God of Fishing

Chapter 2784: Ben, convict you

Chapter 2784 This ambassador, convict you

Outside the Divine Phoenix Clan, Feng Yu and Han Fei fought fiercely, with great momentum.

Although the trip to the ancient land of the gods has ended, there are still not a few strong people from the major Shenzhou.

A mere two years is not enough to digest the income from crossing the ancient land.

On the Nanhai Shenzhou side, the major auction venues must have first-class treasures at the beginning of each opening, and there are not a few Tianjiao who gather together.

Moreover, everyone also wanted to see the reaction of Miracle Forest by the way.

Saint Ye Qingchan, who fell to the ancient land of the gods, is now well known.

However, caring people know that this is hidden, so they are still waiting.

Sure enough, a few days ago, new news finally appeared in the Miracle Forest. In just two years, a new saint came into the world, and once again announced to the world that the competition was officially launched after half a year.

This news caused a sensation in the entire South China Sea.

For the powerhouses from all walks of life, it doesn't matter who is the saint.

The purpose of recruiting relatives by martial arts is to see the way of the gods, and to use the resources of the Miracle Forest to become a god.

As for the Phoenix Divine Race, the surrounding archipelago is densely populated, and the degree of prosperity is not as exaggerated as the Shendu Dynasty.

However, in the South China Sea Shenzhou, it is equivalent to the existence of the Shendu Dynasty, and it is the place where the arrogance of all walks of life chooses to stay.

The battle between Feng Yu and Han Fei naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

"Look, the phoenix is ​​really hot, the divine claws of the phoenix are so strong... as expected, they are the peerless genius of the phoenix **** clan, so strong?"

"Nonsense, in the past, he won the first place in the Zhonghai Shenzhou Heavenly Ranking in the first battle, and a few years ago, he defeated Yang Zhan, the fifth strongest player on the Godly Ranking.

There is also gossip, Zhao Longma of the Taikoo Divine Institute has suffered losses in his hands, do you think it is strong? "

"Isn't the person who is fighting against him, his fiancé Wang Han?

It's not enough for this guy to be sitting on the Phoenix God Clan's Heavenly Maiden. He is still thinking about the Miracle Forest Saintess. It's not a thing. "

"Maybe this is the strong one! But it seems that the previous generation of Miracle Forest Saintess was killed by Wang Han and a Nandou killer, right?"

"I guess it's mostly Wang Han who forced the marriage. In the past, the Holy Maiden of Qingchan refused to follow her, so she killed her. This is exactly the characteristics of the bandits in the Western Wilderness."

"However, this guy can kill even the Holy Maiden Qingchan, does he still need to compete?"

"Then you think, who doesn't want the resources of the Miracle Forest?

Can Xihuang gangsters fight again, rob them again, and **** a Miracle Forest back? "

Countless people chatted and talked a lot.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, the two are fighting, like the sky is falling apart, the void turns into a sea of ​​fire, and the space is full of cracks.

I just heard Han Fei shouting: "Yu Yu, since you are serious, I will come to discuss with you today."


Seeing the outburst of blood energy in the sky, Han Fei used the sword-drawing technique. There seemed to be a bloodstain in the sky and the earth, and the strength of the immortal realm was unquestionable.

Han Fei really made a knife, because he found that Feng Yu was really fighting. That day, the Phoenix Divine Claw, its sharpness, and the peak of the ordinary Happy Realm, might not be able to withstand a single claw.

This is also Feng Yu's signal to herself, if you want to fight, fight seriously.

"Bang bang bang~"

I saw that on Feng Yu's body, the flames exploded three times in a row, and the third form was directly used, and the combat power more than doubled.

Han Fei only showed Wang Han's identity to the outside world, and he was best at using knives.

No, although he didn't use the Immortal Slaying Saber, but he took a dagger at random, which contained dozens of types of Dao of the Blade.

A variety of swordsmanship and magic are integrated and integrated, the raging sea tide, the void crack, the wind, rain and fire, all turned into swords.

"Boom boom boom!"

The void exploded again and again, and the two of them swept across thousands of miles of sky in a blink of an eye, and Han Fei was beaten and retreated.

The onlookers were all shocked and imagined that if they participated in such a battle, they would be torn apart in an instant, right?

However, under such circumstances, Feng Yu snorted coldly, "Use all your strength."

"Isn't this full?"

"With this kind of power, the law of heaven and earth is pulled when you raise your hand, and the energy seems to be pulled away from the two of them.

What kind of force is there? "

Han Fei Dao was running, and his strength soared twice.

The hand reflected in the void, and the phoenix claws of that day confronted in the void. For a while, the Phoenix Feather Realm felt exhausted, and the phoenix was really hot, and it couldn't even burn this guy.

"The fourth form."

The two fought each other again, and the Tianhuang, who covered the sky and the sun, spit out the flames of the real phoenix.

Han Fei's body surface to Yang Huo Yuan tried to pull the secondary fire, but was washed away by the mysterious law.

Han Fei's Yuanyuan Avenue was operating again, and his strength was improved again. After finally raising his combat power to three times, he voiced: "Senior sister, it's alright, and it would be outrageous to improve further."

"Humph! Fifth form."

At that moment, Feng Yu's speed was so fast that even the powerful emperors could only barely see his flickering figure.

"Fifth form, is this the fifth form of Tianhuang Nine Transformations?

As expected, she was indeed the darling daughter of the Phoenix Divine Clan, and she had cultivated to such a level at such a young age. "

"Longevity, the strength shown by these two people is no longer comparable to Xiaoyao Realm. When they raise their hands and feet, they all coincide with the laws of the heavens, so strong."

"Clang clang ~"

"Bang bang bang~"

This battle, fought from the south to the north, from the north to the west, spanned hundreds of millions of miles of sky, and lasted for nearly an hour, with no winner or loser.

I just listened to Han Fei: "Yu Yu, I'll come back when your anger subsides."


The next moment, I saw Han Fei step into the virtual world and escape without a trace.

Feng Yu stood proudly above the nine heavens, the bright red sky that covered the sky and the sun gradually returned to normal, and the true fire of the phoenix returned to the body.

Looking at the direction that Han Fei was leaving, Feng Yu's face was a little ugly: "Sure enough, Junior Brother Smelly is already strong enough to have 50% of his combat power, right?"

Feng Yu secretly calculated, if this is the case, I am afraid that he is in the peak state, isn't he not Han Fei's opponent?

"No, this wind won't last long. After this incident, I have to go to Phoenix's lair again."

On the other side, Han Fei was rushing in the virtual world.

At this moment, he was thinking in his heart: "Feng Yu's fifth form is still not enough, at most it only shakes my fleshly body, and to really compete with me, it must be at least the sixth form.

Let's make a bold assumption, according to the strength of the Tianhuang Nine Transformations, even if she has cultivated to the seventh form, she should not be an opponent in her peak state.

Unless, she can improve to the eighth form, or there are other means? "

The corners of Han Fei's mouth evoked for me, if that's the case, he is indeed strong now.

However, he can't use Feng Yu's combat power as the basis for measuring. After all, Feng Yu has just advanced to the long-lived realm, and this realm is only just stable at most.

Those old-fashioned immortals are not weak even in the extreme state, and they still need to be handled with care.

If it is the Great Emperor Realm, I haven't tried it yet, but at least it can withstand dozens of breaths.

after one day.

In a remote corner of Nanhai Shenzhou, Han Fei walked out of the virtual world: "Friend, come out! You have followed me all the way,"

"Brush brush~"

I only saw that a group of figures also stepped out of the virtual world. The leader was a handsome and extraordinary man. Han Fei couldn't help but think of those human races in Shuimutian in the past, who were very handsome.

"An emperor?

The seven long-lived realms... Really beyond my expectations, it turns out that the Miracle Forest attaches so much importance to me. "

The leader, the Great Emperor, looked at Han Fei and shook his head slightly: "It looks average, and the cultivation level in the middle stage of the Longevity Realm is decent.

It's just that you shouldn't participate in the battle of the saints. "

In front of Han Fei, the blood sky blade appeared: "I don't understand a little bit.

It is impossible for you not to hear about the matter between Ye Qingchan and Jian Wudao.

What's the matter, Ye Chanyi and I can't do it?

It doesn't seem to make sense that the forest of wonders is targeting me. "

However, the emperor snorted softly: "It's quite calm, I didn't feel any fear from you, you don't seem to be afraid of me.

So, are you trying to make a fool of me? "


Han Fei couldn't help but admire, he really wanted to talk, because he really didn't understand.

If he can kill Ye Qingchan himself, he has already shown his strength to Miracle Forest.

And the saintess competed in martial arts to recruit relatives, nothing more than looking for a powerful furnace, is there anything more suitable than yourself?

However, this extraordinary-looking emperor obviously did not want to tell himself.

Han Fei said in a leisurely voice, "Are you the only ones?

If I do move my hands, none of you may be able to get away. "

However, he heard a sneer from a strong person in the longevity realm: "I'm not ashamed, even if I get the chance, what if I quickly enter the middle stage of the longevity realm?

No matter how fast you practice, you will at most only consolidate your cultivation. "

The emperor's voice was calm: "I'm also curious about your confidence.

No one from the Phoenix God Clan followed, and Zhan Nanye has already left. Nanhai Shenzhou, who can help you?

Forget it, since you want to die, it is useless to talk about it, I will wait to see your trump card. "

However, the emperor moved his fingers slightly, and his voice was indifferent: "kill".

"Brush brush~"

In an instant, the seven long-lived realms shot at the same time, but Han Fei stood in the same place and did not move, but the momentum of his body continued to rise, and his blood rose to the sky.

Everyone felt that Han Fei was using a secret technique to improve his strength.

Including this great emperor, although he was curious about Han Fei's reliance, he did not take action.

Some people can't handle it with common sense, and the sea world is not without the matter of the longevity realm beating the emperor realm.

If Han Fei has a mysterious and special treasure, it is entirely possible.


However, the seven people joined forces and attacked in an instant. When the force acted on Han Fei three feet away, a circle of sword gangs surrounded his body. Together, the seven people failed to completely smash the sword gang.

That is, at this moment, the dharmas and energies of the heaven and earth stagnated in an instant.

The next moment, three of the immortal realm powerhouses who were good at melee combat instinctively wanted to retreat.

Even, including the great emperor, suddenly his pupils shrank slightly, and he shot from the air.

However, it was still slow, but I saw that there was a sword in the sky that instantly slashed through these three strong immortals, so that they were not able to react, and they were pierced by a knife.

"So fast."

In the next second, the emperor almost touched Han Fei with a finger from the air, but in the last moment, the blood sky blade just caught up, and he pointed at the air, facing each other.



Han Fei held the handle of the sword with one hand and pressed the body with the other, but even so, he was blasted back thousands of miles.

But this scene, in the eyes of others, is horrified.

It's too fast, this Wang Han's shot is going to be outrageous.

Moreover, this guy took a direct blow from the emperor and only retreated a thousand miles?

What kind of freak is this?

But everyone didn't notice that the strong emperor's hand was clenched into a fist, and there was a bloodstain on his fingertips, which was covered indistinctly.



Three times in a row, the avenue cracks almost swept through the small half of the South China Sea.

Someone moved: "These celestial phenomena, is there a strong person in the long-lived realm fallen?"

Some people were shocked: "The three major long-lived realms fell at the same time, is it possible that a strong emperor in the realm shot?

Where did the fight break out? "

On the Phoenix Divine Clan's side, Han Fei had just left for a day, and three great immortal realms had fallen.

Feng Yu shook her head slightly, and sure enough, Junior Brother Lei Heng had the ability to cause trouble, and only Senior Brother Lei Heng could compete with him back then.

It's just that it is a bit too exaggerated to instantly kill the three long-lived realms.

"Sure enough, the younger brother still has a lot of means hidden. It seems that in the previous battle, he can't judge his true combat power at all!"

On the other side of the Miracle Forest, I also felt the celestial phenomenon of the long-lived realm falling.

Si Hongye and Pei Bai just swept away their perceptions and found that the three elders of their Miracle Forest had fallen.

The voice of the high priest immediately appeared in the ears of the two of them: "Hong Ye, Pei Bai, you all go to support Qingzhu..."

"Yes, High Priest."

In the Miracle Forest, on an ancient divine tree, Xia Xiaochan's eyes pierced into the void, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

On Han Fei's side, the Immortal Slaying Saber reappeared in the world, instantly killing the three powerful immortals.

Han Fei was not surprised by this, he only sighed that his cultivation of the Immortal Slaying Saber was not complete, otherwise he should be able to fight the Great Emperor reluctantly.

Or, because he has not established the origin law, he still lacks control over the law.

In short, at present, he cannot show the full power of the Immortal Slaying Sword.

However, even so, the power of the Immortal Slaying Sword is still powerful.

Emperor Qingshu also seemed to know Han Fei's reliance. If Han Fei could explode such power for a long time, I am afraid that ten more immortals would not be enough to kill the opponent.

In a sense, the opponent's understanding of the Dao of the Sword has reached a peak level.

This time, he took the initiative to take the initiative, and the emperor's coercion was overwhelmed, and the golden vines pierced through the void at an incredible speed.

"Brush brush~"

Han Fei has entered the immortality realm, and his speed is extremely fast, but facing the overwhelming golden rattan, he is still dangerous.

After only surviving the three-breath situation, he knew that his current strength alone was not enough to compete with the powerhouses in the emperor realm, because he could not find a chance to melee the powerhouses in the emperor realm, and the opponent's speed was also equal to his own. superior.


The Immortal Slasher reappeared, severing thousands of rattan sticks in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, an altar rose into the sky, and the fire curtain shot into the sky.

Emperor Qingshu is not a fool. When he saw the appearance of the ancient altar, his first reaction was not to kill it, but to destroy the altar.

However, although Han Fei can't beat the emperor now, the power of the Immortal Slaying Saber can temporarily protect the Altar of the God of War.

"Hahaha! Boy Han Fei, is this another big fish?"

The fire curtain stretched into the sky, the flame hollow instantly condensed, an axe light shot out from the hollow, and the surrounding golden vines were all broken.


Han Fei? "

Emperor Qingshu's face was moved, and he immediately retreated.

If Wang Han is just a gangster from Xihuang, he is not afraid. Even if the Great Emperor of Xihuang comes, it is impossible to kill him in an instant.

However, if that human race was Han Fei, things would be different. This guy is very strange. He killed more than 40 great emperors in the East China Sea Shenzhou pit. No matter which great emperor he is, he will be afraid of such a record.

Moreover, the **** of war summoned by Han Fei is even more terrifying. This ancient existence is a strong man who can single-handedly challenge the gods. In terms of strength, the high priest may not be an opponent.

If you fight with him, you will surely die.

Therefore, Emperor Qingzhu's first reaction was to run.

Just listen to him shout: "Go."

It's just that the God of War has arrived, can he still escape?

Just listen to Han Fei shout: "Senior God of War, help me contain this emperor for a while, just count the breath."


I saw that Han Fei turned into more than 7,000 thunder marks at once, and the speed skyrocketed again.

Where can the four powerful longevity realms still have time to run?

The moment Qianlei Flash appeared, their fate was already doomed.

In an instant, Han Fei appeared beside a strong immortal realm. Han Fei didn't even look at this person, and this person was already penetrated.

What kind of soul-suppressing treasure, what kind of companion spirit, there is no time to use it.

Even if the Soul-Suppressing Treasure appeared, even if the Blood Sky Blade could not be shattered with a single blow, the Blood Sky Blade, which had the power of the Immortal Slaying Sword, was not something that any Soul-Suppressing Soul Treasure could resist.

Even the God of War was stunned, surprised and inexplicable: "Thousand Thunder Flash, and... this is the Immortal Slaying Sword?"


The thunder marks reappeared, covering the sky, flashing four times, and the four great immortal realms fell on the spot.

Even if two of them broke out the secret technique and reached the late stage of the immortal realm, they would not be able to withstand a single sword.

They don't even know that this knife is the pinnacle of knife skills.

This is a situation that Han Fei has not fully grasped, otherwise, killing these four people is enough.

When they tried their best to block an Immortal Slaying Sword, they would be shocked to find that they were not fighting against one person, they were fighting against the world.

However, the power of heaven and earth, such as thunder tribulation, they can still compete.

But this strange sword light is completely a killing knife, with unparalleled sharpness and terrifying speed, comparable to the power of heaven and earth.

In just three breaths of time, the four experts in the long-lived realm have all fallen. With such a terrifying record, even the God of War was moved. How long has it been since I saw him?

In just a few years, this kid has not only entered the immortal realm, but has become so terrifying.

The key is that he didn't know until now that this kid turned out to be the owner of the demon refining pot.

"Blood earned."

The God of War never knew that Han Fei owned the refining demon pot. He originally felt that he had discovered a peerless genius among the pure-blooded human race, who could almost perfectly inherit and control the supreme magic.

But until this moment, he didn't know that there was no peerless genius for no reason, but he didn't know enough about Han Fei.

Emperor Qingshu was horrified.

He didn't recognize the Immortal Slaying Saber. Although the Demon Refining Pot appeared in the world 100,000 years ago, no one could get it.

As for the specific ability of refining the demon pot, perhaps only people from millions of years ago knew, or only gods knew.

Now, when Han Fei killed the seven great immortal habitats in such a short period of time, he knew that the Miracle Forest was in big trouble this time.

If the high priest had known that Wang Han was the emperor, he would not have chosen to take action at all.

However, it was already too late.

I saw that Emperor Qingshu burst out with all his strength, and one of his arms turned into a giant golden vine, trying to resist the axe of the God of War.

However, when he touched the power of this axe, he realized the horror of the God of War, where is he fighting the emperor?

The person in front of him is simply a **** alive, and all the power of his own laws is suppressed in an instant, full of the power of the laws, the vines of life, under this axe, all the way broken, unable to resist at all.

At that critical juncture, Qing Zhu sacrificed a red branch, but saw a phantom of an ancient **** tree suddenly appear.

The God of War laughed loudly: "The tree spirit of the Miracle Forest, a monster plant, dares to compete with this emperor?"

I saw the God of War jumping up, and the frenzy of millions of miles set off at the same time, like a divine axe, opening up the world, Han Fei couldn't help smacking his tongue.

The old guy, God of War, is a bit outrageous. With such power, he can't even produce the thought of resistance.

A person, an axe, is like a sea, which makes people feel awe.


However, seeing the countless whip marks from the divine tree, they were immediately crushed into slag, and the Great Emperor Qingzhu spurted blood from his mouth and flew out backwards, his body was almost smashed.

He still wanted to escape, but he felt a chilling killing intent behind him, but it was the Immortal Slaying Sword that attacked him.

However, the thin dead camel was bigger than a horse, and the Qing Shu Emperor pushed backhand, and the law smashed nearly 60% of the power of the Immortal Slaying Sword.


This knife, it is still too difficult to kill the emperor, but the palm of the emperor was cut with blood, and the wound was deep with bone. will be cut off.

Yes, he was a dignified emperor and was injured by a long-lived realm.

But he couldn't care about it, Han Fei's cards were beyond his imagination.

Between the lightning and flint, he sacrificed a wooden shield of extraordinary quality, which was originally prepared to resist the blow of the God of War.

But the palm of his hand exploded suddenly, and the wooden shield suddenly let go.

I just heard Han Fei shout: "Senior God of War, leave it to me."

Endless water is only a chaotic treasure-level treasure, and it is naturally weaker than the fortune-telling spirit treasure, but it is also a first-class treasure under the fortune-telling level.

Although the ability of self-destruction can't hurt the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm, it is already invaluable to stop him by half.


At that moment, Han Fei performed the Void Thief Technique regardless of whether he would be attacked or not.


At the same time as the Void Stealing Technique was used, Han Fei spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But Han Fei showed a stern smile at the corner of his mouth. He saw a black chain. Taking advantage of this moment, he rolled it around the Great Emperor Qingshu and clasped it.

Qingzhu was furious, and he only had such an extremely short-lived physical instability and absence that he was actually bound by a boy in the immortal realm.

Just as he was about to break free from the chains, he was horrified to discover that his power, laws, and divine soul had all been sealed, and he couldn't use a single bit of it.

"What is this?"

Qing Zhu finally turned pale with astonishment. If he was defeated by the God of War, he would admit it.

But being bound by a junior in the long-lived realm, he couldn't bear it.

But the God of War has already put away the axe, with many doubts and shocks in his eyes: "You kid, how many things are you hiding from me?

Refining the demon pot, thousands of lightning flashes...even the **** of creation is in your hands..."

But he saw Han Fei grinning: "Senior God of War, don't worry, this is the first time I use the God of Creation Prison, let me experience it."

I saw that a black cube appeared in Han Fei's palm.

In the next moment, the God of Creation flew to the top of Emperor Qingshu's head.

Just listening, Han Fei shouted in a majestic voice: "Condemned."


The divine chain of good fortune was loosened, but the blue technique was still imprisoned.

The next moment, I saw ancient words appearing in the void.

When Han Fei saw it, he thought that a person who really could become a great emperor would never be innocent in his life. Even if he was convicted by the **** of good fortune, he might not necessarily be less than this Qingshu emperor.

Han Fei felt the message from the God of Creation to him.

There are three kinds of punishments, among which the basic punishment is 5,278 years in prison, 38 days of karmic fire, and 606 lashes.

In addition to the basic penalty, there are three optional penalties.

The first is karma burning for ten years.

The first is to receive 3917 lashes with the law enforcement divine chain.

One is to increase the prison time by 20,000 years.

Han Feixin said that this good fortune prison is simply outrageous.

It seems that the whipping of the law enforcement divine chain is the easiest, but the so-called whipping here is the whipping with the same strength as the Great Emperor Realm.

That is to say, if he chooses to be whipped, the Great Emperor of Qingshu is equivalent to being beaten thousands of times with all his strength by a powerful person in the same realm.

This is afraid of being beaten to death, right?

However, Han Fei didn't want to whip this guy, a strong emperor, it was still useful.

I don't have any grudges with Emperor Qingshu, and I don't need to burn it with karma.

It wouldn't be good to burn him and blow himself up again.

Just listen, Han Fei's voice is majestic: "I am Han Fei, the guardian of the prison, the emperor of Qingshu, you have shot at the weak 177 times, you have retaliated and framed others 13 times, you have seized the blood of others 9 times, and you have avoided war ominous61 The second time... sinful.

This envoy convicted you...you will be imprisoned for 25,278 years, burned with karma for 38 days, and whipped 606 times...you, do you have any objection? "

Emperor Qingshu was horrified, thinking how did he know some things about his past?

However, the Great Emperor is majestic and inviolable, and I saw him laugh in anger: "Little Han Fei, a scholar can be killed, but not humiliated.

Even if this emperor dies, he will not surrender to your child. "

The God of War couldn't help opening his mouth: "Idiot, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you are finished."


However, the next moment, the Law Enforcement Divine Chain actually took the initiative to shoot, and with a "pop", it was pumped on the Qingzhu Emperor, and the blood of the other party was directly sprayed out.

Following this, Han Fei received feedback from the God of Creation again, resisting the punishment, despising the prison, adding one more crime, and 3917 times of whipping.

Han Fei raised his eyelids, good guy, it's terrifying to add one more crime! Add one of the three principal punishments directly.

There is no choice this time, the God of Creation has already made a choice for himself.

Immediately, Han Fei snorted coldly: "Bold scoundrel, how dare you despise the majesty of this envoy, and the envoy sentenced you to an extra rank and 3917 lashes of the cane, and you cannot resist."


I saw that the God of Creation was smashed down, and Emperor Qingshu was immediately put into Cell No. 1 by Han Fei. 5168/10565288

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