God of Fishing

Chapter 2750: Sui Emperor Castle

Chapter 2750 Hidden Emperor City

Han Fei's thoughts were much simpler after meeting with Raging Fire Qilin and Li Luoluo. His purpose was to let these two families take care of the human race and form an ally. As for whether the two families will continue to be hostile, it has nothing to do with Han Fei.

After doing all this, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai walked on the streets of Baimeng City.

Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "The human race is over, I should go too."

Han Fei: "Where to go?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Now in the sea world, a group of demons are dancing wildly. They have no strength and can't deal with everything that will happen in the future. We... see you in Zhonghai Shenzhou."

Han Fei frowned slightly: "Going to Zhonghai Shenzhou now?"

Luo Xiaobai: "The **** thing is dead, who will know me?"

Han Fei nodded slightly. Judging from the current situation of the sea world, Zhonghai Shenzhou is indeed the center of the sea world, where many experts from the sea world gather. In terms of the speed of rise, it must be the fastest in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

However, Han Fei still said: "Let's go back to the Chaos Wasteland first! Although my fifth senior brother is very lazy, I must be very simple. Among all the people I have met so far, there is no one he does not know. It doesn't matter where the person is from the sea world, or how many thousands of years ago. So, you don't have to follow the five senior brothers to practice, but in the sea world, information and intelligence are particularly important. Mastering these will be of great benefit to your growth. ."

Luo Xiaobai thought for a moment, then nodded and replied, "Okay."

Han Fei: "Besides, when I go to Zhonghai Shenzhou, I have a magic technique..."

Without hesitation, Han Fei gave Luo Xiaobai the technique of "God Hidden", and then he brought out the dying wood demon Shanshan from the Jade Spirit Pagoda.

Although the Gods and Demons Forest are hostile forces, it has to be said that they are also the representative forces of the Six Ancients. And Luo Xiaobai is a mixed bloodline of the ancient human race and the ancient demon plant, so the great skills of the gods and demon forest are of great benefit to him.

three days later.

Han Fei appeared alone on the edge of the western mining area. Following the guidance of the Navigation Vientiane, he plunged into the fog barrier in the western mining area.

Because the terrain was complicated and had to be guided many times, it took Han Fei three days to break through the fog and come to a magnificent ancient city hidden deep in the mining area.

So far, there have been no ore monsters in the long-lived realm or mine monsters in the emperor realm blocking them along the way. Han Fei is naturally not stupid. The hidden emperor city has been able to stand in the depths of the boundless mining area for so long, and the mine monsters who dared to attack them have long since perished. And those who didn't perish should have already been controlled by them. They didn't want to embarrass themselves. This is the reason why they went all the way.

This city is thousands of miles across, and the walls of the giant city are marked with some ancient battle marks. Han Fei just glanced at it, and there seemed to be countless swords and swords in his eyes, killing him.

However, after being burned by the refining demon for two hundred years, his will and belief are beyond the reach of human beings.

Taking a slight breath, Han Fei cupped his hands and shouted, "Human Han Fei, come to visit the seniors of the Imperial City."


"Kakaka, hum..."

I only saw that the dusty gate of the hidden emperor city opened slowly, but no one came to greet it.

Han Fei was not afraid. He went straight to the door and looked at the three big characters "Hidden Emperor City" written in ancient characters above his head. He felt infinite pressure and pressed down heavily on himself.

It's just that, when today's cost is no longer in the open world, if it is the coercion of the emperor, he will not feel this level of pressure. Then, these three words must have been written by the gods themselves.


Han Fei slowly let out a breath to ease the pressure of the god. Immediately, he looked away and walked towards the city.

"Om long~"

The door behind him was slowly closing, and a cloud of mist was rushing toward him.

Han Fei frowned slightly, but the next moment, he heard a shout.


He only saw that the scene in front of him changed, and Han Fei actually found himself standing on the high platform of the city wall. And there are millions of such strong men in this city, and there are more than them.

And in the city, there are hundreds of thousands of Emperor Venerable realm powerhouses, so Han Fei couldn't help but feel shocked. So many Emperor Venerables only made Han Fei's scalp numb. With such a force, shouldn't it sweep the sea world?

But Han Fei quickly suppressed his shock because the environment was not right. When he looked up, the outside world was a boundless sea of ​​stars, and the twinkling stars in the sky told him that he was in the sea of ​​stars at this moment. And this city stands alone in the sea of ​​​​stars.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of Emperor Venerable Realm powerhouses are rushing to kill with millions of Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection powerhouses. Han Fei is no stranger to the target of the rush, it is the ominous life form.

It's just that the ominous life forms that Han Fei saw were so dense that he couldn't even count them.

The rays of light in the sea of ​​​​stars shone and extinguished, and large explosions continued one after another. From time to time, there would be a roaring sound in the sea of ​​​​stars, which was the avenue crack that should have erupted when the emperor fell. But in the sea of ​​​​stars, the fall of the ordinary emperor seems to have been unable to cause the appearance of cracks in the heavens, so there is only the sound of rumbling.

"How, what is the difference between this level of war and your human race's war?"

Beside Han Fei, he suddenly saw a young man in blue clothes, with loose hair, bare feet, and a wine gourd in his hand.

Han Fei paused and said, "Is the senior a strong person in this illusion, or a strong person in Hidden Emperor City?"

Han Fei knows that for some super strong people, even if they are separated by time and space, they can feel a wisp of your will or gaze.

The young man smiled slightly: "Guess what?"

Han Fei pondered for a while, this person mentioned the war between the human race and the human race, and most of them were from the Hidden Emperor City, and most of this illusion was created by him for himself.

Han Fei didn't tell the result of his guess, but slightly handed over his hands: "Han Fei of the human race, I have seen seniors. In fact, in my opinion, as long as it is war, it is no different. When facing life and death, everyone's mentality , maybe the same. The enemy wants to destroy our human race, and our human race resists to death, pouring blood on the defense line. Although these people are very strong, in this vast sea of ​​stars, in terms of ominousness, they are as weak as the human race that is still weak for the time being. Two. There is no way, I can't retreat, if I retreat, more people will fall, and in the end, I can't escape death. Therefore, everyone has no way out, they can only kill, and kill a bright world."

"Langlang Qiankun, can't kill it?"

The man chuckled lightly, but there seemed to be some emotion hidden in his words.

Han Fei said firmly: "It will be killed. Since ancient times, Wanzu has fought back the ominous, not once or twice. Therefore, if you can defeat him once, you can defeat him twice or three times. Of course, the premise is Wanzu Together."

"It is so difficult for all ethnic groups to be united."

Han Fei: "When death is imminent, what can they do if they are not aligned, they have to fight, and they have to fight if they don't fight, don't they?"

The young man smiled lightly: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about refining the demon pot! Do you know what it means to take over the refining of the demon pot?"

Han Fei: "What?"

The young man Youyou said: "It is said that those who master the refining of the demon pot will not end well. In fact, you should be able to understand that since ancient times, those who take over the refining of the demon pot have to assume a great responsibility to fight against the ominous. It can even act as the leading force. But when it comes to fighting against the ominousness, the master of the demon pot will find that the demon pot can't really stop the ominous. In fact, you are also going to die. So, are you still willing to take charge of refining the demon pot?"

Han Fei's pupils shrank, but he immediately grinned: "The masters of refining the demon pot may be the most amazing people, but I am not them. We, they will not be afraid of life and death, otherwise how can they grow to the heights they are today? , how can He De He be able to enter the Hidden Emperor City?"

The young strong man laughed and pointed to Xinghai: "Look."

I saw that in the sea of ​​​​stars, the war picture was changing. Before, millions of troops were fighting against the ominous, but at this moment, half of them have already fallen. This percentage of fall is outrageous.

The probability of a person growing from an ordinary cultivator to the emperor realm is quite low. I don’t know how many people will fall and how many difficulties and obstacles will be experienced.

However, in this level of war, the result is like this, a large number of strong people have fallen, and it is simply unsustainable.

I saw that the void shook violently. A woman, dressed in a white dress, walked from the rear of the army. One step at a time, every step, her feet were like water, and the light ripples spread out in all directions. Countless people were injured. , recovered in an instant.

"Excellent recovery ability."

Han Fei couldn't help but be moved. He believed that the divine art of apocalypse was already extremely powerful, but the woman in front of him, with such power, made him sigh that the divine art of divine revelation was far from enough.


Yes, that woman's strength was beyond Han Fei's understanding. Maybe the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm is also very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to revive the injured thousands of miles away casually.

Even if it was a god, Han Fei felt that this woman was too strong.

Sure enough, the woman had a clear bell swaying in her hand. In this sea of ​​stars, mysterious sounds were everywhere, and the blue light filled the air. With just this, hundreds of thousands of ominous creatures were purified.

Before the azure light could fully bloom, it could be seen that there was endless darkness shrouded in it, forcibly blocking the piece of azure light, but it was eventually pierced by the azure light ripples.

And behind the darkness, Han Fei only saw hundreds of ominous monsters larger than his Faxiang Heaven and Earth, appearing above the sea of ​​stars. On top of those giant monsters, there is still an ominous life form.

The hundreds of ominous monsters shot together, barely blocking the ripples of clear bells.

Han Fei frowned and said, "That's it?"

The man next to him said lightly: "That is the ominous giant beast and the ominous life form of the extinction level. You can understand it as the emperor."

"Two hundred great emperors, unite against the gods?"

Han Fei knew that the gods were very strong, but this was outrageous. This person was comparable to more than 200 great emperors.

The man beside him chuckled and said nothing. I saw that the woman threw the clear bell in her hand into the air, making a seal with one hand, and behind him, a cyan circular divine disk appeared.


Tens of thousands of blue-light mirrors appeared behind her, and the next moment, the blue-light gushing out from the mirror surface, like a beam of light generated by a starburst, shrouded those world-annihilation-level ominous beings at once.

"Puff puff~"

Han Fei saw that one after another, the ominous beasts of the world were annihilated. In the place where the blue light shone, the ominous life forms were either cut off, pierced, or annihilated. No one could resist this blue light.

"So strong!"

The more than two hundred World Destroyer-level ominous still wanted to join forces to release some kind of ominous shock wave, but they were swept away by a thousand azure lights, swept all the way, and directly dispersed.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than two hundred world-destroying levels were ominous, and only half of them remained.

At that moment, there seemed to be something in the darkness that couldn't sit still. A giant dark claw, a giant claw capable of traversing the Hidden Emperor City, stretched out from the dark fog and grabbed the azure light. Suddenly, thousands of blue lights shone and swept towards the giant hand. Although a lot of ominous aura was purified, the giant hand was not annihilated after all.

In the end, the woman had to combine all the mirrors to penetrate the giant claw in one fell swoop. And the mirrors behind the woman also dissipated, and the divine disk of the law still floated behind her. The woman did not make another move, but was waiting for the master of the giant hand to come out.

Han Fei: "What's this called?"

Young man: "I, doomsday-level ominous life form, you can understand it as a god."

Han Fei couldn't help but change color, not because he heard that the Doomsday class was comparable to a god, but he saw that from the three voids, there were Doomsday class ominous creatures sticking out their hands from the ominous fog.

Three, that is equivalent to three gods. When Han Fei saw the full picture of the doomsday-level ominous life form that climbed out, he couldn't help but be shocked. Even a giant beast who has cultivated to the level of a **** is probably not as good as this thing.

They can no longer be regarded as a body, and the whole ominous piece is regarded as their body, spanning nearly a million miles. Fortunately, the young man next to him said: "Don't be fooled by the size, they can be transformed into human size."

Han Fei: "I know, I'm just thinking, with such a big body, if you block the void a little, just slap it with a slap, many people can't escape at all!"

Young man: "Let's see."

As Han Fei said, the enemy of these three gods is not only the woman. After all, ominous beings won't tell you anything fair. One of the doomsday-level ominous lifeforms slapped a group of powerful people from all ethnic groups with the palm of his hand.

But it was not the **** who blocked this blow. The **** disk was turning behind her at the moment, the world was eighty, endless void, and countless cyan rule chains stretched out. The hit is strong, but obviously takes a little time.

As a result, Han Fei saw that there was a strong emperor in the realm, and he thought it was the emperor, because if that person was a god, he would shine like that goddess.

That great emperor, using the ten thousand zhang law to form the heaven and earth, turned into a cone of law, and expanded nearly ten times, bursting out endless light. Rao is that this is already very big, but it is still less than one-tenth of the palm, and the power of light barely covers the palm.


The light dispelled the ominous, and the emperor unexpectedly blocked the ominous hand.

The young man next to him said: "The ten thousand clans have an advantage in dealing with ominous, if it is only one-on-one. For example, we have a method to suppress their power. It doesn't mean how long it can be resisted. Such an attack, at most five times, the Great Emperor can't hold it anymore."

Han Fei frowned slightly: "It means that he is not strong enough."

The young man smiled and said: "Do you think that every one of the emperor-level powerhouses can become a **** of war or a descendant of a god? After all, there are very few people in the world, so you can't use their strength to measure a great emperor. In fact, as long as you become a great emperor , is already strong.”

Han Fei nodded slightly. At this moment, the chain of rules bound the three doomsday powerhouses. But the chain of rules is constantly breaking, and the speed is very fast.

But the woman didn't care, but opened her hands, and the whole body was filled with blue light. The next moment, within tens of millions of miles, the realm set off a blue light storm, or a law storm, a purification storm.

This storm is extremely tyrannical, and it seems to have supreme power, and it almost wiped out the ominous creatures within thousands of miles. And the three doomsday-level ominous beings are also roaring frantically.

One of them roared: "The water spirit purifies the storm, it can't kill me and so on."

When the azure light is annihilated, only these three doomsday-level ominous life forms remain. And Han Fei obviously saw that the woman was a little uneasy.

But she only slowed down a little, and the clear bell before turned into a giant bell, and the sound of purification erupted. And the woman walked with the sword, the sword broke the palm of her hand, and sacrificed with blood, Han Fei felt a huge amount of vitality burning.

The next moment, I saw that the boundless sea of ​​stars turned into daylight, and the long sword broke through the sky, killing three gods in a row.

After the three swords were cut, the woman sat cross-legged in the void. It seemed that her injuries were not minor, and she was quite weak at the moment.

At this time, the young man next to him said: "Apocalyptic level, no matter how weak, it is equivalent to a strong god. Only gods can kill gods."

At this time, the picture in front of Han Fei gradually dissipated. The next moment, Han Fei found that he was still in the gate passage after the entrance. There was just a young man across from him, looking at him with a smile.

Han Fei: "Why is it gone?"

Young man: "You always have to experience it. It's pointless to see so much. What do you think of this god?"

Han Fei pondered for a long time: "Very strong, but not strong enough."

This judgment made by Han Fei is well-founded. He doesn't know whether the Demon God is so strong, but there is one person who can be used as a reference, that is the ancient **** Leiyin. Seeing this scene today, Han Fei was only shocked. Then the ancient **** Leiyin used to stand alone for three thousand years, how terrifying would it be?

At that time, there must be more than these doomsday-level ominous beings who attacked the ancient **** Leiyin at the same time, maybe five, six, seven or eight at a time.

In that case, Han Fei didn't know how the guy survived for three thousand years alone. Perhaps, this is also the reason why he set up the Leiyin Ancient God Trial, which is to make people suffer extreme oppression.

The young man smiled and said: "Your evaluation is not high enough, you even think she is a little weak, right?"

Han Fei was noncommittal, although he was surprised by the strength of the woman, but it was from his own perspective. But if you look at it from a different angle, it will naturally be different.

The young man smiled and said, "Come on! It's not easy to get here from the sea of ​​gods and demons, so let's talk about it when we have something to do."

Han Fei followed the young man into the city. As far as the eye can see, there is a huge training field and other places. Many young and strong people are sitting or standing, and they are looking at themselves anyway. From the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm to the Emperor Venerable Realm, the number of them that I have seen is as high as tens of thousands.

Han Fei didn't perceive it and swept it directly. After all, it was someone else's territory, and it was very impolite to swipe it directly.

Come to think of it, the design of this city should be designed to facilitate the gathering of troops and keep fighting at any time. At the back of the training ground is a high-rise palace made of concentrate. At this moment, three or five people are looking down from a high place.

"They are all strong, they are all great emperors."

Han Fei was slightly startled, and he had not come into contact with the emperor-level powerhouse once or twice. This kind of temperament, all kinds of faint coercion, is definitely the emperor-level powerhouse.

In the Hidden Emperor City, there are so many strong men, fierce horses and fierce soldiers, but they have been hidden from the world. This is obviously prepared for the ominous battle.

Han Fei frowned slightly: "I didn't fight, just practice like this, it doesn't seem like..."

Suddenly, when Han Fei saw someone surrounded by the power of the Pure Energy Dao, he suddenly realized something.

Are these people using energy crystals to cultivate? Possibility crystals can only be obtained from ominous creatures. Those who can supply this level of cultivation are definitely not ordinary ominous creatures in the Chaos Wasteland. Then the real training ground of these people is not here at all, but in Xinghai.

Han Fei: "Can Hidden Emperor City go directly to Xinghai?"

Young man: "What do you want to know, why don't you go and see for yourself?"

"What do you think?"

At this moment, suddenly, a huge wall appeared in front of Han Fei, and a strange vortex appeared on it.

"The Gate of No Distance?"

Han Fei wondered in his heart, the Gate of Infinity can still run around by himself?

However, a line of words appeared on the wall: "Do you know me?"

Han Fei laughed: "You don't know me?"

The Door of No Distance: "You may know another Door of No Distance."

Han Fei was stunned: "Are there many doors to the Gate of Infinity?"

The young man said: "Naturally there are more than one. At present, there are nine known in the sea world. The human race came from the chaotic wasteland, and that one can be called the third door without distance."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was a little speechless, UU reading www.uukanshu.com the treasure of good fortune, all of a sudden there are nine fans, which is outrageous.

Han Fei was also a little curious in his heart, so he didn't hesitate, and stepped into the gate of no distance. Obviously, the Hidden Emperor City in the sea world is only a temporary foothold.


Han Fei only felt a soft force push him behind him, and then the surrounding scene blurred, and when the blurred state ended, he had appeared above a sea of ​​stars. And here, there is actually a city, which is exactly the same as the illusion I saw just now, but there is no such kind of super war.

Han Fei also found that he was standing in the wrong position, and he was actually standing at the top of the palace.

Suddenly realizing something, Han Fei quickly turned around and saw a woman in a white dress looking at him quietly.

The woman was looking at him with a smile: "I heard that you think I'm a little weak?"

"Ah this... isn't that... a prehistoric image?"

(End of this chapter)

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