God of Fishing

Chapter 2687: The Realm of Enlightenment and Many Secrets (2 in 1)

Han Fei's last knife shocked everyone. So far, it's not that no one of them has ever fought against Heavenly Tribulation. However, it is unheard of to slash into the end of the calamity with one knife.

"The trump card must be the trump card. You see, the vision of heaven and earth that is cut out by that knife is not comparable to ordinary magic weapons and great arts. That knife is absolutely incredible!"

"Oh! It's as if you can understand it, but if you understand it, you can still be here?"

"Don't talk about these things. Now that Lord Human Sovereign has broken eight heavenly tribulations in a row, there should be the last one, and that is the top priority."

"Yes, it's not the time for us to cheer and rejoice, it's the last catastrophe, and the emperor will definitely be able to do it."

So, at this moment, everyone in the human race is waiting. Han Fei, on the other hand, stood proudly in the void, feeling the Dao pattern in his body. At this moment, the Dao in his body was rapidly changing.

Moreover, the star core in the natal star also began to tremble, the star core began to be compressed rapidly, and the rhythm of the avenue turned into a wisp of law, and began to blend again.

Therefore, everyone waited for dozens of breaths, and when the robbery clouds began to dissipate, they did not wait for the ninth heavenly tribulation.

At this moment, Han Fei was full of golden light. As the robbery cloud dissipated, Han Fei's dissipated flesh and blood had returned, and he had recovered at this moment.

In his mind, Han Fei is understanding these laws, such as the space road, Han Fei can feel the hidden space pattern between heaven and earth, almost everywhere. And these Dao patterns are classified.

For example, Han Fei felt the killing power of the void, felt the void pattern of the void, felt the unstable pattern of the void, etc... For example, the killing pattern was born on the basis of the cutting power of the void. Yes, when combined with speed, this power can be created. For example, the pattern of nothingness, because the void is void, this pattern seems to be able to connect a realm of nothingness, realize ultra-long-distance jumps in space, and even ignore the void to achieve non-directional space movement, Han Fei can even feel that he can Entering the virtual world, it is a special world that belongs to the space avenue. Another example is the unstable dao pattern of the void. These dao patterns are inherently unstable, but those who are interested can use this pattern to create a void killing world, a void vortex, a chaotic void, and even create the connection point of the endless void at will...

Such things, because Han Fei's path is too complicated, so he has realized too many things. There are so many avenues, which means to comprehend the laws that are several times more than them.

And the process of Han Fei's understanding of the law is also the process of his body adapting to the strength of the Taoist realm.

The meridians are opened up, the gods are unblocked, the blood vessels are improved, the strength of the flesh and bones are all changing.

It was not until a few hours passed that Han Fei took the initiative to return from the understanding of the law. In fact, he was able to regain his senses after just breaking through, but there were no enemies here anyway, so he simply hid in the sky and stood for a while, and it was the same with a little more willpower.

After coming back to his senses, Han Fei immediately looked at his message, but saw the message:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 111 (sermon)

Genealogy of Canghai: 29142

Fairy Spirit: 170,000

Soul: 242 yuan

Power: 242 Star Power

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish [Level 109]

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Que [Level 109]

Majoring in Gongfa: Gods and Demons Wuxiang Gong

When seeing this information, Han Fei said that it was unexpected, and that it was not unexpected.

Canghai Wan's genealogy directly entered the 30,000, which was quite beyond his expectations. Before his bloodline had not completed the swallowing, but now because of the tribulation, it seems to have completed the process of speeding up the swallowing.

Moreover, after the influence of the emperor's robbery, his bloodline has also been greatly improved.

However, he didn't expect to jump from more than 120,000 to 90,000 all of a sudden.

Fairy spirit 17 is normal, hundreds of millions of people are among the stars of their own destiny, and it is not bad to have 170,000 if people eat horses.

But Han Fei doesn't care about this now, the spirit of the fairy can be shaped by himself now.

The data of perception has completely disappeared, and Han Fei still doesn't know why. He needs to test it later.

And the soul and strength have reached 242 yuan and the power of stars. Han Fei didn't feel too surprised about this. Because when the Dao Lock has not been opened, he is equivalent to the power of the soul and the power of the stars of 60 yuan. Open the five road locks, directly reaching the nearly 100 mark.

Although saying the lock level is equivalent to using a bit of the power of the Taoist realm in advance, the power that increases after opening the Taoist lock is not his truest power.

Therefore, Han Fei's comprehensive strength has almost quadrupled.

Of course, now that I have just proving the Dao, there will be a consolidation period after the Proving Dao, and I should be able to greatly improve my strength. Isn't Feng Wu equivalent to five times the comprehensive strength after proving the Tao! Han Fei thought that he should have five times as much.

However, one can't eat a fat man in one breath, and being able to prove the Dao is already a great breakthrough. This means that he has opened the way to God. If there is a next calamity, it will be a divine calamity.

Han Fei looked at his bloodline again, but saw information emerge:

Canghai Wanzu: 29621397

Master: 29142

Nearby bloodline: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Spirit Fish, Emperor Sparrow

Recommended bloodline: none


After seeing this information, Han Fei didn't know whether to be surprised or distressed. He originally thought that no matter how high the bloodline level of Xiao Hei Xiaobai or Emperor Sparrow was, he wouldn't be able to swallow it even if he entered the ranks of tens of thousands, right?

Looking at it now, his bloodline ranks among the top 30,000 of the entire Canghai Ten Thousand Clan Gang, and that's all, he is not qualified to devour the bloodline of Emperor Sparrow and Little Black and Little White.

However, Han Fei was only slightly disappointed, but after thinking about it, he felt that he should be thankful that he was, which meant that the true bloodline level of the younger Bai might be so high that he could not imagine it.

As for the lack of blood to swallow, Han Fei felt that this was not a big problem at present. The bloodline level has risen to this point, which is actually very high. If you want to find a bloodline that can be swallowed, it is actually very difficult.

Since you can meet and ask for it, you don't have to ask for it.

Immediately, Han Fei felt the power of the Taoist realm. In addition to the transformation of the power of the Dao into the law, Han Fei can now easily feel the power of the law from this void.

Of course, limited to the part of his own cultivation, there are still many unknown laws, which are areas he is not familiar with.

In other words, in fact, the so-called laws have always existed between heaven and earth. It is just a form of existence, integrated with heaven and earth, without proving the Tao, you cannot feel their existence at all.


Han Fei finally moved, and his face was reflected on the sky in the Star City of Life. It's just that the hundreds of millions of people in the human race are already in the carnival at this moment, and they have been carnival for a long time.

After all, the robbery is gone, how could there be a calamity?

Without the Heavenly Tribulation, Han Fei didn't die again, which means that Han Fei must have proven the Dao Emperor!

Some people speculated: "I thought that there must be this last robbery, such as the robbery of the heart. Otherwise, what did the emperor stand for a long time in the void?"

Some people wondered: "That's not right! Heavenly Demon Tribulation, Heart Demon Tribulation, it can't be invisible, right? When the sea is king, isn't there also Heart Demon Tribulation, and it doesn't reduce a Heavenly Tribulation!"

Someone sneered: "This is the emperor's robbery, do you think it is the same as you? The emperor's robbery is terrible, you don't understand at all, so don't make assumptions. There are eight emperors' robbery, then there are naturally eight reasons. Moreover, we don't know whether it is the eight ways or not."

And Han Fei originally wanted to speak, but when he just returned to the star of life, he looked in the direction of the demon refining pot, and saw the sixth divine pill above the vine, and he didn't know when it had grown. It came out, and the color was cyan and red, it was actually five mature.

"This, because of Taoism? So the sixth divine elixir began to grow? Don't you need the seventh vine to return, and the sixth divine elixir can grow?"

Han Fei was overjoyed, and when everything was settled, he had to study the sixth divine pill by himself.

Han Fei came back to his senses, his voice sounded in the sky, and he only heard him say: "My fellow human beings, you should have seen it, this emperor tried his best to live up to everyone's expectations, and successfully passed the nine emperors' tribulation. My emperor's tribulation may be different from yours in the future, you haven't seen my ninth heavenly tribulation, it doesn't mean you can't see other people's ninth robbery, this matter varies from person to person."


"Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign..."

Someone shouted and said: "I'll say it! There are nine heavenly tribulations in total, but there is one we can't see at all."

Someone sighed: "It's really unimaginable, what kind of robbery is the ninth level."

"No matter what it is, now, my human race has an emperor, haha..."

But before everyone could celebrate again, he heard Han Fei say: "My fellow human beings, now is not the time for us to be happy. We still have a lot of things to do, and the human race is about to rise. Right now, the chaotic wasteland, scavengers Although the Wanlin clan of the city were all wiped out, there is another clan here, called the Tianchan clan, living in the chaotic wasteland, the primitive city. Now, the Emperor Zun of this primitive city has been taken over by this emperor. Try to ambush. But the war below Kaitian requires you to fight to complete... If you ask me why I killed Primitive City, I will tell you, because they also want to enslave my human race. In that case, that is the enemy , is the enemy, it should be obliterated..."

"Kill, kill, kill~"

"Kill through the primitive city."

"Brothers, this time we must fight for it and kill him."

"Everyone, there are treasures everywhere in the giant city. Don't blame me for not reminding you in advance that this battle of massacres is our chance."


All of a sudden, people were full of confidence in this battle.

The main reason is that they have too much confidence in Han Fei now. Han Fei has created an invincible image in their hearts. This is the power of example.

Before leaving the Chaos Canghai, the avenues here no longer restricted him, so Han Fei went to the origin of the world of the Chaos Canghai.

At this moment, the source lake of the world here is only one mile across. I never thought of proving the Dao once, and almost exhausted the origin of the world in the ancestral land. And Han Fei didn't move the more than a thousand World Origin Fruits. Perhaps, they will slowly give birth to more World Origins!

Out of the riotous Xinghai, Han Fei deliberately used his pure speed limit. In this run, Han Fei found that his speed had reached nearly a hundred times the speed of light.

To be precise, it is currently 92 times, which makes him a little embarrassed. Fortunately, the speed of the Taoist realm he encountered is not very fast, otherwise he would be really difficult to beat.

This is his pure speed. If he is blessed with the laws of space, the speed can break 100.

Han Fei did not use the teleportation array to go back to the city of scavengers, but stepped into the void and drilled into the void, which was realized from the laws of space.

After directional testing for a distance, Han Fei discovered that in the virtual world, he realized the infinite jump of the space avenue, and the maximum speed could reach more than 300 times the speed of light, which was directly three times faster than his normal speed.

This test made Han Fei dumbfounded. He couldn't help but wonder if the Void Temple knew about the existence of the Void Realm? Is this a place where anyone who understands the laws of space can enter?

You must know that in the virtual world, in addition to being able to achieve faster speeds, you can also look to the outside world through nothingness. I just don't know if it will be easily discovered by others, these still need to be tried.

Of course, after a few hours of testing, Han Fei returned to the city of scavengers in the form of a teleportation array.

Although his speed in the virtual realm can be very fast, ten times that of the open heaven realm. But even so, it takes half a day to go from the riots to the city of scavengers.

After all, proving the Way is not leisure, let alone longevity. Back then in the Chaos Wasteland, he was chased by the free-spirited realm powerhouses, and his limit speed would be easily overtaken.

Han Fei estimated that the speed of the Happy Realm, a hundred times the speed of light, should be normal, and the Long Life Realm himself had arrived with the Azure Dragon Defying Sky Scale. Although he could not understand the speed of the road at that time, his speed could be faster at that time. To more than 300 times the speed of light, so in theory, there is a big gap between the strength and speed between the long-lived realm and the free and happy realm.

As for the Great Emperor Realm, it goes without saying that Emperor Dongwu crossed the wilderness to reach the chaotic wasteland. He didn't know how long it would take, because he didn't know when Emperor Dongwu came, but no matter how long it took him, he and the scavenger would It only took a few days before and after the war in the City of Zhan, and the Chaos Wasteland was at the farthest edge of the East China Sea, separated by a distance of eight light years. Han Fei didn’t know how fast he could be in such a short period of time. across the wilderness.

Therefore, even though Han Fei's speed can now reach nearly 100 times the speed of light, he is not arrogant. He knows that he is not enough.

The city of scavengers.

Gu Tingnan, with the army of the city of the homeless, has wiped out the remaining forces in the city of the scavengers.

This time, the war of races ended with the great victory of the human race. However, the Wanlin Clan is not completely wiped out. There are a small number of Wanlin Clan who have escaped. Although they are unable to escape from the Chaos Wasteland, they must still be hunted down.

Moreover, on the way to the mysterious cultivation place in the chaotic wasteland, there are still a large number of experts in the open sky. Han Fei and Gu Tingnan don't know about that place, but since the fifth senior brother is here, that place naturally needs to be swept up. of.

The rest is the original city. Although the emperor-level powerhouses in the primitive city have all fallen, there are still many Open Heaven Realm troops, and their number may be more than the Open Heaven Realm army of the Wanlin Clan. The power of the human race and the city of wanderers alone will definitely not be able to beat.

Therefore, in this battle, Han Fei, Gu Tingnan and the puppet army are still needed.

As for the Open Heaven Realm, it would be a long and protracted war. Although Han Fei can take action to destroy it, it is not necessary. The human race has just come to the Chaos Wasteland and needs to adapt to this environment.

If nothing else, in the next ten years, the rioters will usher in an unprecedented breakthrough frenzy.

At this moment, Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian are chatting with the fifth senior brother. This scene is a bit weird, making Han Fei think they know each other?

Seeing Han Fei's return, Jiang Linxian hurriedly greeted him, "Fei'er, my mother knows that you can successfully survive the calamity. How do you feel now?"

Han Fei: "The biggest feeling is that the power of laws is just another form of power inherent in heaven and earth. It has already existed and will not be annihilated. The significance of proving the Tao is to be more intimate with the power of these laws, and to be more To adapt to them well, to borrow them, instead of completely mastering them. If I can't guess, the level corresponding to the free realm should be the power of mastering the law."

Jiang Linxian smiled slightly: "Yeah! In the early days of proving the Dao, the understanding of the law is limited, and there is also a limit to borrowing their power. When you are in the free and happy realm, you can form your own law source, and then you can use it as a basis to continuously extract. The power of the law in heaven and earth can be used for one's own use. From proving the Tao to being free, some people can achieve it in a short time, and some people need a long time, which needs to be realized by yourself."

Han Fei nodded: "By the way, mother, why did you chat with my fifth senior brother?"

While speaking, Han Fei was still staring at the fifth senior brother, who didn't seem guilty at all, the old **** was there, and he smiled.

Jiang Linxian: "It's just a simple chat. Fei'er, now that you have proven the Dao, the human race will be completely handed over to you. Mother and your father, returning to this world, there are some things to do, maybe... leave for a while. It's time."


Han Fei had a strange feeling: "Don't you have something to hide from me? No, you must have a lot of things to hide from me. It's just that we just met, and Yin'er is not familiar with you yet, so you are leaving?"

Just listening to Han Guanshu said: "There is no feast in the world, son, you have your way to go, and we naturally have ours to go. When the human race first arrived in the sea world, it will usher in a grand breakthrough frenzy. Tu, you need to stay at least for decades or even hundreds of years. And your mother and I, we have been looking for a different road, and the ominous is coming, we must also embark on our journey. "

Han Fei's heart moved: "Ominous is coming?"

I just heard the fifth senior brother Yoyou said: "I, these 100,000 years have been ominous indeed. A conservative estimate is that the fastest 30,000 years and the slowest 100,000 years, a new ominous battle may come again. However, the current Haijie is not ready to deal with the ominous, this time seems to be very long, but in fact it is very fast."

"Thirty thousand years?"

This time is of course a long time for Han Fei, but seeing that the Demon God has waited for 1.8 million years if he disagrees, so compared to those strong people, maybe 30,000 years is really enough.

Jiang Linxian said: "Fei'er, your path is better than your father's, and we have nothing to guide you. As for Yin'er, go with us! Yin'er's talent is not as good as yours, so my mother only It is also impossible to try to make her follow the old path of the ancient human race."

Han Fei nodded slightly, and he could see that the demon pot was on his body, and Lao Han had a far-reaching layout. Everything was to open the way for himself, indicating that Lao Han and his wife were actually betting on him. Being the same mother and twin, Yin'er's experience is not as legendary as her own, and no one has paved the way for her.

Han Fei saw the strength of the ancient people with his own eyes. To be honest, if she could go back to the road of the ancient people, Yin'er might not be able to create a path of her own, but it is possible for her to become a god. .

After all, both parents are gods, just such a girl, with me now, can I make her a god? Even if he is not a **** for the time being, the throne of the great emperor is properly gone.

Therefore, it is definitely better for Yin'er to follow Lao Han and Jiang Linxian than to follow her. After all, what I can give her is limited, and I don't have time to take care of Yin'er most of the time.

Han Fei said: "Yin'er can go with you, but I still have a few questions to ask before you leave... That, Fifth Senior Brother..."

"Ah! Senior brother, I'm going for a walk. The little bamboo pole you found is interesting. It's weak, but there is still room for adjustment. Senior brother will teach you."

"Little bamboo pole?"

The fifth senior should be talking about Liu Qiansi, this guy is an emperor who has never seen the world, but if the fifth senior is trained, I really don’t know what will happen, but I heard Han Fei grin and say: “Then Excuse me, Fifth Senior Brother."

When the fifth senior brother left, Han Fei asked directly: "The first question, the strong man of the ancient people said that my bloodline was drawn away, isn't it because of improving my spiritual bloodline?"

Jiang Linxian said softly: "Fei'er, I hope you don't blame your mother for this matter. Your bloodline level is indeed very high, and it may even be possible to return to the ancestors. However, after nine generations, we have deeply realized one thing. It's useless to have an ancient bloodline. Maybe you can become a god, but your path may stop there. Therefore, the purpose of drawing away your bloodline is to let you walk out of a brand new bloodline, one that is different from the ancient bloodline. The new pulse. This road is difficult to walk, and the road ahead is unknown, but because of the unknown, it may be the biggest variable.”

When Jiang Linxian said this, Han Fei understood that they wanted to create a new pulse for themselves by refining the demon pot. With the demon pot, even if your bloodline is very poor at the beginning, it is not a problem. All this seems to be in their calculations!

Han Fei nodded slightly: "So, it's not a coincidence that Chu Hao appeared in the riotous sea with the refining demon pot. Was it already calculated?"

Han Guanshu had a faint smile on his face: "That's it."

Han Fei didn't bother about this issue. With the skills of Lao Han and his wife, they couldn't eat Chu Hao to death?

Han Fei asked again: "What about the specific usage of wishing power? In fact, when I was transcending the calamity, I knew that as long as the wishing power was released, I could easily cross the calamity. Since even the emperor's robbery does not use this wishing power, I should use What is it for?"

Han Guanshu said with a smile: "Son, the wish to power this thing is a collection of the wishes of the human race. After all, when this vision has accumulated to a certain extent, it contains thousands of things, and it has been attributed to a kind of human power, the way of the human race. It is simple to use the power of the human world to fight against the emperor's robbery, but it is not necessary. You can try, integrate the power of the human world into the stars of your destiny, and create the way of heaven on the stars of your destiny."

"The way of heaven?"

Han Guanshu: "The way of heaven that belongs to the human race alone. It is similar to the ancestral land of the human race and protects the growth of the human race. Those who use this way of heaven can try to create the world in the true sense."

"Wait, I'm a little confused... Creation? Isn't it enough to open up the sea?"

"It's not the same, that is the creation of the sea? It's an imitation, it's just a surface, oh no, you can't even imitate the surface. After the transformation of the star, although you can shape the earth's veins, you only need to try to create the world. He can't create anything except farming. You should have seen other people's natal stars, right? Has anyone tried to create a whole new race? Even if there are, they are mostly deformed and inferior beings."

Han Fei Xin said that it was true, he had indeed seen this kind of deformed life, and it was in Zhao Qinglong's natal star, which was the tenth in the list of gods. In addition, most of the open heaven realm powerhouses do not even have deformed life forms.

Han Fei: "It's enough to have the will of the race?"

Han Guanshu: "When the willpower accumulates for a certain time, it is not the willpower, but the way of a family, a kind of fire. It can help you create a brand new human race, and you are equivalent to the creator of the world. The natural growth of the human race, harvesting their insights, because the characteristics of intelligent creatures are that they are creative... You may learn some ideas that you have never had before..."

Han Fei couldn't help but think for a moment, if he created a brand new human race, without interfering with it, there would be too many crystallizations of wisdom in the development of civilization.

Although the strength of these new human beings may be very weak, in the long run, it seems that it does make more sense than directly consuming these willpowers.

Han Fei looked at Han Guanshu: "So, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Old Han, you have created a new human being?"

Han Guanshu chuckled: "Yes. It's a thousand times better than using the power of wish to practice."

Han Fei was persuaded. It was difficult for him to refuse the identity of a creator, and he couldn't refuse the joy of creation.

I just heard Han Fei finally ask: "Can the riots be restored? The original lake there is almost drying up."

Han Guanshu: "Aren't you already half-melted with the riotous sea! So the stronger you become in the future, the easier it is for your ancestral land to recover. One day, you will return to the riotous sea, and when you go back, it will be an incredible speed of recovery.”

?? Two in one, asking for tickets...7200 words, the last chapter of this volume tomorrow...



(End of this chapter)

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