God of Fishing

Chapter 2669: Human Race Eastern Expedition (Part 1)

The latest website: "The last years of the flood?"

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder, how long has it been since the end of the flood? He even participated in three ominous battles, which made him a little unacceptable.

I saw Han Guanshu put one hand on Han Fei's shoulder and said: "Calculate, the entire age of the gods lasted about 30 million years. The previous 20 million years were the era of finding the way, and It was nearly ten million years ago that the concept of gods appeared. In fact, there is no difference in essence. It’s just that people in the past didn’t call it that. Because people in the past all depended on blood and talent, and they became gods by cultivation and cultivation. , but at that time, everyone would not claim to be gods. Later, those who found the way and created the Dharma created a popular way of practice, and then officially confirmed the realm of god."

Han Fei: "..."

"If you cultivate, you will become a god?"

Han Fei just thinks that this is like eating and eating and becoming a god, which is a truth. . Probably because I don't know why, anyway, I have strong blood, good talent, and good spiritual veins, so I have become a **** inexplicably. I don't know how many people can be mad at me.

Han Fei: "When there was no realm of gods before, what realm were you?"

Jiang Linxian: "Indestructible, there was no such thing as a great emperor before. Everyone called it the immortality. But immortality is not immortality, so there is a saying of immortality later. But it turns out that the only thing that can achieve immortality is now. Yes, only ominous."

Han Fei: "So your first life is the immortal realm?"

Han Fei felt that the fire of chaos burned the great wasteland, and 90% of all ethnic groups were wiped out.

Jiang Linxian: "Well! Only when you reach the immortal realm, which is the realm of the gods, can you live for so long."

Han Fei hurriedly said: "That's not right! You can live for millions of years in the Open Heaven Realm, but in the realm of the Great Emperor, it is still a problem to live for tens of millions of years? At the level of the gods, you can't live for hundreds of millions of years? Why did you live for nine generations? ?"

Jiang Linxian smiled lightly: "Because my parents are trying to take some different paths! Facts have proved that the realm of the gods can fight the ominous, but it cannot destroy the ominous, and there is a risk of falling. The immortal realm and the gods, in fact, After different paths, after we reach the limit in each life, we find that we still can’t deal with the ominous, so naturally we have to go for another life.”

Han Guanshu smiled and said, "Otherwise, it will be given away in vain, it is better to keep reincarnating."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei only felt that his scalp was numb, these two are ruthless! Reconstructing the ninth world and becoming a **** all the time, this made him doubt the infinite yearning for the gods.

Han Fei: "Then you have been reincarnated, have you found a way?"

Han Guanshu sighed: "I can't say that I found it or not, I can only say that this life is a little different. Your mother and I are trying, so I can't tell you, you have your way to go. As you said , you are dual veins, and there is not one among the trillions of beings, so your path is also worth looking forward to."

Han Fei suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "I heard that the way of the gods in this era has been broken, and the gods that still exist have survived from the age of the gods. So, can you become gods again in this life? "

I just heard Jiang Linxian say with a smile: "Fei'er, you can try not to regard the gods as an ultimate pursuit. The gods are just a title. Some people become gods, some people's souls are immortal, some people are immortal, and some people are ancestors. The so-called realm of gods and spirits is just a hurdle. There are many ways to go to this hurdle. It is not even necessary to cross this hurdle. It is not impossible for me to traverse another. After crossing, it is God, there is no so-called broken road. What is broken is only the hope in people's hearts."

What was broken was the hope in his heart. Han Fei remembered this sentence. Although he didn't understand it very well now, he remembered it, and it was absolutely right.

"Eternal life robbery?"

Han Fei thought that it should be the so-called God Realm, but everyone's name is different.

Han Fei made up his mind, Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian had their own way and had their own ideas.

But Han Fei still felt a little puzzled: "Since you know that it was a game, why not break it? It makes no sense to wait for today's scene, because without you entering the game, there would be no me going back in time to kill me. ."

Han Guanshu smiled and said: "Son, you think too highly of me and your mother. Even if we were gods in previous lives, it does not mean that we are strong now! We are rebuilding, the realm of strength is like this, no matter how strong we are, we are not like others. Is not your opponent?"

Han Fei didn't believe it, and he didn't believe it in his heart. Maybe they set up this doll game.

Han Fei: "Then I'm going to lead the human race out of the riotous sea now, what do you think?"

Jiang Linxian smiled and said: "Very good! The ancestral land is the ancestral land after all, not to mention that the ancestral land of the human race has not recovered since the last ominous battle. Besides, people always have to go out and see how big this world is. , look at the splendor of Wanzu. Fei'er, my mother is not giving you advice, but your father has actually walked the road to the emperor. Maybe you came out and you are different from your father, but this may be a reference. "

Han Fei couldn't help but turn his head to look at Lao Han, and was immediately speechless. Is Lao Han still walking this road? Looking at Lao Hanhe's gentle and soothing appearance, does it look like the temperament of a human emperor? Could it be that after reincarnation, he took some kind of laughing line?

Han Guanshu showed a smile that was neither light nor light, as elegant as an older scholar. But I heard him say: "Dad also gives you a suggestion. Anyway, you have to take everyone away from the riotous sea. This world doesn't need to nourish anyone for the time being, so this is enough to prove the Dao once."

Chu Hao also told himself this, and Han Fei originally thought that he had a starting place to prove the Dao. But no matter what initial land you have, is it better than the ancestral land of the human race?

Therefore, Han Fei made a judgment almost immediately.

Han Guanshu: "Son, what else do you want to ask?"


In fact, Han Fei only doubted the identities of Lao Han and Jiang Linxian at first. If these two lied to him, they could be deceived, but they chose to tell them honestly. It's just that Han Fei didn't feel the joy of hugging his thighs at all, because even a strong man of the level of his father and mother had to constantly rebuild and find his way, which made him feel an inexplicable sense of depression.

You know, as a god, but choosing to rebuild, how much courage is this? The key is that they have not rebuilt it once, but rebuilt it eight times.

Han Fei admitted that if he were replaced by himself, he would be crazy, right?

Han Fei paused: "Then do you want to participate in the human race expedition?"

Jiang Linxian reached out and rubbed Han Fei's head: "Of course! We're not gods now, so we can't really play a big role. Besides, since we're all back, how can we miss your Taoism battle."

Han Fei nodded and said, "Go back! I'm thinking about this, so I won't tell Yin'er for the time being."

Jiang Linxian nodded slightly. In fact, what they told Han Fei only added a burden to Han Fei. Because the ominous will come, there will be no eggs under the nest, and it is useless and meaningless to tell people who are not strong enough.

The reason why they told Han Fei was that because of Han Fei's potential and his growth rate, he had the right to listen. But at the same time, he will shoulder the hope of the human race.

half a month later.

Those who should come back have already returned from various places. If you don't have enough strength, you can't go very far.

Moreover, this time, the seabed human race, the merman royal family, and the human race returned in large numbers, with great momentum, unless someone ran to an extremely distant place.

But even so, the problem is not big. Even if some people fail to catch up with this wave, once the chaotic wasteland is opened up, people who riot in the sea will have the opportunity to enter the sea world.

On this day, the sun was high, the sea breeze was soothing, and the clouds and mists in the sky were thin. Above the nine heavens, the strong men walked in the sky, came from the sky, and stood on the major islands of the original thirty-six Xuantian. In the earth on earth, after the merger of the Thirty-Six Profound Heavens, the islands were chained together, so countless people saw that a large number of strong men descended from the sky.

No need for anyone to say anything, everyone spontaneously walked out of the house and looked up at the sky.


Between the heavens and the earth, there is a mighty profound sound, and the ripples spread to a million miles away.

Countless teenagers exclaimed: "Is it really the emperor? Is the emperor coming out?"

A teenager asked his parents: "Dad, what does the emperor look like? Is it really the same as the statue?"

The father was full of sighs: "That must be more powerful than a statue! The emperor is in this world, and the emperor is mighty and mighty, like a **** in the world."

There are Venerable All Heavens, full of anticipation, they just received the notification, they only heard that this time Dongdu will go to a whole new world.

Thug Academy.

Qu Jinnan and Lingyuan led Yi Xiyan, Su Daji and the others, as well as the hundreds of disciples who had entered the thug academy, and stood at the gate of the thug academy, waiting for the moment Xuan Yin sounded.

Yi Xiyan: "I haven't seen my husband for a long time, and I don't know if my husband has returned with the senior brother."

Qu Jinnan: "There shouldn't be, but most of them should be able to see them when they go out this time."

A latecomer from the Thug Academy said, "Senior brother Qu, is the big brother strict?"

"Senior Sister Lingyuan, do you think Senior Brother will give us a greeting?"

"Senior Brother Three Thousand, I heard that Senior Brother appointed you to the thug academy, isn't he very good at talking?"

"Mr. Xiao Zhan, I heard that the five of them were not your opponents when they joined forces. Is this true?"


However, Lingyuan let out a low voice: "Senior brother is no longer just a senior brother of my thug academy, he is also the emperor of the entire human race. This eastward crossing is by no means an easy matter, and now you are not so happy to ask questions. When asking questions."

Anyone who knows, knows the dangers of this trip. Those who do not know are full of expectations and longing.


All of a sudden, I could only see hundreds of places above the sky, and suddenly there was a golden light. In that dazzling light, there was a human figure, hundreds of feet high, stepping on the tide of spiritual energy, like the sea rolling back and flying in the sky.

At that moment, everyone held their breath and watched the scene quietly, but they saw more of a blurry shadow of a strong man. Their eyes couldn't penetrate the bright light and remember Han Fei's appearance. Only a majestic voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"I am the human emperor Han Fei. Six hundred years ago, I went to the east to find the great world... Now that I am back, I will tell all the people in the rioting sea, the sea-bottom people, the merpeople, about the world outside the rioting canghai, Regarding the fate of my human race. Second, I want to bring riots to the sea, hundreds of millions of people, into the outside world, and fight for a glorious world..."




Even in the past, what most people can hear is only the legend of Han Fei, but they have never seen it with their own eyes. They all knew that Han Fei took a group of strong people to the east, but they didn't know where they went or what they met.

Now, Han Fei said it himself, and the words aroused their fascination with the outside world.

Han Fei's voice was majestic: "One hundred thousand years ago, the era of the end of the law came. The former human emperor Gu Tingnan, with all the powerful human races at that time, traveled eastward, broke the shackles of the riotous sea, and entered a place called the sea world. The vastness of the world is like the distance of the galaxy; the number of races is like the denseness of the stars; the abundance of spiritual energy is several times or even dozens of times that of the turbulent sea; the abundance of resources is like the grains of sand in the sea. Inexhaustible…”

In just a few words, everyone's thoughts were taken away. After everyone heard it, they naturally looked forward to Han Fei even more.

But Han Fei's voice changed: "However, the sea world is dangerous. There are strong people everywhere, and the number of venerable people is like a school of fish in the ocean. A grand event can gather ten million kings, one million kings..."


In a corner of the Yin Yangtian Island, the old opponents of Han Fei in the past, Yang Deyu, Yang Nanxi, Mo Feiyan, Cao Qiu, Cao Jiaren, and others, all sighed.

In particular, Cao Qiu, whose strength grew rapidly, became the leader of their generation in the middle of the sea-opening realm. Unfortunately, listening to Han Fei's talk now, he suddenly felt like a waste.

Also, Yang Nanxi, who was fooled by Han Fei at the time and said that he would definitely become a king, would indeed open up the sea, and he was thinking in his heart that one day in the future, he would fight Han Fei again. But now that Han Fei said that, the whole person is a little confused. At any event, there will be thousands of kings? Is this person real?

The disciples in the thug academy also fry.

Someone exclaimed: "This, can it be so exaggerated?"

"Isn't Senior Brother alarmist?"

"To shut up."

Someone shouted: "You know the shit, the big brother will only have reservations, and will never be alarmist. He said that if there are tens of thousands of kings, then there must be tens of thousands of kings. The king is like this, and the emperor is also the same, otherwise, how can it be called The Great World?"

Qu Jinnan also frowned and said: "I don't want to hear anyone criticize the senior brother again. However, don't think too low of yourself. Although we have never been to the sea world, we are the leaders of the riots in the sea. resources, under the same environment, we will only grow faster and more rapidly. We are not strong enough now, just because we are not in the sea world..."

Su Daji waved the giant hammer: "That is, if you dare to talk nonsense again, hammer you!"

Han Fei is still talking about the sea world, after describing the situation of the sea world powerhouse. Han Feidao: "As I said, the sea world is also extremely dangerous. One hundred thousand years ago, Gu Tingnan and countless powerful people from the human race crossed eastward. As a result, they were discovered by the local forces in the sea world, and almost all human races were suppressed, except for Gu Tingnan. No one is spared, such as a handful of peerless people... This enemy is called the Wanlin Clan. In the Wanlin Clan, there are hundreds of thousands of kings, many emperors, and the same is true of emperors... They have enslaved hundreds of millions of people for 100,000 years, and they have enslaved the human race. Treated like livestock, they squeezed our human race to grab resources for them, and to this day, these human races in the past, and their descendants, are still caught in this dire situation..."


"Fish shit."

Countless people were filled with righteous indignation, and some people yelled: "This fish **** Wanlin clan, ah ah ah, anger me too."

"A turtle son, enslaving my human race, they are so bold."

"Te mother's, fight with them."

Someone rolled his eyes: "You fight! In the past, the emperors were all broken. If you fight, what are you fighting for? Haven't you heard, they even have emperors, and there are many more."

"Hey! Emperor Zun, isn't this a powerhouse that only exists in legends?"

"Damn it! Then how can we fight? Then aren't we courting death when we go out?"

"What are you panicking about, wait for Lord Human Sovereign to finish speaking."

Han Fei's voice continued: "Everyone, although the enemy is strong, I will fight. They are strong, but I am not weak. Today, the emperor is here to announce to the world, I want to tell you, tell the seabed people, and tell the merman royal family. I'm here to take you out. I want to take you to kill the king, destroy the emperor, and behead the emperor... My human race is an ancient great clan, which has survived hundreds of millions of years. My human race is indomitable, united and invincible. I, the human race, have no fear, gods block gods, demons block demons. Since I dare to take you away, I can win this fight. I will let you witness the demise of the Wanlin clan with your own eyes, and I want you to know, All races in the world, only my human race is invincible, I want you to see the talent of my human race and the potential of my human race... I want, the rise of the human race, to reproduce the ancient prosperity, I want, everyone is like a dragon..."



For a time, the entire human world, and even these people who came down from the heavens, were intuitive and emotional, and they couldn't help themselves.

"Human Sovereign is invincible, kills the Ten Thousand Scales Clan."

"My human race is invincible, and my human race is invincible."

"I believe Lord Human Sovereign, whoever can enslave my human race, whoever he is, must die."

"I know that the emperor is invincible, long live the emperor."

"Kill it! Kill it! It's okay to die..."


In the past, where Tianshui Village was located, several deserted tombs were placed in the former plantation. On the tombstones, there were the old village chief, He Mingtang, and Han Fei's teacher Wang Jie.

Their cultivation aptitude is limited. Although they came to the riotous sea, they delayed too much time and could no longer be stronger. Hundreds of years have passed, leaving only a piece of wasteland.

In front of this barren tomb, He Xiaoyu sat in front of the tombstones of He Mingtang and his mother, carrying the dazzling light in the far sky and the figure who could no longer look directly, and said lightly: "Father, mother, village chief, Teacher... Did you hear? I'm leaving, and I don't know if I'll come back to Tianshui Village in my life. Maybe, this is the loneliness of practice! Don't worry, I don't have any illusions anymore. Now In this world, I don't care anymore, I should, I will become a strong..."

At that moment, the whole world was boiling, and the shouts shook the sky. In this world, killing intent is monstrous.

Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian stood in the void, only listening to Jiang Linxian giggling: "Shushu, you were not as majestic as Fei'er back then."

Han Guanshu touched his nose and said, "No?"

Jiang Linxian pinched her little finger and said, "It's a little bit."

Han Guanshu: "Haha."

The merman royal family, Xia Hongzhu and Chunhuangdian watched this scene quietly. Only Xia Hongzhu said: "If the human race is prosperous in this battle, the sea world will definitely have a place for the human race."

Under the sea human race, someone weakly said: "Then are we a human race?"

Someone immediately responded: "Nonsense, that's for sure! Although we look a little ugly, you can't say that we are not a human race! Otherwise, the emperor can take us with you?"

Someone echoed: "That is, come, shout with me, the emperor is mighty..."

Han Fei: "Now, please pack up your belongings, gather in the center of each island, and when the emperor arrives, I will bring them into my origin world. I said that I want you to witness with your own eyes The demise of the scale clan will witness the rise of my human clan, and I will never break my promise..."


"Let's go! Assemble, hurry up and assemble!"

Some people rushed to the center of the island as if they were crazy, joking, the emperor wanted to take them out in person, and this could not be slow.

At this moment, the powerhouses of all parties spontaneously began to organize. Someone was dredging the crowd, shouting: "Don't be in a hurry, don't panic. Everyone will go, so don't be in a hurry."

While running, someone asked: "By the way, what is the origin world that the emperor said?"

Someone responded: "Whatever he is, it will be over. Lord Human Sovereign is our Sovereign, how can he still cheat us?"

Someone said: "I know, I heard that when a king opens up the sea, he opens up a piece of the ocean world that belongs to him. To open the sky is to open up another day, so this should be a world that belongs to the emperor alone."

Of course, not everyone is so crazy. Those who bring their families and family are not so crazy, at least they will run with their families to prevent loss. As for the slightly older families, they gathered a group of disciples and set off in an orderly manner.

Maybe a few people will doubt Han Fei, but they are also persuaded by this unprecedented grand occasion. The heart said that so many people go out together, even if there is a problem at that time, it will be a problem with everyone.

But most people have absolute trust in Han Fei. After all, Han Fei's image in their minds has been deified. Unifying the Thirty-Six Xuantians, destroying the sea monsters, subduing the sea-bottom human race, peacefully diplomatically engaging with the merman royal family, and creating today's prosperous world on earth, these are all from Han Fei's handwriting.

For the next six hundred years, various legends about Han Fei have been circulated among the people, and it can be said that no one knows it, and no one knows it. If you want to ask who the younger generation of the human race admires the most, it is definitely the emperor. This is the position of the emperor, the status and significance in people's hearts.

Han Fei only felt that his willingness to accelerate soared. He even doubted if he could directly preach the dharma if he only relied on the willingness to contain it now.

The blessing of a race's willpower is terrifying. This made Han Fei full of confidence in proving the Dao.

Originally, Killing My Tribulation has disappeared, and he is equivalent to having eight Heavenly Tribulations. Now, he has had too much willpower in his body. To put it bluntly, Han Fei thinks that no matter how dangerous the catastrophe is, he can resist several times with his willpower alone.

"Old Han, you have walked on the road of the emperor, but you know what these vows can be used for in the end?"

Han Guanshu said gently in the air: "When these willpowers reach a certain level, they will turn into the power of the race, and finally into the way of man. Of course, this is the situation when I came out. You may not be the same as me. , but the same destination. You are a human emperor, and you can take them with you when you prove the Dao, and then you will naturally understand the use of these powers."

Han Guanshu said it, but he didn't fully analyze it for Han Fei, because it was meaningless. Han Fei could understand this kind of thing soon anyway, so he didn't explain it thoroughly, otherwise it would be better for Han Fei.

Put away the Void Descending Technique, UU read www.uukanshu. After half a day of com, Han Fei was the first to fall in the yin and yang sky. He glanced at it and saw a lot of acquaintances, but he just nodded.

When the phantom of the world of natal stars appeared, everyone was taken in where it shrouded. Han Fei's natal star is very large, and it can be transformed into stars for 810,000 miles. How much space can one person occupy? Even if the thirty-six Xuantians add up to a population of one trillion, it would still be acceptable, and it would be more than enough.

Different from Gu Tingnan at the time, Gu Tingnan was still thinking about building an ark and taking everyone out. Otherwise, if he included everyone in his natal star, the result might be much better.

Of course, Gu Tingnan also thought about not putting people into the stars of his life. He is the pillar of the human race. Once he is put into the stars of his own life, if he is finished, then these people will never come out again.

It was also out of this consideration that Gu Tingnan didn't actually take many people away. Probably only hundreds of millions.

But Han Fei was different. He brought everyone along. In terms of numbers, Gu Tingnan and Han Fei couldn't compare at all.

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