God of Fishing

Chapter 2703: Beheading in the Primal City

a month later.

When Han Fei returned with the miserable Liumen Haixing, the body of the starfish was still shaking, but the Liumen Haixing did break through. Not only has he made a breakthrough, but this guy has also lost weight and lost weight to his original appearance.

I just heard Han Fei grinning and said, "This guy has accumulated too much energy and resources. This time, under the catastrophe, he was able to inspire all of them. When he reached the last catastrophe, he was almost killed."

Liumen Haixing saw Luo Xiaobai and quickly sucked on Luo Xiaobai's lap. He didn't care, no matter who the person on the other side was, he was better than Han Fei.

This guy, he was hacked by the robbery just watching, without giving himself a few good things, his worth under this robbery, he was abruptly chopped off 70%, which really made his flesh hurt. .

Luo Xiaobai: "Exactly, I plan to set off in three days and go to the battlefield ahead."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "In such a hurry?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Before the tidal wave comes, I need to do something, otherwise how can I build a 10,000-strong Kaitian realm?"

Han Fei nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and saw Wang Xiaojiu, Wang Lanlan, Sha Diao, Huang Ergou, and Yu Jue being released by him.

Just listen to Han Fei: "This is what I told you, Luo Xiaobai, the war commander of the human race. Your mission is to protect her."

Wang Xiaojiu: "Hey! Can Huaxing become the war commander in the late stage of the Great Star?"

Sand Mink: "Shut up and listen to your master."

Wang Xiaojiu: "I'm a cat who wants to be an emperor. Do you still need me to appear in such a small scene?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "Otherwise, you can go back to Emperor Que and continue to practice."

Suddenly, Wang Xiaojiu was shocked: "Although it's a small scene, but without the protection of this cat, this little girl in the late stage of Huaxing is still very dangerous. Forget it, I'll go."

Luo Xiaobai glanced over and found that these guys were all stronger than him.

However, Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly: "You gave me so many strong people, who would dare to kill me? The point is, it doesn't seem to be very obedient."


I only saw Wang Xiaojiu's cannonball being smashed into the bottom of the sea, and Han Fei said, "You don't seem to be very obedient."

Wang Lanlan and others: "..."

Wang Xiaojiu was shocked and rushed out: "Listen, I'm definitely obedient, there is no more obedient cat than me."

Only then did Han Fei smile at Luo Xiaobai: "Look, you're obedient. Now you let him go east, he doesn't dare to go west, you let him beat the dog, he will never chase the chicken."

Luo Xiaobai: "Okay!"

Two days later.

Human Imperial City, War Command.

In the hall, a huge map hangs across the wall. In front of the map is a sand table, but no one is surrounding the sand table, and no one is looking at the map.

I saw that Luo Xiaobai was sitting in front of a large office desk, and there were a total of 80 Kaitian realm powerhouses at the bottom. Among them are Xu Meng and Ying Yue, who were designated by Han Fei.

In fact, the strength of Xu Meng and Ying Yue is not very strong, and even Xu Meng has not yet transformed into a star. Even Yingyue, who has been with Han Fei for the longest time, is only the strength of Huaxing in the later stage.

But the reason why these two were fortified was because in the early stage, no matter how Luo Xiaobai promised, there would always be some people who were mentally slack or scornful. And with these two old people there, it can have a certain deterrent effect.

As for the others, Luo Xiaobai had selected about 80 Open Heaven Realms, of which only 20 were Huaxing.

I just listened to Luo Xiaobai: "Do you know why I chose you to accompany me on the expedition?"

Everyone shook their heads, but there are currently only 1,700 people in the Open Heaven realm of the human race. In fact, it is normal to choose them.

Luo Xiaobai: "I've read your information. After the opening of the sky, you all tried to walk out of other avenues, trying to run multiple paths in parallel, right?"

Everyone was puzzled, why did Luo Xiaobai mention this?

But I heard Luo Xiaobai say: "In this war, the emperor does not take action, and my high-end combat power is too low. If you travel with me, you may encounter some unexpected dangers. I ask you to leave some flesh and soul with me. Here, when you are with me, once you encounter force majeure, you can cut the avenue and pretend to fall. Of course, as compensation, you will gain a resource. If you don’t want to, you can leave now.”


"Cut Dao?"

Everyone was a little stunned, but they were not stupid. As the war commander, Luo Xiaobai's status was indeed different. It's common sense to be missed.

It's just, what if they want some of their flesh and soul, what if they are enslaved? But on second thought, this is the war commander appointed by the Emperor, so he shouldn't do such an outrageous thing.

As for when it is necessary, cut off the road and fake the death, this is definitely a major life event for them. But if the resource return is sufficient, it is not impossible to cut. After all, most of them have just opened the sky, and even if they have walked out of the new avenue, it is not that important.

Moreover, what they thought at the same time was that Luo Xiaobai was very strong, and what she needed was a soldier who was absolutely obedient. They even suspected that this was a test for them by Luo Xiaobai. Therefore, they dare not bet against the consequences of refuting Luo Xiaobai.

After dozens of breaths, no one left, and no one asked why, Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "Okay, since that's the case, let me tell you about tomorrow's action route. After speaking, not a single one of the people present will be allowed to do so. Leave until tomorrow with me to the front."

Han Fei watched Luo Xiaobai lead someone away without escorting him. On the other hand, Han Xuan came to Han Fei with a teacup in his hand, scratched the tea with the lid of the cup, and took a sip: "It's finally relaxing, this girl has to go to the front line before the tidal wave. Counting the time back, she will stay on the front line for more than two months at most. I am curious, what will she do in more than two months? What can she do?"

But he saw Han Fei smiling softly: "It's not a big deal, it's just to speed up the war between the human race and the primitive city."

The Terran was built on the former site of the city of scavengers, not far from the original city. If it is an ordinary Kaitian realm powerhouse of the transformation star level, it will take seven days at most to reach the primitive city.

Going to the frontline battlefield is even closer. With Luo Xiaobai's speed, it only takes less than four days.

After all, the human race has just built a city, and the battlefield with the original city is newly opened, so there are not many places with teleportation formations in the middle, and they mainly rely on manual travel.

At this point, it had been three days since Luo Xiaobai set off, and she brought very few people, only these 80 powerhouses from the Open Heaven Realm.

At this moment, Yingyue followed Luo Xiabai and asked, "Lord Commander, I feel something is wrong. It seems that we haven't met ominous creatures for several hours."

Luo Xiaobai: "Well."

Seeing Luo Xiaobai being so indifferent, Yingyue sighed in her heart, this one is really cold!

Seeing her hot face sticking to her cold butt, Ying Yue obediently shut up.

After a few hours. Suddenly, Luo Xiaobai stopped abruptly. The next moment, the sound of "knowing" came from all over the sky. Suddenly, nearly a hundred figures burst out of the void.

Luo Xiaobai bore the brunt of the attack and was raided by the visitors, and the one who shot her was a powerhouse at the level of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm.


The next moment, I saw six lines of purple light reaching the sky, and the six-door formation of the starfish was powerful. But after all, it has only just opened the sky, and it is still insufficient in the face of a blow of the Great Perfection level.

"Ah! To die, to die."

The six-door formation was instantly shattered, and the six-door starfish exploded in dozens of places. Luo Xiaobai flew out horizontally, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Luo Xiaobai glanced over at the person. The powerhouse who ambushed himself was a powerhouse at the Great Perfection level, and there was only that one, and the others were all about the same strength as the human race.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaobai showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the people who came to ambush him were not that strong. It's just a hundred people led by the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, and there are only five people in the later stage. This can only show one point, the people of Primitive City want to test the depth of the human race. If a character like Luo Xiaobai can be killed or severely damaged only by ordinary battles, it means that the current human race is just like that. Their strength is indeed as shown, and there is no hidden strength.

As for Luo Xiaobai, if you kill it, you will kill it, and they will not believe that this is the so-called commander of the human race.

But only there? Luo Xiaobai knew, absolutely not.

On the Terran side, someone shouted: "Commander, there are traitors, our whereabouts have been leaked."

Everyone's expressions changed greatly, and someone shouted: "Who is it, everyone was together yesterday, and no one left alone."

Yingyue shouted: "Commander, there are a hundred people, this is a hundred people in the primitive city. The strong people after the transformation account for half, far exceeding us."

While speaking, the great perfectionist from Primitive City had already appeared beside Luo Xiaobai, and the long knife that had condensed his full blow had penetrated Luo Xiaobai's body.

However, in the next moment, I only saw the void in all directions, with long vines sticking out, and Luo Xiaobai's figure had appeared thousands of miles away.

"Brush brush~"

I saw tens of thousands of long vines, and at the same time, they were holding a long spear engraved with Dao lines.

It was almost time, the void was sealed, and the strength was suppressed by at least 30%, including the Great Perfection powerhouse. The Primitive City Centuries suddenly changed their expressions, only to hear the Great Perfection powerhouse shout: "There is a deceit, stabilize the formation, and retreat."

But at this time, where do they have the chance to retire?

Although the realm of these Open Heaven realm powerhouses of the human race is not very high, the great techniques they practice are basically handed down by Han Fei. Most of the things that Han Fei handed down have been deduced by refining the demon pot, so the real combat power of these people is much stronger than it looks on the surface.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a war broke out between the two groups of people.

An Yuan, the captain of the Primitive City Centuries this time, can be considered a veteran of hundreds of battles. When he slashed at the Conferred God Spear with all his strength, only a dozen Conferred God Spears were blown up. .

Immediately, An Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Was he being ambushed by the counter-attack, or was this the so-called commander's ability to defend against the enemy on the spot? Or, this secret operation of the human race, and this war commander, are actually bait?

In the sea world, there are not many fools. Although there was news that the emperor named Luo Xiaobai as the commander of the war, the news also pointed out Luo Xiaobai's current strength and the emperor's assertion that Luo Xiaobai would become the second emperor.

Of course, the primitive city cannot let the race have another emperor, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, if this Luo Xiaobai really has the potential to prove Tao, he must die.

Just listen to An Yuan shouting: "Kill the enemy first, then break the formation, be careful of ambush from the outside to the inside."

Within the Fengshen spear formation, the battle was already fierce. Because the restricted range of the Fengshen Spear is only ten thousand miles, and there are more than eighty battlefields. Therefore, the fighting forces here are constantly directed at this divine spear formation.


It is a pity that even the strength of the powerhouses in the original city has been suppressed. However, there were 80 people led by Luo Xiaobai, and the Open Heaven Realm powerhouses from Primitive City were generally higher than those of the Human Race. Therefore, this is only a face-to-face, and one person on the Terran side was bombed, and the crack in the avenue only cracked hundreds of miles in the sky.

But the human race was brave, and An Yuan saw with his own eyes a human race strong man, hugging a strong man in a primitive city, and exploded with a bang.

As for the reason why this person dared to do this, it was naturally because he could actually be reborn.

At this moment, everyone seemed to realize something, Luo Xiaobai seemed to have expected all this, so he did not ask their opinions at all, and forcibly took their flesh and soul.

Now it seems that this is really a life saver. Otherwise, if they don't have a backhand, they will be truly fallen now.

An Yuan, on the other hand, was staring at Luo Xiaobai. Although he was counted into the opponent's game today, the opponent's strength was obviously not enough to kill the powerhouses in the original city. Therefore, so far, there has been no such thing as an ambush battle. Whoever loses, who earns.

Just listen to An Yuan: "At this level, still be the commander of the war?"

Luo Xiaobai's response was only one word: "kill".

Less than a stick of incense, the avenues here are densely cracked, more than 50 people have fallen from the human race, and the sky is constantly changing. And only 32 people perished in the original city.

Moreover, even if An Yuan and others are limited by about 30% of their strength, even if the human race's great arts and exercises are strong, they are still not opponents. Luo Xiaobai was even forced to run away, barely resisting An Yuan.

I just heard Yingyue shout: "Commander, call someone!"

Someone shouted: "Commander, I can't stand it anymore, I'm not as good as them!"

Liumen Haixing also roared wildly: "Luo Xiaobai! Haixing can't stand it! Aren't you very smart? Why don't you have a backhand!"

Luo Xiaobai's face was slightly cold: "Come."

"Brush brush~"

I only saw that in the void, outside the Conferred God Spear Formation, five figures rushed into the void, all of them in the open heaven realm of great perfection.

Are these five people Wang Xiaojiu and who are they?

Seeing this, An Yuan finally couldn't help laughing: "Five great consummations, I thought there were so many trump cards."

"I see~"

The sound of cicadas shook the world, but a hole appeared in the void, and 50 great perfectionists of the Open Heaven Realm appeared all at once.

I just listened to An Yuan's mockery: "I've been waiting for your card, but I didn't expect this?"


However, as soon as An Yuan finished his words, a huge and fierce cat phantom burst out and ripped apart the shadow of the sky.

An Yuan's complexion changed slightly: "Dao lock level?"

Wang Xiaojiu shouted: "Come on! This cat is unparalleled in the world, and this cat once and the emperor fought together against all enemies."

The sand sable is as fast as a shadow, relying on the protection of the sand, rushing into the siege of the great perfection powerhouse, the fierce shadow is raging.

Yu Jue, the defense is unparalleled, as if it is a human-shaped supreme artifact.

Wang Lanlan, the Bengshan Great Array launched, besieging the three.

Huang Ergou's strength is mediocre, barely able to face the two of them.

After that, Luo Xiaobai shouted, "Enter the battle, don't fight."

Wang Xiaojiu and the others heard the words, "Swipe to rush out of the battlefield, five Dao-lock-level powerhouses, rushing out of the siege of 50 Great Perfection powerhouses, it's not very difficult."

When Wang Xiaojiu and the others rushed into the Fengshen spear formation, other people outside also tried to rush in, but they all slammed into the Fengshen spear formation.


Wang Lanlan was surprised: "Can this big formation still recognize people?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Stop talking nonsense, kill... Remember to leave the corpse behind, it's useful."

An Yuan and the others' faces changed drastically at this moment, yes, isn't this a closed formation? Why did their people come in all of a sudden, but the Anjia people couldn't?

But if the great perfection powerhouses of the Primitive City can't get in... An Yuan's face changed greatly, and he shouted: "An Ye, rush into the formation."

Outside the Fengshen spear formation, a strong man shouted: "Everyone, follow me to break the formation."

But at this time, Wang Xiaojiu and the others had already started to slaughter recklessly. The five-way lock-level powerhouses were almost crushed by the enemies of the primitive city with only one Dzogchen level.

However, seeing Luo Xiaobai's calm expression, he no longer shot, leaving Wang Xiaojiu and several others to rush to kill. Like a sand mink, the sand sea storm was rolled up with the protection of sand, and in the storm, more than 30 people were crushed in a blink of an eye.

Wang Lanlan's Dao is very strange. It can actually slow down people's speed. Originally, my family used Tianchan's wings, and the speed was very fast, but under Wang Lanlan's Dao, the speed seemed to be suddenly reduced several times. With Yu Jue's sharp claws, more than ten people were killed in a blink of an eye.

Outside, a round of bombardment by An Ye's people had arrived, but they were stunned to discover that the gun formation had only shattered less than 200 walls, and the formation was intact.

But under such a round of impact, there were only less than 30 of the original city powerhouses in the big formation.

I just heard An Ye shout: "Luo Xiaobai, even if they all die, you can't live today."

On the Terran side, there are only 27 people left at this moment, all of them watching this scene speechlessly. They didn't hate Luo Xiaobai much. It's just that although Luo Xiaobai is ready to fight, they just feel that they have made such a big sacrifice before the war begins. This war commander feels a bit unworthy of his name!

Moreover, the whereabouts of this trip can be exposed, which is a bit too careless, right?

However, Luo Xiaobai said in a hurry: "This is only a little more than a day away from the front line of our human race. Moreover, the human race teleportation formation has been under construction all the time. Although it has not been fully completed, there are at most three people here. time work."

With that said, Luo Xiaobai took out a jade slip and crushed it, then said lightly, "Let's make a bet, within three hours, whether you can break through the great formation and kill us, or whether the human race reinforcements will arrive. "

An Ye sneered as he blasted the formation: "You can't even hold up half a stick of incense with this formation. It's still three hours. I think you're joking."

Luo Xiaobai threw out 100,000 Conferred God Spears, only to hear her voice indifferently say: "The emperor gave me a lot of this stuff. Do you want to try it?"

An Ye's expression changed immediately, what the hell, don't you need money for a big formation of this level? If you take out 100,000 pieces at once, is this emperor's brain sick? Doing so much of this stuff?

When the 100,000 magic guns appeared, An Yuan's heart went cold. Isn't it fun?

In less than ten breaths, An Yuan was beaten to death by Wang Xiaojiu's claws, and he walked quite steadily without any pain.

Wang Xiaojiu also grumbled: "How about we go out now! I think if there are only 50 people on the opposite side, maybe we can do it."

Anno heard the words: "Stop, stop attacking."

An Ye is not stupid. The 100,000 God Spear Array, they can shatter 200 per shot on average, and if they want to smash 100,000, they must make at least 500 shots with all their strength.

But the five guys in it are not weak, all of them are Dao-lock-level powerhouses. If they really make 500 shots with all their strength, if these five guys are killed again, their own manpower may fall by nearly half.

Moreover, 500 times of all-out shots, too much time-consuming. If it is just a normal attack, they can bombard five hundred times in an instant, but it is obviously not possible to face a large formation of this level. In addition, Luo Xiaobai has already called someone. Although she said three hours, it is possible that the support of the human race will come faster.

I just heard An Ye shout: "Huh, your human race doesn't even have high-end combat power on the frontline battlefield. To support you, who are you fooling."

Luo Xiaobai: "Since there is no high-end combat power, why have you fought for decades?"

"Of course it's because..."

Anno's voice suddenly stopped, and it has been decades since the Human Race and Primitive City made tentative moves. The powerhouses of the Primitive City have always said that the life and death of the Great Emperor may not be necessary now, and he cannot be too strong. Otherwise, the Emperor and the Lord of Silence will join forces to attack, and the war will continue to expand, and the consequences will be very serious.

It is for this reason that the war between the Primitive City and the Terran is actually just delaying the time, and I never thought of starting a real fight.

However, he could never tell Luo Xiaobai about it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling the other party that the life and death of our great emperor is unknown, so come and beat us!

An Ye broke into a cold sweat and almost fell for this Luo Xiaobai to tell the truth.

Just listening to An Ye snorted coldly: "It's just military training, isn't your human race also aiming for the same purpose? If your human race dispatches high-end combat power, oh, are you not afraid that my primitive city will also dispatch high-end combat power?"

He said so, but Anno was not quite sure whether the human race had high-end combat power. So, I just listened to An Ye's voice transmission: "An Mo, go back to the front line immediately after passing through the stars of your life. Tell him everything here, the commander-in-chief of An Liudao. In addition, tell him that this Luo Xiaobai is indeed difficult to deal with. If you don't kill him today, There will be troubles in the future. Tell him that I need reinforcements..."

However, he saw that, beside Anno, a person suddenly disappeared.

Luo Xiaobai said indifferently: "The way of life and stars crossing domains."

An Ye sneered: "So what if you see through it? I said that you will die today."

Luo Xiaobai didn't speak, just waited quietly. An Ye snorted coldly, but also didn't make a move. He said in his heart that he only had a hundred breaths at most. My reinforcements arrived, and I didn't believe that you were immortal.

Yingyue, Xu Meng and others were all very anxious at this moment, and the result of this trip was far beyond their expectations. They thought something would happen, but they didn't think it would directly trigger a war of this magnitude.

They didn't even understand why Luo Xiaobai was so calm?

On the other side, on the frontline battlefield, An Mo came back quickly.

"Commander-in-chief, something has happened, please help quickly..."

The stars of An Mo's life have long been refined and placed by An Sandao's side. This is some habit of the big clan.

The reason why the Terran didn't do this was not because he didn't want to, but because the high-end combat power of the Terran had not yet risen. And An Mo is at the Dzogchen level, so the stars of life can enter the Dzogchen powerhouse. But on the Terran side, there is no Great Perfection yet, and there are only a few people in the later stage of the Great Race. It is meaningless to engage in this method of transcending the realm of the stars.

An Liudao appeared for the first time: "What's the matter? I watch Anyuan and their life monuments all shattered, and none of them survived. Is it a trick? Is Luo Xiaobai the bait?"

An Mo: "Sir, not exactly, Barabara..."


When An Mo finished speaking, he was a little surprised to hear An Liudao: "You mean Luo Xiaobai called someone from the front of the battlefield?"

An Mo: "Yeah! Luo Xiaobai said that reinforcements will arrive in three hours, but we should be faster. Sir, it's not too late, then Luo Xiaobai looks like a real thing."

However, An Liudao suddenly interrupted An Mo's words, and after a moment of silence: "Then Luo Xiaobai is amazing?"

An Mo: "Not at all. What they have shown so far is nothing special. But they can indeed fight across borders. There are many treasures, and there are five Taoist lock-level guardians. Those five people seem to be beasts, very Fantastic. The five of them swept away sixty or seventy Anyuan and the others in just a moment."

An Liu said: "Are you sure they have no more cards?"

An Mo: "I'm not sure about this either, but I guess it's not, because Luo Xiaobai's strong human race lost more than 50 in this battle. If it weren't for her five guardians, I'm afraid all of them would have died by now. But my subordinates can't guarantee it, maybe it's possible for the human race to use more than 50 Open Heaven Realms to play."

An Liudao shook his head: "No! You haven't fought against the human race, and you don't know their fighting style. They are a group of people who attach great importance to friendship. Even if there is only one bone left in the battle for comrades-in-arms, it is necessary to take them back. Grab it. If Luo Xiaobai has a trump card, he shouldn't be indifferent to seeing so many Kaitian realms fall. Unless, she is a ruthless person...you wait for me for a moment."

An Liudao came out of the natal star, and within a hundred breaths, he sat in six teleportation formations and came directly to the frontline battlefield.

At this moment, nearly 50,000 troops on the front line are fighting. In other words, they are training troops. This is something that everyone has acquiesced in for decades, to hone themselves through war. It used to be the same with the city of scavengers and the city of wanderers. Now that the human race is here, it is the same way of playing.

When someone saw An Liudao coming, they hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Commander-in-chief, why are you here?"

An Liudao frowned slightly: "Why is it so large?"

The man said: "Sir, we don't know what the madness of the human race is, and suddenly we are overwhelmed by ten times the number of people, saying that we will fight a group battle. How can we admit it, we naturally fought them!"

An Liudao's expression changed slightly, and he ignored this person, but spread the wings of Tianchan and disappeared in place in an instant.

After a while, An Liudao's eyes flashed: "Sure enough, behind the human race, there are not weak void fluctuations, it seems that someone has indeed sent reinforcements. Hey... It's just that, since we want to kill the war commander of the race, why not join the front line and destroy it together. It's over."


An Liudao disappeared and reappeared in the sea of ​​stars.

On his natal star, thousands of Great Perfection are sitting quietly, and these people are here, just to prevent accidents, and they usually don't need to go out.

At this moment, I just heard An Liudao say: "An Mie is out of the queue, you bring a 100-person team, and quickly attack with An Mo, and kill Luo Xiaobai, the commander of the war on the human race. All the rest of the staff come out and follow me to slaughter the front line of the human race."


Some people were surprised: "The front line of the annihilation of the human race? Is this about to declare war with the human race?"

"The emperor is back?"

An Liudao shook his head: "This is the order of the Council of Elders. Once Luo Xiaobai's potential is confirmed, he must be killed. Even if it causes a war, it will not be at all costs. In our primitive city, we must not let the race give out another Emperor Venerable realm powerhouse. ."

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