God of Fishing

Chapter 2697: demon botanical

In fact, Han Fei knows that Henry Zhang is a very tangled person. Although this guy often hooks up with little girls, in general, he doesn't really move.

This is related to Henry Zhang's own experience, he doesn't want to have too much nostalgia in this world. So when Han Fei heard about his whole child, he was stunned.

In other words, Zhang Xuanyu has been wandering in the world these years, what has he seen clearly?

Han Fei doesn't know what Henry Zhang thinks specifically, as long as Yi Xiyan and that Ren Yingying are happy, they can't control it!

In the end, Han Fei stuffed Henry Zhang with nearly 10,000 transformation stars. The human race needs strong people now, and no matter how good Henry Zhang's avatar status in the Ghost Strait is, it is impossible for him to have so many resources of his own. Therefore, if you want Henry Zhang to prove the Tao quickly, just give the resources directly.

About eight years after Henry Zhang left.

The breakthrough frenzy of the human race is over. This breakthrough frenzy lasted about 15 years. The craziest period was the first three years. The average strength of the human race increased by a large level. In the next 12 years, the breakthrough rate has dropped significantly, but it is barely considered that the overall strength has improved by a big realm.

So far, the overall strength of the human race has stabilized, and it has improved about two major realms in total. This is a benefit that the new environment has given the human race.

Of course, it sounds quite bluffing, and the overall strength has improved by two major realms. But in fact, this improvement is much smaller than imagined.

According to the latest statistics compiled by Han Xuan, the human race now has one emperor, 812 people in the open sky, and 150,000 people in the sea opening. More than four times the previous increase.

This is an exaggerated figure, such an exaggerated figure, it is logically impossible to have only tens of thousands of sea-opening realms. It's just that most people have just advanced to the Venerable Realm.

Once the strength of these Venerable Realm humans grows up, the number of Sea Opening Realm will soar like a rocket. It is only a matter of time before millions of people open up the sea.

As for the explorer realm, it has directly reached a peak of more than three billion. Going further down, there is no need for statistics. From the four realms of the angler's realm, the hanging angler's realm, the diver's realm, and the law enforcement realm, the total population is about 180 billion. Decrease in the form of an inverted pyramid.

This is the human race, an innate clan that can win with population. From the era of chaos, to the era of prehistoric times, the era of gods, and to today. The human race has fallen, but it has not perished, and as long as the human race has not perished, as long as the human race is given enough time, it will return to a prosperous super race.

Now, this is just the beginning. Once the inverted pyramid cultivation structure of the human race is completely stabilized, there will only be more and more powerhouses in the open sky, and powerhouses in the emperor realm will inevitably be born.

And at this moment, the ten-year period agreed by Han Xuan and Hong Yue has passed. Han Xuan found Gu Tingnan and started a small-scale military training plan with An Bailin, who was controlled by Han Fei.

For the human race and the city of wanderers, it is training troops. But for the primitive city, they thought it was a test of the human race and the city of wanderers. Now it is only a small-scale test, and there will inevitably be a large-scale test in the future.

But they have no choice but to drag it. The only thing that makes them happy is that there is an emperor in the original city. Of course, if they knew that the emperor was just a puppet, they didn't know how they would react in their hearts.

Han Fei didn't care about this kind of thing. He only explained to Han Xuan, killing the enemy as much as possible and leaving a broken limb or something. Han Xuan directly promulgated a point rule. Anyone who can get the enemy's body parts on the battlefield, whether it is a broken limb or a weapon, can exchange points for resources.

As soon as this rule came out, it immediately ignited the enthusiasm of many people. There is no shortage of belligerents in the human race, especially those who follow in the footsteps of Han Fei and follow the body-refinement style. They need to fight very much.

In the past in the riotous sea, there were still many Krakens who could fight or something. But now in the Chaos Wasteland, apart from the so-called ominous creatures, they have no enemies at all, unless they go to the battlefield.

As for the revived cemetery, because the number is limited, it only supplies some elite cultivation, which stimulates many people to frantically want to join the battlefield against the primitive city.

Of course, some people are keen on fighting, and naturally some people are keen on life. Those who have been transformed by the riots, but still have ordinary cultivation potential, devoted themselves to the construction of the city, and all kinds of businesses have sprung up like mushrooms after the establishment of the human race city.

Because the Chaos Wasteland has the most mining areas, most of these shops currently only use minerals and weapons. There are even some wise and slightly stronger ones who have already started trade with the city of wanderers.

It's just that the population of the city of wanderers is too small compared to the human race. So much so that the merchants in the city of the homeless have discovered this, and even took the initiative to go to the cities of the human race to start business.

For example, the chubby sapling creature selling Tiantiandan would be exhausted every day selling Tiantiandan. Because Tiantiandan grew from their own bodies, if it weren't for the super consumption power of the human race, and a large amount of resources were thrown at them, these fat saplings would have died of exhaustion within three days in the human race city.

Anyway, the life of the human race went on like this, and it was colorful.

It is precisely because the breakthrough frenzy has completely passed, and the human race has passed. At this time, if you try to cultivate, the effect will not be so obvious.

In the past ten years, everyone has been focused on cultivation and striving to make more breakthroughs, so their minds have been tense, and their lives have lacked adjustment.

Han Fei pondered that it was time to make everyone's life easier. As for how easy it is, it's easy...

On this day, Han Fei, as usual, returned to the Thug Academy to gather with everyone after coming out of the stars.

The crowds that were familiar in the past all gathered together now and started to cook and barbecue, which seemed to have become the daily life of the thug academy.

At the dinner table, Han Fei said, "Old man Jiang, do you still want to start a plantation?"

Old man Jiang raised his eyebrows: "This chaotic wasteland is invaded by those tidal waves every hundred years, and nothing can grow. What kind of plantations are there? Besides, the area of ​​our college is not large now."

Han Fei grinned and said, "It's not a big deal, but there is still a sense of ceremony!"

But I heard Jiang Qin interject: "If you can get it, you can get a little. But what to plant? We came to the sea world in a hurry. We didn't intend to bring it with us from the previous plantation. It is also difficult to adapt to the environment of the sea world.”

The old man Bai also echoed: "This chaotic wasteland practice is good, but it lacks a little color. Han Fei boy, do you still have some slightly advanced spirit fruit or something, but you can transplant a little."

On Yi Xiyan's lap, a little girl was sitting right now, and she asked curiously, "Mama, what is a plantation?"

Yi Xiyan was grabbing a skewer and said while eating: "It's those monster plants in the Forest of Terror! Have you seen it? Void vines, Tian vines, etc., are countless times smaller than them. Yes, some plants without intelligence."

"Ah? Then can we grow Void Vine? Uncle Void Vine took me to dozens of cities last time."

"Hey! This..."

Yi Xiyan couldn't describe it for a while. These newborn children were born in the chaotic wasteland from the beginning, and it was indeed difficult to understand what ordinary plants were. They only know that Yaozhi is very powerful, and the entire human city, because of the limited space, cannot develop the Yaozhi community wantonly, after all, this is a human race.

But he heard Han Fei laugh: "Panpan, do you want to see what the plantation looks like?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Han Fei, is this really going to be done?

Zhang Panpan nodded again and again: "Uncle Renhuang, look at Panpan..."

Han Fei reached out and rubbed Zhang Panpan's head, looked at everyone and said: "The breakthrough frenzy has passed, and everyone has nothing to eat now. I heard that the sweet pills in the city of the homeless are in short supply. After all, we are a human race. It should be on the agenda."

However, when Han Fei waved his hand, he saw that the ground shook slightly. First, in the area where Han Fei and the others were, bamboo shoots rose from the ground.

Then, these bamboo shoots were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a few dozen breaths, within a kilometer radius, they turned into a green bamboo forest. In this case, there are still many bamboo shoots that have not grown on the ground.

The green bamboo forest that rose from the ground immediately caught the attention of many students in the thug academy. Although many people can't participate in Han Fei's dinner, they have been paying attention to it all the time. After all, it was rare for Han Fei to come back, and they imagined that Han Fei would be able to talk to them or something.

At this moment, a bamboo forest appeared out of thin air, and many students put down what they were doing and gathered around.

"Hey! Where did you get a bamboo forest?"

"I haven't seen this emerald green color in a long time."

"Huh, plants can still grow in the Chaos Wasteland?"

"Let's go, let's see..."

Seeing that many people were crowding around, Han Fei said loudly: "Well, everyone come here? Let's take advantage of the free time today, we have to make the characteristics of the Thug Academy."

Old Man Jiang: "The key points are wheat, rice, garlic, chili, ginger... all of them."

Old man Jiang's focus was directly on eating. He originally thought that when he arrived in the chaotic wasteland, he still had to practice hard, but Han Fei started this, and his interest came. Since all the seeds have been planted, it must be the first to plant the food!

Han Fei grinned and said, "Ha! I have everything..."

Zhang Panpan exclaimed, "Wow! These sticks look like Aunt Qiansi!"

Liu Qiansi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and complained, "Little Panpan, which eye did you see that I looked like this ordinary little bamboo... Hey! That's not right! This doesn't seem to be ordinary. Bamboo, this bamboo seems to be a demon plant, right?"

The old man Bai held a bamboo in his hand and said in amazement, "It's so tough that even anglers can't move it. Did this thing just grow?"

Everyone followed suit, pinched the bamboo, and looked at Han Fei in astonishment.

They thought, if Han Fei could grow this level of bamboo with a wave of his hand, where would he be a plantation? That's clearly a monster planting garden, right?

Han Fei said with a smile: "It's mainly because these seeds were born on the stars of my life, so they are no ordinary plants from the beginning. But for everyone, what is the difference between a plantation and a demon plantation? Let's go, let's continue..."

I saw a large group of people following behind Han Fei.

In an open space in the Thug Academy, Han Fei just waved his hand, and a piece of wheat appeared.

Old Man Jiang: "Why is the strength of wheat so high? Why is the spiritual energy so strong, isn't it a bit extravagant to make dumplings with this stuff?"

Han Fei: "No way, this is already the lowest-level plant in my natal star."

Old Man Jiang: "..."

When it was over, Han Fei casually placed a few banana trees and loquat trees on both sides of the road. Then, after walking a few steps, with a wave of his hand, a strawberry field, peanut field, pepper field, and other messy monster crops appeared in the thug academy.

When Su Daji saw the peppers, she couldn't help but say, "I like peppers, so I can make hot and sour shredded potatoes."

After finishing speaking, Su Daji was about to pull out the pepper vines, apparently wanting to plant them in the sea of ​​origin. As a result, when she pulled out, she saw seven or eight red peppers explode directly, and the power could directly blow up the angler. .

Su Daji: "???"

Han Fei explained: "You can pick it up, but you don't want to pull it out! Since it is a demon plant, it is conscious. If you want to plant it, you can plant it yourself!"

However, everyone looked at Han Fei with weird eyes.

Su Daji: "Senior brother, will this really not be fried when you eat it?"

Han Fei: "No, I promise you."

After a while, nearly half of the mob academy was planted with various kinds of plants. There were no less than 50 kinds of fruit trees alone. There were also hundreds of flowers and plants.

And these are all demon plants, and all of them are conscious demon plants. I don't know, I thought the Thug Academy had become the Demon Plant Academy.

Old man Jiang: "No, in your life, everything has developed like this? Even these things can become demon plants?"

Han Fei: "All plants can evolve!"

Seeing that Han Fei picked a peach from the tree next to him, he took a bite and said, "Xiao Nan, please fertilize this peach tree."

Qu Jinnan Xin said that we still need to fertilize it? There is no one who uses the spirit gathering technique to plant demon plants.

But when a piece of spiritual energy was poured in, everyone couldn't help but let out a "shocked" sound.

I only saw that where Han Fei had just picked the peach, another peach grew, and it was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qu Jinnan was dumbfounded and couldn't help but say, "Isn't it possible to harvest infinitely as long as you fertilize it?"

Han Fei: "That's right, but the main thing is that you are in the sea-opening realm now, so the gathering of spirits that you use at will can speed up the recovery of these monster plants. If it is in the realm of anglers, it will be slow, even if you fertilize every day. Once, it will take at least five or six days to restore such a peach."

On the other side, a thug academy disciple exclaimed: "This is too amazing, I can directly infuse spiritual energy to give birth to a spiritual fruit."

Yes, this is no longer an ordinary fruit, but a spiritual fruit. Everyone looked at the sound, and the young man who was talking was pressing his hand on a watermelon vine. With the infusion of spiritual energy, three watermelons grew on a vine.

Someone had already picked a strawberry, surprised, and said in shock: "This, although this strawberry does not contain much spiritual energy, it has plenty of energy and is very suitable for body training!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people picked these newly born spiritual fruits one after another, and then looked at each other in dismay.

"Well, isn't it possible that in the future, as long as you eat more fruits, your strength will grow?"

At this moment, Zhang Panpan has dragged Yi Xiyan to stroll in Yaozhi Garden: "Mama, I want this, I want this, I want this too, all these fruits look good! Panpan wants to eat..."

Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang looked at each other, for some reason, they always felt a little strange.

After a while, Han Fei came to a vacant lot that had been left on purpose, and as a seed was dropped, a sapling burst out of the ground, following Han Fei's attention of several celestial spirits. This number, in a short period of more than thirty breaths, has grown into a towering tree with a height of 100 meters. The dense branches cover a radius of more than 200 meters nearby.

Lingyuan: "This is... a demon plant in the Venerable Realm?"

For a while, Lingyuan lost her voice, not only she lost her voice, but everyone present was fascinated.

"Venerable Realm Yaozhi, this thing grows out of thin air? It doesn't make sense, doesn't it?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "Don't panic, everyone, it grows fast because I have injected a lot of fairy energy. The meaning of this tree's existence. It is mainly to suppress other demon plants, and continue to feed back some vitality to these ordinary people. Demon plants can maintain the growth of these demon plants for a long time."

Old man Jiang said in surprise: "What do you mean, the... Yaozhi we are seeing now, can continue to grow and become stronger?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "That's it."

Today's human race has a relatively shallow understanding of Yaozhi. But everyone in the Thug Academy could feel that Han Fei seemed to be playing a big game.

They had once accepted the terrifying demon plant in the small place of Yin Yang Tian, ​​and of course they knew how terrifying it would be once the demon plant grew up. It's just that it's hard for them to imagine that things like wheat have turned into demon plants. When they grow up, what can they become?

Old Man Jiang: "Don't you want to promote it in the entire human race?"

Old man Jiang is still smart. Han Fei planted the thug academy into a demon plantation garden. It's not as simple as adding a little spice to their lives. The potential of these demon plants is terrifying. Once a large number of demon plants are born, in a sense, wouldn't it be equivalent to another surge in the overall combat power of the human race?

Han Fei grinned: "Old Jiang understands me."

Qu Jinnan: "Senior brother, won't these monster plants divide up the cultivation resources of the human race?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "The growth of the human race has been rapid enough in these years, and it takes a period of time to consolidate and accumulate. Otherwise, the strength is going up, but the fighting skills have not improved at all, so what's the use? The resources of the human race will definitely be There is a part of the vacancy, what's wrong with planting some monster plants?"

Old Man Jiang: "Interesting, but the growth of these monster plants is not so easy, right?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Of course, this means that the students of my thug academy are strong. If you change one person, you may not be able to produce a single fruit in dozens of days. The strong person can be born at will, but the fruit produced, right. For them, it's a bit tasteless."

Old Man Bai: "Anyway, this is a boon for ordinary people with low cultivation strength. I think this is feasible. What do you think?"

"That must be in agreement! It can improve the environment of the human race, and can grow spiritual fruit to eat, and maybe it can be used for battle in the future, which is of great significance."

"As expected of a senior brother."

"As a human emperor, senior brother naturally has to consider for the entire human race."

the next day.

Because of the shortage of land, even the thug academy couldn't take up much land.

In this densely populated city with a population of 500 million, the changes in the mob college will inevitably attract people's attention.

Early in the morning, the gate of the thug academy was crowded with people.

"Wow! Is this a spiritual plant? The Chaos Wasteland can be planted with spiritual plants. It really deserves to be a thug academy!"

"What do you know, this is the habit of the thug academy. Wherever there is a thug academy, there will be a plantation."

"There's no one here anymore. After entering the sea world, who is still in the mood to farm? Even the plantations are going to the sea world, so you have to have time to spare?"

"Not to mention, the city has a little more color, and it just feels different."

"This is a thug academy, and ordinary people can't get in."

"Let's see, it's okay! The thug academy hasn't been closed yet. Look, there are a lot of bamboos over there, as well as the green vines that spread out, and there are gourds hanging on them."

"What kind of fruit grows on the two trees at the door?"

"Hey! It's called Taozi. In the riotous sea, only Yin and Yang geniuses have it. It is said that it is a specialty of the thug academy."

"Isn't this afraid of being stolen?"

All of a sudden, a group of people looked at the person who was speaking silently: "Are you out of your mind? You try to steal one from me, this is the academy of Lord Human Sovereign. It is said that Lord Human Sovereign comes back every once in a while, do you want to go to heaven, even human beings? Dare to steal from the Emperor's family?"

People have been here for a while, admiring and sighing for a while, but they didn't take it seriously, and then they went to what they should do.

However, at the same time, in the major cities of the human race, there are inexplicably thousands of Yaozhi retail stores. The name of the shop is Yaozhiyu, and there is a line under the sign that reads: "The good life of mankind starts from a seed. Start."

This is not the most important thing. On the lower right of the signboard, there is actually a signature, and the signature is "Han Fei".

It is because of this signing that this demon botanical language store has not opened, and the tens of thousands of stores are crowded with people.

Xu is that the current human race has swelled a little under this kind of high school cultivation. Or maybe they really have nothing to do, and it's a bit of a pain in the ass. It may also be that everyone is too curious, what is the origin of this monster botanical language shop, and even opened a shop, and let the emperor personally sign it.

At the moment, the shop is full of people.

Someone said, "What on earth do you guys think this kind of botanical shop sells? You can actually ask Lord Human Sovereign to ask for an inscription."

"You asked nonsense, and Lord Human Sovereign wrote it. The good life of human beings starts with a seed, and it must be selling seeds!"

"Selling seeds? Where are the seeds planted? Although the rise of our human race has been very fast, the land resources in our city are so tight that I can't use them for cultivation. Where can I still have that leisure time? Farming?"

"Hey! Why doesn't this store even have a shopkeeper? When will it open?"

"I didn't say it! I don't know!"

"When I passed by yesterday, I hadn't seen such a small shop yet, but it suddenly appeared today."

"Speaking of which, I passed three demon plant language shops in the morning, do you believe it?"

"Hey, let it go, let it all go..."

At this time, I saw a bamboo demon appearing behind the crowd. The bamboo demon was slender, like a two-meter-high cut-off bamboo. There are also two bamboo shoots on the roots. Bamboo monsters are naturally bamboo branches and leaves, which are not much different from common green bamboos.

Bamboo demon is only in the realm of explorers, and its strength is not strong. Just listen to him: "Come here, everyone make way, the store will open on time in two hours, please line up in an orderly manner."

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