God of Fishing

Chapter 2766: Complete 3 things, or hehehe

"It seems that you haven't awakened this memory."

This memory was told to her by Han Fei. Its purpose is not to describe the memory itself, but to awaken Ye Chanyi's missing memory. Only when the memory is revived can we empathize with it.

Now, Ye Chanyi just listened to the story, but didn't have the memory of awakening, and her sense of identity with Xia Xiaochan only stayed at the story level. It may be touched, but there is no sense of belonging.

Han Fei had a headache, and Ye Chanyi also said frankly: "I'm very moved, but I am me after all, I am Ye Chanyi."

"No, you are Ye Chanyi, but you are also Xia Xiaochan."

Han Fei said lightly: "You will eventually become one with Xia Xiaochan, otherwise what if you know this memory?"

Ye Chanyi asked back: "Does the reincarnation have to return to the original body? I still have my way, and I still have very important things to do."

Han Fei couldn't help but be a little annoyed: "What about the child? Why is the child in Xia Xiaochan's belly not your child? You should know that the soul you are missing is not complete. You just heard a story, but the story is limited. , you can't exactly understand the many feelings of the client."

Ye Chanyi is not annoyed: "Thank you for saving me, and thank you for telling this story. But I have no sense of belonging to this, so I repeat, I am Ye Chanyi, not Xia Xiaochan, and I can't give it to you either. have children."

Han Fei's teeth were itching with anger, but he still sighed slightly when he saw Ye Chanyi who was righteous and confident. No wonder Big Brother said that it was a little difficult to find Xia Xiaochan, how much more difficult it was? Unless she wakes up herself, or just telling stories, it won't work at all!

"My daughter-in-law, can't be angry, can't be angry..."

Han Fei took a few deep breaths, and suddenly changed the subject: "Okay, even if it's you Ye Chanyi. But is it true that I saved you?"

Ye Chanyi: "If it weren't for you, maybe I would have succeeded in the assassination long ago, and I could have escaped."

Han Fei sneered: "Do you think Ye Qingchan is so easy to assassinate? Besides, I told you a story, don't you have anything in return?"

Ye Chanyi: "What do you want?"

Han Fei: "Tell me your story. For example, what is the relationship between you and Ye Qingchan? Why did you kill each other? How did you join the Nandou? Why did Ye Qingchan recruit relatives to Wu... These should not be What a big secret, right?"

Ye Chanyi: "Can I leave after I finish talking?"

Han Fei: "Of course."

Ye Chanyi was sure: "Start with the first question. What is the relationship between me and Ye Qingchan? In the Miracle Forest, many people actually know. There is a miracle tree in the Miracle Forest. As a result, it matured in 129,600 years. Each time, there were two fruits. The spirit fruit absorbed the essence of heaven and earth until it matured, and Ye Qingchan and I were there."

"You two are fruit?"

Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "In other words, you have practiced for 388,800 years before you turned into human form?"

Ye Chanyi: "It's not about cultivation, it's about naturally absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. We who have not been born can't cultivate."

Han Fei said in surprise: "When you were still Guozi, you didn't have spiritual wisdom?"

Ye Chanyi: "It seems a little bit, but I don't remember it."

Han Fei thought to himself: "Senior Brother, I'm afraid that he has given people nearly 400,000 years of fruit, and here comes a stealer, right? He himself said how Ye Chanyi and Xia Xiaochan cultivated so fast."

Han Fei: "Are you very powerful when you first transformed?"

Ye Chanyi: "No, we have been transformed into shape after the calamity of the heavens, and only in the sea-opening state. After transformation, we followed different masters and began to practice. Until a hundred years later, we all performed adult rituals and accepted the mother tree. It was the baptism of the Miracle God Tree, and we opened the sky together. That was on that day, everything changed, Ye Qingchan and I both saw a divine way."

"Opening the heavens, seeing the divine way?"

Han Fei was a little surprised. The Miracle God Tree was obviously of the same type as the Primordial Star Tree. The ancient star tree blooms every 100,000 years, bears fruit every 100,000 years, matures every 100,000 years, and bears an initial land.

However, the Primordial Star Tree itself did not become a god, but the Miracle Divine Tree showed both Ye Qingchan and Ye Chanyi the divine way, so this ancient tree seems to be much stronger than the Primordial Star Tree!

Han Fei: "Isn't it a good thing to see the way of the gods? How could you both kill each other?"

There was a hint of coldness in Ye Chanyi's eyes: "Because, only one of us can become a god. Moreover, once either of us kills the other party, we can inherit the other party's divine way. It's the so-called miracle."

"Double Godhead?"

Han Fei raised his brows. It was the first time he heard such a statement.

"Godhead should be the manifestation of a person's divinity, right? Dual Godhead, what's the explanation?"

Ye Chanyi: "Naturally, her strength is stronger. The reason why the Miracle Forest can stand in the sea world is because of this. In the history of the Miracle Forest, there was once a strong man with dual godhood, who became a **** at the beginning and killed seven gods in a row."

"One against seven?"

Han Fei frowned slightly, it sounded strong, but the gods must have strengths and weaknesses, so it is difficult to judge how strong the dual godhead is. However, this was enough for Ye Qingchan and Ye Chanyi to kill each other.

However, Ye Chanyi's words changed: "This is a battle of fate, we have no choice but to fight. Originally, we should follow our respective masters to cultivate, and finally decide the outcome of life and death. On that day, Ye Qingchan's master, the ancestor of Tianqing in Miracle Forest, planned to kill my master. He wanted to end this struggle before the battle of fate. The master fell, but the master has another identity. , Nandou's supreme killer. So, I was rescued by Nandou and naturally joined Nandou."

How can there be any fairness in this kind of battle for the choice of gods?

Han Fei: "So you assassinated her once?"

Ye Chanyi: "Yes, but unfortunately it didn't work out."

Han Fei couldn't help but said: "Then Ye Qingchan's competition to recruit relatives is likely to be an ambush. She will use this as an excuse to deliberately invite you to show up. At the home of the Miracle Forest, she must be fully prepared."

Ye Chanyi: "No, not just ambush me, she really wants double cultivation."


Ye Chanyi narrowed her eyes and said, "Because, she wants to obtain the third level of godhead."

"The third level of godhead? Where did the third level of godhead come from?"

Ye Chanyi: "You should have heard the story of the mantis eating man? Shuangxiu can indeed allow the two to enter the realm very quickly and go to the divine way together. But the purpose of going to the divine way together is just to become stronger. So , Even if it were me, if I had a double cultivation with someone, once I became a god, I would be hard-pressed to restrain myself, and I would not be able to help but kill my relatives in order to obtain the third godhead. The stronger the double-cultivator, the stronger the third godhead."


Han Fei: "What if he can't kill his husband?"

Ye Chanyi: "Then it will become like her and I are now. The difference is that she can kill the opponent to get the third godhead. The opponent kills him and gets nothing."

"Tsk tsk~"

Han Fei couldn't help smacking his tongue, Ye Qingchan and Ye Chanyi's journey to becoming a **** was too exciting, it was almost completely insufferable.

Han Fei couldn't help but say, "Since you can tell me about such an important secret, why not wait until she's recruiting relatives? It's exciting to think about it."

Ye Chanyi: "What can I say? Even if they become enemies, it will be after becoming a god. Who can resist the temptation to become a god?"

"That's true."

Ye Chanyi: "Because you told me everything I wanted to know, I don't mind telling you these secrets. Now, it's time for me to go."

Ye Chanyi got up and left immediately.

However, Han Fei waved his hand, put away the hot pot and barbecue, and stopped directly in front of Ye Chanyi.

Ye Chanyi was annoyed: "You promised me that you would let me go."

Han Fei pretended to recall: "Oh, is it? Why can't I remember? In fact, things are very simple now. If you two have to die, it can only be Ye Qingchan. Come, let me help You go and kill Ye Qingchan."

"No, I can kill myself."

Han Fei: "You have tried three times, which one succeeded?"

Ye Chanyi looked straight at Han Fei: "That's because of you, otherwise I would have succeeded twice."

Han Fei sneered: "I'm afraid you are thinking too much. You can't kill her twice, you can only make him hurt. But if you really hurt her, you can't get away. People are thinking of themselves. Bait, wait for you to take the bait. You, alone, with a knife, do you still want to go to heaven?"

Ye Chanyi: "That's my business. I want to avenge my master's revenge myself. Besides, I'm not Xia Xiaochan now, but Ye Chanyi."


Suddenly, Ye Chanyi's own avenue was suppressed, and she still wanted to escape, but the avenue here did not obey her orders.

Following that, her body was covered with layer after layer of formation shackles.

"What are you doing? Let me go."

Ye Chanyi was surprised to find that her strength was sealed a little bit, and she didn't even know when Han Fei launched the formation seal.

Han Fei grinned: "Look, you are amazing except when you assassinate, but you are still very young in frontal combat. This means that you are used to assassination, but you have not experienced many trials in frontal combat. Therefore, once you leave your field of expertise, your strength will not be stronger than those on the **** list. However, do you know how many frontal battlefield trials Ye Qingchan has experienced over the years?"

"I'm a killer, I can kill her with just one chance."



The slap sounded, and Han Fei slapped Ye Chanyi's buttocks with a slap, and the latter's beautiful eyes stared at the boss.

"you dare?"

Han Fei walked around Ye Chanyi a few times with a smile, his palms brushed her waist, and Ye Chanyi shivered when he touched her. She is a ruthless killer who kills like numbness, but where has she experienced this?

"You move again, and I will kill you."

"However, Han Fei didn't take it seriously at all, his palms followed Ye Chanyi's waist, up, up...

You are shameless, if you do this again, I will never die with you..."

I saw Han Fei's palm tightened suddenly and pulled Ye Chanyi into his arms, making Ye Chanyi tremble and closed his eyes.

Just when Ye Chanyi thought he was finished, Han Fei stopped the wiggling palm, but his voice sounded close to Ye Chanyi's ear: "You're quite temperamental, I can't deal with you? Look! Seeing that you don't even have a decent knife now, kill Ye Qingchan who is a fart."

However, Han Fei directly carried Ye Chanyi up: "As a killer, you should not act on your will, what you need is the fall of Ye Qingchan, not how brave you are to assassinate her, these are two different things. ."

"You let me down."

Han Fei: "From what I know about you, you have to run the moment the seal is released."

"I don't run, you let me down."



However, Han Fei untied the seal. However, in the blink of an eye, a hundred shadows scattered, and this escape method was indeed a first-class.

However, with the sound of "Boom", thousands of thunder marks cut through the sky.

After ten breaths.

Han Fei continued to walk with Ye Chan's clothes on his back, and said with a smile, "Look, I really know you well. For example, if you want to... ah... bite me..."

Han Fei only felt a pain in the side of the ribs. Someone's teeth were still so good. Now that his strength has come up, biting hurts even more.

Han Fei shook his head slightly and said to himself: "So, the reincarnation has inherited some of the instinctive characteristics of the main body to a great extent. These things are difficult to change."

"Humph! I will definitely kill you."

"Well, if you want to kill me, you also have to have a knife, right? I don't believe you have a second fortune-telling treasure."

Ye Chanyi: "If you don't believe it, you can unseal it and take a look."


The seal was partially undone, Ye Chanyi was stunned for a moment, and a dagger appeared in his backhand. She knew that Han Fei was very strong, and stabbed Han Fei in the back with a knife.

She knew that Han Feiji trained his body and his body was free, but she didn't expect that she would not even be able to break the defense when she tried her hardest at close range.

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Yo, I didn't expect you to have a Chaos Spirit Treasure dagger. However, the Chaos Spirit Treasure is still a lot worse than the Fortune Spirit Treasure."

Ye Chanyi felt powerless in her heart, and immediately threatened viciously: "Do you believe that I spread the name of your Emperor?"

Han Fei said with a disdainful smile: "What do you think these people in the ancient land of the gods know my identity? Apart from fearing me and avoiding me, they can't do anything else. Besides, you have to tell the truth. Come out, then I will meet Nandou's killer, but I have to see one kill another, see a pair and kill a pair... Believe me, the **** of your Nandou, he doesn't dare to touch me."

Ye Chanyi: "..."

There was no way to escape, threats were useless, Ye Chanyi finally gave up: "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Han Fei: "Take you to Shuangxiu."

"Ah! You let me go."


Another slap slapped Ye Chanyi's butt, and Han Fei laughed: "However, before I take you to Shuangxiu, I'll take you to find a knife."

"Mad, I have a knife."

"I'm looking for a top-grade good fortune spirit treasure."

"Blow the fish."

Han Fei suddenly stopped and put Xia Xiaochan down: "In this way, let's make a bet. I'll help you find the top-grade fortune-telling treasure, and you can honestly cultivate with me."

"Don't even think about it."

Seeing Ye Chanyi's refusal and disbelief, Han Fei thought about it, opened his mouth and closed his mouth to create a good fortune treasure, and normal people would not believe it. He immediately said again: "I will take you to do three things. As long as you complete one of these three things, I will let you go."


"Naturally. But if you can't finish it, hehehe..."


Ye Chanyi thought to herself, double cultivation is impossible, so she can only drag and complete these three things first, and if it can't be done... then she can only run away.

After half a day.

There is a place called 'Linghai Stream', where there are thousands of streams, crisscrossed.

At this moment, a strange light is pouring out here, and there is a low-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure born, which attracts these people to scramble.

When Han Fei and Ye Chanyi arrived, Ye Chanyi was a little surprised. Although it wasn't a top-grade fortune-telling treasure, it was indeed stronger than her Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Many people noticed Wang Han and Ye Chanyi who came, but they didn't take it seriously. After all, there are many people who come to the ancient land of the gods, not everyone knows Wang Han.

And Ye Chanyi was thinking about whether to take the low-grade Lingbao over, but heard Han Fei say: "The first thing, go and **** this Lingbao! Through this Lingbao, lead to the high-grade Lingbao... High-grade Lingbao Treasures choose people. If you don't show your strength, it's unlikely to show up on your own initiative. If you can get a high-grade fortune-telling spiritual treasure with your own strength, even if you win."

Ye Chanyi heard the words without much hesitation, and immediately rushed out.

Although she didn't want to accept Han Fei's love, as Han Fei said, without the fortune-telling treasure, it was indeed difficult for her to assassinate Ye Qingchan. Although she is a strong killer of Nandou, but if she wants to get things, she can only hunt by herself.

But Ye Qingchan is different. The entire Miracle Forest is supporting her. If there is a chance to get a high-grade fortune-telling treasure, she will naturally not give up.

in the battlefield.

However, as Han Fei said, Ye Chanyi's fighting performance was not as strong as when she was hunting. In the head-to-head battle, almost no one is her opponent one-on-one. But once there are too many enemies, she is obviously a little tied up.

This is related to the characteristics of killers. Many of the iron rules that killers follow are completely contrary to the frontal battlefield. It's like the killer can't move forward without fear of death.

Stealth and assassination are the normal goals of a killer.

Of course, Ye Chanyi was stronger than these people after all, so it only took a hundred more breaths to grab the short thorn of the low-quality Good Fortune Spirit Treasure. However, these people are not good stubborn, the pursuit of hundreds of people, almost instantly made Ye Chanyi fall into a passive state.

Even though the shadow killing technique is powerful, the Dao of others is not bad. Ye Chanyi can enter the virtual world, and there are seven or eight people here who can enter the virtual world.

As for escaping, she couldn't escape. Although she didn't know how Han Fei knew that there were high-quality fortune-telling spirit treasures here, she believed in Han Fei's judgment.

But if he didn't run, Ye Chanyi would fall into a complete disadvantage after only 30 more breaths.

"Everyone, block all her paths."

"I use the law of gravity to influence this place. After this person is resolved, everyone will compete again."

"Fighting the shadow with the soul, the one with the strongest soul, let's take action together."

Ye Chanyi held on for more than 20 breaths, and was bombarded by dozens of major techniques in a row.

Just when a round of seven or eight divine arts covered it, I saw a nine-foot large ring saber smashed into the sky and shattered the divine arts in one go.

"This person is Wang Han, a bandit from the Western Wilderness. Although he is strong, there are only two of them. Let's make a move together."

"If Wang Han can be suppressed, the nine-foot ring saber in his hand will certainly be good."

Just listening, Han Fei's voice sounded in Ye Chanyi's heart: "It's a pity, you can't even deal with these people in a frontal battle. Do you think you can kill Ye Qingchan? I'll attract attacks below, you come and find them attack vulnerability.”

Ye Chanyi gritted her teeth. Although she was unwilling, she was in a battle situation and she had to cooperate with Han Fei.

I saw that someone set up a ten thousand sword killing formation. With a single strike, Han Fei broke through ten thousand swords. When the man was horrified, his hands clasped together, and a soul sword shot out from his body.

But just as the soul sword was fired, a dagger pierced through him from the side.

Ye Chanyi is naturally no problem with this kind of unprepared loophole.

But then, Han Fei stopped holding the saber, and exploded the eighth style of the Haotian Xingxing Saber, the blood saber lingering in the sky.

When the knife came out, a strong soul cultivator on the opposite side was immediately stunned, because he couldn't stop him at all, and the whole person was locked to death.

Many people were also stunned, thinking that Wang Han was very strong.

However, when their eyes fell on Han Fei's knife, six people in a row were directly pierced by Ye Chanyi because of their momentary absence.

The next moment, Han Fei suddenly came to Ye Chanyi and attacked her.

Every time Han Fei slashed out, although he didn't directly hit the opponent's vital points, it made the opponent have a slight loophole.

"Puff puff!"

Ye Chanyi suddenly discovered that although there was only Han Fei alone, she was too comfortable to fight, and she could almost completely find the opponent's flaws from the moment Han Fei competed head-on.

After a while, the number of people who were penetrated by Ye Chanyi reached a terrifying 200 people.

Also at that moment, all of a sudden, among these tens of thousands of streams, a drop of sand with a strange brilliance was suspended in the air.

Suddenly, someone said in shock: "There is another Lingbao born."


When the tens of thousands of sand grains gathered, they turned into two daggers. These two daggers actually flew to Ye Chanyi's side and started to wrap around.

All of a sudden, these people changed their colors.

"Lingbao chooses the master?"

These people seemed to be moved again, but Han Fei said lightly: "I showed mercy just now, you must be grateful. If you don't leave, kill..."

Someone was moved, and he sighed slightly in his heart. These two are too strong. If he forcibly took action, he would be very likely to fall.

"Everyone, I'll go first."

"There are a lot of spirit treasures, and I have to take them with my life, so I will go first."

"You two, this spiritual treasure belongs to you."

But after a while, hundreds of people all ran away, and Ye Chanyi was feeling each other with the dagger at the moment.

Half a day later, Ye Chanyi suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Han Fei strangely: "It really is a high-grade fortune-telling treasure."

Han Fei smiled lightly: "How did the previous battle feel?"

Ye Chanyi: "Because you are too strong, you can force them to show their flaws all the time."

Han Fei shook his head: "No, it's cooperation, it's the power of teammates. Killers are loners, even if a group of killers, their cooperation methods are calculated, they can only be strong for a while, not forever. You are good at assassination, but weaker than head-on combat. You are strong, but not strong enough, so with your current assassination ability, it is impossible to assassinate Ye Qingchan. Because she is not alone."

Ye Chanyi frowned: "With the high-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure, she can't stop it."

"It's unstoppable, you don't have to say it. The second thing we have to do now is to assassinate Ye Qingchan. This time, you will still do it alone."


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