God of Fishing

Chapter 2810: Sell ​​prisoners, earn 1 wave of blood

Chapter 20 Selling prisoners, earning a wave of blood

In other words, when Han Fei revealed the strength of these captives, in addition to the pimps of the Rock Dragon clan, some nearby powerhouses were also moved.

These people looked at Han Fei's Starburst Bracers, and then looked at Han Fei's realm, and already had some answers in their hearts.

Someone said: "Another lunatic who cultivates supreme divine arts. It is a pity that he is so talented.

Some people shook their heads: "Perhaps for some people, reaching the peak of the emperor is already strong enough, and they do not pursue the realm of the gods.

After all, in the sea world, there are not many god-level powerhouses, so this son's choice is not bad. "

That Long Yan was stunned for a few breaths before returning to her senses, and quickly said: "Senior, a prisoner of this level cannot be taken by ordinary people.

But I have a way, please come with me.

Xiaobao, come here quickly. "

However, he saw that a handsome, slightly fat rock dragon hurriedly came to prostrate in front of Han Fei.

Long Yan hurriedly said, "Senior, please take your seat."

Han Fei's huge body as high as 40 meters requires Yanlong to transform into at least a few hundred meters to prevent Han Fei from appearing too big.

So, after a while, I saw a rock dragon with a length of more than 300 meters, flying slowly over the Valley of the Fierce Gods, sitting on it was a giant with a height of 40 meters, and a little loli who was only 1.6 meters tall.

However, this scene did not attract much attention.

After all, this is the Valley of Fierce Gods, and everyone has it.

Sitting on the rock dragon, Han Fei also saw the tall mountain giants pulling the sand in the oasis, and then using some kind of refining method to refine the sand into block-shaped giant rocks, and finally pile them into square bricks, waiting for take.

Also, in that prosperous city, on the road, there are endless pedestrians, glance at it, and walk everywhere in the open world. If you skip a few people, you can see the strong emperor.

Occasionally, Han Fei would look at the powerful people in the Great Emperor Realm.

Unlike the Shendu Dynasty, in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, the Emperor Zunjing realm is not so mysterious, and they will not deliberately hide themselves.

After all, the Shendu Dynasty was actually a family-run dynasty system, and the Fierce Gods Valley was a concentration camp for bandits. If you use the words of a decent person to describe it, this place is probably the capital of sin, where all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods go here.

Han Fei suddenly remembered something and said, "Long Yan, help me prepare a map of the Valley of the Fierce Gods later, it should be a very comprehensive one."

"Okay! I have the map, it's not a secret, I can give it to you for free."

Daoist realm powerhouses personally end up pimping, and it would be outrageous to charge for such things as maps.

After all, their charges are based on refining stars. It seems that there are not many refining stars, but that is something that the experts in Kaitian realm can only dream of.

Fifty refining stars is a huge amount of income for the Kaitian realm, and it is even possible to help them break through the great perfection of the stars in one fell swoop.

After taking the map that Long Yan handed over, Han Fei sensed it, and it turned out to be very detailed. It still existed in a three-dimensional form. Almost the entire Valley of the Fierce Gods was re-engraved, and there were text marks in many popular places.

In the map, there are as many as 1,201 cities in the Valley of the Ferocious Gods, scattered high and low. Two-thirds of the city is built inside the mountain, and only one-third is displayed in front of you.

Han Fei also learned that in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, there are a large number of arenas, with more than 3,300 realms, covering all realms, and all races can sign up to participate.

In the vicinity of these arenas, there are also a large number of kung fu manuals, body refining spirit fruit, treasure medicine and other shops.

Even, the name of some shops turned out to be the franchise stores of Bandit God's Secret Art.

All of this is what the bandit God has learned all his life.

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but be moved. If he said that, he could actually set up such a franchise store in the human race content.

I have learned a lot in my life, and many of the great exercises are derived from the demon pot, and the grade is absolutely high.

Unless these skills are unique, in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, the most popular are all kinds of weapons.

Xu is because this is the Western Wilderness, there are countless secret realms and relics, so the weapon level here is generally relatively high.

There are even some shops that can directly sell weapons of the fortune-telling treasure level. Of course, such shops are extremely rare.

"Well, Honghuang Tower?"

Suddenly, in the center of the map, Han Fei saw a pagoda, which was covered in radiant brilliance and looked very extraordinary.

As for the introduction of the Honghuang Pagoda, Han Fei was really speechless.

In front of the Honghuang Pagoda, a huge stone tablet was erected, inscribed on it: "Real bandits, dare to face the cruelty of the Honghuang Pagoda.

If you want resources, come to Honghuang Tower.

If you want to experience, come to Honghuang Pagoda.

If you want the inheritance of the bandit god, come to Honghuang with a word, and if you want to become stronger, come to Honghuang Pagoda. "


Han Fei put away the map of the Valley of the Fierce Gods, but saw Yanlong taking him back and forth between cities.

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: "Where are you taking me to sell people?"

Long Yan hurriedly said: "Senior, we are not looking for a buyer, but a private auction house.

There are not many places where you can eat these prisoners in one go, so the best target option is the arena.

These captives will enter the arena to make money for the boss of the arena, and only after a certain amount of money will be allowed to be redeemed.

And there are fewer than fifty arenas that meet the requirements in the entire Fierce Gods Valley.

There are a total of thirteen companies that can support the battle of the Great Emperor.

Among these thirteen families, it is no surprise that everyone now knows that the seniors are coming to sell people.

Which auction house we go to, which auction house they will come to.

My master, Yanlong Dakou, has set up a private auction room, I will borrow it, you can prepare tea, spirit fruit, elegant seat, auctioneer, resource appraiser, etc.”

"Oh, so good, don't you want a penny?"

Long Yan grinned and said, "Senior, it's true that you don't want your money, but this auction has a lot of hidden value.

For example, if you auction off the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm with my master, it will definitely increase the reputation of my master's auction house.

In exchange for a small amount of welfare, in exchange for fame, my master actually earned it. "

Han Fei couldn't help but smile, the real powerhouse really had absolute advantage everywhere.

Look, this treatment specification is suddenly high.

A moment later, when Long Yan brought Han Fei to a gorgeous manor, she saw the spiritual plant garden here, blooming in competition. In the huge fountain square, dozens of immortal powerhouses who mastered the avenue of water were manipulating the fountain. A gorgeous visual feast.

A burly old man stood on the head of a rock dragon, with more than 300 attendants behind him respectfully following him.

However, most of these people are in the sea-opening realm or the open-air realm without the stars.


Long Yan beckoned and shouted cheerfully.

The old man's face was stern: "No big or small, in front of the savage ancient daoist friends, what kind of demeanor is it?"

After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Han Fei with a smile on his face: "The presence of Daoist friends really makes my Yanlong Auction House shine.

Don't know what to call a friend? "

Han Fei carried the spear and nodded slightly: "You can call me Tianqing."

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Tianqing, who has been looking up to him for a long time.

Old Li Yan, fellow Taoist Tianqing was so young that he was inherited from Emperor Tiangang and Emperor Tianming. He is truly talented, come and join. "

This Li Yan's strength is actually not bad, and the peak strength of the immortal realm should be stuck at this juncture.

Han Fei nodded slightly, and saw that he swung his spear and said, "Then what about these people?

It definitely won't work now.

That queen, her strength is not bad. "

"Hahaha! Don't worry, little friend, in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, there is a mere emperor, she can't escape even if she has turned upside down."


Brother Tianqing, at the peak of longevity, he has the ability to suppress the Great Emperor, and he really deserves to be a generation of Tianjiao, which makes people admire. "

"Tsk tsk, in the past, I exchanged cups with Liu Tianming's patriarch. If he established a bandit, then in the Western Desolation, there must be four major bandits."

However, he saw a series of figures, stepping on the void, Han Fei looked at it, and he was a strong emperor.

Li Yan hurriedly handed over: "I have seen Emperor Lin Feng, Emperor Baimang, and Emperor Shenman"

Han Fei also nodded slightly towards several people. Although he didn't know each other, they were all great emperors, so he didn't need to be taken lightly.

Just listen to Li Yan: "Emperors, please come in and sit for a while, the delicious wine and food, and the Lingguo Dao tea have been prepared.

After waiting for everyone, this auction will start immediately. "

"it is good!"

"Brother Tianqing, see you later."

"Tsk tsk, this Empress is not bad, but unfortunately she is a demon plant, otherwise"

In other words, the empress who was hung on the spear by Han Fei already wanted to die.

She had never suffered such an insult in her life, and she vowed that she would take revenge in her lifetime.

And the ancient savage tribe will become her lifelong mortal enemy.

After a while, the people hanging on Han Fei's spear had been sealed one by one by Li Yan and taken away.

At this moment, Han Fei is sitting on the super-large throne specially made for war giants, holding a large cauldron-like wine glass in his hand, and inside is a fine wine soaked in spirit fruit.

Long Yan respectfully stood beside Han Fei and said, "Senior, everyone has already arrived, and a total of 13 great emperors and more than 30 are in the immortal realm.

You and later, it won't be long before you can start an auction. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, thought about it, and threw as many as seventy pieces of spiritual treasures at will: "You take all these and auction them together."


Long Yan's eyes widened. There are a lot of treasures. There are as many as 24 fortune-telling spirit treasures. Chaos spirit treasures, congenital spirit treasures and so on add up to nearly fifty pieces. Is this person so rich?

Long Yan immediately looked serious: "Okay senior, don't worry, I will definitely sell you the best price."

"Well! Go, my room, you can come in, others can't, so don't let others disturb me."

"Good senior."

Long Yan hurriedly picked up a group of treasures and walked out, her heart was agitated. She thought she was just auctioning these prisoners, but she didn't expect that there were so many good-fortune spirit treasures and chaos spirit treasures.

This time, Master has made a lot of money. Although there are many top-level treasures in the Valley of the Ferocious Gods, the spiritual treasures of good fortune cannot be taken out by anyone casually.

These weapons, I don't know if the teacher can eat them.

If you can eat it and put it out slowly, you will definitely earn more.

Long Yan was thinking wildly, but Han Fei immediately placed a lot of restrictions after Long Yan left.

Immediately, Han Fei directly took out the Navigation Vientiane.

He visualized the map of the Valley of the Fierce Gods and immediately asked, "Where are the gods from the ancient gods waiting for me?"

Han Fei believes that there must be a goddess waiting for him, otherwise the death spiral will not enter, what will they use to unblock the bloodline?

Sure enough, the Nautical Vientiane pointed to a certain place on the map.


A restaurant near the Wilderness Tower?

Waiting for a pub for one? "

Han Fei said in his heart that he was thinking of going to the Wilderness Tower to have a look. Since the connector was there, it would save some trouble.

After confirming the location of the person from the ancient gods, Han Fei put away the Navigation Vientiane Instrument, removed the restriction, and enjoyed it leisurely.

This kind of feeling of being an uncle is really not ordinary, and I don't know how much I can sell this batch of resources.

There are still too many stars in his own life that have not been integrated. Just integrating the original veins will consume a lot of money. God knows how many resources he needs to fully integrate.

He believed that the resources before the emperor had the ability to get it, but it was really not good, and he could go to the Dragon Clan for a wave.

However, now I have to accumulate resources.

Going from the realm of longevity to the realm of the great emperor is a lot of money, so from the realm of the emperor to the realm of the gods, God knows how many resources will be consumed?

If you don’t save a little more, what should you do if you don’t have enough?

On the other side, in the auction hall, Long Yan's master Li Yan, could not help but produce fine beads of sweat on his brows.

"It's over, I can't eat it! Yanyan, this customer you received is too embarrassing!"

Long Yan: "Master, you have been in the Valley of Fierce Gods for so long, can't you eat it?"

Li Yan was speechless: "You girl, don't be afraid of the strong wind flashing your tongue, so many fortune-level spiritual treasures are all valuable and unmarketable things, do you know how many refining stars these can be sold for?

No, for the teacher to greet some of the wealthy colleagues, we must eat all of them. "

After about a stick of incense, an auctioneer finally came to the stage. Han Fei took a closer look, good guy, isn't this Li Yan himself?

As the boss, this guy actually took the stage in person.

Li Yan smiled and said, "Thank you all the great emperors, and fellow Daoists came to join us.

Today's auction, I believe you have seen part of it.

However, you may not know that apart from those prisoners of Zhonghai Shenzhou, today I have some spiritual treasures in the Yanlong auction house, so please don’t be in a hurry.”

But I saw a great emperor in a private room and said: "Lao Li, let's not talk about these transitions. Today, we are the only people who are here mainly for people, so you can go straight to people!"

In another private room, someone said, "Yeah, Lao Li, don't come here if you are fake. There are no outsiders today, so let's go to the auction directly."

Li Yan said with a smile: "Naturally, the ones who can afford to capture the prisoners of the Eternal Life Realm and the Great Emperor Realm are all of you here.

That being the case, Lao Li, I went straight on. "


As soon as Li Yan clapped his hands, he saw two free-spirited powerhouses who had been sealed to death were brought up.

Li Yan: "Everyone, the people brought by Daoist Tianqing have only two free and happy realms.

These two are the powerhouses of Zhonghai Shenzhou, Fist Sect and Guangming City, and their strength has reached the peak of Xiaoyao.

It is natural that you are going to play in the arena. Compared with the Great Emperor Realm, the Happy Realm is more close to the people.

In addition, since the arena is played, Lingbao and the like naturally need to be reserved, so the starting price is one thousand refining stars with a level of 360,000 miles. "

Hearing this, Han Fei nodded slightly. Although the starting price was not high, it was still in the Happy Realm. If he robbed normally, he might not be able to get this amount.

Moreover, the starting price is only the starting price. As long as the two people auction the price of 2,000, they will earn it.

"Two thousand, these two are also worth the boxing sect, and the Guangming City is not good. Since it is a bundled auction, this price is not bad."

A strong man in the long-lived realm spoke, and in his tone, he was not interested in the peak of the light city.

"Two thousand and five, the difference in Guangming City is a bit short, but there are several enemies in Guangming City in my field, why don't you give it to me."

"Two thousand eighteen, these two probably don't have any good treasures, and the price is almost the same."


These people were belittling the cultivator in Bright City, but they were unambiguous at all, and they shouted more than Han Fei's estimate at the beginning.

However, when the price reached 3,500 refining stars, no one asked for it, and it seemed that it was really not worth it.

From the beginning to the end, none of those great emperors said anything, obviously they didn't like it.

But Han Fei doesn't care, his 3,500 refining stars are real, and they all fall into his pocket, which is simply better than robbery.

When the second place, after the demon vegetation of the God Demon Forest came out, everyone suddenly became enthusiastic.

Li Yan: "I don't need to say this second one, everyone has seen it, the middle stage powerhouse of the God-Monster Forest Long Habitat, with more than 600 stacks, is not weak.

The starting price is 1000. "

"I'm out 2000."

"I paid 2,500, and the family's belongings are still worth a little, but 2,000 is a bit despised."

"3000, after all, it's a long-lived realm, give me some face."



Han Fei couldn't help feeling overjoyed. It seemed that the long-lived realm was still popular. After a short while, the bidding came to 4,200 pieces.

Finally, a great emperor said: "4500 pieces, this price is very high, you don't need to raise the price any more."

Sure enough, as soon as the emperor opened his mouth, no one would argue anymore.

Han Fei also judged the value of the longevity realm. He originally thought that it would be good to have one or two thousand refining stars in the account, but he did not expect it to exceed his expectations.

Next, round after round of long-lived realm powerhouses were pushed up.

Facing the bidding of a group of people, these people are all embarrassed and angry, but all of them have reached the Valley of Fierce Gods and can only accept their fate.

However, of the 22 immortals, only one of the Immortal Ancient Gods Academy and the peak of the immortal immortal building of Feixianlou sold for a high price of 5,000 refining stars, and the others were only hovering between 3,800 and 4,500.

The worst is the Vientiane Gate's Long Life Realm. It is only worth 3200, and it is still reluctant to call up. It shows how despised these people are.

At this point, all the pictures of the long-lived realm have been completed, and Han Fei has harvested 95,900 refining stars.

Because of the high quality of the refining stars, this is barely comparable to the harvest of an ordinary Great Emperor Realm natal star and associated refining stars.

Just listening, Li Yan shouted: "Everyone, here is the finale of the first round of this issue.

The forest of gods and demons, the powerhouse of the emperor realm.

There are only a handful of great emperors who were captured alive in the Valley of Fierce Gods, and their value is evident.

Ladies and gentlemen, the starting price is 50,000 refining stars, and the auction has begun. "


The Great Emperor, who came here, spoke directly and seemed to be ready for a long time, almost returning in seconds.



Those who came to bid for the long-lived realm, most of them had a wry smile on their faces, and were captives at the level of the emperor, which were rare! Too bad it's not something they can afford.

Only one great emperor said: "100,000, let's start at this price! Don't think about it below this price."

"120,000, I want it from the Conferred God Arena."

"150,000, Brother Chen, you are so big in the Fengshen Arena, so that's the price?"

However, in a private room, the emperor said in a deep voice: "200,000, how about you give it to me?"


There was a scolding from many private rooms: "Brother Gao, you are raising the price a little too fast!"

"Brother Gao, did you really buy it for competition?"


There was a burst of laughter in the major private rooms.

On the auction stage, the goddess forest empress trembled slightly, a shameless person, a group of shameless people, she swears that this life will wipe out the West Wilderness.

And Han Fei, who was sitting in the private room, had already pulled out a big pipe, drinking spirit fruit wine, and smoking a big pipe, very happy.

Knowing that the Great Emperor of Zhonghai Shenzhou was so valuable, he had to catch two more in the no-man restricted area.

After a round of high prices, in the end, the great emperor who had sold 200,000 wild arena before took the picture of the goddess forest empress with the terrifying figure of 280,000 refining stars.

Although, a great emperor's natal star may surround millions of refining stars.

But in fact, there are generally only about 100,000 pieces that can reach the level of 360,000 miles.

Han Fei has not only robbed one or two great emperors, but he is quite aware of this.

It can be said that the price of these 280,000 refining stars has exceeded the true value of this goddess forest empress.

Even if she counts her fortune-telling treasures, soul-suppressing treasures, etc., it is not necessarily worth this price.

Moreover, the Empress was also exploited by herself for the resources of more than 10,000 refining stars.

At this moment, Han Fei can only use the word blood to describe his current feeling.

With such a sky-high price transaction, Li Yan's face is also full of joy, and this will be a signboard in the future!

However, Li Yan greeted everyone and said, "Everyone, please rest for a while. Next, there are ten treasures of good fortune, but they are all high-quality goods. You must not miss them."

Han Fei, who was drinking fine wine, frowned slightly, then looked at Long Yan beside him: "Ten pieces?"

Long Yan hurriedly explained: "Senior, what is rare is precious, if it is released at one time, it will only lower the price of Lingbao.

The number of ten pieces, no more or no less, is the most suitable.

Of course, other Lingbao and Yanlong Arena will be acquired at the market price, and you can refer to the price of this auction.

In short, you will definitely not suffer. "


Han Fei nodded slightly, although this girl has her own thoughts, but she said it well, taking out too much at once may indeed cause market price fluctuations.

He is short of resources now, as long as the Rock Dragon Arena has enough money.

Those created spiritual treasures are the same whether they are given to them or others.

However, after going through this auction, to be honest, Han Fei wanted to be a bandit here.

It turned out that there are countless bandits here, and there is another reason, I am afraid that these prisoners are very valuable.

If you rob a group of them and sell them in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, you can get rich overnight. No wonder there are countless people guarding Xihuang as bandits.

What Han Fei gave out were both low-grade good-fortune Lingbao and middle-grade good-fortune Lingbao.

He had acquired a lot of these spirit treasures in the ancient land, so he didn't care.

Soon he came up with a rough value.

The value of the low-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasures is about 3,000 to 5,000 pieces.

The value of the middle-grade good luck treasures ranges from 10,000 to 50,000.

Generally speaking, there are very few people who can possess a mid-level fortune-telling treasure in the long-living realm. Among these prisoners, there are only one or two, and they have already been taken by Han Fei.

According to this calculation, the value of the top-grade good fortune Lingbao is definitely more than 100,000 refining stars.

However, this is also reasonable. A high-grade fortune-telling treasure, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can support a sect, its value is evident?

In the end, Han Fei's 10 fortune-telling treasures sold a total of 180,000 refining stars.

In total, Han Feiyi earned 570,000 lotus stars on this trip to the Valley of the Fierce Gods, even before the gods could find them.

This resource, I am afraid it is the life star of the peak of the extreme emperor, and that is the number.

Long Yan often turned her head to look at Han Fei, stunned secretly, and she had infinite reverie in her heart. If she became an excellent bandit one day, and also robbed a great emperor, this life would be enough.


Han Fei drank the spirit fruit wine in the cup in one gulp, and threw a bag of refining stars in his hand: "You did a good job, you deserve it."

Long Yan was instantly overjoyed, and quickly took the bag. No matter how much other people earn, it is someone else's, and it is useless to be jealous of others.

However, when her perception swept away, she was slightly taken aback: "Senior, there are 50 more, and I will quote you 50."

Han Fei: "Others are extra tips and nothing to talk about."

When Long Yan heard the words, she was not hypocritical. Who doesn't want the money she picked up for nothing?

However, out of morality, she reminded: "Senior, you are holding too many refining stars at this moment, and this matter will definitely spread.

Therefore, if you want to leave the Valley of the Fierce Gods in the near future, it is best to let someone from the ancient barbarians come to support you, otherwise you may not be able to get out of the Valley of the Fierce Gods. "

Han Fei Xin said, that's good, I robbed it.

Of course, Han Fei just thought so, he has no time to rob now.

At the moment, the most important thing is to quickly solve the bloodline problem of the gods, so as to set off a full-scale war between Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou.

As soon as the ancient gods came out, Zhonghai Shenzhou could no longer contain the power of the four major Shenzhous. At that time, it was the time when he entered Zhonghai Shenzhou.

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