God of Fishing

Chapter 2734: Trial Begins, Hall of Gods

The creatures in the wilderness of the sea are generally not weak in strength. As far as the vast and boundless seas are concerned, most of the strength of the Kraken also follows the form of the inverted pyramid structure.

Although it is a sea world, it is impossible for all sea monsters to be powerful. Power always starts from weakness. Therefore, if the normal strength of ordinary creatures is considered, it is actually in the realm of snorkeling and law enforcement. Correspondingly, it is the two realms of the sea monster realm and the sea spirit realm.

However, in the trials of the human race today, the general strength is still in the realm of hanging fisherman to submersible fisherman.

As for the human race, although it is growing rapidly, many of these 180 billion people have missed the era and the critical period of their own cultivation, and most of these people have a life span of five to eight hundred years.

The number of this group of people is absolutely quite large, as many as 30 billion. The upper limit of their strength is generally the limit of the hanging fisher, and even the realm of the diving fisher cannot be reached.

This is also something that can't be helped. Missing the best cultivation age, the root bones cannot be improved, the body has too many hidden injuries, and there are too many impurities. It is not difficult for this group of people to adapt to the wilderness of the sea.

At this moment, the war is in full swing.

Chu Hao disguised the Great Emperor Realm of the Void Temple, and did not arouse suspicion, but directly deterred the invaders. But the ordinary human race battlefield, because the strength level is too low, so the people in Zhonghai Shenzhou are not worried that the people of the Void Temple will directly destroy these creatures to help the human race.

And what they want is a large number of human race attrition. As for whether they spent 48 years to launch the sea monster tide, will it become a trial for the human race and help the human race grow.

The answer is yes, and they know that. But they don't care, because in their opinion, the basic strength of the human race is too poor, even if there is a short-term growth, it will not affect the overall situation. And the reduction of the human race is real.

"bang bang bang~"

On the human race battlefield, Luo Xiaobai saw a large number of low-level human race practitioners self-destructing.

Yes, in the two realms of angler and hang-fisher, many people know that their strength cannot go further. Some older people, whose lives are about to end, become the first batch of self-destruction to kill the enemy.

A large number of low-level five-member groups, facing the surging sea-monster attack, suffered a lot of damage in just one round of impact.

There were battle spirit masters who tried to hold back three or five sea-monsters, but the number of them rushed forward to more than ten, which was completely beyond his tolerance. After only three breaths, he was pierced, and his body fell on the spot.

When the other members of the team saw this, their eyes were red. Since the human race recovered its five major occupations, they formed a five-person team. No matter who fell, it was enough to drive the other members of the team crazy.

There are spirit gatherers roaring, even if their own has desperately used spirit gathering to try to save their teammates, but they can only watch their teammates fall.

"Old Liu..."

A team of soldiers and armored divisions died in battle, and the captain of the spiritual gathering division roared unwillingly.

But before he could finish shouting, the soldiers and armor of the armored division were scattered, and their bodies were smashed into pieces.

The hunter appeared, and only had time to harvest two or three sea monsters, he was swept away by a shrimp feather and chopped off his legs. Rao is that the controller's reaction speed was fast enough, but he still failed to pull him back.

I just heard the controller roar: "Captain, it's not that we can't fight, but there is a difference in fundamental strength. I know that the war commander has done a good enough job, so we have to withstand this battle no matter what. , I hope to be teammates again in the next life.”

"Sister Lin..."

But seeing the woman speaking, she rushed forward without hesitation and was in the sea monster frenzy. Her body was suddenly covered by dozens of sirens.


The self-exploding power directly blew through all the Kraken within a range of tens of meters at a very close distance.

The leader of the Spirit Gathering Master watched his teammates fall one by one with blood and tears in his eyes.

"Ah! The older generation, we are already old. We cannot witness the great era of the human race, but we will surely be one of the creators of this era. Brothers, wait for me..."

However, he saw that the spirit gatherer was holding a top-quality spirit stone in each hand, not retreating but advancing, and there was no defense.

"Boom boom~"

It was the destruction of dozens of Krakens again. However, the power of this level was dissipated by the later Kraken in an instant. This team seems to have never appeared in general.

This situation does not only appear in one team, but many low-level five-person teams are facing the same situation.

"Even if I die, I will become a wall for the human race, burst..."

"Old brothers, Lord Human Sovereign has an enemy of Lord Sovereign, and Lord Commander has an enemy of Lord Commander. We, too, have our battles, for the sake of the human race, bang..."

"The younger generation will give Lao Tzu a step back. This first line of defense is up to us."

Many groups of young people, while fighting, weeping.

Someone roared: "If you fight to the death, who stipulates that you must be on the front line?"

Someone laughed and scolded: "You disobedient little brats, when I was fighting the Kraken, you didn't make a sound. Even if I die, I am also a human racer."

"Everyone, if you know that you don't have much time, rush with me!"

"Anyway, I'm going to die. It's just a few decades earlier and a few decades later. I have lived enough in this life."

"I have nothing to worry about anymore, I miss my daughter-in-law a bit, haha, here I come..."

"If the realm of strength cannot be improved, our generation will eventually pave the way for the next generation. Our path is over, but their path has just begun. If we don't rush, should we wait for them to rush?"

"In this life, I thought I would die in the riotous sea, but we didn't. We witnessed the rise of the human race. We rushed out of the riotous sea, we killed the Wanlin tribe, we destroyed the primitive city, and we entered the wilderness of the sea world. , I have never been so glorious in my life, and now I am dying, and I have already earned blood."


"Whose mother's rule can only charge the sea monster, my human race, there is also a crowd, kill it~"

For a time, the entire battlefield, the cry of the human race, one after another. Looking at the battlefield, the powerhouses will find that at the forefront of the human race front, a tide-like front is slowly formed.

Those who see this scene will not be moved.

Luo Xiaobai clenched her fists tightly, although she had expected all this to happen, but when this scene really happened, she couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness.

In the sea world, can't there be a human race? Why can't you tolerate the human race?

Luo Xiaobai gritted her teeth, tears flowing, her eyes swept to the powerhouses of Zhonghai Shenzhou, and she wanted to remember every face. In the future, when she rises, she will kill one by one.

Don't you want to destroy the human race? Don't people want to be enemies with the human race? Don't you like fighting? Well, in this life of mine, I will definitely let you experience what a war is, and let you see with your own eyes the powerhouses of your own family, one by one.


Between Luo Xiaobai's eyebrows, an ancient seed bloomed, only to hear the "Ka Ka Ka" explosion three times in a row, and three chains in a row appeared and disappeared in the void.

Rao is facing the top powerhouses, and he couldn't help but move slightly. In the blink of an eye, the three-layered locks were continuously condensed. What kind of abnormal growth rate is this?

Behind Luo Xiaobai, Liu Qiansi was shocked. The Beast King said: "Girl, calm your mind, now is not the time to prove the Tao, you must suppress it, suppress yourself, anger will not help you to prove the Tao."

Luo Xiaobai's body is surrounded by three refining stars, and the energy is pouring into the body. In the end, Luo Xiaobai's expression became firm again.

The Beastmaster is right, a strong person cannot become stronger just by anger. The strong must have a strong heart.

Opposite, Zhonghai Shenzhou's Zhuqiangzhong.

Someone voice transmission: "I now understand why everyone doesn't want to let the race rise. This race is simply crazy. I haven't seen any race that uses self-destruction as a combat mode."

Some people sighed: "According to such a self-destruction method, tens of billions of people charge, and if they can't beat them, they will self-destruct. Today's game is not easy to win!"

Someone calmly said: "It's not that it's hard to win, it's definitely impossible to win. But I didn't plan to win them all at once. The second wave is already on its way, and it can be killed in less than half a year. If you live once, can you withstand it three or four times? Unless these people are crazy, each time they use the formation of self-destruction to stop the sea monster frenzy."

Someone said: "If we really want that, then we are not at a loss. The self-explosive battle of the human race will be damaged very quickly."

Someone said: "But this time, in fact, there is not much gain. Those who blew themselves up in the human race are mostly hopeless to improve. They were not our targets."

Some people held a negative attitude: "I don't think so. This group of people will be destroyed sooner or later. You think, if these people are destroyed, can the human race be so crazy? Could it be that the younger generation of the human race has potential? , will they choose this method of self-destruction? If they choose this method, they will break the foundation of the human race. All the low-level practitioners have self-destructed, and the higher the level, the less fresh blood will be injected. Therefore, if Humans really dare to do this, that is their way of death."

Someone agreed: "Yes, at most three sea monster frenzy, you can push the human race into a dilemma."

In this battle, this vast sea turned into a sea of ​​blood. The battle lasted for three days, and the fallen humans and sea monsters spread all over the wilderness.

After the war, the people from Zhonghai Shenzhou retreated first. They came today mainly to see the situation of the war. No one naively thought that they could destroy the human race in one go.

seven days later.

The post-war statistics were finally reported.

When Hong Yue was reporting, his body trembled a little.

"Lord Commander... This time, the human race lost 10.6 billion people..."

Luo Xiaobai only felt a buzzing in her head. She couldn't hear what Hong Yue said below. With a population of 180 billion, in just one World War, the loss rate was nearly 6%. This is the most tragic war and the most tragic war in the history of the human race.

"Lord Commander, Commander... Xiaobai, Xiaobai..."

Under Hong Yue's repeated reminders, Luo Xiaobai finally spoke with difficulty, his voice full of exhaustion: "Where's Han Fei?"

"I'm here."

Behind Luo Xiaobai, a hand was gently placed on her shoulder. Han Fei could clearly feel that Luo Xiaobai's body was shaking slightly.

Tears flickered in her eyes, and Hong Yue receded after seeing this.

Luo Xiaobai didn't look back, but said in a helpless, very low voice, "Did we make a wrong decision?"

Han Fei's voice sounded softly in her ear: "You know, someone has to bear the price of the rise of the human race. I'm sorry for letting you bear such a lot of pressure alone."

Luo Xiaobai turned his head and didn't look at Han Fei. He slowly hugged him with his backhand, his body trembled, and there was a sound of sobbing gradually.

Han Fei's face was cold, but his voice was soft: "Trust me, how much suffering the human race has suffered today, I will give it back a hundredfold in the future."


In the ancient temple of Leiyin.

Han Fei, who has completed the deduction and practice of the Purification Mantra, is ready to begin to comprehend the way of thunder.

Before that, he should take a look at the so-called fourth- and fifth-level energy crystals, what is the difference?

【Name】Five-level energy crystal

[Introduction] The only pure energy crystal nucleus in the body of the ominous life of the destruction level, has a huge amount of chaos energy, a huge amount of vitality, a huge amount of which can directly absorb the soul of the owner, and contains a large number of pure laws of heaven, which can be directly used for cultivation.

[Quality] Destruction

[Contains the Qi of Chaos] 3.68 million strands

[Contains the soul of no master] 13 yuan

[Contains vitality] 50,000 years


[Note 1] The soul of the owner in the ominous life is in a state of absolutely no attributes, which can be directly absorbed without side effects.

[Note 2] The pure law of heaven can be applied to the comprehension and practice of any kind of law


Han Fei was refreshed, no wonder Senior Brother Lei Heng said to collect as many energy crystals as possible. It turned out that the high-quality energy crystal was unexpectedly powerful.

The mere fact that the Soul of the Lord can be directly absorbed without side effects is enough to be called a treasure. The key is that this thing contains a lot of pure laws of heaven.

It was the first time that Han Fei knew that the Law of Heaven could be obtained in this way. Doesn't this mean that I can inject more and more laws of the Dao of Heaven into my Dao, strengthen the understanding of that type of Dao, and breed more laws?

"Sure enough, good stuff!"

Han Fei couldn't help grinning. He now has more than 500 crystals of such energy. If this is completely refined, it seems that the strength of Xiaoyaojing can be improved by a large amount.

After calming down a little, Han Fei decided to understand the way of thunder first. After comprehending the Way of Thunder, it is not in a hurry to gradually increase the strength.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a lot of time to comprehend Thunder. I have been in the Chaos Thunder Territory for 33 years, and I am struck by thunder every day. I still have some experience.

However, he certainly did not expect to study the Thunder Avenue slowly just through this experience.

Therefore, Han Fei began to recall the Leifa that he had deduced.

""Thunder Body" is to attract thunder to quench the body, and it is the basis for the final comprehension of the Thunder Road."

""Sky Locking Thunder" is an artifact refining technique. It gathers the power of the sky to form a great formation of gathering thunder, mobilizes the Nine Heavens Thunder to refine the weapons, removes impurities, and achieves the effect of the essence of heaven's power. If the ominous living body is beaten as a refining material, Impurities can be eliminated the same, and the properties are the same, so it can be practiced.”

""Treasure Phase Thunder Hammer" is a hammer method, there will be a thunder **** treasure phase, and the cultivator needs to be extremely strong. This can be ruled out. There are many powerful hammer methods, such as "Extreme Hammer", which is much more powerful than this thing. ."

In the end, Han Fei chose "Lightning Body" and "Sky Locking Thunder" for deductions, and respectively obtained two supreme emperor techniques:

"Crazy Thunder Dao Body" [Emperor Supreme]

Introduction: Use thunder to enter the Dao, attract billions of thunder, condense the thunder pattern, imprint the thunder pattern into the bloodline imprint, hide the Dao in the blood, and temper the body all year round. Crazy Thunder Dao Body, just by attracting the human body, can activate the bloodline thunder pattern, and those who practice master can resonate with thunder, and the effect of thunder resistance is doubled.

Deduction: "Tai Xu Lei Body"

Deduction consumption: 3 million fairy spirits

Disadvantages: The bloodline will carry the inheritance of thunder, which is not a good thing for those who pursue pure bloodline.

Remarks: Leihai is hard to find, and there are not many places suitable for cultivating the Crazy Thunder Dao Body.

After seeing the drawbacks of the Kuanglei Dao Body, Han Fei didn't mind, and he didn't know how many kinds of blood he swallowed. In his opinion, there are countless inheritances hidden in everyone's blood, and these inheritances can eventually be awakened, very few.

Moreover, since he was a child, his bloodline was very poor, didn't he also walk all the way and gradually become the current bloodline level? Even, the father and mother deliberately cut off the bloodline of their ancestors, indicating that the bloodline is not as important as imagined. What matters is people.

Another great trick:

"Tai Shang Shen Lei Hun Yuan Jue" [Emperor Supreme Grade]

Remarks: Enter the Tao with the thunder array, melt the thunder with chaos, gather the heavens to raise the thunder, and refine the divine thunder. With the body as the material, the divine thunder on the ether is the hammer, and finally the law of thunder is tempered in the body, which can be battled and refined. This technique is not for those who are physically strong and should not be tried lightly.

Deduction: "Tai Shang Shen Lei Hua Shen Chapter"

Deduction consumption: 3 million fairy spirits

Disadvantages: Those who are not physically strong cannot practice cultivation

Remarks: This technique is a masterpiece, which can refine all methods and all forms.

Compared with this Supreme Divine Thunder Hunyuan Art, Han Fei actually wants to continue to deduce "The Supreme Divine Thunder Transforming God", needless to say, this must be a divine thunder method.

But in the end, two conditions limited him. One is that he is now in the ancient temple of Leiyin, and it is not so fast to obtain the Qi of Chaos, and the Qi of Immortal Spirit is refined from the Qi of Chaos, so it is naturally slower. It took Han Fei more than 130 years just to deduce these two and the previous divine spell of purification.

He knew that the human race must have begun, and it may have been fought many times. Unfortunately, he can't leave. He can only hope that the backhand he left behind can play a role.

Reason told him that it was difficult to guarantee that he could go back alive if he tried forcibly. If you want to go back alive, you must not be blind, you must cultivate, and the time you must wait cannot be shortened at all.

He can only comfort himself, Han Song's avatar is also his main soul, and he should be able to control everything.

Now that he has only thoroughly understood these three exercises, Han Fei has not yet started to practice. But he already had an idea, and I saw him take out the thunder-inducing platform. One turned over and sat cross-legged in Taichung.

What Han Fei can use is seven purple sermons.

Although he is now a strong person in the free and unforgettable realm, the seven purple thunderbolts are also equivalent to a cultivator, and the seven emperors are robbing thunder.

Han Fei released a purple thunderbolt of preaching, and he could still feel the powerful energy of destruction and the energy of quenching the body and forging the soul, hitting the whole body. Of course, this purple sermon thunder is still incomparable to the emperor's calamity that he has experienced. It should be just an ordinary person's sermon thunder.

Han Fei needs to practice the "Crazy Thunder Dao Body" first, not for great success, but for understanding and getting started.

Because it is not a Taoist, Han Fei spent half a year slowly absorbing the five Taoist Thunders, which is considered a small achievement of refining "Crazy Thunder Taoist".

It took another two months, and Han Fei could only barely get started with "Tai Shang Shen Lei Hun Yuan Jue".

At this time, the power of thunder in the thundering platform had been consumed by Han Fei.

But Han Fei didn't care. In addition to the thunder platform, he also had more than 500 energy crystals. Among them, the pure power of heaven can also enhance the practice of this thunder road and law.

Another 53 years later.

After all, it is not in the star of his own life, there is no time to accelerate, so Han Fei's cultivation speed has naturally dropped significantly.

It took 53 years for him to absorb less than 200 energy crystals. Unfortunately, because of the influence of the growth rate of his physique, his spiritual power practice, even if he wants to be fast, can't be fast.

However, in the past 53 years, his strength has made great progress. Han Fei sighed that it was time to start the trial. Before that, he looked at his own information, but saw the information emerge:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 114 (Xiaoyao)

Canghai Wan Family Tree: 10086

Spiritual Qi: 1.02 million

Soul: 999 yuan

Power: 999 Star Power

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish [Level 110]

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 111]

Majoring in Gongfa: Gods and Demons Wuxiang Gong

The bipolar paths are parallel, with a small ridge. But Han Fei knew that this was because he was cultivating too fast, and was there any pressure to push him to break through, so he got stuck here.

As long as you have a few more battles or something, you should be able to cross the past and quickly advance to the mid-level of Happy Realm.


When Han Fei looked at the 12 giant statues again, this time he entered the hall of the gods without fear.

As far as the emperor is concerned, facing such a Jedi, it is useless to be afraid. If you think about life and death too much, you will only make yourself afraid of death.


As soon as Han Fei stepped into the hall of the gods, the statues shook slightly. Immediately after, the scene in front of Han Fei began to change, and the hall of the gods in front of him disappeared.

Instead, there are 12 giants like the law scattered on the sky. It looks like 12 gods are looking down at the common people.

I saw that the 12 giants began to move, as if they were calling for thunder.

"Boom boom~"

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions of miles of sky, covered with thunder, turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

Han Fei wanted to see what the 12 giants would do, but after finding that they had turned this place into a vast ocean, they disappeared, and it seemed that there was no follow-up movement.

When the thunder slammed down, Han Fei could immediately feel the intensity of the thunder, which was exactly the same level as the thunder in the Chaos Thunder Domain.

Han Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If that's the case, then he doesn't have to worry about being unable to carry it at all. When he really can't bear it, he can block it with the tortoise armor, and he can use Xiao Hei Xiaobai to purify the power of thunder.

Han Fei smiled, and took out the thunder-inducing platform to absorb the power of thunder. At the same time, let Xiaohei and Xiaobai turn into a yin and yang grinding disc to purify the impurities in the thunder.

I thought that it should be the end of this slow cultivation until I fully comprehend the Thunder Road and the Law of Thunder.

However, in just one day, the appearance of a giant broke Han Fei's fantasy.

After the giant appeared, he immediately started to attack Han Fei. I saw the giant pinching the strange seal, and suddenly, the thunder gathered in the sky, the thunders merged, the speed doubled, and Han Fei came. (To be continued)


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