God of Fishing

Chapter 2732: The ancient temple of thunder sound in the sea of ​​​​stars

"Terror-level ominous lifeform?

Han Fei couldn't bear to think too much, only to see the rosary of God on Han Fei's neck suddenly shining brightly. Han Fei himself also summoned Shenhui with a wave of his hand. Under the shroud of light, this terrifying ominous life form seemed to have been burned. It grabbed Han Fei's ghost claws and made a "Zizzi" sound, and a large amount of ominous air escaped. spread out.


With the roar of this terrifying ominous being, Han Fei felt as if his head had been hammered, but it was only a momentary thing. This should be a power similar to a spiritual attack, because at that moment, Han Fei felt that something wanted to impact his body, but he was instantly purified by the divine brilliance of his body.


Of course, it was impossible for Han Fei to be beaten in place. Before the ghost claws of this thing could be returned, Han Fei backhanded the Shenhui Huadao and cut it out with a sword technique, and he immediately smashed the hand of this ominous life. cut off.

At the same time, Han Fei moved his body back and distanced himself from this thing. However, the severed hand did not dissipate, nor was it taken back by the ominous lifeform, but like an octopus, it scattered into a tentacle shape, trying to wrap around Han Fei, even if Han Fei had the power to purify, he would not turn back. entangled.

Han Fei didn't panic, he punched out with a backhand, and the invincible fist quickly dispelled these ominous forces.


The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and it is impossible to rely on the power of purification to fight against ominous creatures. He walked the Apocalypse Avenue and could summon Shenhui, but others don't have this kind of avenue. Is it necessary to cultivate a kind of avenue with the power of purification to fight against the ominous?

Obviously not so. Ominous matter is also a kind of energy, a kind of negative energy. In terms of nature, this kind of energy is polluting, parasitic, and infects others. If it is contaminated and has no time to be purified, it may dormant or arouse itself. Negativity in the body.

But it is only a state of energy after all, and the power of Emperor Senior Realm can completely penetrate it. Moreover, in the emperor's robbery, there is a robbery that cuts me, and the slaying is the negative. Therefore, in theory, all the emperors have the ability to directly fight against the ominous, but the emperors who have the power to purify are easier to deal with the ominous beings.

Han Fei felt that when the Invincible Fist Seal penetrated the ominous material that was transformed from the severed hand, the power of the law shattered these ominous things, and at the same time purifies these forces spontaneously.


The law itself has the ability to purify?

No, it's devastating.

This is Han Fei's first ominous battle in the Emperor Senior Realm, and he has no previous experience in this regard. At this moment, he can feel that the power of the law is destructive to the ominous power. But this kind of destructiveness is not complete, because after Han Fei threw hundreds of punches, nearly half of the ominous power transformed by the severed hand still tried to return to the terrifying ominous life form.

And the ominous lifeform did not choose to retreat because of the power of purification of Shenhui, but rushed up again. The arm that was originally cut off by Han Fei suddenly gave birth to a giant tentacle like a long snake, as if the arm turned into a giant python, waving and swaying to kill Han Fei.

"All knives return to their ancestors."

Han Fei didn't retreat, because the instant confrontation made him realize that this thing didn't seem to be very strong. Immediately, tens of thousands of knives were hydrated endlessly, like a wave pouring down. On each blade, there is the blessing of the power of the law.

And the terrifying ominous lifeform danced with its tentacles, spinning like a spinning top, shattering a lot of sword lights. And when the broken blade turned into endless water, the power of the law attached to the endless water actually disappeared.

"Well! The law is not completely capable of crushing the opponent, but it has an absolute crushing effect on the ominous power of the single owner. The ominous power of the ominous living body has the power to compete with the power of the law. Ominous. Do you also master the rules?"

Although this ominous lifeform is equivalent to the existence of the late stage or the peak of the powerhouses in the free and unfettered realm, the current Han Fei's strength is so strong that he can completely ignore the gap between this realm.

Unless it is in the realm of longevity, otherwise, in the realm of proving the way and the realm of freedom, Han Fei is confident that ordinary people can't make three moves in his own hands, except for a very small number of peerless geniuses.

The same is true for this ominous creature. After a moment of observation, Han Fei finally came to several conclusions:

First, the purification technique or the purifying Dao principle has natural restraint on ominous living beings, but it cannot achieve absolute purification in an instant.

Second, the power of law has the property of annihilating ominous forces, that is, the property of annihilating negativity.

Third, in the ominous power, there is a unique power, which has the ability to swallow part of the law. And the power of the law that was swallowed seems to be transformed into ominous power. Therefore, if you want to kill the ominous, you have to form an absolute crushing situation.

Fourth, the ominous forces are very active. If they cannot be completely purified, they will return to the ominous life form. This may be one of the fundamental reasons why ominous is difficult to deal with

Fifth, ominous has the ability to transform, they will appear in various forms, and may even be transformed into various forms.

Sixth, ominous beings are extremely polluting and are good at negative mental force shocks.

Seventh, the ominous lifeform has extremely strong fighting power and various fighting techniques. It does not look like a single person, but more like the product of the fusion of different species. He may be able to use swordsmanship, he may use boxing, he may use archery, all kinds, and the fighting forms are very complicated.

In just a moment, Han Fei quickly summed up several characteristics of the ominous life form. This made Han Fei feel that the ominous creature seemed to be the fusion of multiple people. He even felt that there was some kind of divine soul substance in the ominous creature, but the source of the divine soul was different, and it was combined the day after tomorrow, which made it seem to be dabbling in miscellaneous things.

Han Fei originally thought of continuing to fight with this terrifying ominous lifeform and observe some more characteristics. But when he suddenly felt that thousands of ominous lifeforms were surrounded in all directions, his face changed greatly.

"Fuck you, dog god."

Han Fei's face changed greatly, the dog **** of the Celestial Clan definitely did it on purpose. He didn't send himself to this ghost place at will, but he knew that there was such a danger here.

And the God of War is just a clone. His perception range may be large, but it is estimated that he did not notice the situation outside the Chaos Mine Domain.

But fortunately, I have just left the Chaos Thunder Realm, and I can go back if I really can't. There is no doubt that Thunder has absolute restraint on these ominous beings. Otherwise, how could it be possible for him to cultivate in the Chaos Thunder Realm safely over the years?

At this moment, a large number of ominous lifeforms arrived, and Han Fei naturally would not continue to fight, but he saw that he suddenly had a pair of hands, apocalypse magic, and the light of purification erupted here, shrouding the terrifying ominous **** in front of him.

The other party still wanted to avoid it, but Han Fei suddenly broke out at an incomparably fast speed. these years. His Myriad Dharma Tournament Technique has improved a lot. There is no need for an imaginary world at all, and his speed has exceeded 300 times the speed of light.

The ominous lifeform couldn't resist, it was nailed through at once, and sealed in an instant, and the power of purification could only be allowed to burn him into nothingness.

Han Fei didn't have time to check the difference between the fourth-level energy crystal and the ordinary energy crystal, because tens of thousands of ominous lifeforms came from all directions.

Han Fei, who already knew everything about this ominous being, did not run the Dao of Destiny. With his current normal strength, plus the 50% strength bonus after his life level has been improved, in terms of combat power, he already has the combat power of the peak of Xiaoyao. Even if it's not the peak of the arrogant arrogance level, it is enough to deal with this level of ominous life forms.

After all, for the time being, Han Fei hadn't found out that they didn't want the living body to have secret techniques or something, which meant that they couldn't suddenly explode several times their combat power.

Moreover, Han Fei, who took the sixth divine pill, could fight endlessly without worrying about mental exhaustion.

Of course, Han Fei did not foolishly rush into this group of ominous beings. After all, if these tens of thousands of ominous beings were all in the emperor realm, he would not be able to fight even if he had eighteen hands.

Therefore, Han Fei could only rely on his speed advantage to fight and run.

"bang bang bang~"

"Boom boom~"

After killing dozens of ominous lifeforms, Han Fei soon discovered that not every terrorist-level lifeform was as strong as the first one.

It seems that there is only one person in that kind of free and easy state. The dozen or so ominous beings that he killed are all in the Dao-like realm.

Han Fei also discovered that the reason why the Quasi-Xiaoyao Realm came so quickly might be because he was stronger, so it came naturally quickly. And at the moment, those who can barely catch up with their own pace are all in the Dao-like realm, with uneven strength, and there are about three hundred in number.

"If there are only more than 300..."

"Light chains."

"Zi La~"


I saw that the star sea sky, thousands of chains, seemed to be ignited in the void, which was truly spectacular. It was also the first time that Han Fei met an ominous being, and he wanted to try too much. If the pure power of purification is powerful enough for them, then he will have to study the road ahead after the apocalypse.

However, I saw that the chains of holy light forced these ominous beings to stop, causing them to roar wildly, and a lot of ominous power in the body was purified, but it has not yet reached the point of being directly purified.

"No! The current Apocalypse magic is still implicated in my own life. I can't trade my own life for the fall of these guys. Although the suppression force is strong enough, I want to destroy so many kinds of Taoism all at once. The horror-level ominous creatures in the realm are afraid that they will survive for hundreds of thousands of years."

Han Fei quickly came to the conclusion that the apocalypse magic would no longer be used as a way to control the enemy.

"bang bang bang~"

"Boom boom~"

After more than three hours of fierce fighting, the number of ominous creatures killed by Han Fei reached more than 500, and he finally felt a little overwhelmed. It's not that I'm not mentally strong, but that I have launched too many major techniques, and the energy in my body is too huge, too frequent, and too long-lasting, and my body is a little numb.

The number of ominous beings did not decrease at all, but instead increased. Just as Han Fei was hesitating to re-enter the Chaos Thunder Realm, suddenly, a temple appeared in his perception, quietly Standing in the sea of ​​stars. Outside the temple, there is a layer of yellow light shrouded in it, which seems to be the enchantment guarding the temple.


A temple in the sea of ​​stars?

Han Fei was immediately stunned. He saw that there were many ominous beings around the temple. Immediately, Han Fei seemed to understand why so many ominous beings suddenly appeared in this ghost place. This is not for himself at all, but for this temple, and he just suffered a disaster.

Just, what kind of temple is this? Why is it still standing here surrounded by so many ominous beings? Looking at the appearance of the temple, it is not a day or two here, it should have existed here for a long time.

In this way, the enchantment of this temple is very strong! It is definitely not an ordinary place to block the impact of the endless years of ominous creatures in this ghost place, and it is still strong.


It seems to be aware of Han Fei's existence. Outside the temple, many ominous life forms twisted their bodies, like ghosts, charging towards Han Fei.


Suddenly, Han Fei felt a little scalp tingling, and there was an ominous lifeform that was moving too fast, and the speed exceeded a thousand times the speed of light in an instant.


This time, Han Fei did not dare to neglect, and his shot was Sword Four.

Sword Intent erupted, the surrounding void trembled, and the arm of the ominous creature turned into dozens of chains of sharp edges, forcibly resisting Xiaoyaoyou.

"bang bang bang~"

Although five or six of the chains were broken, the power of Xiaoyaoyou was blocked. How could Han Fei not react? This is definitely the ominous lifeform of the Long-Like Habitat.

Sure enough, information emerged in Han Fei's eyes:

[Name] Destruction-level ominous lifeform

[Introduction] Destruction-level ominous body formed after awakening from the horror-level ominous body. This level of ominous body is completely filled with negative forces, but has wisdom, has an extreme desire to kill, and some negative behaviors, hoping to destroy everything. Because the negative source is unknown, the combat skills are unknown.


[Ominous Level] Destruction Level

【Boundary】Long-like habitat

【Combat skills】Unknown

[Collectable] Level 5 Energy Crystal

【Not Absorbable】

[Remarks] Unknown level, it only represents the current state of the ominous body, and has no direct relationship with strength.


Han Fei's face turned green, and after the horror level, another destruction level appeared, and he was still awake, meaning that this guy knew exactly what he was doing.


The hoarse voice came out of the creature's mouth, and his hand was almost stretched out in front of Han Fei.

"Emperor bird~"

At this moment, Han Fei dared to neglect him. Taking advantage of the moment Xiaoyaoyou blocked this fellow, he had completely turned the avenue and called out the Emperor Sparrow as soon as possible.

But in the face of the long-lived realm powerhouse, it may be too late to say anything at this moment.



This terrifying ominous lifeform grabbed Han Fei's chest with a claw. Rao was that Han Fei's retreat was fast enough, but he was still touched.

Although the injury was not serious, Han Fei could feel that the five claw marks had broken his defense, and the wound was burning hot. It wasn't actually pain, but an ominous force eroding his body.

Moreover, the rosary of the gods had cracks again. Although it was a superb artifact, in the face of a blow from the immortal realm, in the confrontation between evil and light, the rosary of the gods was obviously lost and almost shattered.

"The fire of karma burns!"


At the same time, the Dique shot, the ominous life form burned directly, and the offensive immediately slowed down. The Emperor Que's eyes were filled with blood and tears.

"Quick, take action and purify him."

Emperor Que was obviously hurt, but not afraid. The destruction and ominous lifeform seemed to have been burned too much, with black smoke billowing all over its body, tossing around in the void, attacking indiscriminately.

Seeing this, Han Fei shouted, "Apocalypse magic."

The karmic fire burns the body and the apocalypse magic, one burns the karma, and the other cleans the ominous. For this reason, Han Fei directly gave up his 10,000-year life. For nothing else, he wanted to get that fifth-level energy crystal.

It was level four just now, and now it is level five. This thing is definitely useful.

Although this destructive and ominous lifeform is a long-like habitat, whether it is the emperor bird or himself, he is naturally restrained, and the probability of winning this battle is not small.

No, after the Apocalypse Divine Technique, Han Fei shouted violently, opened the eyes of invincibility, and blessed by the Twilight of the Gods, and once again broke out on a free excursion, and doubled the blessing with the time trick.

"Puff puff~"

At this moment, other ominous lifeforms around also chased after him, only to hear Han Fei shout: "Turtle Armor Sealing the Heavens."


The tortoise shell seals the sky, and the great formation blocks the way of those ominous beings. It was over, surrounded by 100,000 magic spears, finally suppressing the destruction and ominous lifeform.

At this moment, a large hole has been poked out of his body, and a large amount of black smoke is scattered from his body.


"Kill you."

"You can't leave, hahaha...ah..."

"help me."

"Damn all races."

The ominous lifeform roared for a while, begged for mercy for a while, and was angry for a while. The voice will become an old man, a woman, and a child. All kinds of sounds burst out from a body.

Han Fei saw his eyelids twitching wildly. What the heck is this? Is this ominous?

Horror level, Destruction level, what other levels?

Han Fei knew that it must be more than that simple before the horror level. And the destruction level could not be the end of the ominous life form, otherwise it would have been destroyed eight hundred times at this level.

In the end, Xu Shi's karmic fire was too terrifying to burn, and with the blessing of Han Fei's purifying power at all costs, this destruction-level ominous lifeform was finally burned alive.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed the fifth-level energy crystal. Of course, he has no time to study it now. Although the tortoise-shell formation is powerful, there are more and more ominous lifeforms outside.


Han Fei is about to enter the natal star, and people are already entering the space node. But suddenly, Han Fei froze, and he saw that a hand was suddenly stretched out outside the space node.


Han Fei only felt dark in front of him, and then he fell heavily to the ground, smashing up a cloud of smoke. Dique, like Han Fei, also fell a dog and ate shit, his legs were standing in the sky, and his head was twisted three hundred and sixty. The tongue sticks out.


One person turned over with a numbness and looked around vigilantly.

Then, Han Fei saw that the place in front of him was the temple in the void? Who caught himself here?

But I saw that on the door of the temple, there were four big characters - "Leiyin Ancient Temple".


Han Fei swallowed his saliva and didn't feel any threat around him. It seemed as if no one had shot at all just now.

Just listen to him: "Di Que, we were caught just now, right?"

The emperor bird's feathers stood up, and looked at the temple vigilantly and said: "Yes, I can forcibly cut off the connection between the stars and stars in that moment, and take you directly to hundreds of millions of miles away. In my heritage memory, the strongest Under the state, it seems that it is barely possible to do so.”

Han Fei's expression changed slightly: "That is to say, at least the emperor level?"

Emperor Que: "No, in the memory of inheritance, I could fight the gods at that time. So..."


Han Fei only felt that his scalp was numb. Did he have an affair with a **** recently? You can meet the gods everywhere, don’t you mean that the gods are all extinct, have they all fallen, and where the **** have so many appeared all at once?

Di Que stood on Han Fei's shoulder again, and said in a daze, "Give me treatment first."

Han Fei: "Are you injured?"

Di Que turned his thoughts and stared at Han Fei, there were blood stains in his eyes: "You remembered me when dealing with ominous creatures in the long-lived realm, I just entered the realm of Taoism!"

Han Fei: "Can't you ignore the two realms to leapfrog and fight?"

As he spoke, Han Fei performed apocalypse magic on Emperor Que.

Di Que said angrily, "I can leapfrog, but that doesn't mean that leapfrogging has no price! Besides, I'm so different from the thing just now, he's almost at the peak of his longevity."

Han Fei: "I don't know if the peak is the peak or not, but now he is dead."

When it was over, Han Fei didn't wait for the emperor to speak, but cupped his hands and said: "Junior Han Fei, the contemporary descendant of the Void Temple, has seen the senior. I don't know if the senior grabbed the junior to come here, what is the so-called?"

Emperor Que was also silent, and his heart was a little hairy. He could still try the long-lived realm. If it was a god, don't think about it, he and Han Fei would both be gone with a slap.

After waiting for a while, seeing no response, Han Fei said again, "Senior, are you there?"

Emperor Que patted Han Fei's head with his wings, then pointed to the gate of the ancient temple of Leiyin and said, "That gate is hidden."

Han Fei looked at the gate of the ancient temple of Leiyin, raised his eyelids, it really was hidden, do you want to go in?

Han Fei: "Isn't it good to enter without notice?"

Emperor Que: "Didn't you tell me? It's just that people ignored you."

Han Fei nodded slightly, ignored himself, and grabbed himself again. First of all, this is definitely not to play, and it should not be to kill yourself, otherwise the moment just now is the best time to shoot, and you may not have time to call the senior brother.

Han Fei took a breath and came to the door.

"Clang clang ~"


"Senior, I'm in!"

"Senior, please forgive my offense."


Han Fei pushed open a crack in the door, and when he opened the door, his hands were covered in dust. It was obvious that no one had been here for too long. He couldn't see anything inside, he felt it, and he was ready to activate the void mark at any time in his mind.

When Han Fei stepped into the entrance, he stuck his head out, as if in the darkness, he saw some huge figures, playing with various shapes and postures.

"Withered image?"

At this moment, Han Fei has completely walked in.


Suddenly, the door behind him suddenly closed, Han Fei looked back, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

I just heard Han Fei say again: "Senior, UU reading www.uukanshu.com junior took the liberty to visit, do you still hope to forgive me?"


Suddenly, I saw two rows of lights on the left and right, dancing like fish and dragons, burning one by one. When I looked again, I saw a dozen giant statues, like gods and Buddhas, playing with various shapes, and all their faces were looking in the direction of the door.


Han Fei murmured to himself, what the **** is this place! It's like a temple of horror.

"Leiyin Ancient Temple Trial is about to start. There is no time limit for this trial. Those who pass the trial can leave. Those who fail... will be obliterated." (To be continued)


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