this moment, I saw the woman's eyes swept over Han Fei, and then fell on the ominous Han Fei.

The ominous Han Fei immediately said: "No matter who your Excellency is, since you participated in this operation, there is no reason to kill me. Otherwise, the backhand I left behind will definitely let the Void Temple know that it was killed by the people of your Time Temple. he."

However, I only heard the woman say: "I hate using my daughter and children as threats the most."

While speaking, the woman stretched out her hand and buckled, and the ancient tree of life broke away from the ominous Han Fei's control and came to the woman's side.

I saw that this woman looked at Xia Xiaochan in the ancient tree of life on her own, and there seemed to be a hint of incomprehension in her voice.

Only to hear her say: "It's really beautiful."

The ominous Han Fei dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. There was no way. Although he could cooperate with the Great Emperor of the Temple of Time at this time, he could crush himself to death with one hand.

Fortunately, at this time, it doesn't matter whether Xia Xiaochan is by his side or not. After all, he still has feelings for Xia Xiaochan, and it would be a pity if he fell. So, he didn't say anything.

Ao Wuchang didn't want to listen to her hypocritical, he was in a good mood, but now he is in a bad mood, and he has no patience. Just listen to him: "Han Fei, take it out!"

Han Fei's face was ugly, but he seemed to have made a decision. He showed his hands, and the blade of hope came out of his body.

Han Fei knew in his heart that the reason why Ao Wutian didn't force the shot before was actually because the Blade of Hope had not left his body and was still under his control.

But he didn't dare to blow himself up, because Xia Xiaochan was still in their hands, who knew if this person would become angry and shoot at Xia Xiaochan. This kind of person, for the sake of profit, what can't be given up, the Great Emperor of the Temple of Time can cooperate with the ominous, what else can he do?

Now, Xia Xiaochan was rescued by this woman. Although Han Fei also had scruples, it was better than falling into the hands of this proud impermanence. At least, Han Fei believed that she would definitely give Xia Xiaochan and the child in her womb a way out.

Therefore, Han Fei offered the blade of hope.

Sure enough, at the moment when the Blade of Hope just left the body, it almost immediately broke away from his control and flew directly to the arrogant impermanence.


The next second, Han Fei spat blood, and his connection with the Blade of Hope was cut off. At that moment, Han Fei seemed to have lost the most important thing in his heart.

Ao Wutian held the Blade of Hope in his hand, and there was a trace of heat in his eyes. It was at that moment, on the Blade of Hope, that there seemed to be some kind of power to burst out.

"Time to stop~"


It was just after Han Fei's thought was born, time stopped, and on the blade of hope, a small blue dragon flew out and was pinched by the woman.

"It's over."

Han Fei's heart sank, but he didn't expect that in front of the emperor, he would not even be able to perform the calamity of the gods. I wanted to kill this Ao Wutian desperately, but who knew Ao Wutian didn't find it, but this woman did.

Ao Wutian: "This is?"

The woman pinched the little dragon and looked at it for a while. After a while, she confirmed, "It turned out to be a calamity of the gods, another treasure!"

When Ao Wutian heard that it was the catastrophe of the gods, his heart froze, unprecedented, and there was a cold sweat behind him. God robbery, this kid still has such a treasure? Doesn't it mean that he has only been separated from the ominous body for decades?

Ao Wutian said in an ice-cold voice: "What a Void Temple, enough to pay for it. Divine Tribulation even gave it to a disciple who has not yet proven the Way."

Ao Wutian turned his head and said to the woman, "Thank you..."


At the moment when Ao Wutian handed over, he saw that the blade of hope turned into the Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel, crushing Ao Wutian in an instant. At that moment, the power that the Blade of Hope erupted was unimaginably powerful, and it didn't kill Han Fei before.

This sudden scene directly shocked Han Fei, the ominous Han Fei and Liu Qiansi. Ominous Han Fei looked at Han Fei, shocked, beyond words. As for Liu Qiansi, it was just like a dream, inexplicable anyway, as if things had turned a corner.

And Han Fei looked at the woman in shock, because he knew that he couldn't use such a powerful Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel. Then there are naturally only two results, one is that the blade of hope broke out by itself, and the other is controlled by this woman.

However, if this person is in control, isn't she...

But at this moment, the woman didn't look at Han Fei, because the Great Emperor didn't die so easily.

However, when he was suddenly beheaded, Ao Wutian's body burned with black smoke, his soul was twisted, and a copper bell flew out from the blood, trying to resist.

"The flame of vengeance?"

Han Fei's pupils shrank suddenly, and the ominous Han Fei was also horrified, thinking how could it be possible?

But the next moment, when the Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel turned, it chopped up the bronze bell that didn't look like an artifact, at least it was a Chaos Spirit Treasure or even stronger.

"Soul Eater."

I saw the Blade of Hope, the whole body turned black, and at the moment when the bronze bell artifact was cut open, it swallowed nearly half of Ao Wutian's soul in one go.

How could Ao Wutian expect this, he wanted to run the Avenue of Time.

However, UU reading www. uukanshu. The com only listened to the woman: "You brought the Chaos Clock yourself. During this time, you locked it yourself. Now you remember to use the Six Divine Art? It's a pity it's too late?"


Ao Wutian's body was smashed and annihilated at the very beginning, and his soul-suppressing artifact was also beheaded, but there are still many treasures for the emperor-level powerhouse.

Seven pieces in a row, all of which were Lingbao-level weapons, trying to resist the Supreme Yin-Yang Wheel that was formed by the Blade of Hope.

It's a pity that these spirit treasures can't stop the blade of hope that is comparable to the treasure level, but four pieces were broken in a blink of an eye.

"Crack, bang..."

The fifth one exploded.

Ao Wutian roared in despair, "Why? I don't understand..."

Seeing the woman, she raised her head slightly and said word by word, "Because! He...is...my...male...person..."

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