God of Fishing

Chapter 2730: The ancestor of the Phoenix God Clan goes out

Han Fei was a little skeptical. He knew that the Chaos Thunder Domain should not be simple, and he would know it simply by looking at the Chaos Ice Domain. Above the ice surface of the Chaos Wasteland, it is not considered a Chaos Ice Territory, but only a radiation range, but it is difficult for the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm and even the Dao Lock-level powerhouse to last five hundred breaths in it.

Before I master the way of extreme cold, even if I have proved the Dao, I can stay there for ten days and a half, but three to five months is definitely not acceptable.

If it is a real chaotic ice area, it must be more terrifying than above the ice layer. Han Fei thought about it, and it seems that it is indeed dangerous.

I only saw Han Fei stepping out in one step, breaking away from the protection of the God of War Han Fei, and in a moment hundreds of terrifying thunderbolts fell. However, Han Fei's complexion changed slightly. This thunder was really wrong. There seemed to be some chaotic power in the thunder. If there is no filtering, the degree of impurity is beyond imagination, and the absorption is not easy to absorb. But when Thunder is added, power will inevitably enter the body, so the messy power or laws will continue to impact the body and shake the soul. If things go on like this, at the level of the Happy Realm, there is no doubt that he will die.

"A turtle son."

Han Fei's expression changed slightly. If he was really trapped by the gods of the Celestial Clan, he might not be able to bear it. Unlike the Chaos Ice Domain, the power here is too complex, and the Thunder is extremely aggressive and will lock the enemy.

At this time, the God of War came with a big axe and said, "How is it? Am I right?"

Han Fei was puzzled: "This chaotic minefield seems to be somewhat different from the chaotic icefield."

The God of War said: "Of course, the power of the Chaos Ice Territory is relatively pure, and the extreme cold cannot accommodate other laws and avenues. But this Chaos Thunder Territory is different. Thunder has extremely strong destructive power, but It is also very inclusive. Therefore, thunder is the most difficult to resist. Otherwise, why is the robbery so dangerous? However, I will protect you, you can enter your life star. After you cultivate to the peak of Xiaoyao, you can barely come out. It can be carried over. After all, there is no seal to trap you now."

"No! I still have a lot of things to do, I have to go back to the sea world."

The current situation of the human race is unspeakable. Although Chu Hao is in charge, a super-large-scale war against the human race will definitely break out. It's okay to say that you are in the sea world, and you can arrive in a few days of scenery. But what kind of chaotic minefield, the ghost knows where it is.

However, the God of War attacked: "Then I'm afraid you will not be able to go back for the time being. Although this chaotic minefield does not know which chaotic minefield it is, it is definitely not close to the sea. Moreover, in this minefield. Among them, yours can't explode at high speed at all, otherwise, just like when I cut the seal just now, hundreds of millions of thunders follow, and can kill you alive. Of course, if someone helps you in the sea world, You can also come back quickly."

Han Fei's heart moved: "You mean, with a momentary fall in a certain open sky, open a space node to return?"

The God of War nodded: "But there are several prerequisites. First of all, there must be other people's refining stars in addition to the stars of your life, such as followers."

Han Fei: "Yes!"

Hong Yue, as well as many people in the Seven Killing Army, have refined the stars of their own destiny and placed them outside their own. So this is of course no problem.

Han Fei knew the meaning of the God of War, that is, let Hong Yue bring a star of his destiny. As long as he sacrifices that person and establishes a momentary node with star beads, he can quickly pass through the refining stars and achieve a coming across space.

Han Fei thought for a moment, then nodded slightly: "This is not a big problem."

God of War: "That's fine! Do you want me to bring you out of this chaotic minefield. Come here and help you a little bit."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "Is this Chaos Thunder Territory big?"

The God of War glanced at it: "Not small, barely catching up with the size of a West Sea Divine State."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was speechless. Is this ghost place so big? Han Fei didn't know how big the West Sea Shenzhou was, but a wilderness in the East China Sea was more than eight light years across, and eight light years was just the distance from the Chaos Wasteland to the Shendu Dynasty. Han Fei didn't know how big Donghai Shenzhou was.

However, Han Fei looked at the infinite thunder, thought for a moment, and said, "Senior, if you can purify the impurities in these thunders, how do you think they can be used for cultivation?"

Ares raised his eyebrows: "Can you do it? If you can get pure thunder, in a sense, it can be equivalent to a miniature catastrophe."

Han Fei grinned and said, "I've decided, I want to go out by myself."

The God of War looked at Han Fei strangely, and then laughed loudly: "You are fine! It seems that there are still a lot of secrets hidden. Then you don't want my help, give me the whole altar, and I'll go back!"

"Wait a moment!"

Han Fei said: "Senior, come all the way, let's chat! I just want to ask you some questions. I think you may know the guy who was hacked to death by you just now."

The God of War shook his head; "I don't know, I haven't seen him, who is he?"

Han Fei: "I'm referring to the deity of the person who seized the house. The Celestial Clan in the East China Sea has a deity who plays with the door. Every time a door comes out... Do you have an impression?"

The God of War continued to shake his head: "I don't know, I don't have an impression. East China Sea is far away from me in West China Sea. Besides, he and I may not be from the same era, so it's normal if we don't know each other?"

Han Fei: "That's right! That god, his situation seems to be similar to your predecessor, and he seems to be trapped somewhere in the sea of ​​​​stars. And he always mentions a certain road, this road seems to go Going up, it will be difficult to turn back, and it is very likely to go straight to death. Senior, do you know this way?"


The God of War was stunned for a moment and said, "He mentioned this?"

Seeing the God of War's reaction, Han Fei continued: "Yes! He also mentioned that some of the most powerful people in the gods have embarked on this road.

The God of War was silent for a moment; "I know that road, but it's not the same as where I am. With my current strength, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to take that road."

Han Fei was stunned: "You are not qualified to take that road? Aren't you the so-called God of War?"

The God of War blushed and said, pulling his neck: "I am the God of War, not the God of Beheading. I can fight the God of War, but it doesn't mean that I can win! Of course, if you can break through the shackles of this God, hehe... You may not believe it when you say it, but I am one of the strongest."

Seeing Han Fei's apparent disbelief, the God of War also showed off the muscles on his arms and said, "I tell you, kid, you can't underestimate the Supreme Divine Art. This art is called the Supreme Art, and it is terribly powerful in itself. As far as you are concerned, that's a piece of shit! You can kill them with one punch. When it comes to the gods, it's not that exaggerated, but it's the same."

Han Fei: "Then the gods also have realms?"

God of War: "No. The gods have no realm, it is the difference between the strength of the battle. How to measure this difference will only be done after I become a god. By the way, do you have any experience with the Supreme Divine Art? If you have any experience, remember Tell me! Your kid looks quite smart, in case the mystery of the Supreme Divine Art is uncovered, help me become a god. Hey, I will take you to cut through the sea of ​​​​stars."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei shook his head: "Then you should wait until I get to the Great Emperor Realm! When my Supreme Divine Technique comes to an end, maybe I will realize it."

God of War didn't talk about this with Han Fei, although he was also looking forward to Han Fei's exploration of Supreme Divine Art. But to tell the truth, Han Fei is still in a period of rapid cultivation. It has only been two hundred years since he learned the supreme divine art. In such a short time, the powerful man will take a nap and pass it. It is a bit awkward to expect Han Fei to give advice in such a short time. too practical.

However, the God of War was still very happy to see Han Fei. After all, in his opinion, there were too few people of the same kind. I don't know how many people have spread the Supreme Divine Art, but Han Fei is the only one, who has grown rapidly, singing all the way, and the other people who bet on him are almost endless.

"Hahaha! I'm joking with you. Well, I'm really leaving. Instead of spending time chatting with you here, I'll take back the power of my clone. This is also a very powerful power. With such a strong power It's a bit too bad to have the strength to chat."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Xing Xing Xing, you should go back sooner! Hey! Then this time I have contributed a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm to you, so you have to keep your old War God seal for me? Maybe? I can get you two more great emperors back."


The God of War smacked his mouth. If it was anyone else, he would have refused. He managed to come to this clone, and the price was not too big.

But Han Fei! This son did not take the usual path, and in less than a hundred years, he has already killed three great emperors. Maybe he can actually do it.

Thinking of this, the God of War resolutely agreed: "Okay! Keep it for you! But on weekdays, you occasionally sacrifice a few emperors who don't have long eyes to me, who are we and who? God, I will take you to cut through the sea of ​​​​stars."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei automatically ignored the last sentence, if you want to become a god, you will already become a god. Now I don't know where I'm trapped, and I'm still cutting over the sea of ​​stars? I believe in you.

With the God of War blocking the vast thunder, it would be too easy for Han Fei to prepare the altar.

However, after a few breaths, an altar was built. When the fire curtain rose to the sky, I saw a hole through the fire curtain, and a huge hook flew out of it. The God of War cloned himself, clasped the hook with one hand, and drilled in with the wreckage of Elbego.

At the end, the God of War also greeted Han Fei: "Then I'm leaving!"

Han Fei waved goodbye: "Senior walk slowly."


The moment the God of War got into the fire curtain, Han Fei entered the natal star almost at the same time.

Although it is a chaotic minefield, it does not restrict access to the natal stars. It's just that when the thunder bursts wildly, the body is in a state of strong resistance, and the space nodes are unstable, so it is generally impossible to enter.

However, Han Fei was not ready to fight against Thunder to practice cultivation as soon as he came up. The top priority, of course, he is going to enter the star of life! The connection between him and the star of life was blocked just now, causing Xiaoteng to return, and he couldn't see it himself.

No, as soon as he entered the star of life, Han Fei found that the seventh vine had returned to the refining pot, and at this moment, in the star of life, a huge amount of energy resources were madly going into the pot. drill. The sixth Xiaodan has grown up for a while, and it has turned red at this moment. It looks like this is the rhythm of maturity!

Of course, the maturity of the sixth Xiaodan has drawn too much spiritual energy, the energy of fairy spirits, and the energy of chaos in the stars. As a result, hundreds of millions of people on the outer surface of the stars thought that the spiritual energy was exhausted and the world was about to collapse, so they were praying and offering sacrifices to the heavens, hoping that the gods would be blessed.

Han Fei didn't care, but saw that he took out hundreds of refining stars in a row and surrounded the refining demon pot. Every time the demon pot grows, the appetite is very large, but are you someone who lacks resources?

Seeing hundreds of refining stars being sucked and pulled at the same time, massive amounts of energy, spiritual energy, chaotic energy, and fairy energy being pulled away, Han Fei just twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't care too much. After all, it is only the seventh vine, how much can he eat?

After doing all this, Han Fei came to the quagmire of Xinghai in one thought, and after a few steps, he came to Xinghai.

"Eldest brother! Are you there?"

Han Fei didn't delay, the Primordial Star Tree was still waiting to save him. No matter what, I finally rescued him, and I can no longer watch it die again.

The senior brother is as reliable as ever, and the information is basically answered in seconds, and the voice appears in Han Fei's mind: "Little junior brother, you have entered the free and happy, and you should guard against being impatient."


"Yes, follow the teachings of the senior brother. Then, senior brother, can you help me contact Feng Yu?"

Although Han Fei can use the fire pattern to make continuous phoenix feathers, but the Xinghai where he is located is not known how far away from Fengyu, and whether she can receive it is a question. Moreover, this matter, it is better to say it face to face.

Senior Brother: "Enter the Void Temple."

"Yes, Big Brother."

The bronze door opened, and Han Fei "slipped" and got in. After waiting for a while, Feng Yu came in and patted the flames on her body.

Although Han Fei couldn't see Feng Yu's current state through the void, but looking at her busy appearance, it seemed that she was still going through some kind of battle just now.

As soon as Feng Yu entered the Void Temple, he said, "Little Junior Brother, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Senior Sister, I forcibly escaped during the battle."

Han Fei: "Senior sister, don't worry about the battle, are you in the Chaos Fire Territory now?"

Feng Yu: "Ah! That's right... not exactly, I'm fighting outside the fire zone at the moment, but it's very close, and most of the time I'm still in the chaotic fire zone. Little Junior Brother, are you running away? Come and show me that you have stepped into the happy realm, right? We don't have to talk about it now."

Han Fei: "What! Senior Sister, I have something to ask for."


Feng Yu was instantly overjoyed: "Ha! Do you have anything else to ask me for? You are crazy in the East China Sea, and those who don't know will think that you are promoted to the Great Emperor."

Han Fei said with a dark face: "It's the real thing, it's the real thing."

Han Fei said sternly: "Senior sister, I want you to help me save a great emperor in the Chaos Fire Realm."


Feng Yu heard the words, the whole person is not good: "No, I still save the emperor? Which emperor can be my turn to save?"

Han Fei didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "That's it, I sneaked into the gate of the Divine State of the East China Sea... Balabala... That's the way it is, now the ancient star tree has been sealed in the Chaos Fire Territory by the fish feces gods of the Celestial Clan, where exactly is it? , I don't know. Anyway, in the entire sea world, your family is the strongest who plays with fire. No one should know the chaotic fire domain better than the Phoenix God Race, so you have to help me with this! Besides, that The ancient star tree can produce the fountain of life, and if it is not well preserved, it can send you a few initial places."

Having said that, Feng Yu was stunned and said speechlessly: "This... Are you a serious trial in the Happy Realm? How come even the gods have appeared?"

Feng Yu thought about her own trial, and then thought about Han Fei's trial. He was a **** and a great emperor, and the **** tree of the Heavenly Clan had been destroyed. This Heavenly Clan must not be bombed?

However, Feng Yu obviously realized the seriousness of the situation. At the same time, she can also see that this is a great opportunity. According to the younger brother, this ancient star tree is a terrifying existence that has survived from the era of chaos. The existence of this level has now been unblocked, and once it returns to its peak state, it may not be impossible to become a god.

Feng Yu: "Little Junior Brother, please pay attention to your own safety, I will go to rescue now..."

Outside the Chaos Fire Territory, in a sea of ​​chaos, a group of dozens of people are fighting with dark creatures.


Feng Yu appeared, only to hear someone say: "You came out so soon? What are you doing here?"

Feng Yu no longer participated in the battle, but said solemnly: "Second uncle, second uncle, come out quickly! In the Hui clan, now, immediately, immediately..."


Someone was stunned and said, "Are we trying this out? We squatted for a long time before this wave of ominous creatures. Is this the end?"

Feng Yu: "My uncles, I have a big business and I must return to the Hui clan, and I have to hurry."

At this moment, someone came in, stepped on Tianhuang, and said solemnly: "Xiaoyu, are you sure your business is important?"

Feng Yu: "Second Uncle, I'm sure, it's very important, no, it's extremely important... A hundred waves of ominous creatures can't compare to me."


I saw Feng Yu's second uncle, with a wave of one hand, a million miles of sky, burning with fire, and the glory of the sky, directly burning this piece of void to the point of distortion, and finally collapsed. The ominous creatures that Feng Yu and them were fighting against were all purified in one time, which shows that Feng Yu's second uncle is tyrannical in strength.

But I heard Feng Yu say: "Second uncle, take me one step ahead."

"it is good!"

After a while, Chaos Fire Territory.

Second Uncle Feng Yu looked at this arrogant girl of his own family in astonishment: "What did you say? The ancient star tree, the ancestral tree of the Celestial Clan? The Chaos Era has survived until now? Girl, don't dare to talk nonsense, you just didn't do it. It's just a trip to the stars of life."

Feng Yu Jiao said: "Second uncle, I have my own information channels, this matter is absolutely true, and it only happened for a moment. That ancient star tree was sealed by the gods in a corner of the chaotic fire domain. Ready to die."

Feng Yu's second uncle narrowed his eyes slightly. What just happened in Donghai Shenzhou took a mere moment of effort. I'm afraid that the news has not yet come out of the Celestial Clan. As a result, Feng Yu girl knew, what kind of intelligence ability does this have?

Could it be that when Feng Yu was in Donghai Shenzhou, whose refining stars were collected outside of the stars of his life? Even so, it can't be! Such a big thing, not to mention that Feng Yu had not yet proved the Dao at that time, no one would put the stars of Emperor Zunjing's life after refining them and put them in Feng Yu's place. Non-Emperor Venerable Realm, it is impossible to come into contact with this kind of thing. Even if there is, He Dehe can get access to this level of information, and he knows it in such a detailed way, just like his personal experience.

Donghai Shenzhou is far away from here, if you use the special Fire Emblem of the clan to communicate, it can be done. But if something like this really happened on the Celestial Clan side, at this juncture, who would have the guts to use Fire Emblem to send messages to Feng Yu? Moreover, how did the other party know that the ancient star tree was sealed by the gods and came to the Chaos Fire Realm?

Therefore, according to Feng Yu's description, it is actually very easy to judge that it should be a direct participant in this matter, who told Feng Yu in some way to seek help from the Phoenix Divine Clan.

Only half a day later, the Phoenix God Clan, the Forbidden Land of Fire, stood in front of Feng Yu three powerful emperors. Among them, in addition to the second uncle, there was a beautiful woman, an old man who seemed to be moderate.

Feng Yu: "Ancestor, that's the way it is. The ancient star tree, we are saved, and there is no harm."

But I heard the female emperor say: "Girl, not to mention how you got the news, but once my Phoenix God Clan rescued the Primordial Star Tree, it will be on the same page as the Celestial Clan. Do you think this is worth it?"

Feng Yu said without hesitation: "Of course it's worth it. What is the Celestial Clan? He has to obey, and he has to obey. We rescued the ancient star tree. If they dare to fight, they will directly kill him."

Three Great Emperors: "..."

The second uncle clutched his forehead and said: "Girl, don't say it, the Celestial Clan is really something. There are actually two Heavenly Clan in the sea world, one is from the East China Sea, and the other is in the Zhonghai Shenzhou. Although the two sides seem to have lost contact, they are all from the Celestial Clan after all. There are three great emperors in Zhonghai Shenzhou, um..."

Feng Yu: "???"

Feng Yu: "Is this Celestial Clan very powerful before? Is there such a strong lineage?"

Second uncle: "Then do you think that the superpowers that can still stand in the sea today are all trash? So, unless necessary, this matter needs to be considered."

The plump woman said: "Furthermore, the Celestial Clan of Zhonghai Shenzhou, or those forces, are intertwined in Zhonghai Shenzhou, and a little carelessness caused not only the conflict between the Phoenix God Clan and the Celestial Clan, but may be more serious than this. "

At this moment, the ancestor of the Divine Phoenix Clan smiled slightly: "Girl, if you give us a reason that we must be rescued, the ancestors are not afraid of them. For example, the gods have sealed such a hidden thing as the ancient star tree, why do you know so clearly?"

Feng Yu: "…"

But seeing Feng Yu blushing, she complained inwardly, the younger brother owes me, and he will return it next time.

In fact, these three all knew that Feng Yu had a secret. But with their abilities, they couldn't even detect what the secret was. It's not that they want to know, but they value Feng Yu too much. In these hundreds of thousands of years, the Phoenix Divine Clan has not had a more talented child than Feng Yu, so Feng Yu absolutely cannot do anything.


Finally, Feng Yu gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

I saw Feng Yu raised his head slightly: "Old Ancestor, Second Uncle, Huo Gu, you must help me keep what I want to say next. I have managed to hide it until now."

The three looked at each other with a smile, and they were also looking forward to it.

However, Feng Yu was slightly stern: "I, Feng Yu, is one of the contemporary descendants of the Void Temple."


The Phoenix Divine Race, the forbidden land of fire, was in turmoil.

The three great emperors of the Phoenix God Clan, with the faint smiles on their faces just now, turned into dumbfounded expressions.

The second uncle was stunned: "The contemporary descendant of the Void Temple? Isn't it Han Fei?"

Feng Yu said lightly, "That's my junior brother."


Huo Gu directly took a breath and said: "That lawless Han Fei, is your junior brother? You... entered the Void Temple earlier than him?"

Feng Yu frowned and nodded, "That's right."


Seeing the Phoenix God Clan's ancestor suddenly burst out laughing, the old man who was quite kind just now, in a flash, was full of energy, and he only heard a low voice: "No one is allowed to know about today's events. I will personally go to the Chaos Fire. Yu, today is the time of the gods, and the old man can also break up with him... I will say, girl, how come you have such high vision. Huo Gu! In the future, those who come to ask for kisses, call me all the way out, whatever. How can something be worthy of my clan's unicorn..."

Huo Gu was also delighted: "Yes, ancestor, they are indeed not worthy."

Old Ancestor: "Jiuyou! All the superb divine arts in the clan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Chaos Spirit Treasures, find them all for me. Girl Yu has to practice, even if Han Fei is in the bright and the girl is in the dark, but There will also be potential dangers, so there must be no shortage of life-saving things."

Second Uncle: "Yes, Old Ancestor."

Feng Yu: "Old Ancestor, there's no need to do this. I actually have accumulated a lot of knowledge. I don't lack any magical skills, and I can't rely on Chaos Spirit Treasures! I still need to experience it."

Old Ancestor: "Nonsense, how can there be no shortage? Experience will be experienced, and treasure will be treasure. Wait for the Primordial Star Tree to be rescued. You immediately give me the second treasure of the Phoenix Protoss, the flame of immortality."


"Okay, I've made up my mind, it's not too late, let's go."

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