God of Fishing

Chapter 2700: Han Fei, who was seen through by one eye

In other words, the brains of Lu Xuan and the others have been shut down.

32 beheaded emperors? Their first reaction was disbelief. But the scene just now made their cognition of the emperor's powerhouse collapsed.

A strong Emperor Venerable Realm was shot without being able to fight back. Is this... a human race?

Along the way, although Luo Xiaobai did not reveal too detailed information to them. But they also know that the human race is weak, so they are here to help the human race fight. They knew that the human race was enslaved by the Wanlin tribe, and that Luo Xiaobai had friends fighting for it. But they never imagined that Luo Xiaobai's friend had become so strong.


Yu Jiaojiao glanced at Lu Xuan, the fact that the massacre of over a hundred cities was a little scary to him. You know, just what mountain city has a population of more than five million, and the massacre is in the hundreds. How about billions of people who were slaughtered in the battle 52 years ago?

As for Lu Xuan, he thought that Luo Xiaobai insisted on coming here because of someone. He likes Luo Xiaobai so much, from the first time he saw Luo Xiaobai, he was amazed by Luo Xiaobai. He even felt that no one in this world could be worthy of Luo Xiaobai.

But today, he is numb, what if Luo Xiaobai likes Rendizun? What if this Emperor Zun was still a strong man who could slaughter Zun at will? What are you fighting for?

Just when everyone thought that this was a situation where they had a chance to meet for thousands of miles, they saw Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly, and said lightly, "You are not Han Fei."

"Ah! Woman, don't talk nonsense. My master is a generation of emperors. I have followed him since the infinite mining area. How could he not be?"

Liu Qiansi jumped over again, her anger turned straight. This guy has been completely convinced by Han Fei now, and feels that the greatest luck in his life is to meet such a super thigh as Han Fei.

"Brush brush~"

When Luo Xiaobai said these words, he saw the two elders of the Beast King and the Lava Giant Clan appear here at the same time.

The Beast King looked at Luo Xiaobai and said, "Little girl, you are responsible for talking nonsense."

For the Beastmaster and the others, Han Fei often appears in front of them, and he has been working hard for the human race all these years. How could the person in front of him not be Han Fei?

However, they couldn't ignore Luo Xiaobai's words. If Han Fei was taken away, it would be a big deal.

When Lu Xuan and others heard the name Han Fei, they only felt a little familiar, but they didn't have any impression. Immediately after that, I saw three emperors appearing all at once. At this moment, I didn't dare to say a word. On the other hand, Luo Xiaobai didn't change his expression in the face of the emperors, but looked at Han Fei quietly.

Han Fei was also a little surprised, he couldn't help but smile: "How did you see that?"


However, seeing the Beastmaster, Liu Qiansi, and the two elders of the Lava Giant Clan, their colors changed at the same time, and they only felt that all the hairs on their bodies stood up.

Han Fei, who got along with them day and night, turned out to be fake, which really shocked them. If Han Fei is fake, who is this person in front of him?

For a time, the atmosphere here was tense, and there were pressure fluctuations in the space. Lu Xuan and others were shrouded in this emperor's power, their bodies stiffened, and they even trembled slightly.

Luo Xiaobai said calmly: "God controller, you can feel all the fluctuations of the demon plant. When I first saw you, I felt it. At first I thought it was the... demon plant. But later I found out that it was wrong, the life energy in your body fluctuated. , has already affected me. So even if I can't see it, I can confirm that you are not human, you... are a monster plant."

"What? Yaozhi, woman, you read it wrong, right? I signed a contract with the master. At that time, the master was still in the open world, and the human race and the city of scavengers have not yet started a war. If the master is a demon Zhi, I can't feel it? And if he is fake, why would he risk his life to attack the Wanlin Clan?"

Liu Qiansi was stunned, she just thought what Luo Xiaobai said was absurd.

But the point is that Han Fei admitted that this is what shocked her the most.


Luo Xiaobai wondered and raised her brows. She had a bold guess in her heart, but she felt that her guess was a little too exaggerated.

Han Fei still kept a faint smile, while Luo Xiaobai hesitated and said tentatively, "Are you... an avatar outside the body?"

All the emperors: "???"

Beastmaster: "How is that possible? Han Fei has only been in the sea world for six hundred years, and he just opened the sky when he left. If his incarnation is so strong outside of his body, how powerful is his body?"

"Six hundred years? Entering the Open Heaven Realm for the first time?"

Yu Jiaojiao, Lu Xuan and the others couldn't help but look at each other. They first entered the Kaitian realm six hundred years ago, and now they are so proving? Just guess it's an external incarnation?

Although they believed in Luo Xiaobai's judgment very much, this time, they still felt that it was a bit outrageous.

But as soon as the Beast King's voice fell, a voice came from above the void, but another Han Fei came out of the void.

"As expected, it's you. I didn't want to tell you about this. I didn't expect you to see it as soon as you came back."

Beastmaster: "???"

Liu Qiansi: "???"


Luo Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, and then glared at Han Fei fiercely, but she didn't recognize each other directly, but thought for a while and said, "Make me a dress, and ask for my favorite one."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Luo Xiaobai is a cautious character. She said that she liked the one most, but she never said that she liked it, and Han Fei made a lot of clothes for them when they were young. , not sincere for a long time, even if he is taken away, that person can read his memory, but he may not be able to analyze it.

I saw that Han Fei simply stretched out his hand, and the spiritual energy was intertwined into a net, but with a smile, a white long skirt with a pink waist and neckline, and a little pleated Hanfu dress appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and it was over. They were childhood sweethearts and even made clothes. I'm afraid I can't get involved in the relationship between the two.

And Luo Xiaobai put down his guard and snorted lightly, but his voice was slightly relaxed and happy: "I'm fine, Le Renkuang and Henry Zhang are not here?"

Han Fei just wanted to speak, but he heard a buzzing voice: "Stinky boy, tell me what's going on first? I have a headache now..."

Han Fei glanced at Lu Xuan and the others, and then said, "Just pretend you haven't heard anything."

Lu Xuan looked embarrassed and nodded slightly, while Yu Jiaojiao and the others all nodded like chickens pecking at rice. This one looks different. This is the body of the Emperor Zunjing Yaozhi. The big boss of the emperor, how dare they be arrogant?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Teacher, you don't know, but Xiaobai should know, do you remember the golden page of the Ideal Palace?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded. When they faced Tianteng, they finally defeated. Of course, she would not forget the golden pages that Han Fei got.

Han Fei: "It's a special exercise that can be cultivated outside the body, but only I can cultivate it and have inheritance."

Luo Xiaobai nodded again, knowing that Han Fei was talking about the source of the incarnation outside the body.

Han Fei: "Did you hear about the 100,000-year competition of the Shendu Dynasty, I took the first place?"

"Yes, it is said that an initial land was awarded."


Suddenly everyone looked behind Luo Xiaobai, only to see Yu Jiaojiao exclaiming: "Han Fei, the contemporary descendant of the Void Temple..."

Suddenly realizing something, Yu Jiaojiao quickly covered her mouth.

Lu Xuan and others only felt sweating on their backs. He remembered it. No wonder he felt a little familiar when he heard the name. It was the co-author. You must know that after the 100,000-year competition, the name of Han Fei resounded throughout the East China Sea and became a legend for a generation.

For a while, Lu Xuan and the others couldn't help but look at Luo Xiaobai, thinking that Luo Xiaobai had never revealed anything along the way. If someone else has such a friend, I'm afraid it's going to blow up!

But thinking of Luo Xiaobai's character, they thought it seemed natural.

Han Feidao: "The golden book page, the power of heaven in the beginning, the stars of the emperor's life, and the help of a strong man in the realm of immortality, have created this incarnation of the monster plant."

Hearing what Han Fei said, everything made sense.

Luo Xiaobai didn't want Lu Xuan and the others to hear too much of Han Fei's secrets, so he nodded slightly and said, "Let's go back and talk about it!"


Beastmaster: "No, what are you looking back at! Those flowers and plants of the human race, the monsters, trees and vines, are not for the life of the human race at all, right?"

Han Fei smiled and looked at the beastmaster: "Teacher, if you have something to say, let's talk slowly at home."

The Beast King glanced at Lu Xuan and the others: "How about you cut off a little memory?"

Without waiting for Lu Xuan and the others to respond, Han Fei couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry: "Teacher, don't scare people, these are Xiaobai's friends, and naturally they are also my friends. How can you come up like this to kill people's memories!"

The Beast King said: "Okay! Then you can talk about the old days, and then tell us clearly when you think about it. What's going on, even my teacher is hiding it, it's outrageous!"

Han Fei nodded with a smile, the Beast King greeted, and the two elders of the Lava Giant Clan were about to leave, but Liu Qiansi seemed to have not heard and wanted to rely on it.

Liu Qiansi: "Master, welcome to join Yaozhi's lineage!"

"Fuck off."


After everyone else had left, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and Han Song's avatar disappeared into the void.

Only then did Han Fei look at Lu Xuan and the others, and slightly cupped his hands: "Thank you a few, for escorting Luo Xiaobai all the way here, Han Fei thank you."

Yu Jiaojiao hurriedly said: "I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be... a person, Lord Human Sovereign, no, don't be polite... Xiao Bai is our castle master, so we naturally want to come together."

"The fortress? The moving sea monster fortress?"

Seeing Yu Jiaojiao nodding, Han Fei was slightly stunned. Isn't there a great perfection in the open heaven? How could Luo Xiaobai become the castle owner after just turning into a star?

Luo Xiaobai: "It's a long story, I should have arrived earlier. It's just that the road is too far, and too many things happened in the middle, so I'm only here now, sorry."

Han Fei rolled his eyes and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't plan to call you. Xiao Kuangkuang and Henry Zhang were both later. Henry Zhang was thinking about waiting for you to get together, but he didn't wait for you for seven or eight years. Let's go first. But I've left something for you."

Speaking of which, Han Fei handed over the time-space practice beads and said, "This is a time-space practice bead. If you practice in it, you will gain a fifty-fold time acceleration, which can last for ten years."

But seeing Yu Jiaojiao and several others were stunned, what kind of fairy baby is this? In the wilderness, it is almost impossible to cultivate for five hundred years with peace of mind. So this time and space cultivation pearl may be one of the best treasures they have ever seen in their lives.

And Luo Xiaobai just took it and asked calmly, "What about himself?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Those two guys are lucky, Xiao Kuang madly took the luck of fish shit, and worshipped the emperor's door. He is currently in the Western Wilderness, and he may have already preached the Tao. Henry Zhang is in the Ghost Strait, and he is very welcome. It's the late stage of Huaxing, and now it should be stable in the late stage. He still has one of this stuff, and I can't use it, so of course it's for you!"

After collecting the space-time training beads, Luo Xiaobai looked at Lu Xuan and the others and said, "This is Han Fei, my partner since childhood."

After all, Lu Xuan handed over his hands: "Lu Xuan has seen... Lord Human Sovereign."

Han Fei said with a smile: "You're welcome, you are not far away hundreds of millions of miles away, and I should thank you for coming from afar."

Luo Xiaobai: "These are sturdy friends in the wilderness. This is Lu Xuan, the strongest of Yaozhi Fortress. Without him along the way, it would be difficult for me to return to the Chaos Wasteland. This is Yujiao. Jiao…”

Here, Luo Xiaobai described Han Fei as a partner, and only referred to Lu Xuan and others as friends. Only women can find clues in the words.

Yu Jiaojiao shook her head secretly, thinking that Lao Lu was definitely hopeless this time, it was not something she could match if she wanted to. In fact, the gap is so large that there is almost no comparability. How can anyone in this world compare with the descendants of the Void Temple?

After a while, Han Fei brought Luo Xiaobai and the others to the city of the human race. Before the people arrived, he saw a towering green bamboo in the city passing by, submerging into the sky. In the nearby city, a golden tree 800 miles high stands in the city.

Han Fei did not turn into strangers and Luo Xiaobai and the others to enter the city, but took Luo Xiaobai and the others to the Ginkgo City with their true colors, and the name was named after the ginkgo tree.

When he entered the city, Luo Xiaobai only felt that he had entered two worlds.

"Wow~ so beautiful..."

Yu Jiaojiao and the others couldn't help but let out a voice of amazement. Along the way, the chaotic wasteland they saw was a barren wasteland. Except for often encountering ominous creatures, it was useless.

But here, it is completely a scene of paradise.

On the road, there are rows and rows of houses, shops, and street stalls. These are nothing, there are demon plants in front of almost every house.

For example, there are seven or eight peach trees, fig trees, banana trees, loquat trees, cherry trees, rhododendron trees, rose bushes, ginkgo trees, sisal bushes, wisteria trees…

These demon plants decorate the human city with colorful decorations. Moreover, there are all kinds of spiritual fruits growing on those trees.

Lu Xuan: "They are all demon plants. Although they are weak, their numbers are...a lot."

Yu Jiaojiao said in shock: "There are so many people, so many... I can't even count them."


They, who have been wandering in the wilderness all year round, naturally know what population means. Population means the opportunity to rise. The major mobile fortresses in the wilderness are most concerned about population. Population cultivation has almost become the meaning of the existence of the mobile sea monster fortress.

And Luo Xiaobai swept over his perception, but looked at Han Fei in astonishment: "It's not weak, how can the human race become so strong? The lowest strength is the realm of anglers?"

Han Fei: "The human race that rioted in the sea entered the sea world. In order to adapt to the environment, the body will inevitably evolve. You have already opened the sea, so the feeling is not obvious, but when ordinary people first arrive, they will usher in a breakthrough frenzy."

Luo Xiaobai: "How could the human race fall in love with raising Yaozhi? Hmm... Go back and tell me in detail."

Han Fei nodded: "Let's go, I'll show you the human race again."

I saw that Han Fei led Luo Xiaobai to the street. When Luo Xiaobai saw people's stunned and shocked eyes, he knew that Han Fei's true appearance must be known to everyone. Under such circumstances, Han Fei had no intention of concealing himself at all, and he had to take her to the street. There must be something wrong.

I saw Luo Xiaobai stretched out his hand and pinched Han Fei's arm: "I just came back, you know I won't leave?"

How could Luo Xiaobai not understand Han Fei's thoughts. As a human emperor, he took himself and introduced him all the way, and the next day he would become a celebrity in the entire human race. Popularity, prestige, trust, all at once.

I don't know why Han Fei did this, but Luo Xiaobai knew that as soon as he came back, Han Fei was looking for something for him.

Han Fei didn't hide either, he laughed and said, "Xiao Kuangkuang and Henry Zhang will leave, but you definitely won't."

Luo Xiaobai: "I used my battlefield points to apply for a vacation with Tiankeng World. I only have a few hundred years. If I don't go back, I will be considered a deserter."

Han Fei: "I have time to let Emperor Dongwu know."

Lu Xuan and others: "???"

Luo Xiaobai smiled slightly: "I suspect you are blowing fish."

Han Fei smiled and said, "During this great war, Emperor Dongwu came."

Luo Xiaobai: "Then you should say it again. I left first, so I have to say hello to others. But, can you pass through Emperor Dongwu directly? Why bother an emperor for such a trivial matter?"

Han Fei: "I don't know anyone else."


Lu Xuan and Yu Jiaojiao were all numb, and felt like they were dreaming. I knocked on Nima and asked for a leave of absence in Kaitianjing. As for bothering a great emperor?

The key is, Emperor Dongwu! A god-like figure in the East China Sea, suppressing the existence of Yi Shenzhou, you know it in such an understatement?

"I have seen the Emperor Human."

When Han Fei and the others passed by the nearest store on the street, the boss was already waiting at the door. This small shop specializes in Lingguo business. Now this kind of fruit shop... Oh no, Lingguo shops are blooming everywhere. They are all people with capital who buy all kinds of spiritual fruits and give them to those who have never tasted them.

Han Fei nodded slightly, then took two bananas from the booth, and handed one to Luo Xiaobai: "Eat it and see."

For Han Fei, although he is eating the bananas grown on his body, he can still experience the pleasure of eating fruit.

Luo Xiaobai is naturally not polite. In addition to bananas, she also took a peach. She may not be interested in other things, but she is interested in Yaozhi. She also wants to see that Han Fei is in the gourd. What medicine are you selling, and what is the effect of this spirit fruit.

Han Fei greeted the boss and said, "These are friends from far away, give them one of each kind of spiritual fruit."

Han Fei dropped a packet of energy crystals as he spoke.

After a while, the boss was not happy, and hurriedly shied away: "Lord Human Sovereign, you are hitting me in the face! You have paid so much for the human race, how can I receive your money! After that, boss Quickly pick up the money bag and return it to Han Fei."

Han Fei: "One thing is one thing, and you paid for these spiritual fruits to get them back. Is there any reason for this emperor to eat them for nothing?"

The boss shook his head again and again: "That's not good, you have bought things in my store, many people are watching, today I took your money, and tomorrow I can't open this stall. Today I don't. Take your money, and my business will be full in a while. I don’t lose money in this business, Lord Human Sovereign, please take it back…”

"Uh! That's fine!"

As a result, Lu Xuan and the others, each received a large package of various spiritual fruits.

And Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai walked side by side on the road. Han Fei introduced Luo Xiaobai from time to time. Wherever the two passed, countless pairs of eyes stared at each other, each with an aunt-like smile. .

"Haha! Lord Human Sovereign is finally enlightened! By the way, who is this girl? Why haven't I heard of Lord Human Sovereign talking about a girlfriend before!"

"Ha! You really dare to say that, even this girl's name, if you can be by the side of Lord Human Sovereign, you have to open the Heaven Realm at the lowest level, can you afford it?"

"Shh, let's talk, the emperor and the others will definitely hear it."

"What's the matter? Lord Human Sovereign is not too young, so he should have given birth to a little Human Sovereign earlier."

"Cough cough!"

On the way, Han Fei coughed twice and looked at a place in the crowd: "Then who, the human race is still in the ascendant, the fight has not been finished yet, there are more things to do in the future, what are you all thinking?"

"I have seen Lord Human Sovereign, long live Lord Human Sovereign."

The group of people who were named did not say anything about fear, but respectfully bowed to Han Fei.


It was the same group of people: "I think this girl is good and has a temperament. This calm and calm attitude should not run away. I conclude that she is the girlfriend of the emperor."

Someone shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe they have already made a vow of eachother? That's not a girlfriend, but a daughter-in-law."

Someone said: "You guys are all bold, maybe the villain emperor already has it, but the emperor has not announced it."

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless: "Hey, you guys are enough."

"Ahaha, long live the emperor..."

A group of people were very respectful, but they nodded to each other and seemed to continue to communicate silently.

Yu Jiaojiao couldn't help but look at Lu Xuan, who was a little lost, and sighed slightly in her heart, thinking that this might be due to luck! Sometimes it's not the most painful thing to like someone you shouldn't like. The painful thing is that his rival in love is thousands of times better than himself.

Lu Xuan looked at Luo Xiaobai, she and Han Fei were still talking about the human race, and it seemed that they were not affected by these noises at all.

Lu Xuan sighed, sure enough, I'm afraid it is indeed what people say!

Han Fei naturally noticed Lu Xuan's expression, he shook his head secretly, this person is still not suitable for Luo Xiaobai. Because he didn't understand Luo Xiaobai, he thought that Luo Xiaobai really had a relationship between a man and a woman with him.

But in fact, Luo Xiaobai knew that this kind of thing could not be explained clearly, and no one would listen to her explanation, and even the more she explained, the more concealed it seemed to others.

Therefore, Luo Xiaobai chose to ignore it, which was the simplest and most effective method.

It's a pity that Lu Xuan and Luo Xiaobai have been together for 48 years and still don't understand, so it is impossible for them to have a result.

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