God of Fishing

Chapter 2692: Terran Breakthrough Frenzy

Chapter 2692 Human race breaks through the frenzy


At this moment, all the powerhouses at the Open Heaven realm and above know that the breakthrough frenzy of the human race has begun.


The powerhouses under Han Xuan's rule, with Venerable Realm as their main executive force, showed great efficiency at this moment. For a time, over the human race, the Venerable ran rampant.


"Father, I'm hot, I feel like I can't breathe."


"It's alright, it's alright, you have to trust Lord Human Sovereign, he will definitely save you. Lord Venerable, here, here... my daughter is dying..."




The father ran while shouting, but the little girl in his hand disappeared with a "swipe", and he didn't even see the person who took the little girl away.


On the other side, there was a young man covering his chest with one hand and resting on the ground with the other, his brows full of struggles.


"I can do it, the Emperor will protect me. I'm just breaking through, I'm getting stronger..."




The young man only felt a light flash in front of his eyes, and then he felt that he was being pushed by a huge force, and in an instant, it was already thousands of miles in the air.


Because the human race has just arrived in the chaotic wasteland, the city has not yet been built, and everyone still lives in groups. Moreover, there is no air in the chaotic wasteland, and above the ice layer is not an area that these children can step on, so basically, the people under the anglers are all concentrated and supported by a large array, and they live in the water for a long time. .


Therefore, it is relatively convenient for the Venerable Realm to take action, but in just one stick of incense, nearly three billion teenagers were gathered.


Of course, Han Fei can use the divine apocalypse to save people, but there are too many people. If he uses the divine apocalypse, the effect will be immediate. But my own consumption may be exaggerated.


Therefore, Han Fei immediately sat cross-legged in the void and preached.


Just listening to the voice of Han Fei, it is like the voice of the gods coming into the world.


"Heaven and earth have spirits, all things are energy, swallowing spirits and devouring energy, drawing qi and blood to spontaneously ignite, inhaling spiritual qi into the body, dispersing filth on the surface, and exhaling mixed with the nose and mouth..."


This is just a method of devouring a heaven-ranked high-grade, but, from Han Fei's mouth, it is transmitted in a mighty way of Xuanyin. It seems that it has been imprinted in the minds of these young people.


Almost all the teenagers, when they heard these words, unconsciously began to draw the spiritual energy from the outside into the body, and at the same time, they burned the impurities in the body by burning the blood essence.


Of course, these teenagers are not geniuses, but Han Fei doesn't need all of them to understand this method. As long as they can rely on this method for a few hours at most, they can break through. Once the breakthrough, the crisis will be eliminated.


Soon, more and more teenagers were sent.


In the end, a full 13 billion people were sent, accounting for about 9% of the entire human race. This number did not exceed Han Fei's expectations. It was actually relatively small in the population ratio of a race.


Faced with this, Han Fei felt that he had to implement a policy to encourage childbirth. At least the proportion of juveniles should reach about 15% to be considered a more reasonable age distribution of the population.


During this period, Han Fei just repeatedly taught the method of devouring through sermons.


And more and more people rushed here and came to watch.


Those parents who were originally anxious, when they arrived, they found that those teenagers who were hot and had some vague consciousness at first were now sitting cross-legged, spitting out a breath.


In the sky above this place, the spiritual energy is like a tide, a steady stream. Among them, there are about hundreds of millions of top-quality spiritual stones, turned into dozens of long dragons, swimming in the sky, and from time to time, spiritual energy escapes from it, and is involved in the bodies of the teenagers who are breaking through below.


About half a stick of incense had passed, and among the children sitting cross-legged, the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" sounded one after another. It was the sound of a breakthrough, just like the firecrackers on the night of the Spring Festival, one after another, densely packed.


After about a stick of incense, this coherent sound of breakthrough had already reached everyone's ears.


Everyone who came to watch, all swallowed at this moment.


"This, is this the so-called human race breakthrough frenzy? In just 20 days, there are so many children who can break through?"


Someone said: "Lord Human Sovereign has already reminded that the breakthrough frenzy is coming. Not only these children, we also have to break through. It's just that they are the first batch to be transformed by the world because of their weak strength. Once these children break through. It’s done, and it won’t be long before we have to break through.”


"I don't doubt this, but this scene is a bit too spectacular."


Among these teenagers, there are some teenagers who have not woken up after the breakthrough, but continued to practice.


One hour, two hours...


It wasn't until the third hour that the sound of this intensive breakthrough slowly diminished. And the teenagers who had broken through before did not dare to move at this moment, but sat honestly in the same place, and continued to listen to the same mysterious sound repeated by the emperor.


Finally, after the third hour, this breakthrough frenzy gradually came to an end.


There are more than 13 billion people in total, and at this moment, more than 9 billion teenagers have successfully completed the breakthrough. After all, most people are still in the Fisherman Realm, and there are a small amount of Fisherman Realm. The spiritual energy resources they need are limited. Even if the number of people adds up to 13 billion, there is no need for Han Fei to provide additional spiritual energy resources. The gathering spirit array can attract spiritual energy.


When 9 billion people completed the breakthrough, the speed of subsequent breakthroughs gradually slowed down. By six hours or so, there were less than 100 million people who had not yet broken through. And these children do have some physical problems. There are some minor problems with the spiritual veins of a small number of children.


This time, Han Fei was not stingy. He raised his hands, and the radiance was shining. It only took a mere thousand years of life to cover these children. It took only more than thirty breaths before and after, and the remaining teenagers were completed. The final collective breakthrough.




Seeing that everyone successfully completed the breakthrough, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief.


Most of those onlookers held their breaths and waited here for six hours, and only at this moment did they burst into violent cheers.


"Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign, Human Sovereign..."


Han Fei did not disappoint them, everyone had smiles and excitement on their faces.


In fact, they know that to adapt to a new environment, sacrifice may be necessary. Many people never thought that all of these teenagers would survive, only that it is very rare to have 70 to 80% of them survive safely.


After all, there are too many people. Even if Han Fei has already proved the Dao, how can one person help these tens of billions of children?


Therefore, this result shocked and moved countless people.


Taking the opportunity to collect another wave of wishes, Han Fei finally said: "My fellow human beings, the breakthrough frenzy of the human race is about to start from this moment. This is a national breakthrough. If nothing else, everyone, I said The point is that everyone may have at least one breakthrough. The breakthrough of these teenagers today is not their last breakthrough. Such breakthroughs may occur several times in the next three years, and with the increase of strength Improvement and adaptation to the new environment will prevent emergencies such as today from appearing in the future. On the other hand, other people need to be prepared immediately. Now, fishermen over 12 years old or big fishermen should quickly gather to prevent Something like that happens again.”


Following Han Fei's order, immediately there were some powerful people in the Venerable Realm who returned to the camp under his control and started the population integration work.



one year later.


Zhang Ting was trying his best to do some weird poses in a small yard of only three or five square meters outside his assigned hut.


At this time, a group of teenagers passed by in a hurry. Some of them saw that Zhang Ting was still cultivating, so they stopped and said, "Zhang Ting, have you forgotten what day is today? Why are you still cultivating the 108 Desolate Divine Body?"


Zhang Ting grinned: "Of course I didn't forget it, but Lord Human Emperor didn't say anything. What are you doing in such a hurry?"


The young man said, "If you slow down, there will be no room. This is the gathering day of the human race. God knows how many people will break through today. We have to find a place to prepare quickly?"


Zhang Ting heard the words: "I know. You go first, and I will finish the last twenty moves."


"Okay, I don't care about you."


Zhang Ting was so tired that he was sweating profusely, and beads of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose. He knows that everything the human race has today is not easy to come by. Just like the hut he was in, it had only been allocated for three days, and there were still many people who had not been allocated yet.


Another example is the "108 Desolate Deity Body" he is currently practicing. It is the body refining technique that the Emperor has been practicing since he was a child. Although there are better body cultivation techniques, there are still many people who practice these 108 Desolate Deities. These people all have the idea of ​​following the footsteps of the emperor. Of course, there are not many people who can persevere in the end, mainly because this body refining technique is too tiring. Moreover, how can ordinary people have the resources to train the body?


But Zhang Ting enjoyed it. In just one year, he broke three small realms in a row. Now it has been more than two months since his last breakthrough. He has a hunch that he will definitely break through to the realm of anglers today. He knew that some people even broke two great realms this year, and he couldn't compare them. Some people choose those exercises that quickly become stronger, and only a few choose the body-refinement flow, and those they know and are still insisting on, but only two or three.


Zhang Ting believes that as long as he works hard and improves step by step, he will be countless times stronger than in the riots in the past. He doesn't want to pursue the quick success of the exercises, he wants to be like the emperor, taking one step at a time, slowly going up.


After completing these twenty movements, Zhang Ting simply packed up, took his only half of the top-quality spiritual stone, and quickly ran to the center of the city.


This half of the top-quality spirit stone is the reward when he breaks through the great realm. Ever since Lord Da Renhuang promulgated the training reward rules, a reward plan has been launched for everyone below the snorkeler. Anyone who breaks through a major realm will be rewarded with one top-quality spirit stone, and if they break through two major realms, they will be rewarded with two.


With anticipation in his eyes, Zhang Ting carefully stuffed the half of the top-quality spiritual stone into his arms and walked towards the center of the city.


Due to the population, the human race has built 361 cities together, and the average population of each city can reach 500 million people. The population is very dense, such as the small house of Zhang Ting's family, the overall area is only about 20 square meters.


After half an hour, the huge square of the statue of the emperor in the center of the city was already overcrowded, and the per capita area was not even half a square.


After all, today is the gathering day of the human race, and everyone needs to sit down and practice, otherwise, I am afraid that there is not even such a large per capita area.


Zhang Ting arrived late, so he could only find a place to sit down at the periphery. For this reason, his area did not exceed two square meters.


Everyone, male or female, old or young, sat quietly, waiting for Han Fei to speak.


And Han Fei, just after he was busy with today's city formation arrangement, was pulled over by Han Xuan.


Han Fei: "Uncle Xuan, are you looking for me?"


Han Xuan smiled slightly: "It has been a whole year since the human race migrated to the riotous sea, and now it has finally settled down. The first round of breakthrough frenzy should have passed. Are you sure the second round will come again?"


Han Fei: "Theoretically yes, but many weak ones may break through more than once, so for them, it doesn't matter whether there is a second round. I mean the second round, which is aimed at law enforcement and From the above strong ones."

Han Xuan nodded: "Look at this report, the results are impressive!"


Han Fei took a jade slip that Han Xuan handed over, and when he took a closer look, his eyes lit up: "In just one year, my human race has increased by 20 million Venerable Realm?"


Han Xuan: "Don't be too happy, most of the 20 million venerable realms have reached the peak of explorers in the riots of the sea itself. Therefore, it should be impossible for such a large-scale promotion to venerable. Repeat. This number should not appear again in the future. According to common sense, to achieve a breakthrough of this scale, even in this chaotic wasteland, it will take at least ten years. "


Han Fei nodded slightly and continued to read. According to the report, the current human population is 180.6 billion. Among them, only Han Fei is currently counted in the Emperor Zunjing. Gu Tingnan belongs to the primitive city and is not counted. There were a total of 592 people in the Kaitian realm, and most of them were created by the peak sea-opening powerhouses in the original Seven Killing Army within the past year. Because they get revenge for their great revenge, their minds are well understood, and the heavens will naturally open up. Moreover, if nothing else, the number of Open Heaven Realm should soon reach the number of thousands in the next few decades.


As for the lava giants, they were not counted by Han Xuan, but they were counted, with a total of 4,792 people in the open sky.


When they reached the Sea-Breaking Realm, the number increased. The Sea-Breaking Realm of the Riot Canghai, the Sea-Breaking Realm of the Seven Killing Army, and the original Venerable Sea-Breaking Realm of the Chaos Wasteland suddenly reached 90,000 people. And now there are people opening up the sea every day, this statistics can only be seen temporarily, and there will be a different situation in a few decades.


And the number of Venerable Realm can be described as a surge. The source of its venerable is mainly the breakthrough from the peak powerhouse and the semi-respected powerhouse of the riotous sea explorers.


In the turbulent sea, everyone's understanding of the road ahead is obviously not enough. And Han Xuan broke up the human race and integrated the human race of the chaotic wasteland into the human race of the rioting sea. Some new theories made the countless people in the rioting sea suddenly enlightened. As a result, in just one year, the number of Venerable Realm has skyrocketed by more than 20 million people. If there is no accident, the number can be doubled in three years, exceeding the number of Venerable people of 60 million.


As for the explorer's realm, the number is as large as 15 billion. Under the explorer, Han Fei doesn't even bother to look at it. One thing that is gratifying is that there is no fisherman's realm anymore, and even the fisherman's realm has basically disappeared in this year's environmental adaptation.


And the big fisherman has become the lowest level of strength. The great fisherman that Han Fei longed for when he was in Tianshui Village in the past has now become a disgrace to the human race. All the teenagers are working hard to break through the realm of big fishermen as soon as possible and become a fisherman.


Han Fei looked at it for a while, then nodded: "The number of strong people has increased a lot, but it's still not enough!"


Han Xuan looked at Han Fei speechlessly: "Do you understand?"


Han Fei: "???"


Seeing Han Fei's face full of questions, Han Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "Do you know what this data represents? This means that the overall strength of the human race has directly crossed a level within this year. A great initiative that has not been done in ten thousand years. In just one year, the powerhouses of the human race have doubled. After the completion of the construction of the city 361 city spirit gathering array, at most ten years, the average strength of the human race will be produced again. Great progress."


Han Fei: "No matter how much you make a leap, the number of strong people is still small! Cultivation takes time. After decades, it is still too difficult to catch up with the native races in the Shanghai world."


Han Xuan waved his hand directly and said: "Fuck off, I don't understand, I don't know how to be a human emperor... Today is the first time the city's spirit gathering formation is trying to operate, and it can last for one stick of incense at most. It is estimated that it will take four or five years to complete the effect, but people are increasingly demanding more and more resources. Under the circumstance that the city's spiritual gathering circle is not fully established, according to this breakthrough frenzy , on an average year, a city needs to consume nearly 50 star cores and 100 million top-quality spirit stones at a minimum... Are you really okay?"


Han Fei's mouth twitched: "For the time being, I can barely hold on, but after today, I won't care about the city spirit gathering formation. I have to consolidate my cultivation, and then go find resources."


Han Xuan nodded: "Well, the beginning is the most difficult. It took you a year to spend. You can come up with so many resources, which has greatly exceeded my expectations."


Han Fei: "Actually, that energy crystal is not completely unusable. As long as you have a solid foundation, you can use it occasionally, and the effect is quite good."


Han Xuan: "This is already under follow-up testing. At present, I have arranged for 100,000 people to conduct a closed trial. After finding the best conditions for use, it will be promoted. You don't need to worry about it."


Han Fei nodded again and again: "Okay! Uncle Xuan, you are busy..."



Saying goodbye to Han Xuan, Han Fei prepared to give a speech in a happy mood. There is an extremely smart and capable person who can help me handle events of the human race. I am so happy.


When it comes to fighting, Han Fei is naturally a top player. Han Fei felt that he should be able to manage a race with all his strength, but if he did, it would mean sacrificing all his time.


Especially in the early days of the rise of the human race, there are too many things to be busy with. I heard that the number of think tanks around Han Xuan has reached nearly 1,000 people, and it is still running every day.


Han Fei came to a giant city in one step at random. He didn't let others see him. He just looked at the crowd of people like a sea. He felt a little sighed in his heart. They were all the people he brought out. No matter what, he had to let them rise.


At that moment, Han Fei's voice sounded over the entire Human Race 361 City: "My fellow Human Race, I am the Human Emperor Han Fei. Today is an important day for my Human Race in the sea world, the Human Race Gathering Day. In order to satisfy the majority of Human Race To meet the needs of cultivation, this emperor and his congregation built 361 fortresses, with the city as the eye, to form a super-spirit gathering formation. Once this formation is successful, hundreds of millions of people will be blessed. Today, it is the first in the city's spiritual gathering formation. For the first trial run, the time is only one stick of incense, fellow human race, pay attention to running the exercises, and use the exercises you are best at to welcome the arrival of the aura frenzy."


This time, no one was shouting for the Emperor, because everyone was very nervous, and many people were preparing to break through today with the help of the aura frenzy.


Hearing that, Han Fei shouted: "The major cities of the human race, now open the city spirit gathering array."









Every giant city is controlled by a powerhouse in the Open Heaven Realm. Following Han Fei's order, dense patterns of Dao appear in the sky above City 361.


That is, at the moment when the spirit gathering formation was opened, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth rushed towards the area covered by this 361 city frantically.


As the center of the city, where the statue of the emperor is located, it will first be impacted by spiritual energy, and then it will escape in all directions.




Like a azure light, it spreads out into a series of ripples. In less than ten breaths, the human race in every city felt the terrifying aura that suddenly descended from the sky.




"Those who should make a breakthrough are ready to make a breakthrough. The aura frenzy is rare, don't waste it."


"Quick, let's all smoke together."


"There is only one stick of incense, don't waste it."


"Physical training allows you to train your body while running the exercises."


All kinds of calls came one after another.


At this moment, Zhang Ting is posing in a strange posture while running the exercises.


In just twenty breaths, Zhang Ting was soaked all over. But he didn't dare to neglect, the surging spiritual energy frenzy was faster than what he directly absorbed from the top-quality spiritual stone.


"Hu, hu, hu~"


Zhang Ting only felt that his body continued to heat up, and a small vortex of spiritual energy formed on the top of his head. The people in the surrounding circle cast angry eyes directly at Zhang Ting, because more or less part of the aura above their heads was sucked by Zhang Ting.


And this scene made Zhang Ting more firm in his thoughts. He knew that he had made the right bet. Although some exercises were powerful and had a high upper limit, they were not as good as the body-strengthening techniques that were stepped up step by step.


"Sure enough, the body-refinement flow is the foundation of becoming stronger. Everyone in the world chooses the quick-fix method. I am the only one who takes the body-refinement flow. Lord Human Sovereign, don't deceive me."


Half a stick of incense passed.




The sound of breakthrough, one after another, almost every ten people around, there will be a sound of breakthrough.


Most of the incense sticks passed, and Zhang Ting has five or six people who have made breakthroughs, and even one person has made a breakthrough.


Only Zhang Ting, who frantically absorbed spiritual energy, was still a little worse.


There is a human who has made a breakthrough: "Boy, body refining is very resource-intensive. The human race is not like it used to be, there are thousands of exercises in the sea world, and the emperor has taught 100,000 methods. There are too many choices. You Why are you still taking the 108 Desolate Body?"


Zhang Ting didn't listen. Since the vortex of spiritual energy couldn't help him to open the door, he would come with the top-quality spiritual stone.




On Zhang Ting's chest, the spiritual energy in the top-quality spirit stone also crazily merged into his body, but within ten breaths, Zhang Ting was like shrimp that just came out of the steamer, billowing white smoke all over his body.


Along with the white smoke being excreted from the body, there are also a lot of impurities.


At this moment, Han Fei's voice appeared in the sky: "Fellow people from the human race, please note that the city's spiritual gathering array has ten breaths to close. Ten...nine..."


Zhang Ting was panting like a cow, and his spiritual energy was surging like a tide, hitting the pass wave after wave.


"Roar~ Break it for me..."




"Ha! Haha, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I succeeded..."


Zhang Ting knelt on the ground with his hands on the ground, and at this time the spiritual energy attracted by the spirit gathering formation gradually disappeared.


Some people around said: "Young man, it's so difficult for you to break through the big fisherman. There are also the angler's pass, the hanger's pass, the diver's pass, the law enforcement state... body training, not ordinary people can practice it! This time you I was lucky enough to cross the border, but what about the next time?"


"Hey! Young man, who doesn't want to go the way of the Emperor? The point is, ordinary people can't afford it!"




However, he heard the sound of cracking coming from his chest. Zhang Ting knew that the top-grade spirit stone was broken, which made his flesh hurt.


For a while, he was also a little shaken.


But at this moment, a young man came to Zhang Ting and said in a relaxed tone, "Do you want to give up?"


"No, this is the way I'm going."


The young man chuckled: "It's quite interesting, I've been following you for a while. You have good talent and perseverance... Hey, Zhang Ting, right? Are you interested in coming to my thug academy?"




At that moment, Zhang Ting suddenly raised his head.


Two in one, asking for a ticket...






(End of this chapter)


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