God of Fishing

Chapter 2667: The starfish who was beaten to a breakthrough

Latest website: When Han Fei was a child, although he didn't see Han Guanshu, he had Tang Ge, at least it was his relatives. Later, the two souls were directly united, and it didn't matter whether they had parents or not, they could do whatever they wanted.

But Yin'er was different. Yin'er was taken by her master when she was a child. Because she only had Yang soul, she was rather stupid, and she didn't know how many people scorned and bullied her during this period.

While the master is majestic, she still hopes that her parents will love her. Moreover, girls' minds are always different from boys', so Yin'er's character is also very introverted.

Fortunately, Han Fei took Yin'er to live in the thug academy for a while, and with the help of everyone, he gradually became more cheerful.

At this moment, seeing her biological parents, she didn't know how to deal with that feeling for a while, so she could only look at Han Fei as if asking for help.

Seemingly seeing Yin'er's character, Jiang Linxian stepped in front of Han Yin'er, directly picked up Yin'er's hand, and sighed, "I'm sorry Yin'er, my mother is back..."

Yin'er looked at Han Fei in panic, while Han Fei cast an encouraging look.

"Gudu... mother..."

Jiang Linxian's voice was soft: "Hey...you may not be familiar with mother now, but now we are back. Mother and your father actually want to hear what you have been through all these years. Would you like to tell us?"

Although Han Guanshu is unparalleled in strategy, when facing his children, he still looks like an old father, especially when facing his daughter, and facing Han Fei are two different situations.

At this moment, he also had a smile on his face, standing next to Jiang Linxian, smiling but not making a sound.

However, Han Guanshu looked up at the tall building not far away, and Han Xuan's eyes just came over.

Han Guanshu only said through voice transmission: "I'll talk about it when I meet my daughter first."

After all, they were connected by blood, and because Han Fei was there, Yin'er quickly accepted Jiang Linxian and Han Guanshu. After all, Han Fei had already told Yin'er about Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian.

This time, they suddenly appeared, and among them, there must be a lot of things happening.

Under Jiang Linxian's inquiries, Yin'er also slowly confided her growth process. Later, their mother and daughter were talking, but Han Fei and Han Guanshu couldn't get in.

I just heard Han Guanshu say, "I'm going to see Han Xuan."

Jiang Linxian nodded slightly: "You guys go! I'll chat with Yin'er some private words in the boudoir."

After Han Guanshu and Han Xuan left, Jiang Linxian was also smart and not afraid to find a topic, so he recounted the reason for leaving: "Your father and I were trapped in a long river of time..."

When it was over, Jiang Linxian said, "How did your brother find you?"

When it comes to Han Fei, Han Yin'er has something to say, because of Han Fei's legendary life, in the current riots, who does not know, who does not know?

Since Han Fei unified the human race, Han Fei's previous growth experiences have been picked up. After all, Han Fei was very famous when he was in the Yin Yang Heaven. In addition, there is no lack of big mouths in the Thug Academy, so his road to the rise of the emperor has long been compiled into a book, which contains various legendary experiences.

While Jiang Linxian and Yin'er were talking, Han Fei and Han Guanshu came upstairs to pick stars.

Han Xuan looked at Han Guanshu with a complicated expression and said, "I didn't expect that I would be able to see you in my lifetime, which is quite surprising to me."

Han Guanshu smiled lightly: "Yeah! Because I gave birth to a good son."

Han Xuan glanced at Han Fei: "Why didn't you say a word when you came back, in order to fish them out, I'm afraid it's dangerous?"

Han Fei: "No surprises. Well, Uncle Xuan, why don't you talk to old Han Dan!"

Han Xuan: "Where are you going?"

Han Fei: "Go to meet some old friends, go to the royal family of the merman, in addition, please prepare for Uncle Xuan, and let the world know that I have returned. During this period, all those who have experienced abroad can come back. .It won't be long before we have to go out."


Although Han Xuan had already guessed it, he was shocked when he heard the news that he was going out. This time Dongdu is different from Dongdu 100,000 years ago. Since Han Fei said he will go out this time, it means that he is sure to gain a foothold in the outside world.

Han Xuan: "Okay! I will arrange for someone to notify, and I will also send someone to notify the undersea human race."


A line of giants.

That legend belongs to the gods. On top of the corpse that looks like a giant metal mine, a fat sea star is lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. Around him, all kinds of shiny rare treasures are sold, and there are a lot of spiritual veins. Every time he breathed, a large amount of spiritual energy poured into his body.

This guy, not a six-door starfish, who else could it be.

At the beginning, Han Fei wanted to leave the riotous sea and originally wanted to take the six-door starfish with him. But this guy is unwilling to leave, and threats are useless. In the end, Han Fei thought, this guy who is a professional drag, really wants to take him to the sea world at the beginning, maybe he can really drag his legs, after all, the strength of the six starfish at that time was not very good.

But at this moment, the aura on this guy's body has actually reached the late stage of the sea-opening realm.

A starfish who only knows how to sleep, massage, and enjoy all day long. Just relying on sleep, he has slept to this state. To be honest, Han Fei was quite surprised when he saw it.

Han Fei pondered, perhaps, it was the corpse of this giant metal mine, what is really unusual about it?

But at this moment, there is still no information about the refining demon pot.

Han Fei tried to use the method of tracing back in time to see what this giant metal beast was. However, after going back in time, only a hazy fog of time appears.

"It seems that the true origin of this giant metal beast is quite impressive. At least with my current ability, I still can't figure it out."

I saw Han Fei came to Liumen Haixing's side, carrying Liu Qiansi and knocked twice.

Liumen Haixing didn't open his eyes, just muttered: "Don't make trouble, I'm asleep."

"Bang bang~"

"Hey, who the **** is it! You can't sleep peacefully. If you want a massage, just be gentle."

"Bang bang~"

Liumen Haixing was angry: "You still slapped your nose on your face, didn't you?"

I saw his six big eyes suddenly open, and just when the six-door starfish was about to get angry, a face that was so familiar to him came into view. fear.


Liumen Haixing was no longer sleepy all of a sudden, and he shot out with a "swipe".


Just when the six-door starfish was thinking, a big empty hand grabbed his tentacles, and with just a random tug, he was pulled back forcibly.

"It hurts? No, it turned out to be true."

Liumen Haixing exclaimed: " Haixing is not lazy, Haixing is not lazy at all, Haixing is conscientious and dedicated, and he is really not lazy at all!"

"Ha ha!"


I saw the six-door starfish, like a meteor, crushing thousands of miles away with a bang, crushing deep ravines on the ground, and it was dusty for a while.

"Oh, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't fight, don't fight..."

All the giant beasts were attracted by this sudden battle. Oh no, to be precise this is not a battle, but a one-sided torture.

I only saw that the six-door starfish were flying horizontally in the air, and when everyone looked over, the six-door starfish's body had been swelled twice.


The six-door formation broke out, however, Han Fei's mind moved, and the forbidden method here dissipated instantly. Han Fei carried Liu Qiansi "bang bang bang" and knocked it down with a few hundred sticks in an instant.

Liu Qiansi shouted again and again: "I am a dignified emperor, I am not a stick! Master..."

"Master, why don't you use a stick instead?"

Han Fei ignored it, while Liumen Haixing wailed: "It hurts, don't fight, don't fight, it's not bad! Haixing didn't make a mistake!"


Seeing this, a group of giant beasts took a breath of cold air.

"Fuck, the emperor is back?"

"Honey, will you beat the six-door starfish as soon as you come back?"

"Tsk tsk, I told him a long time ago, to cultivate well, you can't just swallow and cultivate. The emperor is not beating him, but helping refining and absorbing the energy in the body."

"This looks too painful. The six-door starfish is also a powerhouse in the late stage of the Great Ocean Opening, and there is no room for him to fight back in the hands of the emperor."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? That's the human emperor, who can kill the emperor in the sea-opening realm. The six-door starfish can't even fight, and only can defend, so what's the use of that!"

"Shall we go?"

"Have you got a hole in your head? The Emperor is taking action, what are you doing running over there? Do you want to experience the feeling of being beaten like a six-door starfish?"

"That's fine."

After a while, Liumen Haixing's nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was lying on the ground dripping with blood, with tears in his six big eyes. However, he was seriously injured, but he recovered quickly, and his overall strength seemed to be skyrocketing.


The six-door starfish broke through. Yes, Han Fei was abruptly beaten to break through.

??Because yesterday's chapter upload error, I added a single chapter today, 3000 words... This was originally written for tomorrow, and I burst into tears. Then tomorrow, I can only continue to make a three-in-one... Please look forward to it, Simi up to…



(End of this chapter)

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