God of Fishing

Chapter 2762: Bronze Fragment

Han Fei and the others were still confused, that thing was obviously not a Lingbao.

However, Feng Yu sent a voice transmission to Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, grab it quickly, you must get this thing."

Han Fei's expression changed slightly. Although he didn't know what this bronze fragment was, it was obviously a remarkable thing.


Han Fei shouted violently, and he rose into the sky.

Zhang Xuanyu and Le Renkuang shot one after another. Le Renkuang did not forget to shout: "Cut the gods and grab the bronze fragments."

At the same time, Le Ren roared furiously: "I have captured this treasured hammer mountain. Whoever dares to **** the pieces will be my enemy."

Le Renkuang thought that the horror of killing pirates had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people a few days ago. He even killed the arrogance of the ancient demon clan, not to mention them?

However, after Leren shouted wildly, only a few people hesitated, but most of them still rose to the sky. His threats seemed to have no effect.

It seems that the attractiveness of the bronze fragments exceeds their fear of slaying the gods. Although the God Slayer is strong, the number of people is limited after all.

I saw that all the slashing gods and bandits, including the elegant man, all rose to the sky.

And the elegant man shouted: "Master Shaozhai, this thing must be obtained. This thing may be related to the secrets of the ancient land of crossing the gods."

For a time, more than 2,000 strong men chased the bronze fragments away. They didn't fight each other, because fighting would just waste time.

The bronze fragment, from the moment it was born, did not get into the hands of anyone present. Instead, he kept avoiding everyone, and tried to fly towards the depths of the ancient land of crossing the gods.

Its speed is so fast that it seems that people at the level of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm should not be able to obtain it.

Han Fei shouted, "Feng Yu, I am blocking the enemy, you grab the pieces."

In the realm of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, Han Fei knew that Feng Yu's speed was the fastest. Even when he was in the Great Consummation of the Open Heaven Realm, his ultimate speed was only 42 times the speed of light, and there was still a gap between 50 times the speed of light.

"it is good!"


But seeing the fire phoenix soaring into the air, it chased directly towards the bronze fragments.

"Haotian Xingxing Saber, the sixth style, the river of stars flows."

I saw that the river of stars flowed, surrounded the body, and finally turned into a huge spinning top. Han Fei rolled all the way, intercepting halfway.

Seeing this, countless Tianjiao shouted: "He is only one person, smash him to pieces."



The great arts poured out like a tide. Rao is that Han Fei is very strong, but after all, he is in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm. In the face of such overwhelming great arts or divine arts, he only lasted for three seconds, and the giant spinning top was gone. was blasted to pieces.

Le Renkuang naturally displayed his **** hole again, but this time, the big hole, as if the sky opened a huge mouth, appeared above everyone's heads, trying to hold thousands of people at once. Sure enough, the speed of everyone here has slowed down, but how can one person fight against thousands of people?

After only holding on for two seconds, Le Renkuang suffered a backlash, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Zhang Xuanyu's people shot guns very fast, but it was impossible for him to reach the level of magic for every gun shadow. Therefore, at the moment when Lerenkuang suffered a backlash, Henry Zhang also suffered a mental backlash.

The three of them held on for five seconds, stopping 80% of the strong.

At this time, the 31 people who killed the pirates were like tigers entering the flock, their blood was soaring to the sky, and the killing intent filled the air.

"Dare to hurt the young village owner, you just don't know whether to live or die."


The brawny man who ate hot pot before roared, "Xingchen bull, Wuji charge."

I saw that behind the strong man, there seemed to be a boundless herd of cattle, charging across the sky and crashing into the crowd.

"The words follow the law, and the fireworks are scattered."

The elegant man stretched out his hand to make a seal, and bursts of flame flowers suddenly appeared in the void.

"Bang bang bang!"

The continuous explosions greatly reduced the speed of the crowd's impact.

As for the only female man who slashed the gods, her combat power was relatively weak, but the mad sword in her hand seemed to be the same sword technique as Le Renkuang used before, it was a savage mad sword.

But even so, some people, with special means, burst out with a terrifying speed that was almost fifty times the speed of light.

This is not surprising to Han Fei. The one-leaf boat he used at the time could allow him to temporarily have nearly a hundred times the speed of light by escaping the divine weapon at one time.

Of course, there were no realm restrictions at that time. But such babies are not rare.

The difference is that they have to use such disposable artifacts to increase the speed to a level exceeding 50 times the speed of light, but the Fengyu family already has 50 times the speed of light.

But the problem is, when everyone's speed is fast, surpassing the bronze shards, the speed is meaningless.


But I saw that on Huohuang's back, the flute sounded, melodious. With the sound of the flute vibrating in the void, those who were about to bombard Feng Yu with a great technique were all inexplicably absent-minded, and they all put down their attacks.

This is the anti-killing Xuan Yin of the Void God Flute of Creation: The sound of this flute can disperse the fighting spirit. Under the gods, if this intention is violated, they will be killed by the rhythm.

Most of the people who came after them stopped attacking, and they seemed to be moved in their hearts, as if they had heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

However, there are people with an extremely firm mind who forcibly bite the tip of their tongues, trying to fight against the sound of the flute.

But then, the mysterious sound that surrounded him suddenly became frantic. The man only felt his soul swell, and his ears were full of strange mysterious sounds.



Someone forcibly resisted Xuanyin, but was crushed by Xuanyin.

Except for those who were chasing Feng Yu, they stopped attacking. Including those who were attacking Han Fei and the others, including the Zhanshenkou who was killing the Quartet, also gave up the attack inexplicably.

He just heard Han Fei shout: "Cut the gods and bandits, don't resist Xuanyin."

"Bang bang bang~"

After inexplicably blowing up nearly 40 or 50 people in a row, no one finally took action. They seemed to realize the horror of this rhythm. As long as you have the will to resist the rhythm, you will be killed by the rhythm.


At this moment, Feng Yu grabbed the bronze fragments.

Han Fei pulled Henry Zhang and Le Renkuang and retreated towards Huohuang.

After slaying the pirates, the female man shouted, "Master of the Shaozhai."

Lerenkuang responded: "You all find opportunities on your own, and I will walk the road ahead by myself."


Under the circumstance that everyone could not produce the will to fight, Feng Yu's speed immediately became the fastest, and the few people returned to the fire phoenix, and immediately moved in one direction and fled away.


Zhang Xuanyu and Le Renkuang gasped, and Zhang Xuanyu exclaimed: "As expected, it is a high-grade fortune-telling treasure, this flute is simply an invincible existence."

Le Renkuang: "High-grade good fortune spirit treasure? No wonder, I said that my fighting spirit was smoothed out in an instant."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Thanks to you being healed, if you fight against the flute sound, I'm afraid it will blow up right now."

Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng were both dumbfounded at the moment. In this level of battle, neither of them had a chance to take action at all.

Feng Xingliu's eyes widened even more. Inexplicably, there were more people in the team, and he was also one of the three major pirates in the Western Wilderness.

Le Renkuang couldn't help but look back at Jiuyinling, feeling a little dazed.

Jiuyinling put down the flute, Chaole Renkuang bowed slightly: "Senior Brother Renkuang."

Speaking of which, Jiuyinling also stayed in the thugs academy, so it's okay to call Le Renkuang a senior brother.

"You are?"

Henry Zhang put his hand on Le Renkuang's shoulder: "Xiao Jiu."

"Xiao Jiu? Jiuyinling?"

Le Renkuang looked strange, looked at Han Fei, and heard Han Fei say, "What are you surprised about, didn't you come from Xihuang yourself?"

After finishing speaking, Han Fei introduced: "This is Feng Yu from the Divine Phoenix Clan, as well as Feng Xingliu, Feng Qingcheng... This is Lerenkuang, my brother, who is now beheading the God Bandit as the Shaozhai master."

Having said that, Han Fei looked at Lerenkuang strangely, thinking how did this kid become the owner of the Shaozhai?

Feng Xingliu seemed to be extremely curious about Le Renkuang, so he couldn't help but say, "Then, if you kill the pirates, do you still accept people?"

Le Renkuang was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted: "Take it! It must be taken! Our three big bandits are running rampant in the Western Wilderness..."


He saw Feng Yu slapped Feng Xingliu's head with a slap: "What are your conditions? You still join the God-killer. Before three days arrive, you will have to be plucked out of the bird's feathers and strung on the barbecue."

After speaking, Feng Yu took out the bronze fragment and said, "This is the eighth piece."

Everyone was dumbfounded, only to hear Han Fei say, "What is the eighth piece? What is the use of this thing!"

In Han Fei's eyes, no information appeared, which also meant that this thing was not a spirit treasure at all, and the origin of the demon pot could not even be seen.

I just heard Feng Qingcheng saying: "This thing can be used as a key, but there are nine fragments in total. During the Age of Gods, the nine fragments were gathered once... Maybe they were gathered earlier, but there is no historical record. The nine bronze fragments will sense each other and try to unite, and then something incredible will happen."

"What incredible thing?"

Han Fei asked in unison.

However, Feng Qingcheng shook his head: "I don't know about this, it's not recorded in the ancient books. However, with this one, there are eight bronze fragments in total in the ancient land of crossing the gods. The other seven pieces happen to be owned by our Phoenix God Clan. The other pieces are in Miracle Forest, Taikoo Temple, Ancient Demon Clan, Feixian Tower, Shen Yao Forest, and Shendu Royal Family."

Han Fei: "This means that there is still one piece left, and something big will happen in the ancient land of crossing the gods? Then why did this thing end up in the Treasure Hammer Mountain? Isn't that the place where the gods crossed the calamity and left treasures?"

Feng Qingcheng: "I don't know that, but the appearance of the bronze fragments is definitely not accidental."

Han Fei: "Then if the ninth fragment doesn't come out this time, is this thing just trash?"

Feng Qingcheng nodded slightly: "If only this part of the ancient land of God Crossing appears this time, then it's really useless."

Feng Xingliu couldn't help but slapped his mouth: "Co-author, you've been busy for a long time and robbed a piece of scrap iron to come back?"

Feng Yu: "I can't say that either. It depends on chance. Yes and no are completely two concepts. Although there is no record of what happened behind the nine bronze fragments in the classics. , a treasure of good fortune appeared."

"The treasure of creation?"

Han Fei and Le Renkuang couldn't help but exclaimed, this is awesome! That is a baby on the same level as the Gate of No Distance. Up to now, I have seen the two treasures of good fortune, the clock of good fortune and the gate of no distance.

Suddenly, Han Fei's eyes lit up: "Good thing."

And before Feng Yu finished speaking, she only heard her continue: "Except for a treasure of good fortune. After crossing the ancient land of the gods, ten gods appeared one after another in a thousand years."



"God, ten?"

For a while, Han Fei, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Renkuang all looked at each other in dismay. Even Jiuyinling's eyes lit up.

Seeing their eyes flickering, Feng Yu couldn't help but say: "Of course, at that time, the upper limit of the strength of the ancient land of crossing the gods was not the Great Perfection of the Open Heaven Realm, but the Eternal Life Realm."

Everyone: "..."

Han Fei immediately rolled his eyes: "Can you finish your speech this time?"

The corners of Feng Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "Even if the ancient land of crossing gods can't create gods, that doesn't mean it can't make us go further!"

At this moment, Han Fei was naturally moved. For others, the ninth bronze shard may only be found by luck. But he has a Navigation Vientiane! This means that as long as he wants, he can accurately find the location of the ninth bronze shard.

However, there is no need for him to look for the bronze fragments now. Once the ninth bronze shard appeared, and the bronze shards resonated, he and others would naturally have to face that incredible thing.

However, there are many other treasures in this sacred treasure land, and you can find them clearly, so why not look for them?

The reason why Han Fei didn't use the Navigation Vientiane when he was in the floods and swamps was because he was afraid of digging too accurately. After all, a lot of people are there. There are many people with mixed eyes, and they have all seen the world. The secrets of the Navigation Vientiane may not be exposed.

But, luckily, the luck of my party is not bad. Although I didn't get the Lingbao, Feng Xingliu, Jiuyinling, and Lerenkuang all got it, and they made a lot of money.

After exiting the nine treasures near the entrance, the Nautical Vientiane officially debuted.

However, Feng Yu said: "Now there is no need to explore the nine treasures in the periphery. It is actually difficult for the ordinary Open Heaven Realm to cross the range of these nine treasures in a short time. But on the map, it is still recorded. There are still hundreds of treasures, where to go is still a question.”

Feng Yu was thinking about it when she saw Han Fei directly take out the Navigation Vientiane.

Feng Yu: "???"

Zhang Xuanyu and the others are not surprised, just watch.

Feng Xingliu exclaimed, "Hey! Isn't this your sailing instrument?"

I just heard Han Fei say, "Only a few of us know about my nautical instrument. Feng Xingliu, you have to keep your mouth shut."

Feng Xingliu shrugged: "It's just a sailing instrument, I don't need to talk about it!"

However, the corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, he spread out the map, and then said lightly, "Where is the treasure of good fortune."

The Navigation Vientiane didn't move, and everyone looked at it with a dazed look, thinking, are you playing? This thing can also lock the treasure of creation, why not go to the sky?

Han Fei frowned slightly. Could it be that there is no treasure of good fortune in the ancient land of the gods?

Han Fei said again, "Where is Feng Yu's chance?"


In Feng Yu's stunned eyes, he saw that the Navigation Vientiane began to turn, and just after a few breaths, the pointer landed on a place called "The Ancient Lava Road".

Feng Yu: "This! Your nautical instrument... Can you measure the chance?"

Han Fei: "No, it can point anywhere I want."

Feng Yu was dumbfounded, and Feng Qingcheng exclaimed, "How could there be such a treasure? Isn't that the ninth bronze fragment..."

Han Fei: "Yes, I can easily find where the ninth bronze shard is. But it's not necessary, the ancient land of crossing the gods has just been opened."

Feng Xingliu said in shock: "No, are you kidding me? It's just a navigation instrument, don't you say it's just a divine weapon?"

Han Fei: "You believe me when I say it?"

Feng Yu hurriedly looked at the place where the ancient lava road is located: "The place where the ancient lava road is located. In the past, the strong man failed to cross the robbery and died on the spot. Five treasures were scattered, but the records show that all four treasures were found... Are you sure? Here is my chance."

Han Fei: "Yes."

Zhang Xuanyu said: "No! Can you figure out where I can get the high-grade good fortune spirit treasure?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "I can try it, but the problem is that the high-grade Fortune Spirit Treasure is born, you can really get it."

After speaking, Han Fei said again: "Where can Zhang Xuanyu inspire the high-grade good fortune Lingbao?"


Under the shocked gazes of everyone, the Nautical Vientiane turned again, and finally the name fell on the place "Yingyue Shentan".

"Hey! No! You're not kidding me, are you?"

Han Fei: "You think I'm a joker?"

Feng Qingcheng was shocked and said: "Yingyue Shentan is the place where Empress Yingyue transcended the calamity. After she became a god, Yingyue Goddess scattered twelve spiritual treasures into the world. So far, eight have been born, including a top-grade good fortune. Lingbao."

Zhang Xuanyu: "That is to say, the goddess of the Moon Moon has left two high-quality fortune-telling treasures."

Han Fei: "It can only be like this."

Feng Xingliu hurriedly said, "What about me, where can I get a high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure?"


Han Fei shook his head: "I'll give you a try at the end."

Feng Xingliu: "..."

After finishing, Han Fei looked at Le Renkuang: "Little Kuangkuang, what do you want to ask?"

Le Ren raised his eyebrows wildly: "Can I ask, where can I lose weight?"

Han Fei's face suddenly turned dark: "In a day, you can only use it three times, don't you waste it?"

Le Renkuang sighed slightly: "Then I want to ask, where can I find an opportunity that fits my cultivation path."

Han Fei nodded, and then asked Le Renkuang's words again. Sure enough, the Navigation Vientiane was pointed again, and finally landed on a place called "The Eye of Black Sand".

It is a place that has been completely explored, and it can be said that no one cares about it.

Han Fei: "Okay, I've run out of times today, so I can only wait until tomorrow."

Feng Yu's eyelids picked it up: "Where did you get this nautical instrument? If you have such an ability to defy the sky, wouldn't it be comparable to the treasure of good fortune?"

Han Fei: "From a functional point of view, it is like this. I don't know what will happen to the nine bronze fragments when they get together. However, I think that before they get together, our strength can be raised to another level. Everyone can get a high-grade good fortune spiritual treasure..."

Feng Xingliu said excitedly: "That's invincible, it can literally push across the ancient land of the gods."

However, Feng Qingcheng said: "It can't be like this. If all of us can come up with high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasures, our group will inevitably be suspected of having some secret method to find spiritual treasures. Second, we will be targeted. The ancient land will also be targeted. A normal force can create a large-scale force with a high-grade Fortune Spirit Treasure. With three pieces, it can be regarded as a super force. If we add up, if we have seven pieces..."

Feng Yu: "More than that, Xiao Qingcheng, you are still too naive. Will they tell you if they have high-grade fortune-telling treasures? Every faction has a hole card. The top-grade good fortune treasures are indeed very strong, but that doesn't mean they don't have them. Just relying on the creation of spiritual treasures cannot support a superpower. However, if we all have high-grade good fortune spiritual treasures and show them, there will indeed be a lot of trouble."

Han Fei also nodded and said, "But you can't leave the spiritual treasure without taking it, like this. Everyone first get a top-grade good fortune spiritual treasure to press down on your body. Then get one or two lower-level good fortune spiritual treasures as a cover. In the realm, high-grade good fortune spirit treasure, try not to take it out."

Feng Xing nodded again and again: "I think it can be done, I think it can be done."

Zhang Xuanyu seemed to be a little excited, and laughed until he couldn't close his mouth: "No! It's not that I said you, you have to be low-key. You are talking like this ancient land is our back garden."

Lerenkuang: "I don't want to be low-key, I want the top-grade good fortune Lingbao too. Hey, if you can find a place for me to lose weight in the end, it will be even better."

Han Fei: "Don't be too happy, there are many strong people who have crossed the ancient land of the gods. The early stage is good, the time is short, and most people have no time to explore so many treasures, but it is difficult to say in the later stage. If you can't get a top-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure, that's still a problem."

Jiuyinling: "You can get it first, I already have it."

Han Fei shook his head: "No, it is obvious to all that you have obtained this illusory flute of good fortune, and you can use it. But if you can have another top-grade good fortune spirit treasure as your trump card, then it is really safe. In the future, if someone is plotted against him, there are still ways to deal with it.”

Zhang Xuanyu said: "Yes, Xiaojiu, you should be more conservative, Baoduo does not press down, it is rare to enter such a treasured place, how can you leave without eating a lot?"

Lerenkuang: "If that's the case, then we'll divide our troops into multiple paths."

Feng Yu: "Yes, it's too slow to act together. Since the direction has been pointed out, we can act alone."

Zhang Xuanyu: "Xiao Kuangkuang and I can go first, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com just have to agree to meet there."

Han Fei: "Don't be in a hurry for the time being. Those people are not that fast. You will leave tomorrow. We will determine the meeting point by then."

Han Fei didn't hesitate to expose the Navigation Vientiane, but he actually didn't want to miss this opportunity.

In the ancient land of crossing gods, there are all treasures. Of course you can get a few more pieces, but it doesn't make sense, the more babies the better. But if Zhang Xuanyu and the others can have high-grade Fortune Spirit Treasures, then the level of strength will soar, not to mention the means of life-saving, and the future entry will be very fast.

In the future, they will not only protect the human race, but also enter the sea of ​​​​stars, and even face the ominous. It's a pity that Luo Xiaobai went to Zhonghai Shenzhou, and he didn't know if he got the news of the opening of the ancient land of the gods.

The next day.

Han Fei used up the nautical Vientiane again three times, and pointed out the direction to Jiuyinling, Feng Xingliu, and Feng Qingcheng.

Feng Xingliu and Feng Qingcheng were naturally led by Feng Yu, otherwise it would be very difficult for them to deal with the big trouble.

On the third day, Han Fei's first thing was to use the Navigation Vientiane to find Luo Xiaobai's location, but the Navigation Vientiane did not turn. Han Fei can only sigh, it seems that among a few people, Luo Xiaobai's luck is not always very good, and he often misses some opportunities.

Immediately, Han Fei identified a place where he could obtain high-grade good fortune spiritual treasures, named "Knife River Valley".


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