God of Fishing

Chapter 2755: Everyone here is trash

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The old man transformed by the ancient star tree responded with a smile: "As expected, he is the owner of the demon refining pot, and he actually survived under the hands of the gods."

Han Fei: "Senior should know that I won't die, even if the deity really appears in this world."

The ancient star tree did not respond to this, but said: "This time, I thank you for your two shots. If the little friend needs it in the future, I will do my best to help."

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "I really needed it before, but it's fine for the time being, but this junior has a few questions that he wants to ask the ancient senior."

"Oh? But it doesn't matter."

Han Fei paused, remembering the man he saw at the Starfield Trial Ground, and couldn't help but ask, "How strong is that man?"

A green leaf, even if separated by endless years, can kill God, that person is really strong and a little too much.

The ancient star tree seemed to have memories, and said with emotion: "Speaking of which, the master and you are still in the same lineage, and they are both pure human races. You ask how strong he is, it depends on how you treat the definition of strong. If you think that gods are gods If it is strong, then he is considered to be in the realm of the gods."

"Is it?"

The ancient star tree: "The division of realm in the past was not as clear as it is now. Now that people become gods, they are condensed godheads and have divinity. When I saw that part of my recollection, the master had abandoned the godhead and got rid of the shackles of the gods."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed: "There is still a way after the gods?"

The ancient star tree shook his head: "What is a road?"

Han Fei was a little choked for a while, and when he was suddenly asked this question, he was a little unsure: "Isn't it the path that he should take, a long-term goal that belongs to him?"

The ancient star tree shook his head again: "Although I don't understand the master's realm, the master has long ceased to find his way. He once said this sentence: It is no different to see three thousand avenues in one day. Lun Chang, Fang De always."

"See all three thousand avenues in one day?"

Han Fei couldn't help but take a breath, what kind of words are these tigers and wolves? Exaggerated to this point?

Also, getting rid of the shackles of the gods sounds like the realm of the gods is a cage. However, Han Fei thought that if the gods were shackles, it would be better to lock himself up first, but he wanted to be chained and have a look.

Han Fei slowly returned to his senses: "Taigu senior, where are you going?"

The ancient star tree said leisurely: "I don't know."

Han Fei: "Should I also embark on an ominous road of confrontation?"

The ancient star tree smiled lightly: "I'm just a tree! I just lived long enough. If you want to deal with that ominous thing, you may have to go to the master's realm... It's too difficult, I can't understand the master at all. However, I have a word to remind you that the master once told us not to be in a hurry to put shackles on yourself."

"Shackles? Do you mean the realm of the gods?"

The ancient star tree nodded: "Well! The godhead is the shackle. Although I don't know the master's strength, I know the strength before becoming a god, which determines how strong it is after becoming a god."

Han Fei couldn't help but think of the words of the God of War, if he became a god, he would be invincible. I heard it like a joke before, but it seems to have its own reason for being said by the ancient star tree.

The demon gods became gods by taking the bipolar way. Although countless people in the sea of ​​gods and demons did not take the bipolar way, they were also extremely unipolar.

Han Fei paused for a moment: "The realm of the gods is still far away from me. Did that senior say about the realm of longevity? Do you have any suggestions?"

Primordial Star Tree: "In the past, the longevity realm of our era started from the fusion of the law, and now the fusion of the law is the great emperor. You ask me about the longevity realm, you are actually asking about the transition from the current longevity to the great emperor realm, and It’s not the breakthrough of the current Xiaoyao to the immortal realm. Let’s talk about Xiaoyao to immortality first! What do you think is immortality?”

Han Fei: "Immortal?"

Primordial Star Tree: "You realized this?"

Han Fei was also a little embarrassed: "Should he be integrated with the Tao of Heaven to a certain extent, and the two are interdependent, or can he use the Tao of Heaven to protect himself?"

Primordial Star Tree: "Actually, it's very simple. Today's people think too much and it's too complicated. What is the fusion of Heavenly Dao, what is refining longevity bones, what is bloodline improvement, and what is assigned to Heavenly Dao. It's just because it's too complicated. So it's not pure. It’s not that many people can’t understand longevity, but they set too many restrictions on themselves. In fact, the bottleneck of the emperor’s realm is not how to break through the longevity, and it’s meaningless to think about it. If you want to live long, you only need to remember two words, then That is, the legal body."

"Law body?"

The ancient star tree: "The body of the law is simple to say, but it may not be easy for many people to practice. Most people are not stumped by the meaning of longevity, but by how they practice the body of law."

"It's gone?"

Han Fei was a little stunned. He thought that there was some profound insight in it. If it was a legal body... In the ancient land of the gods, his body was almost legalized and completely became the law of thunder.

However, if it really wants to be completely reduced to the law, people will be gone.

Han Fei: "The Dharma body is definitely not the complete legalization of the body, right?"

The ancient star tree glanced at Han Fei: "I know that you have embarked on the road of thunder, almost legalized?"

Han Fei nodded, and sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot, and he saw through it at a glance.

The ancient star tree said: "The law body is not the law of the body, but to clarify how many laws you have, and return these laws to the original, and gradually disperse them all over the body and integrate into the soul. Have you practiced Dao bone? Dao Bone is to imprint the Dao on the bones, and the Dharma body is to imprint the law on every corner of the body, your flesh and blood, your soul, your bones... This kind of imprint can be superimposed infinitely. Therefore, as long as You have completed the imprint of a law, and you are considered to be in immortality."

Han Fei's heart moved. It shouldn't be too simple to cultivate his own Taoist bones. Just take a bath under the Jasper Stone Bridge. Could it be that the same can be done in the long-lived realm?

Han Fei: "What if the imprints of multiple laws are superimposed?"

Primordial Star Tree: "When you reach the Emperor Venerable Realm, except for sword cultivators, there is no one way to go to the dark. The superposition of the law brand will not necessarily make you stronger, but it can make you universal. However, superposition The more rules you have, the stronger your comprehensive combat power will naturally be.”

Han Fei: "There are thousands of laws between heaven and earth. If you want to superimpose them all, when will the brand be completed? As long as others have more laws than you, won't they be stronger than you?"

"of course not."

The ancient star tree smiled and said: "Brand is just a brand. The law of superposition can only slightly enhance your comprehensive strength, but everyone's foundation is different, and some people are useless even if they superimpose more. For example, I have lived for so long, superimposed. There are more than 10,000 kinds of law imprints, but none of them can beat some strong ones!"

"More than ten thousand species?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched. This is outrageous. When will this kind of de-branding last?

Primordial Star Tree: "No matter how much you stack up, you always have to start melting the law. Next, I will talk about the long-lived realm to the emperor's realm. The world knows that this is the process of melting the law. But most of the long-lived realm, because they don't know themselves. When should the law branding be stopped, so they have been unable to take the step of fusion. When they want to take this step, they find that they don't know how to fusion at all?"

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "How to integrate the law?"

The ancient star tree smiled and looked at Han Fei: "Have you ever seen everything grow?"

Han Fei was confused: "What do you mean?"

Primordial Star Tree: "I've finished speaking, the branding of the law should not be difficult for you. When you merge the law, think about what I said, and most of them will understand."

Han Fei said that I don't understand, I don't understand at all.

However, this may also be because he has not experienced that stage at all, so he does not understand. So he doesn't force it. Anyway, the method of longevity, the ancient star tree clearly told itself.

Don't look at such a simple teaching, but this may be a summary made by countless people in ancient times, and it can be summed up in such a refined way as the word "law body", which is not bad. This thing is easy for others to say, but if you comprehend it yourself, God only knows the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

The only thing I have to consider is the method of imprinting the law. Perhaps, the peak powerhouses of the great powers are also considering this issue. Because of how to live long, the major forces may have told their disciples directly. What they need to understand is the method of branding the law.

Different methods may have different effects and may have different effects. If nothing else, this is the reason why everyone is stuck at the peak of Xiaoyao.

"No, I have to take a shower when I go back."

Han Fei cupped his hands: "Thank you for the teachings of the Taikoo predecessors."

The ancient star tree shook his head slightly: "These are all very simple things. You will know if I don't say it. It's not really any advice. I'm here, but there are other things."

Han Fei sneered: "What's the matter? Do you need help from the younger generation?"

Around, the invisible barrier was placed, and Han Fei was slightly moved. In the Phoenix Protoss, the Primordial Star Tree was also erected with a barrier. Even the people of the Phoenix Protoss were not at ease!

I saw the Primordial Star Tree looked at Han Fei, and said in a sound transmission: "I once heard the master mention that there is a tenth vine in the refining of the demon pot."

Suddenly, Han Fei's eyelids trembled slightly. But the ancient star tree was stunned, because Han Fei's reaction was not as big as expected.

Primordial Star Tree: "Do you know about this?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "I learned about this from the mouth of an ancient people."

Primordial Star Tree: "Did he say where the vine is?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment: "You know?"

Primordial Star Tree: "I shouldn't have known, but the owner once sighed that the refining of the demon pot has been incomplete since the beginning of its discovery. The ten vines are missing one vine, and it seems that it was pulled out when it was pulled out."


Han Fei was speechless, such a refreshing and refined reason, it's really a long time to see.

However, Han Fei suddenly realized something, and suddenly looked at the ancient star tree, his eyes twitched: "Senior, where did you pull the demon pot from?"

The ancient star tree also turned to look at Han Fei, did not speak, but said in his eyes, guess, guess.

"A turtle son."

Han Fei couldn't help cursing, no need to ask, he already knew.

The Primordial Star Tree stood up with a smile, then patted Han Fei on the shoulder and said, "I can't help you much, if the dog is here, it'll be fine... ah..."

The Primordial Star Tree stooped slightly and walked out of Feng Xingliu's yard.

"Dogdan? That unicorn little beast?"

The ancient star tree mentioned the little unicorn twice, and it may be quite missed. It's a pity that there is no way, God knows where the little unicorn is. Who knows if the former strong man is still alive.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing: "A tree that has fallen into memory!"

After chatting with the Primordial Star Tree, Han Fei did not immediately enter the Star of Life and call out the Jasper Stone Bridge. At present, he is not at the peak of Xiaoyao Peak, and it is still a little bit worse. If you practice in the stars of your destiny, it will take ten years as fast as you can, and it will take a hundred years at most. You should be able to reach the peak. Maybe you can even advance to the long-lived realm before entering the ancient land of the gods.


In the next two days, Han Fei was mainly cultivating the divine technique, the Star Slasher.

Feng Yu brought the nine-foot ring knife to Han Fei, and abruptly piled it up into an acquired spirit treasure. When Han Fei saw the knife, he was also a little embarrassed. Since it is called a nine-foot ring knife, it is naturally nine feet long, taller than Han Fei. There are nine rings on the back of the knife, and the rings resonate, which can cut out the soul silencer.

Feng Yu gave Han Fei a very short time, but fortunately, he had a good understanding of the Dao of the Blade, and with the help of refining the demon pot to help him understand this magic, otherwise Han Fei would not be able to show his true power in a short time.

The only thing that is not very elegant is that the mad knives and gangsters like to carry knives to demonstrate fierceness, which means that Han Fei will not be able to put away the knives frequently in the future. Come out brightly.

No, seven days will come in a blink of an eye.


Fengyu has her own independent mountain gate compound, which is full of fiery red trees with fluttering leaves, which is truly beautiful.

At this moment, there are more than 500 geniuses from all over the sea in the courtyard. Among them, there are as many as 92 people in the emperor realm.

At this moment, Feng Yu is wearing a long red dress and wearing golden branches and jade green, and is holding a tea cup to greet the heroes: "Friends, there are some things that need to be settled. My Feng Yu is different from Ye Qingchan in Miracle Forest. Qingchan competes to recruit relatives. She likes the strong, but she doesn't care about people. I, Feng Yu, like the strong, but it has to be the one I like. Since you are here today, I also want to stand in front of you. To make it clear, I, Feng Yu, already have someone I like, and he is in the Divine Phoenix Clan. After today, if anyone comes to propose a marriage, please forgive me from the Divine Phoenix Clan, and they will not welcome him."

Off the field, someone stood up proudly: "Miss Fengyu, if we talk about emotions in my realm, it would be too vulgar. Emotions can always be cultivated, but blood and strength are always high and low. I couldn't get along with Miss Fengyu. Shuangxiu, I have no regrets waiting. But in the end, I have to see who I lost in the hands of."

"Yes, I heard that the person's name is Wang Han. When he first appeared, he defeated Xiao Jie of the Taikoo Temple. Since it is a character that Miss Fengyu likes, it should be extraordinary, and it is a pity to not know it."

The big family has the advantages of the big family, but it also has the disadvantages of the big family. For example, most of these people have come to visit and ask for Feng Yu.

Do they like Feng Yu? Of course not, no matter how beautiful or ugly Feng Yu is, they don't really mind. At this level of strength, what kind of beauty can't you want? What they wanted was the background of the Phoenix Divine Race.

Everyone knows that Feng Yu is the leader of the younger generation of the Phoenix God Clan. This is almost indistinguishable from being on the **** list.

Therefore, what they looked at was not her appearance, but Feng Yu's strength and background. As for who Feng Yu likes, they don't care at all. Do you have someone you like? Kill it. I can't get it, and others don't want to be delusional. When Feng Yu lost love, she would naturally be the same as Ye Qingchan. If they compete to recruit relatives and decide an undisputed Taoist companion, then naturally no one will beat their ideas.

In the sea world, the arrogant women in the large-scale forces, except for a few women who can get rid of this shackles, most people will finally choose to compromise when it comes to choosing a Taoist companion.

Even, many times, the scattered nuns didn't even have a chance to fight.

Before, it was the Divine Phoenix Clan that helped Feng Yu to block the waves of suitors. The two events of the ancient land of the gods and the holy maiden are approaching, attracting a large number of arrogant heroes to the South China Sea. The threshold of the Phoenix Divine Clan was once again stepped on, and almost every day people came to ask for marriage.

If the Divine Phoenix Clan strongly refused, it would not give the Sea Realm so much face, consolidate the status of the Divine Phoenix Clan, and be extremely unfriendly. This is why Feng Yu immediately forced him to be a shield when he first saw Han Fei.

In fact, even if Han Fei didn't come, Feng Yu would drag him from Donghai Shenzhou.

Someone keeps getting up:

"Miss Fengyu, since Daoist Wang Han is here, why don't you come out and talk?"

"Hahaha, are you afraid?"

Someone said leisurely: "If it was a strong player in the past, I would have endured it, but who is this Wang Han? I have never heard of it."

"Yes, do you really think that if you win Feng Yu's favor, you will be able to join the Divine Phoenix Clan?"

"Heh! If this person has a background, that's all. If he is a loose cultivator, I would bet that when he leaves the Phoenix God Clan, he will die."

Those with strength who have not reached the realm of Emperor Venerable will discuss in a low voice: "I heard that Feng Qingcheng is also a talented, full of beauty. If it is not possible, it is also possible to marry her."

"Then Feng Qingcheng must show her worth."

"It's a pity, there are too few arrogant women of the major superpowers, otherwise they wouldn't be fighting for it like this."

"That's right, I have a lot of friends, and I really have no choice but to go to the Empress of the Loose Sisters, which is horrible."

"Not to mention, among the loose nuns, some of the bloodlines are quite good. Although they don't have a lot of background, they are not extraordinary in giving birth to children."

Someone sighed: "It's a pity, the ancient gods were swept away in the early years, tsk tsk, otherwise there are descendants of pure blood gods, everyone should go to the Western Wilderness now."

Someone laughed and said: "I heard that there was a hidden stronghold of the ancient gods in the Western Wilderness. The descendants of the seven gods died of suicide. It's a pity that the ancient gods were not able to be found."

"In recent years, the Western Wilderness has been turbulent, and it will be a matter of time before the ancient gods will appear in the world. You and I still have a chance."


Feng Yu had a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold. If it wasn't for the family, she really wanted to kill all these people right now.

Feng Yu smiled lightly: "Everyone wait a moment, he will be here soon."

In Feng Xingliu's courtyard, Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng had solemn expressions, chatting around Han Fei.

Feng Qingcheng: "Brother Han Fei, you must provoke those people, but don't kill people. If you provoke them to kill you in the ancient land of crossing the gods, then you will kill them again and kill them all."

Feng Xingliu: "That's right! Although I don't like Feng Yu, I don't even like those guys who come and force a kiss."

Han Fei was surprised: "I didn't expect this kind of thing that you love and I wish would evolve into such a thing? I didn't expect that a woman from a large family would not even have the strength to choose."

Han Fei listened to Feng Qingcheng chirping, but his eyes fell on Feng Yu's courtyard.

Feng Qingcheng: "Loose cultivators can do it, but super powers can't. Unless you have an absolute powerhouse, you can suppress all powerhouses. Many sisters from the Phoenix Divine Clan are forced to marry reluctantly, but I'm mad at me. ."

Feng Xingliu: "Han Fei, this is absolutely true. You may not believe it when you say it, but some people are starting to make up the idea of ​​Xiao Qingcheng."

Feng Qingcheng was only in the sea-opening realm before, but as soon as he entered the open-heaven realm, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and people who are interested will naturally pay attention. In the Divine Phoenix Clan, Feng Qingcheng's age was actually equivalent to a child.

However, he saw that Han Fei held the nine-foot-tall ring saber in one hand and swung it violently. The saber broke through the void, and with a bang, it was inserted into the courtyard of the mountain gate where Feng Yu was.

Han Fei said to Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng: "Let me take a shot, but I can't kill you, it's really embarrassing for me! Sigh..."



This knife broke through the void and suddenly fell. Although someone in the Fengyu Academy sensed it, they didn't have time to take action in the future.

At this moment, someone was talking, saying that he wanted to meet Han Fei, but the nine-foot ring knife was inserted exactly half a zhang in front of him. The sword's brilliance cut him into two halves.


"Which **** is plotting against me?"


"Jie Jie Jie."

Han Fei's voice hovered over Feng Yu's mountain gate: "Don't you want to see me?"

When Feng Yu saw the knife landing, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. I thought that the little junior brother was also famous for killing him, so this little scene was inappropriate.

Phoenix God Clan forbidden land.

Old Ancestor and Huo Gu are also looking at Fengyu Mountain Gate.

Huo Gu: "I don't know if it would be a bit out of line to let Han Fei take action? If it really provokes the enemies of the sea world, my Phoenix Divine Race will be difficult to do!"

The ancestor sneered: "The identity of the Void Temple of Yu girl has not been revealed yet? What if the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou encircled the Phoenix God Clan? Han Fei can kill the emperors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu girl can also. No matter what, try to delay it as much as possible. When Yu girl becomes the emperor, who will dare to make mistakes in this sea world?"

Huo Gu nodded slightly, and this time Han Fei made her move because she wanted to keep her status as a disciple of Fengyu Void Temple. Otherwise, if Feng Yu kills these people by himself, it will definitely attract the strife of the major forces in the sea world. At that time, it will be difficult for Feng Yu not to reveal the identity of the disciple of the Void Temple.


In Fengyu Courtyard.

The guy who was cut in half just recovered. Just a few meters away in front of him, a young man was holding a red fruit in one hand, pulling out a nine-foot ring knife with the other, and carrying it on his shoulder.

Han Fei: "I heard that when I fall in love, I am a bit of a waste and refuse to accept me?"

"Bastard, you are Wang Han? Dare to call me trash, do you know who I am?"

"Jie Jie! No... don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I'm saying that everyone here... is trash."

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