God of Fishing

Chapter 2665: Ximen Linglan's Punishment (2 in 1)

Remember [New] for a second,! The eldest brother said that he was going to talk to the Lord of Time. It must be a "deep talk". The eldest brother didn't mention the Void Mark, and he went there himself. I'm afraid this "talk" will not be the case. Simple.

It's a pity that Han Fei should be invisible. He has mixed feelings in his heart now, and it's hard to describe. Goodbye Ximen Linglan, hearing Ximen Linglan's experience, that feeling, Han Fei thought that if he didn't guide him, he might become his inner demon.

No one will become a peerless genius casually, and Ximen Linglan has also exhausted everything. On the brink of death, she somehow realized an incredible path.

But she didn't realize what a great way to go. In Han Fei's view, it was no longer important. The important thing was that Ximen Linglan was still alive, and it was in the Temple of Time.

Thinking about it now, Han Fei felt that the women around him seemed unfortunate and too personal.

Xia Xiaochan's reincarnation is still unknown, and she doesn't know how long she will sleep. Ximen Linglan seems to hate herself so much now, but Han Fei doesn't feel that way. This woman's emotions are warm and unrestrained, and she dares to love and hate. It was like this before and it is now. . Even if he became a great emperor, he did not hide it. Jiuyinling doesn't know where to put it. She sees clearly, thinks uniquely, and is immortal. If she comes out, she will have a headache.

However, even with mixed feelings, Ximen Linglan didn't die, which was something to be happy about.

In any case, the meeting was good or bad, but on this side, there are many advantages. Ximen Linglan suppressed the emotions for 100,000 years, and at least had a catharsis, and her regrets seemed to have been made up for.

As for how Ximen Linglan explained to the Temple of Time, he had to ask about it in the future.

"Master, master, can we hurry up?"

Liu Qiansi, a little white who has never felt love, just escaped from death, her mood is like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs, if not for a powerful master, she feels that she will be scared to death by herself .

"Ah! Oh..."

Only then did Han Fei come back to his senses. Seeing Lao Han, the old lady looked at him and didn't dare to speak, as if he was afraid that what he said would interrupt Han Fei's train of thought.

Han Fei hurriedly said, "Father, mother, let's go back first."

As for the coffin of the ancient tree of life, Han Fei wanted to receive his own natal stars, but he couldn't collect it after trying it. But he can also understand that this is in the long river of time, and it is not on the same time line as his own natal star, so it is natural to be unable to connect.

However, in this long river of time, a majestic vitality burst out from the coffin of the ancient tree of life. It seemed that Xia Xiaochan was protected by vitality, so the problem was not big.

But seeing Han Fei's Avenue of Time running, the group quickly crossed the long river of time, and the surrounding scene changed. Han Fei found that the speed of traveling downstream was more than ten times faster than traveling upstream, and there seemed to be signs of speeding up.

He didn't realize this before, because he never went upstream and downstream for a long time, so he couldn't perceive it. Now, he perceives the speed problem in the long river of time. Does it also mean that the speed will become slower and slower after traveling against the current for a long time? In other words, the more ancient it is, the harder it is to go upstream, but the closer it is to the future, the easier it is to go downstream.

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian were considered people who had seen the world. When they first met Han Fei, it was impossible not to be surprised. But at this moment, seeing Han Fei leading them all the way, he calmed down instead.

Han Guanshu showed a gratified smile, as if he felt that his long-term layout and everything he had paid seemed to be worth it. My son is a little too aggressive.

It has only been more than a thousand years since he had laid out everything, but Han Fei's current strength has actually reached the Great Perfection Realm of the Open Heaven Realm. This speed far exceeds his expectations.

In fact, Han Fei was also a little surprised, because Lao Han and Lao Niang were originally from the riots. At that time, when they escaped into the abyss crack, they were only in the sea-opening realm.

Perhaps because of the worms of time and the worms of space, they have the ability to travel through time and space, but the place they can pass through is nothing more than the wild land where the lava giants next door are.

It stands to reason that with their strength at the time, it was impossible to survive in the wild land, because the sea-opening realm basically couldn't stop the fire of chaos there, unless the powerhouses of the lava giants protected them.

But now, Han Fei has seen that the old lady should have proved the Dao now, and the father is no longer the peak of the Venerable when he was in the Yin Yang Heaven, but the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, and it is definitely a very powerful kind .

Now, Jiang Linxian had a smile on his face, as if he was a little relieved like Han Guanshu, but he didn't expect his son to be so good.

Han Fei couldn't help blushing a little: "You two, I feel a little uncomfortable."


Han Guanshu said, "Since you were born, your mother hasn't seen you again. Let's see what's wrong with you? By the way, what happened to the little girl? I just saw that she seemed to be sleeping. Did something happen?"

Jiang Linxian: "Is this my daughter-in-law?"

Han Guanshu nodded: "I haven't had time to go back to see you, so you don't know. Little Chan girl is the little princess of the royal family of the Merman, with extraordinary talent and blood. And He Fei'er is a childhood sweetheart, and she is a prospective daughter-in-law."

Han Fei glanced at the coffin of the ancient tree of life, and his face darkened: "It's a long story, Xia Xiaochan actually has the blood of a god, but because she is pregnant, she is most likely at the level of a **** child, and a **** child needs too much. No one could help her in the riotous sea at that time. That’s why I thought of asking my senior brother to take action to protect her with the ancient tree of life.”

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian couldn't help but be moved, the blood of the gods?

Han Guanshu was also puzzled: "Xia Xiaochan is also of the blood of a god?"

Han Fei: "Also?"

Without waiting for Han Guanshu's explanation, Jiang Linxian couldn't help but speak softly: "I think the vitality on this coffin is gradually fading away, can it last until it returns to the sea of ​​riots?"

Han Guanshu: "This father has no experience, what should I do?"

Without waiting for Han Fei to speak, Jiang Linxian said: "Although this tree coffin is full of vitality, if the divine fetus devours the vitality, plus the 200,000 years of vitality consumption, I am afraid that even if it can survive the riots, this coffin will still be able to survive. Corruption. Fei'er, with the strength of my mother's proof, I can probably protect her."

Han Fei shook his head: "Many thanks to my mother, but that's not the case. I have a chaotic spirit treasure. If nothing happens, it shouldn't be a big problem to extend his life by 100,000 years."

"Chaos Spirit Treasure?"

Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu couldn't help but click their tongues. What has Han Fei experienced in these years? Why does he even have Chaos Spirit Treasures?

This level of baby, my son will take it out now?

"Right, who is this?"

After all, Jiang Linxian was an expert in the Taoist realm, so he saw that Han Fei was always carrying a green bamboo stick, and he was full of vitality.

Han Fei: "Oh! My follower, Liu Qiansi."

Liu Qiansi trembled for a moment: "Two old masters, how are you?"


Han Fei patted him: "Can you speak? Do my parents look old?"

Liu Qiansi was speechless, but under the threat of Han Fei, she changed her mind and said, "Hello, two masters."

Liu Qiansi said in her heart how weak am I? One master is not enough, now two more?

Jiang Linxian replied warmly: "Qiansi don't listen to him, just call him by his first name among the practitioners, we discuss each other. My name is Jiang Linxian, you can call me Xianxian, this is Han Guanshu, you can call him Shushu Book…"

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, talking about his own, and your name, is it so disgusting?

"Cough cough~"

Han Guanshu coughed twice, as if his face was a little overwhelmed, but he couldn't bear to blame Jiang Linxian, he just said gently, "Xianxian, my son is here."

Jiang Linxian smiled lightly: "Fei'er wouldn't mind, right?"

Han Fei turned his head: "I don't mind, it's yours."

How could Liu Qiansi dare to admit it so blindly, she said in her heart that you don't know how terrifying your son is. You ask me to call, but I dare not call!

Liu Qiansi: "Liu Qiansi has seen Lord Xianxian and Lord Shushu."

Jiang Linxian smiled lightly, her brows and eyes slightly curved, as if there was still a girl's affinity. But she didn't talk about this name anymore, she knew that it was Liu Qiansi's name to the greatest extent.

But after thinking about it, Han Fei clearly has the strength of the Great Perfection of the Kaitian Realm, but now he can subdue the Demon Plant of the Demonstration Realm. Is this normal?

Only Han Guanshu was still frowning. The name Shushu was also called by Jiang Linxian, but no one had ever called him that before, so it felt weird now.


Downstream speed is very fast, especially when there is no one to stop it. The conspiracy of the Temple of Time has been exposed. It is impossible and dare not do it to yourself at this moment. Otherwise, the elder brother will be angry. Besides the Lord of Time, who else can stop the Temple of Time?

In the time, it is difficult to feel how much time has passed. It may be a day's work. After Han Fei consumed almost 60% of his mental power, the group finally broke through the long river of time under the guidance of the Navigation Vientiane, and came to the time of arrival. of riots.


Han Guanshu was slightly attentive: "Huh! You're back? Hey, is this outside the abyss crack?"

Han Fei: "I have quelled the turmoil in the sea, and now the world is unified. The small world where Yin Yangtian is located has already been moved out by me, so we will naturally appear outside the abyss."

Han Guanshu was astonished: "I believe that the world is unified. With your strength in the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, no one should be your opponent in the turbulent sea."

Jiang Linxian said: "Fei'er, the ancient tree of life will decay, do you want to use the Chaos Spirit Treasure you mentioned now?"

At this moment, the vitality of the ancient tree of life that has left for a long time has been pitiful, and this vitality may be completely dissipated in two or three hundred years at most.

Moreover, the coffin of the ancient tree of life is almost covered with traces of folds, and it seems that it can only barely keep it from shattering on the spot.

I saw Han Fei turned his hands and took out the divine blood bodhi gifted by Senior Sister Qinglian and Honglian. This thing was conceived and born in the blood of the gods. In addition to extending the life span of hundreds of thousands of years, there is a very low probability that it can see the way of the self. After being swallowed, it can strengthen the bloodline, enhance the power of the soul, and even have a hint of the spirit of the gods, which can resist a basic divine calamity.

It stands to reason that the powerful functions of this divine blood Bodhi are a bit outrageous. Han Fei originally thought about using it himself, but the coffin of the ancient tree of life was decaying, which meant that the power to protect Xia Xiaochan's body disappeared. Without the protection of the ancient tree of life, the child in Xia Xiaochan's belly may be devouring life again. Ordinary treasures are of little effect to her.

Moreover, how could an ordinary baby conceive the Son of God? Only the god-blood Bodhi born from the god's blood, the hint of god's meaning in it, may be absorbed by the god's fetus and temporarily keep Xia Xiaochan safe.

When the Divine Blood Bodhi was taken out, Liu Qiansi vibrated, Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu couldn't help but be shocked. As soon as this thing came out, the surrounding vitality immediately became thick to the level of stickiness, and they could even vaguely see the rays of light with dragons flying and phoenix dancing. Even with the coercion of a terrifying powerhouse.

This kind of baby, even if they had no idea, but when they saw it, they couldn't help but want to eat it.

Because the ancient tree of life has been opened, Han Fei does not need to use the strength of the emperor to open it, but directly lifts the lid of the coffin and puts the divine blood bodhi into Xia Xiaochan's mouth without swallowing it. Take it and digest it slowly.

After doing all this, Han Fei's mind moved, and the phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared, and Xia Xiaochan was included in his own destiny stars by himself.

"Suck it~"

Liu Qiansi: "Master, that, that fruit, do you still have it? Can you give me some skin?"

Han Fei: "Hehe, what do you think..."

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Jiang Linxian smiled slightly: "Fei'er, don't be so strict with Qiansi... Let Wei Niang take a good look."


Han Fei was slightly embarrassed. This feeling of looking up and down was really strange.

However, seeing Jiang Linxian walking around Han Fei, she was overjoyed, dragged Han Guanshu and said, "Shushu, our son has grown up all at once."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Guanshu: "Xianxian! Fei'er has experienced countless disasters in this world, can you not grow up?"

Jiang Linxian gestured: "The last time I saw Fei'er, it was only this big."

Han Fei: "???"

Han Guanshu looked at Han Fei with a smile and said, "Don't look at your mother when she doesn't speak, she is quiet and peaceful, like a fairy. In fact, she is still a child-like temperament..."

Han Fei nodded again and again and found out. This is completely different from the Jiang Linxian he saw at first sight. It was completely different from the Jiang Linxian he had seen in Dinghai Map before.

At that time, Jiang Linxian looked majestic and a frosty fairy. At this moment, the character design collapsed directly.


Jiang Linxian snorted softly: "You are just a child. Fei'er, for my mother, your qi and blood are extremely strong, and your strength seems to fluctuate unnaturally. Are you already locked in five ways?"

Han Guanshu also echoed: "I feel it too."

Han Fei nodded: "Five Dao locks, within a hundred years, I must prove the Dao, otherwise my current physical body will not be able to carry my strength."

Han Guanshu chuckled: "The strength is stronger, the speech is different."

Jiang Linxian: "Proving Dao within a hundred years, in the midst of riots?"

Jiang Linxian felt it for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid this place is not suitable for proving the Tao. The power of the heavens in this world has a faint suppressing effect on me, but it seems that this strength is not enough to proving the Tao for my mother."

Han Fei: "It's not in the rioting sea, but in the sea world."

"Sea world?"

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian looked at each other, no longer frolic, just listened to Han Guanshu: "Is this the place where the old king went?"

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, Gu Tingnan has also preached the Dao now, but he is oppressed in the sea world."

After that, Han Fei gave Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu a general introduction to the situation in the sea world. When they heard that 90% of all the human beings that Gu Tingnan brought out were enslaved by the Wanlin tribe, and after 100,000 years of enslavement, the smiles on their faces disappeared.

Jiang Linxian's face was slightly cold: "What a Wanlin clan."

Han Guanshu: "Don't be impulsive, Han Fei didn't say it just now, the current Wanlin clan is far from a manifestation of their true strength. Behind the Wanlin clan, there are even strong emperors in the emperor realm."

Jiang Linxian: "I'm not stupid. Fei'er, if the Wanlin clan is so strong, how can you deal with it? By the way, I never asked before, but the girl who rescued us, Wei Niang can feel that she seems to be very strong, she Who is she? What state is she in?"

Han Fei: "Uh... Ling Lan is the strength of the Great Emperor Realm at the moment, and she should be the stronger one in the Great Emperor Realm. As for Ling Lan, she is..."

I just heard Jiang Linxian ask curiously, "Is it my daughter-in-law too?"

Han Fei's face turned slightly red: "Our situation is more complicated... Hey, I'm the one who blamed her..."

Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu looked at each other, and the daughter-in-law of the Great Emperor Realm was actually betrayed by his own son... What kind of **** plot is this?

Han Guanshu couldn't help but say speechlessly: "Emperor, you dare to take the blame, aren't you afraid that someone will slap you to death?"

Han Fei's face changed and he said, "This matter is actually caused by my mother kissing you."


Jiang Linxian looked confused, what does this have to do with me?

Han Fei: "Did you build the Ideal Palace? You have captured a long river for a while, do you still have an impression?"

Jiang Linxian: "You, shouldn't you have met her when you went back to the past, right? But the long river during that time was only a small section, and it can only carry the upper limit of the sea-opening realm..."

Han Fei had to tell them some things about himself and Ximen Linglan. There was nothing he could do. If these things were not explained clearly, many things could not be explained to them.

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian listened to the story. Jiang Linxian was sometimes worried, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, and sometimes regretful, which shows how bizarre the story of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan is.

Even, Jiang Linxian wiped away tears when she finally heard that Ximen Linglan was killed.

And Liu Qiansi's face is stunned, what are they talking about? These human beings are really strange. They have all proved the truth and are still wiping their tears here. It is simply inexplicable.

He only heard Jiang Linxian sigh: "Ling Lan, even a person who is very affectionate. If this is the case, it is actually good to have two daughters-in-law."

Han Fei: "..."

In fact, Han Fei is also thinking about this issue. But after thinking about it for a while, he felt that these two women are not in a good condition now. And he, even if he has the heart, can't find them one by one now.

It is even said that Xia Xiaochan is better to find it, but the Temple of Time, even if he proves the Tao himself, it is impossible to go there. It is even more impossible to say that he brought Ximen Linglan out or something.

I saw Han Fei took a breath and said, "Okay! I won't talk about this for now. Dad, mother, don't talk about me, how did you get into that time?"

This time, Han Guanshu couldn't hide anything anymore, because Han Fei was strong enough to rescue them.

Just listen to Jiang Linxian: "At the beginning, we were forced to seal Yin Yangtian and Shuimutian in the abyss crack. But you know the upper limit of strength growth in the small world, no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to prove the Dao, even, even if there is no divine eye. Watching, it is actually difficult to prove the Tao. But we can't go out, we can only explore the abyss through the worm of space... Fei'er, do you know the worm of space and the worm of time?"

Han Fei; "Know something, if you guys are not going to enter the long river of time again, these two bugs may still be of great use to me."

Jiang Linxian: "Then I'll give it to you. It's not a good thing to have these two bugs. Only when we really step into the long river of time will we realize how simple our previous ideas are and how far our goals are."

Just listen to Jiang Linxian continue: "Because there are space bugs, so we found a piece of ancient land, but fortunately, the space bugs penetrated space and attracted the attention of the powerhouses there, otherwise we might go there as soon as we enter. , has fallen."

Han Fei: "I know, the lava giants, I have been there."

Han Guanshu said in surprise: "Isn't the passage difficult to walk? It is said that it is easy to collapse, how did you get there?"

Han Fei: "That passage is very stable for me. You guys continue."

Jiang Linxian did not suspect him, and continued: "We have lived in the lava giant clan for a long time. We told them about the riots in the sea, and they told us ancient legends. Later, the lava giant clan discussed their practice, and we learned about our The way we practiced before was ridiculous. Under the guidance of correct practice, the speed of your father and I’s cultivation can be described as a thousand miles in a day. Because there is no shortage of resources in the wild land, we soon reached the peak of the sea-opening realm. Even with the help of the lava giant clan powerhouse, in just a hundred years, the sky has opened."

However, you have also seen the ancient legends of the lava giants, which are too tempting, and it happens that we have mastered the insects of time and space, so after we turned into stars, the idea of ​​entering the long river of time came into being.

Later, in fact, it was simple, we simply fell into a fog in the long river of time. Although he can walk out, he can only go out slowly for a period of time by giving the insects of space and time to one person at a time, while the other person can only wait in the palace.

Han Fei nodded. From that moment on, the father and the mother were already in someone else's calculations. It's just that their strength was relatively weak at that time, and I didn't know that they were calculated.

Han Fei is not ready to tell them in a hurry now, but just said: "In other words, since you are back, let's go to the lava giant clan first! I have an agreement with the first elder."

Jiang Linxian smiled and said, "Okay! Mother also misses them."

Just when Han Fei and the others decided to go to the lava giant clan first, there was a trial about Ximen Linglan going on in the Temple of Time.

A strong man whose body surface sometimes flows and can't see his face at all sits on a towering throne.

Below, eleven strong men with the law of time circulating on their bodies quietly looked at the young women in the field who were bound by the lock of time.

Only the strong man above the palace said, "Ximen Linglan, can you plead guilty?"

Ximen Linglan looked up at the strong man on the throne, and said neatly, "Accept."

And the latter continued: "I will give you a chance to prove your innocence, and even give you a chance to make up for your faults. As long as you can bring that person back, I will forgive you."

The corner of Ximen Linglan's mouth twitched into a faint smile: "I'd better plead guilty."

"Bold, Ximen Linglan, if you don't want your master to protect you, you can be unscrupulous."

Ximen Linglan: "I have nothing to defend. I killed Ao Wutian, I stole the Chaos Clock, and I released people. I am willing to be punished."

Although the Chaos Clock wasn't stolen by Ximen Linglan, but Ao Wutian was dead, and she didn't bother to justify it.


The popular man on the pedestal took a photo on the pedestal, and the temple masters of the temples were silent.

I just heard the man shouting: "I don't know how to repent. For a man, I gave up my bright future. I'm stupid... Since you're obsessed with it, just go and understand it well, and then come out to me when you understand it."

I only heard the man on the throne shouting: "The Temple of Time, the Seventh Hall Master, Ximen Linglan, who stole the Chaos Clock, killed the great emperor of the same door, Ao Wutian, and privately destroyed the layout of the Temple of Time for 100,000 years. For 100,000 years in the River of Eternal Darkness, I have experienced the pain of scorching bones and hearts every day, and I have realized the pain of tearing my soul and soul every day. No one can beg for mercy when the time is short."

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