God of Fishing

Chapter 2726: tree star

This star sea giant beast centipede is not very strong, at least weaker than the star sea giant beast of the same level he imagined. I don't know if this is related to the memory of the ancient star tree.

After Han Fei smashed the centipede, he stretched out his hand to scoop it, and actually scooped up a dan bead and a serrated centipede tooth.


Han Fei pinched the martial arts teeth, and the touch was obvious. He subconsciously wanted to receive the natal star for that pill, but of course he didn't receive it. Just what can you do with this thing? Something between the real and the unreal, I can only hold it in my hand, just like holding a big watermelon.

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved, and he saw Little Black and Little White appear, surrounding him.


The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, the existence of the innate soul beast is not affected by the stars of his destiny. In other words, their appearance is not directly related to the natal stars, which is gratifying.

Han Fei threw the watermelon-sized pill to Xiao Hei: "Eat him, if I guess right, this should be a good thing."

"Come on!"


Xiao Hei chewed the pill in one bite, and after taking a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's delicious."

Han Fei's eyes also lit up: "Er, can you feel what you're eating?"

Xiao Hei said coolly: "I don't know, but after eating, my spirit has improved and I have an appetite."

"The spirit has improved?"

Xiaobai took Han Fei's big hand and added: "I feel that my mental state is much better, and I feel less lazy after eating stars."

Han Fei touched Xiaobai's head lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly. Sure enough, all this is not reality after all!

Han Fei: "Since we have good teeth, let's eat more."

After that, Han Fei was not in a hurry to go to the star, but just shuttled through the broken star belt at the speed of light. Soon, he saw a divine tree burning with flames, which was a bit like the tree of flames in Shuimutian in the past. Following Han Fei, he saw a phoenix bird flying into the sky on the tree of flames, rolling up boundless fire waves, and killing Han Fei.

"Phoenix bird? It looks like this."

It was also the first time for Han Fei to see such mythical creatures. It was different from what Feng Xingliu showed at the beginning, and this was more real. It's just a little different from what I thought, at least not so kind.

Its wings are like clouds of fireworks, its body is majestic, it is burned by dark dark fire, and its tail is full of feathers. The tiny flames burst, distorting the color of the flames, and it looks like sparkling colorful crystals.

If all this is still beautiful, then its eyes give people another feeling. Those eyes were full of coldness, chills, irritability, like crazy cockfights.

Xiaobai: "Dad, this big bird looks really murderous."

Xiao Hei: "What is this, look at me."

Without Han Fei speaking, he saw Xiao Hei's petite body suddenly jump out, and then suddenly turned into a huge black fish. But in terms of temperament and appearance, the current little black and white are not bad, at least not uglier than this phoenix.

The little black double fins are like ribbons and flowing clouds, its tail is like a veil, and its scales are fine and tiny, like transparent silk passing over the arm.

Accompanied by Xiao Hei's tail slap, the fierce phoenix's wings folded together, and the mouth spit flaming flames. However, he saw that the scorching flames did not cause a roaring sound, but was rolled up by Xiao Hei's tail, attached to the surface of Xiao Hei's body, and quickly got into Xiao Hei's body.

The fierce phoenix didn't seem to care that his attack was broken, and hooked up his claws, grabbing straight at Xiao Hei. Han Fei was a little surprised at the speed. This thing was not at the same level as the last centipede.

The speed of this fierce phoenix may be able to catch up with himself. But Xiao Hei didn't hide at all. At the moment when the sharp claws seemed to be clasped into his body, Xiao Hei turned into a black mist that directly enveloped the sky for hundreds of thousands of miles, as if it had become an absolutely forbidden area.

At this moment, the little white light beside Han Fei disappeared into the forbidden area. Han Fei is also quite interested. This is the innate magic skill of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai after he preached Taoism.

In this area that Xiao Hei has transformed into, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are immortal, immortal, and indestructible. But this yin and yang life-and-death ban is time-limited. At present, with the ability of Xiaohe and Xiaobai, he can last for less than a hundred breaths of time.

During this period, those who are locked in this space will be completely shrouded in the law of yin and yang. They can't rely on the power of heaven, they can only survive the breath through the power of the body, or forcibly break through the law of yin and yang.

But Han Fei tried it, and after he really fell into this situation, he would immediately feel that his power was distorted, and then all laws related to yin and yang and five elements were banned.

This fierce phoenix is ​​obviously the Five Elements of Fire, so Han Fei can only see the flames on his body being quickly pulled away, and he can't even use his innate magical powers. And the fire that was pulled away was absorbed by this life-and-death taboo, which was like a Taiji diagram, making this space glow with a faint golden luster.

"Tsk tsk~"

Han Fei couldn't help but sighed that the three major functions of the yin and yang prohibition of life and death are to suppress the yin and yang and the five elements, reverse the yin and yang, and extract the power of the five elements to strengthen the prohibition of life and death. At this time, if Han Fei wanted to enter the ban of life and death from the outside, he would not be able to enter. Unless he can strongly break the defense of this life and death ban. Regarding this, Han Fei tried it himself.

Of course, the yin-yang life and death ban is not absolutely invincible, and they cannot lock the power of the law other than the law of yin and yang. And you can fight them back and forth in life and death bans. Although Little Black and Little White can never die when the life and death ban is turned on. But the battle is still to be fought, and it will also be hit hard by these non-yin-yang and five-element laws. Once Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are hit hard together, it is actually dangerous, which is equivalent to giving others the opportunity to kill them at the same time.

However, this fierce phoenix is ​​obviously not in this list. Unless this is a real powerful and unparalleled phoenix, crushing Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai with absolute power, it will definitely lose.

Sure enough, after being banned from the power of flame, the little black tail was like a long black whip, drawing out whip marks all over the sky, and in just over twenty breaths, the phoenix bird was smashed to pieces.

Similarly, after the phoenix bird was annihilated, it also left behind a pill. Let's say it's a demon pill, although Han Fei doesn't think this thing is really a demon pill, because compared to this phoenix bird, this pill bead is obviously a real thing, not manifested.

It is precisely because of this that these manifested things can be between the half-truth and the half-truth, and can pose a more substantial threat to people.

After solving this phoenix bird, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's mental state seemed to be getting better and better. When they crossed the entire broken star belt, they hunted a total of eight star sea monsters.

Except that the centipede at the beginning was more stretched, the strength at the back was not bad. In addition to the phoenix bird, he also met strange creatures such as the mysterious tortoise, the triangular **** cow, the star sea octopus, the star swallowing dragon snake and so on.

At this moment, Han Fei was about to descend on this star, which made Xiao Hei Xiaobai return. After all, he didn't come to hunt this time, and making too much noise is not a good thing.

When Han Fei fell from the sky, he fell into a place like a quagmire in the sea of ​​stars. From the nine heavens down, Han Fei only felt that the nine heavens were full of dangers.

As soon as he crossed this quagmire, there was a azure light and thunder, surrounding him. Yes, Han Fei found himself like a lightning rod.

This is not enough, as Han Fei travels through this place, there is wind and rain like a knife, and there is fog and tide. Han Fei tried to cut open the void, but found that the space of this world was extremely stable and could not be opened at all. That is to say, neither the Second Void nor the Void Realm can enter.

It's not that Han Fei can't understand, memory space, where does the virtual world come from?

At this moment, Han Fei stepped into the planet. If this is the troposphere, he will indeed encounter wind, rain, thunder and lightning. However, what is the thunder and lightning dragon shadow cruising here? Also, why are there giant whales and schools of fish in the misty sea? Why is the rain turning? Why is there a roar of a beast in the whistling wind?

"Be good, they are all living beings."

Yes, Han Fei immediately made a judgment. All that I have seen is a living being between half-empty and half-truth. Perhaps, this is what it looked like in the ancient times, in the heaven and earth, in all things, each has its own life.

The Thunder Dragon Shadow rolled a thunder prison and bombarded Han Fei. Its power is no less than the star sea giant beasts seen before. In the sea of ​​fog, countless shoals of virtual white fish also rushed towards Han Fei.

For a time, Han Fei was surrounded by enemies on all sides. The key point was that he didn't know the specific realm and strength of these creatures, and he was just making a rough assessment.

Simply, Han Fei stretched out his hand, and the raindrops that swept over suddenly gathered towards him. With the endless water gushing out, Han Fei hovered over three thousand miles of rainwater. But seeing Han Fei clasping with one hand, the rainwater turned into short knives one after another. In that scene, it was as if Han Fei was holding a three-thousand-mile long sword and sweeping away a storm of blades.

Although Han Fei could clearly see these creatures being smashed by himself, he was not excited at all, and even thought it was all absurd.

This is not the real real world, and the ancient star tree is only the realm of the emperor. Even if it is powerful, it is not so outrageous, right? At the time when I came in, I encountered a few creatures in the Emperor Senior Realm. Even if mental power can be condensed, but these creatures really don't consume mental power when they fall? Even if these things don't consume mental power, does the Great Emperor Realm really use his own mental power to create so many powerful creatures at once?

It is really so powerful, why does the Primordial Star Tree not use these mental powers to cut off the roots of the tree? Get rid of his bond with the gods behind the door?

"bang bang bang~"

This kind of combat feeling is completely no different from actual combat. Around Han Fei, a large number of creatures were smashed, but this time, unlike the previous star sea giant beasts, there will be pill beads left after being strangled.

At this moment, even though Han Fei is killing the Quartet, more and more strange creatures are used. He knew immediately that this was probably not a simple battle trial.

After a while, Han Fei was a little awe-inspiring, because he felt a different kind of pressure coming. This kind of coercion is definitely stronger than him in realm.

The next moment, I saw a Peng bird covering the sky and the sun, filled with purple-black smoke, swept into the sky.

The pair of sharp claws actually smashed the endless water directly, rushing out a gap, and approaching him.

Han Fei withdrew the endless water without hesitation, his body fell rapidly, and he didn't care that some creature's attack fell on him.

For a time, one person and one bird broke through the clouds one after another.


Six Heavenly Cicada Wings appeared, Han Fei's body flashed, and he appeared behind the Peng Bird, but the latter's speed was not slow at all, and a black feather rolled up. Those black feathers, like a sword that shattered the sky, killed Han Fei by surprise.

Han Fei's fist marks swept across, and just after smashing the black feathers, he saw that the Peng Bird turned into a human, holding a black feather fan in his hand, and fanning against Han Fei with his backhand.


For a time, the gust of wind was blowing, and the air rushed into the sky. Han Fei felt the sky here, the wind was dense, and the laws were blowing.

"So strong!"

Han Fei's body was torn apart by the wind and laws here. The Primordial Star Tree reminded himself that he was different from others. When others died, his consciousness returned, but when he fell, I am afraid that he really fell.


Just when Han Fei was about to fight back, he heard that Pengniao made a sound.

This was clearly a suspicious voice, and Han Fei was shocked, this is impossible! If it is just a simple memory of the world, can the other party still have consciousness?

Han Fei: "Hey! Big Bird, how about stopping?"

Han Fei just shouted tentatively with the mentality of trying it out, but the Pengniao really gave up, and frowned slightly, before saying to Han Fei after a while: "Where is this?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei said speechlessly: "You attacked me first, and you asked me where I was?"

Peng Bird frowned even more: "I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, why am I chasing you?"

Han Fei: "I also want to ask, why are you chasing me?"

Han Fei also found it strange. It stands to reason that the creatures in this memory world should not have consciousness. Because they are only transformed by the spiritual power of the ancient star tree...

and many more…

Han Fei suddenly had a strange feeling, as if this was not so difficult to understand. Since the ancient star tree can create such a strong man, he must have encountered it before. When practicing some special thoughts, when you visualize certain things, it is possible that the essence of those things will react.

It is like a sacrifice, and it is also like a special spiritual transmission. When someone praises himself, he will feel a little bit, as if he sometimes has such a situation.

And this situation, Han Fei seems to have felt it on the stars. In the beginning of his creation, when they worshiped and prayed to themselves, they would have a feeling.

But isn't this situation based on the fact that the person being visualized and chanted is still alive? But the ancient star tree should have been sealed for a long time, right?

When Han Fei thought about it, he felt a little nonsense. How many years have passed since the Chaos Era to the Prehistoric Era? Those who can live to the present, I am afraid that apart from the extremely long-lived existence of the ancient star tree, who can live from that period to the present?

Han Fei continued: "This fellow Daoist, can you still remember who you are?"

And that Peng Bird powerhouse, silent, seems to be thinking about this issue. However, he didn't remember anything after all. Han Fei clearly saw that the Pengniao's eyes gradually lost its clarity, and he turned his head to kill Han Fei again.

Seeing this, Han Fei knew that there was no room for negotiation. It's just that he doesn't know why this Pengbird has a short Qingming moment, which is even more inexplicable.

However, Han Fei did not continue to entangle with this Pengbird. In his opinion, the current battle is meaningless. If there are many powerhouses at the level of Pengniao in this astral trial ground, and the trialists must defeat them in order to obtain the talent, then this trial is not to be tested. Han Fei is almost certain that no one will be able to make it to the end.

Therefore, in terms of the number of these creatures that have appeared at present, this is more like a trial of escape. Who has the ability to go to the space where the gate is located under this heavy siege, that is, the place where the trunk of the ancient star tree is sealed, should be considered to have passed the trial.

The trial itself is so simple, but the process is not simple at all. The speed of the Pengniao was unexpectedly fast, and Han Fei sank while fighting fiercely in mid-air.

If nothing else, the prototype of this Peng Bird must at least be the Long Habitat. It's just that in this so-called Astral Trial Ground, their strength has been greatly reduced to match the strength of the testers.

Xu is because the two are similar in strength, and Han Fei has no intention of breaking out into a fight, so the two are just chasing. Soon, Han Fei saw a tree with a giant tree reaching into the sky, reaching into the sky.

"how come?"

Han Fei looked astonished. It stands to reason that, according to normal stars, this place is still very far from the ground. To say the least, there are billions of miles away. How can there be a tree above this sky?

When Han Fei got closer, he was shocked to find that the grove that he saw spanning millions of miles was actually formed by the extension and dispersion of the branches and branches of a special branch. And these unusually thick branches seem to have many roots.

"This thing, is it a star?"

Han Fei was confused for a while. Could it be that the trees on this star are so awesome? Countless extraordinary divine trees have grown out of nowhere?

"Chirp chirp~"

Before people arrived, they saw countless birds fluttering into the sky on those branches, and the dense numbers were ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times more spectacular than the migration of migratory birds.


Han Fei's eyelids jumped wildly and he had to slow down. If he really wanted to plunge in, he didn't know if he could come out.

At this moment, the Peng Bird seemed to have a chance, the feather fan in his hand flew, and the wind was blowing in the sky, and the law of the wind formed a visible Peng Ying in the sky, smashing towards Han Fei.

"Is this fan so awesome?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Han Fei fluttered his wings, and the six heavenly cicada wings flashed in the sky, and the endless stream of hydration and ten thousand knives wrapped himself in the middle, and abruptly drilled a gap in the law of the wind.

"How can it be so strong?"

Han Fei frowned, Han Fei felt outrageous about the Peng bird chasing behind him, and the army of birds that fluttered. Could it be that the people of the Celestial Clan are so strong that this level of trial can still go to the end?

impossible! Since it is a trial, it should look like a trial. Where is this trial, this is clearly aimed at. If it is the memory and spirit of the ancient star tree, these things, at least they shouldn't be so chasing after themselves! Unless it is in the Astral Trial Ground, the Primordial Star Tree itself has no way to control it.

Is it because of being sealed by the gods behind the door?


But I saw that Han Fei began to run the avenue, and his strength doubled. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, I will just fight here, and I will not know when I will be able to go to the door seal.

Unlike others, I am not here to try. With the sudden surge of Han Fei's strength, Peng Bird was thrown away at once. But following closely, a scream was heard, and the Pengniao began to speed up, and even doubled his strength.

Not only that, when Han Fei shuttled through the tree trunk that traversed the sky, a blue dragon coiled the branches and shot himself.

The next moment, the blue dragon spewed out a bead of flame, which actually burst out like laser rays, chasing and killing him frantically. And that Canglong, he also ended, it was able to break through the void here and appear right in front of him.

"What's funny?"

At that moment, in all directions of Han Fei, countless birds, snakes, and even flying insects flocked to him. It's not a matter of running or not, it's that there are so many of these things that they have nowhere to run at all.


I saw that Han Fei threw out the endless water without hesitation, and shouted: "Blast".


The endless water of the Chaos Spirit Treasure-level self-explodes, and its power can be said to penetrate the sky and the earth. Sure enough, under Han Fei's ruthlessness this time, a large number of creatures were directly crushed by this terrifying power.

Han Fei stretched out his hand to recall the Endless Water, and the Great Way Guiyi Sword passed through the Canglong body.

When the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the place was empty, and there was no Han Fei.

The Peng Bird was shining brightly, the Canglong manifested again, and when he looked around, he couldn't find any trace of Han Fei.

As everyone knows, along with the volatility of the void, a black fog moves with the waves and is diving rapidly.

"I was targeted."

This is the conclusion that Han Fei came to. Only if he is targeted, will he be so difficult at the beginning of the game. They are all first-class superpowers. Maybe if it is not limited by the conditions, it is possible for a creature from the Great Emperor Realm to chase and kill him.

As for why he was targeted, Han Fei's first thought was the **** behind the door. The purpose of myself and others are different. I am here to lift the seal, so logically speaking, it can only be that the **** behind the door discovered such a heresy as himself, so he targeted himself.

But the more you are targeted, it means that what you do is of great significance.

Turning into a black mist, Han Fei is not going to change back to prevent him from being targeted.

Han Fei landed slowly among the trees intertwined in the sky, but he soon discovered a problem. This world seems to have no land at all. The entire star itself seems to be a big tree. The branches of the tree spread in all directions, forming a partial sphere-like appearance, so what he mistakenly thought was a normal star.

After a few hours, Han Fei broke away from the canopy world full of bird's nests, and when he looked around, the trees that spread high into the sky were like ladders leading to the sky.

Han Fei saw that there were some bird people living on the tree, yes, they were big human-shaped birds with human body, bird wings and bird face. He saw at least thousands of birds of all shapes and sizes. I saw insects born from trees, many of which were humanoid zerg.

There are three-eyed humans, six-armed monkeys, half-human spiders, half-bird half-bee monsters, two ears longer than their body, four bird claws, but a squirrel with a body like a rabbit, and a squirrel that looks like a fish swimming in the void, etc. many creatures.

For example, in the area that Han Fei passed by, he saw many colorful flowers with extremely long stamens. These flowers seemed to be parasitic on the tree.

Occasionally, when a fish in the void swims past, the stamen is like an arrow from the string, instantly piercing the fish, dragging it back, wrapping it in its own petals, and then turning into a flower bone again.

"A flower is so strong?"

Han Fei was not overly curious, just like when he first came into contact with the sea area in this small place of Yin Yang Tian, ​​he felt that every creature looked strange. But this is the magic of natural creation, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

It's just that it doesn't show what era it's in. Because this so-called star is a big tree, it can be said that he is in the era of chaos, and it can be said that it is the era of prehistoric times. Anyway, there is no iconic thing to prove it.

The only thing that can get a glimpse of the era is that these creatures have never seen them before, and they are all very strong. From this, it can be affirmed that most of them are at a certain stage in the ancient era.

Finding a safe place, Han Fei hurriedly took out the Navigation Vientiane and pointed the direction. After determining the direction, after three days of wandering, a figure suddenly passed by him.

"Hey! Who is this... I, Yi Qingxue?"

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