God of Fishing

Chapter 2803: 100,000 stacking

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Chapter 2803 Folding one hundred thousand

This soul body is Chen Lingsu, and the other party obviously retains consciousness.

At present, Han Fei encountered no more than five of the strong souls who did not cut the line, who could be like Chen Lingsu.

Obviously, the strength of these people may not be as simple as the gods at all.

Chen Lingsu can seriously injure the gods with one arrow, and his strength is likely to reach the level of killing gods.

In other words, the few I met just now were probably all god-killing powerhouses.

Chen Lingsu quickly came to the Jasper Stone Bridge. She raised her hand slightly, and a butterfly appeared on her fingertips. Suddenly, the butterfly flapped its wings, and a large amount of divine power enveloped Chen Lingsu.

But soon, Chen Lingsu gave up and saw her looking around: "Han Fei, are you there?"

Chen Lingsu's own power seemed to be suppressed as well, so he couldn't see the way to life from the gate of life and death at a glance.

But as the owner of the reincarnation circuit, Han Fei can naturally.

Chen Lingsu suddenly called his name, Han Fei was stunned for a moment, and responded, "Yes."


Han Fei came to the front of the Jasper Stone Bridge and couldn't help but wonder: "Senior, is there anything else you need to tell me?"

Chen Lingsu was not surprised to see Han Fei, but said bluntly: "Have you not fully mastered the cycle of reincarnation?"


how do I say this? "

Chen Lingsu looked back at the elder's team and said, "There are only three teams, when will it be reincarnated?

Can't you expand your team a bit? "


Seeing Han Fei scratching his head and looking bewildered, Chen Lingsu couldn't help but say, "It seems that you don't know much about Samsara.

If you control the cycle of reincarnation, there should be a way to expand and change the shape of the cycle of reincarnation.

For example, the width and length of the cycle of reincarnation, the intensity of the karmic fire, and even the pressure level of the divine nature and the law. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Oh?

Can seniors know the mystery? "

Chen Lingsu shook his head slightly: "I don't know this, but I know that some people have walked through the cycle of reincarnation, and it seems to be different from the current cycle of reincarnation.

By the way, have you seen him? "

Chen Lingsu was referring to the Li Daoyi she had been waiting for.

However, Han Fei did not feel any change in the butterfly hairpin, so there should be no one named Li Daoyi who has walked across the Jasper Stone Bridge.

Han Fei shook his head: "Not yet, but there are still many strong people lining up to enter the reincarnation, maybe he is behind."

Chen Lingsu frowned slightly: "You, do you mind if I stay here for a while?"

Han Fei looked at Chen Lingsu. Although she hadn't crossed the bridge yet, the power of law on her body was also being pulled by the river, but it wasn't as strong as when she climbed onto the bridge.

Han Fei: "Senior, even if I agree, I'm afraid you won't be able to stay for long. When your divinity and the power of the law are completely absorbed, you should be unconscious."

Chen Lingsu shook his head slightly: "Can't you give me the power to stay here?"


May I? "

Han Fei's heart moved, he didn't even know he still had this ability.

However, after a reminder from Chen Lingsu, Han Fei's mind immediately moved, and he was trying to communicate with Jasper Stone Bridge.

Unexpectedly, he actually felt something different this time, and it seemed that there were some rules reflected in his mind.

At that moment, he seemed to have an insight into the operation of many rules on the reincarnation circuit.

The first thing Han Fei felt was that the reincarnation circuit had rules to suppress all power, divinity, and laws. Even if a **** entered the reincarnation circuit, it was just a pure soul waiting to be reborn here.

However, the repression of reincarnation is not absolute.

For example, her power to suppress the law is the law of dissolution, not the law of deprivation all at once.

Therefore, there will be god-level powerhouses who rely on some law treasures to barely guard their divinity.

As long as those treasures of the law can successfully support them on their way to life, then that ray of divinity and memory will be preserved.

Also, those who step into reincarnation generally have no memory after reincarnation.

Even if they keep their memories, they will only be contained in the deepest part of the soul, and they need to wait for the opportunity of awakening. This opportunity may be an event or the level of strength.

However, there is an exception, that is, some people control the treasures of the treasure of creation, or the law-type treasures they control are strong enough, and they can completely retain their memories and enter the afterlife.

Therefore, it can be seen from here that the cycle of reincarnation is very powerful, but it is not absolutely without loopholes.

Another example is that the cycle of reincarnation can indeed be long, short, wide or narrow, and he can adjust it according to his own will.

However, this requires certain conditions, and the conditions are actually related to the number of stacking methods.


"Reincarnation is actually related to my own strength?"

Han Fei clearly felt that Samsara seemed to have some other power, but he didn't have the ability to stimulate it now.

And now, the power displayed by Samsara seems to be his basic rule.

It turned out that he was only opening the cycle of reincarnation, but he couldn't control him, and he couldn't make changes in the rules.

As Han Fei's thoughts moved, he saw that the cycle of reincarnation was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And as the cycle of reincarnation widened, those soul bodies who could only wait in the karmic fire because they couldn't join the team rushed out one after another. The scene was a little chaotic at first, but in a short while, a line formed.

In the end, there were 391 teams on the reincarnation, which means that Han Fei has already stacked 391 ways.

Han Fei was overjoyed, this speed is not bad, at this speed, when these creatures step on the jasper stone bridge, go to the gate of rebirth and begin to die, that year, enough to allow more than 10 billion creatures to enter the reincarnation.

However, just listening to Chen Lingsu shaking his head: "It's too few, just so many teams, how many creatures can enter the reincarnation after 10,000 years?"

Han Fei pinched his fingers and frowned slightly.

Chen Lingsu was right, and now there is a clear flow of time on the reincarnation circuit. At this speed, only 10 billion creatures can enter reincarnation in one year, and only 100 trillion creatures can enter reincarnation in ten thousand years.

This number may sound exaggerated.

However, this is the reincarnation of all the creatures of all races. In a sea world, there are more than trillions of creatures?

This is still the sea world. In the sea of ​​​​stars, what about those initial places, or all kinds of creatures that have always lived in the sea of ​​​​stars?

Therefore, Chen Lingsu said that the reincarnation speed is too slow, which is also in line with the facts.

Just listen to Han Fei: "For the time being, I can only widen the circle of reincarnation so much.

Senior, I can let you stay here, but you can't cross the bridge.

Once on the bridge, there is no turning back. "

Chen Lingsu nodded slightly: "Thank you! Go get busy! I'll just wait here for a while.

When no gods enter the reincarnation, I will not stop for more. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, and as his mind moved, the river no longer absorbed the divine nature and laws from Chen Lingsu.

And Han Fei himself didn't waste time anymore.

He jumped directly into the river, came to the bottom of the bridge, completely immersed in the water, and began to take a bath and practice.

Since his level of stacking can widen the cycle of reincarnation, in order to release this massive amount of souls, he naturally starts stacking at this moment.

Moreover, his own source law has been established, and it is time to break through to the late stage of the long-lived realm.

Under the water, Han Fei only felt that there were infinite laws rushing into his body. The number and complexity of the laws far exceeded his expectations.

"No wonder."

Han Fei immediately understood, no wonder the senior brother said that after he established the source method, he could start the cycle of reincarnation.

Because once the cycle of reincarnation opens, he can stack the most laws in the shortest time.

Feng Yu had previously shown off to herself that there were thousands of rules that could be stacked.

And now, there are more than a few thousand.

As more and more people crossed the jasper stone bridge, the power of law in the river became stronger and stronger.

Because of the clear time flow rate, Han Fei can judge his own stacking speed.

In just one month, the number of his stacking methods has reached 3,700.

Han Fei himself was confused, and this kind of stacking speed was too unbelievable.

Just as Han Fei was about to continue folding, he suddenly heard Chen Lingsu speak.

"Bold, Eternal Race thief, also trying to enter the cycle of reincarnation?"

On the reincarnation, of course, Chen Lingsu's movements could not escape his perception. Hearing Chen Lingsu's mention of the Eternals, Han Fei was immediately shocked. The reincarnation just opened, but someone from the Eternals came over?

"God-killing arrow Chen Lingsu?"

"This reincarnation has something to do with you?"

Chen Lingsu snorted coldly: "Whether you have anything to do with me or not, if you two dare to enter the circle of reincarnation, you are courting death."

The two looked at each other, and one of them said, "Chen Lingsu, in this reincarnation, you and I don't have the strength, but only Lingbao protects the body, why stop me?"

Another person sneered: "Even if you are a god-killer, you are just an ordinary person now.

I wait for a master to bestow the blood of God, even if you try your best, you won't be able to win.

So, I advise you to get out of the way. "

"It's really interesting, two gods, come to die?"

At this moment, Han Fei's voice rang out.

I saw Han Fei immediately jumped out of the river and appeared on the jasper stone bridge, his eyes were slightly cold.

He saw that these two people had a strange drop of blood blooming between the eyebrows of their souls, and they could barely resist the suction of the river.

The corners of Chen Lingsu's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Most of these two are spies who want to enter the circle of reincarnation to investigate.

At that time, it may even be lurking among the ten thousand races.

At a critical moment, he must be a traitor. "

When the two saw Han Fei jumping out of the river, they were immediately shocked.

One of them, his eyes flickering: "Did you open the cycle of reincarnation?"

The other person was surging with divinity, and they seemed to have plans to start on the cycle of reincarnation.

Han Fei thought it was impossible! How can anyone who enters the cycle of reincarnation still retain their strength?

If so, the master of the Eternal Race came over in person, wouldn't he be able to give himself a second?

Moreover, as far as they know the rules, in the cycle of reincarnation, their power will be completely suppressed, and at most they can retain a trace of divinity.

That is to say, there is something wrong with the two drops of blood between their eyebrows.

However, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and the river under the bridge swelled up and rolled directly towards the two of them.

However, in the scouring of the river, the two droplets of blood actually burst into bright rays of light, which seems to be a rule, a power of rules that can resist the rules of reincarnation.

The two were surprised at first, then overjoyed, only to hear one of them sneer: "Since you know our origin, you should know that the Bloodline Divine Tree is comparable to the existence of Samsara.

No matter who you are, it's just wishful thinking to use rules to make me go to pieces.

Break through. "

I saw that the two ignored Han Fei's attack and forcibly rushed to the Jasper Stone Bridge.

Han Fei wondered in his heart, does the master of his reincarnation have no cards?

When you are alive, you are gods.

But you don't even look at where this is. After you die, you still want to be aggressive, and you even want to forcibly break through the cycle of reincarnation. This is a bit outrageous.

Of course, he knew that the Divine Bloodline Tree was quite extraordinary, but the Divine Bloodline Tree was, after all, just a substitute for the cycle of reincarnation.

Even if he can't fully control the cycle of reincarnation now, can the rules of a substitute really compete with the basic rules of the cycle of reincarnation?

When the two stepped onto the jasper stone bridge, the reflection was imprinted in the river, and Han Fei could feel the power of a lot of rules and was washed away by the river.

When they crossed the jasper stone bridge halfway, the blood beads were also a little dim, but this thing seemed to be of high quality.

Han Fei's color changed slightly, but he really couldn't stop it?

If this is the case, if it is the Eternal Race Dominator-level powerhouse coming over, wouldn't it be impossible for me to stop it?

The two went down the stairs, and the power of the blood bead only melted by about half.

Immediately, Han Fei couldn't sit still, how could this be possible?

Although he doesn't mind that the soul body of the **** level walks through the cycle of reincarnation with complete memory, but it definitely does not include the eternal race.

No, when the two were only two or three steps away from landing, Han Fei finally shot.

On the cycle of reincarnation, the power of all living beings has been suppressed, except for himself.

At that moment, Han Fei Dao was fully functioning, and Ragnarok launched, trying to penetrate the souls of the two.

However, Han Fei was shocked and found that his own strength could not shake the two.

His own strength was completely resisted by the divinity in the blood beads of the two places.

"That's okay too?"

The two of them showed nervousness at first, but after seeing Han Fei's attack, the two of them were suddenly stunned.

Only one of them said: "It turned out that you just barely reached the combat power of the Great Emperor Realm. You don't even have divinity, and you are trying to penetrate the soul of the gods. You are really ignorant."

Han Fei's consecutive punches were of no use at all, not even the qualification to weaken the blood bead.

But I heard one of them say: "Don't waste your energy, this kind of power is the power of the dominant level, and you are trying to shake the power of a half-baked emperor?"

The expressions of the two became more and more relaxed. Although they were forced to enter the reincarnation, they were worried that they would be killed by the guardian of the reincarnation just a moment ago.

But looking at it now, this task is unexpectedly easy.

Moreover, they remembered what Han Fei looked like, and once the memory awakened, it would be a matter of time before they found him.

"Master class?"

Han Fei looked ruthless: "Don't talk about master-level means, even if your master came in person, you have to stay here for me today."

I saw that Han Fei waved his hand, and the chain of law enforcement circled itself.

When the law enforcement **** chain came out, the two finally changed their colors.

"Law Enforcement Divine Chain?"

Han Fei's face flashed a bit of sternness: "It's good to know, you can block the cycle of reincarnation, then see if you can block the magic chain of law enforcement."


The imprisoning power of the Law Enforcement Divine Chain, anyone who is imprisoned cannot break free unless he is found innocent, and his body and soul will be completely imprisoned.

In the reincarnation, even if it is a god, the combat power is basically suppressed, and it is almost impossible to avoid the law enforcement chain.

Therefore, when the Law Enforcement Divine Chain came into existence, the expressions of these two people changed drastically.

I saw that the Law Enforcement Divine Chain, regardless of whether they were gods or ordinary people, rolled up directly, and there was no room for two people to resist.

There was a sneer at the corner of Han Fei's mouth: "What about the gods, if you dare to come to my reincarnation to be wild, prepare to be lost."


I saw that the **** of good fortune immediately appeared above the heads of these two people.

However, when Han Fei saw the condemnation text manifested in the God of Creation Prison, he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly.

But I heard Han Fei's voice solemnly: "I am Han Fei, the guardian of the prison, the **** Beimu, the **** Qianxi, you two are the sin gods of the eternal race, who privately stole the fruits of the gods, betrayed and coerced all the tribes, and should be sentenced... death penalty."

Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited. It really deserves to be the God of Creation Prison. These people may have other sins, but the God of Creation Prison will not go into details directly. It is the death penalty, which is the punishment it treats to traitors.

I didn't give these two gods a chance to disagree at all, but I saw two blood-colored beams of light descend directly from the **** of creation, shrouding the two gods.

I saw that the remnants of the two people were decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they completely disappeared on the bridge.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he had the divine prison in his hands, otherwise there would be no way to take such a god.

However, this also greatly improved his confidence. At least in the cycle of reincarnation, he was absolutely invincible.

But if it is a dominant-level powerhouse, Han Fei is not very sure.

At that level, he had to make a question mark whether the God of Creation could be suppressed.

After the two gods were completely lost, Han Fei did not take back the law enforcement divine chain, but directly said to the law enforcement divine chain: "Now, I have not completely controlled the cycle of reincarnation, please help me guard here.

I will suppress all those with blood beads on their foreheads just now, these are traitors of all races. "

Han Fei believes that the Eternals will not send the god-level powerhouse to the reincarnation again and again.

Just, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

However, if the Eternals don't use the blood bead, but use the Taoist robes, Taoist scrolls, and Chen Lingsu's butterfly magic weapon, etc.

Because he can't always detain every **** with the law enforcement chain.

After all, gods, how many gods have been detained by law enforcement chains, can they be sentenced?

If all the law enforcement chains are imprisoned and sentenced, what is the significance of opening the cycle of reincarnation?

Therefore, Han Fei knows that he can only take precautions first, and bet that the Eternals will not send more god-level powerhouses in a short time.

Under the bridge, Chen Lingsu was still standing there. Han Fei sighed slightly. Seeing Chen Lingsu, he somehow felt that this goddess was very similar to Ximen Linglan.

If he has a chance in the future, he must help him find that Li Daoyi.

Han Fei: "Didn't you wait?"

Chen Lingsu shook her head slightly, her expression calm.

Han Fei comforted: "He didn't come to Samsara, and he might not have died at all.

Didn't you say he went to a place.

Maybe that place is beyond the coverage of the cycle of reincarnation. "

Chen Lingsu nodded, and immediately said, "Solved?"


Chen Lingsu: "It's good to solve it, although you are not weak, you have enough combat power.

But relatively speaking, it is still a little weak.

The owner of the refining demon pot, the master of the cycle of reincarnation, the guardian of the divine prison, the emperor of the human race... These identities are destined to be so weak.

Hurry up and get stronger, or I'm afraid it won't be too late. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, paused, and finally said, "If you really can't wait, you might as well enter the reincarnation first. Maybe, after the reincarnation, before your memory is fully awakened, he will come to you."

Chen Lingsu smiled slightly: "I hope! I'll wait."

Han Fei did not persuade any more, and returned to the bottom of the river again.

A year later, the number of Han Fei's stacking methods has reached more than 36,800. Han Fei only feels that his whole person may be almost completely transformed into laws.

Less than three years.

Han Fei doesn't care how many rules he can stack, anyway, he just stacks it. He has this condition and can stack an infinite number of rules, so why not stack it.

Putting others aside, how dare you expect this kind of stacking speed?

However, at the same time as folding, Han Fei always had doubts in his heart, what could he do with so many folds?

If there are more than 100 folds, the laws will be in harmony. At this moment, Han Fei has almost 100,000 folds. If it weren't for the laws of life and the power of death to suppress, he would have exploded by now, maybe He will incarnate into the laws of the heavens, and then dissipate between heaven and earth.


On this day, when the number of Han Fei's stacks reached 100,000, he suddenly felt that his body no longer absorbed the law. Even if the power of the law entered his body, it would flow out of the body immediately.


Han Fei was stunned. After 100,000 folds, did the fold come to an end?

At this moment, Han Fei felt that every cell in his body, every drop of flesh and blood, was blending with the power of law.

It seems that the number of overlapping methods is too much, so much that there are infinite laws in any drop of menstrual blood.

Even, that can no longer be called blood, but should be called the blood of the law.

"Not good! To break through."

Han Fei felt that the energy in his body was rapidly being consumed.

Although these 100,000 laws have been suppressed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com but when the number of folds reaches 100,000, it seems that a new force was born, and this force actually began to actively absorb the energy in his body .


Han Fei stopped folding immediately. He knew that the opportunity had come, and he was forced to fold to the point of breaking through.

At this moment, Chen Lingsu is no longer in front of the Jasper Stone Bridge, because there is no god-level powerhouse on the way to enter the reincarnation.

Obviously, she did not wait for the person she wanted to wait for, and finally went to reincarnation with regret.

At this moment, the number of teams on the reincarnation has reached as many as 100,000.

At this rate, every year, almost three trillion creatures can be thrown into reincarnation.

In fact, this number is still not much. In the vast Xinghai, the birth of more than three trillion creatures every year is nothing at all.

It's just that Han Fei doesn't have time to take care of this now. The opportunity has come, and he has to break through. 5168/10850576

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