God of Fishing

Chapter 2794: The mystery of the ancient gods becoming gods

Chapter 2794 The mystery of the ancient gods becoming gods

Nima, the **** of fish shit, seems to be staring at himself.

Zhan Nanye may be very strong, but Han Fei estimates that it is at the level of the Eastern God Crocodile at most.

He can definitely fight against the gods, but I'm afraid he can't.

Therefore, we cannot fully expect to kill Nanye.

I just heard Han Fei shout: "Senior, don't worry about me for now, help me kill the remaining two great emperors."

Zhan Nanye was speechless: "Are you crazy?"

Han Fei was angry: "I have to tell Zhonghai Shenzhou that anyone who dares to kill me must die.

Kentoichi, right?

Sir, I remember you.

If you don't kill me today, I will kill you tomorrow, Jie Jie Jie..."

Han Fei turned around and was about to escape into the virtual world.

As soon as Jian Teng shot, the sword energy covered Han Fei.

However, Han Fei is now in a state of double immunity and invincibility. Although this unreasonable invincibility lasts for a limited time, the advantage is that even if it is a god, it cannot be broken.

As soon as he entered the virtual world, Han Fei immediately exploded more than a thousand times the speed of light.

After all, he has already reached the immortal realm at this moment, and he has done countless tricks in the God of Creation Prison, and he has fought many speed-type powerhouses.

Moreover, traveling through the virtual world is nearly three times faster than the normal speed of the outside world.

Therefore, Han Fei can not only reach a thousand times the speed of light, but he can also go faster.

However, Han Fei didn't have time to go faster, the virtual world he was in was directly cut through, one did not stop, and rushed directly to the outside world.

However, the outside world that Han Fei rushed out of happened to be the place where the Eastern God Crocodile fought with the previous god.


I was pitted by that Jian Teng Yi.

This guy directly transformed the space with sword energy, what kind of weird swordsmanship is this?

Han Fei suddenly rushed out, startling the Eastern God Crocodile.

After seeing Han Fei, Dongshen Crocodile was speechless, thinking that you weak chicken came to join in the fun?

And the great emperor sneered: "Without the God-killing Arrow, how long can you last with your invincibility?"

Han Fei was about to run away again, but the deity stepped on it, and the law seemed to be imprisoned. Han Fei slammed into the invisible barrier, and his strength was so fierce that it even cracked the barrier.

"It really doesn't work, kill two gods?"

Han Fei was speechless, two great emperors fighting two gods, this is obviously not enough!

Zhan Nanye originally wanted to follow Han Fei's idea and kill the two emperors.

But at a glance, Han Fei actually went to the battlefield over the East God Crocodile, and directly scolded "bad luck".

He didn't have time to harvest the two great emperors. How could the two great gods, the Eastern God Crocodile at the peak of the extreme great emperor, be able to withstand it?

Zhan Nanye came in an instant, cutting into the battle with one stroke.

The two sides fought together again and became a group.

This is almost the battle of the four gods. Han Fei is like a paper boat in the huge waves. He doesn't use the gods at all. If the power that escapes is swept away, he will be beaten out of the avenue.

Dongshen Crocodile and Zhan Nanye would be blasted away from time to time, and then killed again.

Jian Teng Yi and the unknown **** were occasionally swept away by Dong Shen Crocodile and Zhan Nan Ye, and they retreated thousands of miles away.

The four of them, Zhan Nanye and Dongshen Crocodile wanted to send Han Fei away, but every time they made a move, they were pressed back by Jian Tengyi and the god, which seemed to kill Han Fei.

Han Fei was also angry after using the avenue of order seven or eight times in a row. For the first time, he had completely turned into a piece of fish on the chopping board and was slaughtered by others.

He wanted to use the Void Mark at one time, but his reason told him that these two were not powerful gods at first sight.

Otherwise, where is the East God Crocodile and Zhan Nanye?

Suddenly, Han Fei remembered Feng Xingliu's explanation.

That's right, Feng Yu asked for a secret trump card for herself.

I saw that Han Fei's thoughts moved, he took out the Eight Desolate Battle Flag, reached out and took out a token.

"This... the gate of no distance?"

Han Fei is also speechless, is this the trump card?

It seems that this is indeed a trump card. The Gate of No Distance is a treasure of good fortune. With these two gods, it should not be able to be beaten.

However, doesn't it mean that the Gate of Infinity will not help people to teleport indiscriminately?

Even if the door of no distance is willing to help, in this environment, how can I have the opportunity to call the door of no distance.

Even if he calls out the Gate of Infinity, and there are two great gods watching, he won't be able to get in!

"A turtle son."

Han Fei was also speechless, the escape route was right in front of him, but he couldn't escape, it was too embarrassing.


Phoenix God Clan.

Ancestor Phoenix was watching the battle, and behind him, Huo Gu and second uncle stood still.

Huo Gu: "Ancestor, Feng Yu is sending a letter, asking you to rescue Han Fei."

Ancestor Phoenix shook his head slightly: "Girl Yu cares and is confused.

The fact that Han Fei can live to this day means that he will not die. If I go to rescue and the Phoenix God Clan will enter the game, it will be difficult to say at that time.

In this South China Sea, there must be someone in charge.

Therefore, it is not me who is going to save Han Fei. "

Huo Gu: "The ancestor didn't make a move, did he want Han Fei to use the Void Mark?"

Second Uncle: "If he has the Void Mark, he doesn't need to go to this one?

Zhan Nanye and that crocodile are very strong, if they are promoted to the gods, they will definitely be able to sweep these two gods.

But the key is that they are not gods. I am afraid they can't protect them at this moment, right? "

Old Ancestor: "Wait a minute."

Second Uncle: "Waiting for who?"

During the arena, the Eastern God Crocodile's heart sank, only to hear him shout violently, and a billowing black mist appeared on his body.

When Han Fei saw this, his heart froze. Is this... demonized?

I saw that the body of the Eastern God Crocodile began to twist, his tail became old and long, and he even wrapped a machete.

The scales on his body are covered with blood-colored lines.

"Shit god, kill!"

"Clang clang ~"

The Eastern Divine Crocodile was mad and violent, killing thousands of people by one person.

Zhan Nanye was surprised that this crocodile could still transform?

This seems to be the way to go.

If the Great Emperor of the extreme peak, if he masters the method of transforming again, his strength will skyrocket by 50%. Could this guy think that the Great Emperor will not be able to kill the gods?

It was the first time that Zhan Nanye discovered that there were people who were even crazier than his three big bandits.

"Humph! The devil's way is the devil's way, and you are also trying to kill the gods in vain.

Today, I will let you experience the true power of the gods. "


"Dong Dong Dong~"

Descending from the sky, beams of light smashed down, and the Eastern God Crocodile changed shape in the impact of the beam of light, dashing from left to right, but even so, he was still hit.

But looking closely, there seemed to be spears shining with golden light in the beam of light, but the spears failed to penetrate the Eastern God Crocodile.


"Bang bang bang!"

When the Eastern God Crocodile shattered dozens of beams of light one after another, it was blocked by the beams of light that filled the sky.

Han Fei Xin said, isn't this an enlarged and enhanced version of the Fengshen Gun?

It's just that the power and effect are much stronger than the God-Conferred Spear.

The beam of light blocked the place, and the Eastern God Crocodile rampaged in it, slashing tens of thousands of knives in a moment, and shattering hundreds of beams of light, but after all, he could not really kill it.

"No! After the rampage, the Eastern Divine Crocodile has the ability to fight against the gods, but the means are relatively lacking, and they will not give you a chance to duel."

And Jian Tengyi didn't watch, the beam of light blocked the space, the tide filled the sky, turned into a rolling sword flow, and the divinity was overwhelmed, washing the East God Crocodile and Zhan Nanye.

The Eastern God Crocodile is hard to carry, not afraid at all.

Zhan Nanye is not as crazy as the Eastern God Crocodile, so stay away from the edge for the time being.

Han Fei could only watch in an invincible state.

"It's not a way to go on like this. If there are more powerful people from Zhonghai Shenzhou, everyone will have to finish the game."

But suddenly, the deity who was condescendingly looking at the battlefield changed his expression.

The moment he returned to his senses, countless thin lines that were invisible to the sky appeared on his body.

As he turned around, his body shattered into countless pieces in an instant.

Jian Teng Yi, reacted very quickly, immediately stabbed a sword, and went straight to the void.


The blade bloomed with brilliance, and all the mysterious divine power was destroyed.

But the mutation here again, as if hundreds of millions of threads were born, and with the shock of those threads, the **** shattered again.

Including those beams of light, also shredded by these threads.


The image of the god's soul being shattered, Han Fei's eyelids jumped when he saw it, who was coming from his heart? It was so terrifying. Without revealing it, he directly chopped off his body, destroying a large amount of his soul.

Zhan Nanye saw this, the Zhan Shen Dao reappeared, and rushed towards Jian Teng Yi with all his strength.

Just listen to him shout: "Big crocodile, you and I block Jian Teng Yi."

The Eastern God Crocodile was not sloppy, he just slashed with a knife. The two great emperors of the extreme peak, together, it was difficult for Jian Tengyi to free up his hands.

Seeing this, Han Fei's first reaction was to run. He didn't care who came, but it was estimated that it could only be Nandou Xianqiang killer, or directly the **** of Nandou.

Otherwise, how could he have the ability to kill a dignified **** like this in an instant?


However, before Han Fei had time to run, he was smashed into the ground by the rolling explosion.

But he heard the roar of the **** in Zhonghai Shenzhou: "Nantou God of Hidden Killing?

You Nandou are committing suicide. "

Even if the body was destroyed and the soul was broken, the **** still didn't die. It seemed that he had detonated some kind of trump card and bought himself a little time to rebuild.



Above the sky, two avenues of cracks appeared one after another. One of them, the power blooming, was obviously a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm. The other one was just average.

As soon as Han Fei climbed out of the ground and looked at the Miracle Forest, he saw that a great emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou had fallen.

In the virtual world, three major killers were killed in a row, besieging the last peak emperor.

With that posture, the fall of the Great Emperor seems to be only a matter of time.

He has also directly stopped the fight and started to flee.

However, can you really run away in front of the top killers who have been prepared for a long time?

Sure enough, the one who did not travel hundreds of millions of miles was assassinated in more than ten rounds, and the peak emperor was assassinated alive.

Looking at the blood and rain, Han Fei couldn't help sighing: "Why did Nandou dispatch so many powerful killers?"

Han Fei was still a little stunned. He didn't know that the relationship between Nandou and the ancient gods had been discovered, and now the killing mode has been launched.

Some of the geniuses from the entire sea world who are escaping frantically are from Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Someone was running from the virtual world, and suddenly, his body seemed to pass through some invisible blade, and the next moment his head was in a different place.

Many people fled together, but suddenly fell into a fantasy, and the companions suddenly shot, and it was impossible to prevent.

There are some strongholds of specific forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou lurking in the South China Sea Shenzhou, and they have encountered mass assassinations.

The entire stronghold was wiped out.

Many people who have never experienced Nandou's assassination are completely unaware of their strange methods.

Some were killed without knowing it, and there was no pain at all.

Some people only find out when they are about to die, but the next moment, people are gone.

In the face of Nandou's assassination, most people actually have no room to resist.

After all, no one thought that Nandou's killer would inexplicably attack them.



One after another cracks in the avenue, telling everyone that the killing has begun.

Han Fei, who climbed out of the bottom of the sea, immediately activated the token and called the Gate of Infinity.

Just kidding, this **** can't wait anymore.

He is only a long-lived realm, and he is not qualified to participate in the war at all.

Moreover, it is not enough to waste the avenue of life like this all the time.

In a short period of time, he used his life to borrow the avenue more than 20 times.


The Gate of No Distance appeared, and Han Fei was about to step in.

However, the gods who were beheaded one after another were not happy, and they had already paid such a huge price, how could they let him run away?

Seeing him approaching in a flash, he tried to stop it.

However, at that critical moment, a woman figure pierced her from the side with a knife and flew out.

At the same time, the woman pressed Han Fei with one hand and pushed Han Fei directly into the Gate of Infinity.

At the same time, it seems that something was stuffed into Han Fei.

However, at this point, Han Fei finally escaped.

In a flash of light, Han Fei Xin said that the eighth vine is so difficult to grab, and the competition for the last vine must be difficult to enter the sky?


Han Fei only felt a burst of heat all over his body, and when he looked closely, it was a sea of ​​fire.

However, in the sea of ​​​​fire, he was stunned to see that Fifth Senior Brother was looking at him with a smile.

"Haha, little junior brother, are you here?"


Han Fei looked confused, didn't he come to the Chaos Fire Realm?

How did you meet the fifth senior brother?

However, when he looked around, he was stunned to discover that this is the Chaos Fire Territory, this is the Primal Chaos Ice Territory!

"Five senior brothers, you let me stroke it... Didn't I use the door of no distance in the Chaos Fire Territory?"

While speaking, Han Fei turned his gaze to the door of no distance on the ice wall, which read: "It's me, it's me, it's me..."

Fifth Senior Brother laughed: "Little Junior Brother, the Phoenix God Clan are not stupid. They sit in Nanhai Shenzhou and are responsible for guarding the Chaos Fire Territory. If you use it and the gods see it, Zhonghai Shenzhou will inevitably be looking for trouble.

So, it's this fan that saves you..."

Han Fei glanced at the door of no distance on the ice wall, and saw the words on it: "I made an exception for you."

Han Fei knows what this exception means. The Gate of No Distance has always only sent people to fight ominous, and will not participate in all kinds of messy worldly battles.

Therefore, for the door of no distance, it is indeed an exception to save yourself.

Han Fei remembered that there was some unpleasantness with the Gate of Infinity before, but since this guy came to save him, the unpleasantness will naturally be ignored.

I can't cross the river and demolish the bridge. When someone saves me, I have to slap my nose on my face.

Han Fei: "I'll stay here for a few more days and kill 100,000 ominous creatures for you."

When it was over, Han Fei grabbed the scroll in his arms, which was stuffed to him by the killer god.

It's just that, apart from Xia Xiaochan, he and Nandou have nothing to do with each other, so there is no reason for the killer **** to dispatch so many top killers all at once for himself.

When Han Fei opened the scroll, a voice immediately sounded: "The ancient gods, most of which were hidden in Nandou, have now been exposed, and they have moved their clan into the Western Wilderness.

The potential of Chanyi is extraordinary, and I have inherited one place and passed it on to Chanyi.

The bloodline curse of the ancient gods, Your Excellency You Lao. "


Han Fei blinked, this sentence contains too much information.

The ancient gods are in Nandou, this is so... No wonder everyone can't find it, and the co-author is not in Xihuang at all!

But now it was discovered, why was it discovered?

How is it so coincidental that it was discovered today?

Han Fei was silent for a moment, is it because of himself?

He couldn't help but think of Jiang Buyi. It turned out that this was the real reason why he didn't reveal his identity as a human emperor?

It turned out that he was looking for the ancient gods.

However, why does this **** know that he can relieve the blood curse of the ancient gods?

If you don't blow the fish, you didn't even know about it before you got the Divine Creation Prison.

After more than ten breaths, Han Fei finally said slowly: "Fifth Senior Brother, that, you know everything, can you explain my doubts to Junior Brother?"

Fifth Senior Brother laughed and said, "Talk while eating?"

Han Fei nodded thoughtfully, but unfortunately he couldn't catch the flesh and blood of the god, otherwise he should have a good time now.

It is also a pity that countless great emperors have fallen in the Miracle Forest. How many resources are these?


Han Fei released Xia Xiaochan. As soon as the latter came out, he looked around with confusion on his face: "Where is this?"

Han Fei: "This is the Chaos Ice Domain."

"Chaos Ice Domain?"

Xia Xiaochan's face was full of astonishment. She was still in the Miracle Forest just a moment ago, so why did she reach the Primal Chaos Ice Land in a blink of an eye?

The distance in the middle is not a star and a half.

"Is it the gate of no distance?"

Han Fei nodded slightly and pointed to the Door of Infinity with the same vortex on the ice wall in the distance.

"Things in Miracle Forest are a bit complicated, I'll tell you later.

This is my fifth senior brother, who is called Tianluo Lao, who claims to know everything, knows everything..."

Fifth Senior Brother's eyes wandered: "Have I said this?"

Han Fei: "It's almost! Fifth Senior Brother, this is my wife, Xia Xiaochan."

"Hello, Fifth Senior Brother."

Xia Xiaochan bowed slightly, as if she was seeing her parents.

Fifth Senior Brother laughed: "Hahaha, not bad, it's the first time we met, and Senior Brother didn't give you anything. I'll give you a pot of bar!"

However, the fifth senior brother took out a purple gourd, the size of a palm, and he didn't know what wine was in it.

Xia Xiaochan took it in surprise. This senior brother is quite special. He gave him wine as a gift.

Han Fei was speechless: "Senior brother, where did you get so many kinds of wine?

Nothing fresh? "

Fifth Senior Brother sneered: "My wine is a treasured wine.

This girl, who has double the divine way, has recently improved her strength too fast, and her foundation is slightly unstable.

Divinity is inherent in this wine, and after drinking it, it can ensure the smooth and long life of my younger brother and sister..."


"It also contains divinity, senior brother, look at me, the foundation is not very stable, can you..."


Han Fei was annoyed, Xia Xiaochan grabbed Han Fei secretly: "What's the situation?"

Han Fei handed the scroll of the Nandou God to Xia Xiaochan and said, "See for yourself!"

After a while, Xia Xiaochan exclaimed, "How is that possible?

How could the ancient gods be lurking in Nandou? "

Fifth Senior Brother: "Why is it impossible?"

I only heard Xia Xiaochan say: "Hundreds of years ago, there were still a lot of tasks in Nandou to find the ancient gods. I have been in the Western Wasteland for hundreds of years."

While playing with the hot pot, Han Fei sighed: "Look, the ancient gods are looking for the ancient gods, then who else will doubt you?

This trick is great! "

After a while, before the hot pot.

"Zi Liu, ah~"

Fifth Senior Brother wiped the oil stains on his mouth, took a sip of wine and said: "Little Junior Brother, the bloodline problem of the ancient gods is a problem left over from history, in fact, the people of the ancient gods know there is a way to solve it, but they themselves Can't get it out."

Han Fei: "Then why does the Nandou God know that I can solve it?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "Isn't the good fortune Divine Prison on you?"

"Yeah! Don't they all know that the God of Creation can solve the bloodline problem of the ancient gods?"

Fifth Senior Brother nodded slightly: "Little Junior Brother, do you know about the creation of the Bloodline Divine Tree together in the prehistoric era?"

Han Fei nodded.

Fifth Senior Brother said again: "In that ominous battle in the prehistoric era, too many powerhouses fell.

Thousands of clans built the **** tree of blood together, placed it in the sea of ​​​​souls, and guarded by the soul clan.

As for the rest of the tribes, there are many people participating in the war, and it can be said that the heavens are all battlefields.

At the end of the battle, the gods fell and went far away. Although the battle was ominous, the ten thousand races were also greatly damaged.

In the prehistoric times, all the ten thousand clans were appalling, and the gods were too busy looking for a way to seal the ominous completely, and they had no time to take care of the ten thousand clans.

And the descendants of the gods are responsible for this.

The descendants of these gods gradually gathered together, controlled all races, and slowly formed their own lineage, which was called the **** race at that time. "

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were sitting with their arms crossed, Xia Xiaochan said, sure enough, these five senior brothers know everything, even the things of the prehistoric era so clearly.

Fifth Senior Brother: "However, as you know, the ominous was sealed, and the ten thousand races began to recover, and people's hearts would inevitably fluctuate.

The Protoss controls all races, how much authority is this?

With great authority, some people will naturally have dissent. There are some high-level powerhouses in the Protoss, and they begin to deprive all races of luck.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for a long time, and some gods returned, and they naturally couldn't let this situation develop.

So, after slaughtering some people, the gods put some restrictions on the blood of the descendants of the gods, and before the revival of the ten thousand races, the gods cannot become gods..."

Han Fei was stunned: "So, the ancient gods are self-inflicted?"

Fifth Senior Brother shook his head: "Not all of them. Most people don't understand the decisions of some top powerhouses."

Han Fei: "Then why is it related to the God of Creation?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "Is there a safer place in this world than the Divine Creation Prison?

Those gods extracted and sealed the power of the blood of the gods and placed them in the **** of good fortune.

Who knows, the guardian of the prison is dead.

Some people from all ethnic groups were afraid that the God of Fortune would be born, and a large number of gods would come out and affect all races, so some people united and hid the God of Fortune... so that the gods of the year were directly lost, even if the gods rose up later. , they can no longer become gods. "

Xia Xiaochan: "It sounds like every clan has ghosts.

Even though the Protoss made mistakes in the past, there have been several ominous battles later, how come no one released them? "

Fifth Senior Brother: "The key is to be able to release it. The guardian of the God's Domain back then suppressed many strong people.

Later, those who tried to take over the divine prison did not come out alive.

Later, I don't know which thing, I got the gods to the cemetery of the gods and put them in the deepest part of the Chaos Styx, and few people were able to fish out the gods of good fortune.

Over time, everyone gave up, and the God of Creation was gradually forgotten by the world..."

Han Fei's heart froze: "However, the gods of the past, that is, the ancient gods of the past, have not forgotten."

"Then how could it be forgotten?"

Han Fei's mouth twitched: "A bunch of messy people, don't do business, just do some messy things.

Yes, now I have the energy, those gods in Zhonghai Shenzhou, just wait for me! "

"Zi Liu~ Ah~"

Fifth Senior Brother took a sip of wine happily: "Little Junior Brother, you still have to work steadily and steadily, Zhonghai Shenzhou is not so bad, it seems that you can bring some people to beat it.

Taking advantage of this time, you have to improve your strength. "

Xia Xiaochan: "So what's the situation in Nanhai Shenzhou now?"

Han Fei Meng returned to his senses: "Yes, Fifth Senior Brother, is there any deity in the South China Sea Shenzhou?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "Little Junior Brother, the gods are not Chinese cabbage, so they don't fall so easily... I, however, one almost fell.

Thankfully, there is an incarnation outside the body, or else it will be completely planted this time. "

Han Fei frowned: "That **** Nandou didn't kill him?"

Xia Xiaochan: "What?

Did the gods still make a move? "

Han Fei pointed to the scroll: "Otherwise, where do you think this came from?"

Fifth Senior Brother: "If gods die so easily, they don't need to be called gods.

Although a lot of people died in every ominous battle, and occasionally people fell in the battle of the gods, but that scene and the scene in Nanhai Shenzhou today are not the same concept at all. "

Han Fei: "In the end, has Zhonghai Shenzhou failed?

What happened to the Forest of Miracles? "

Fifth Senior Brother: "No, now the Shendu Dynasty has taken action, um... I'm going to pick up the Miracle Forest."

Han Fei: "?


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