God of Fishing

Chapter 2838: Start by unscrupulous

Chapter 28 Starting with Unscrupulous

Waiting for a tavern for one.

Among the five Han Fei, apart from Han Fei, only Xia Xiaochan is of the blood of the gods.

If it weren't for Han Fei, Luo Xiaobai and the others would not even have contact with the gods.

Although Chu Hao is also considered a goddess, he has also helped to take charge of the human race.

However, it cannot be compared with Han Fei's help in restoring the blood of the gods.

Luo Xiaobai's proposal to let some people become gods first means giving up these people.

In fact, everyone in the audience understands that if they want to fight against Zhonghai Shenzhou, a desolate **** clan with only one Nandou Killing God can't compare with Zhonghai Shenzhou in terms of high-end combat power.

Even if the bandit gods support the gods, even if the four major Shenzhou are willing to cooperate and contain Zhonghai Shenzhou.

However, the root of this war is actually the confrontation of the gods.

Right now, almost all the gods of the sea world are in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

If the Protoss did not make sacrifices, this battle, even if it could be fought, would be extremely difficult and even dangerous.

Only Luo Xiaobai said, "May I ask Senior Yue, how many godslayers are there in Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

Yue Lingke: "Two, so far we know and find out the summary results of countless intelligence, only two."

Luo Xiaobai: "Where's the gods?"

Yue Lingke: "13, except for the gods of the Tianyin Protoss who were killed by Han Fei, there are a total of 13 gods."

Luo Xiaobai: "Does Senior Yue believe it himself?"

Yue Lingke frowned slightly and did not speak.

Luo Xiaobai's words changed: "Senior Yue, how many gods are there in the ancient gods?"

Le Renkuang was puzzled: "I can't become a **** anymore, it should be the only one from Nandou, right?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head: "The gods really can't become gods.

However, the ancient gods are not necessarily gods, right?

If the goddess did not have a hole card, Han Fei would not be allowed to brush the list at all.

Just ask him to use the Void Mark, once and for all.

Why bother to let Han Fei brush the list? "

As soon as this statement came out, even Han Fei felt a little strange.

At the beginning, Yue Lingke said that he was afraid that Han Fei would need the Void Mark by his side, so he gave Han Fei the choice of Honghuang Pagoda.

Yue Lingke: "Continue."

Luo Xiaobai: "I can try to guess.

The reason why you didn't ask Han Fei to use the Void Mark is not because you feel that you owe him a lot of favor, because helping you restore your bloodline has already made you owe a huge favor.

Even if the Void Mark is used again, it is nothing more than one more favor.

Therefore, you hope that Han Fei will be on the list and get the help of Honghuang Pagoda.

It seems to be taking the initiative to help Han Fei save the void mark, but I guess you have other ideas about the void mark, right? "


When Han Fei heard this, he frowned slightly. Could it be that Yue Lingke and the others didn't tell him anything?

Yue Lingke nodded slightly: "You are very smart, yes, your guess is correct.

These, anyway, will eventually tell you, since you guessed, then I might as well say it in advance. "

Only Yue Lingke said: "The ancient gods have six gods.

As you said, they are not the blood of the gods, but the disciples we have carefully cultivated.

At present, only one has been revealed, and that is the Lord of Nandou. She is also the first to become a god, and she was also the **** of Anza in Nanhai Shenzhou before the gods were swept by Zhonghai Shenzhou.

In the past 100,000 years, the gods have been doing their best to cultivate godly disciples.

It is a pity that it is not easy to become a god. In the end, we only cultivated five. "

Han Fei said, "One hundred thousand years, five gods, soon."

Yue Lingke: "More than 100,000 years.

Progeny cannot become gods, so we have been cultivating gods from a long time ago, and we also have a group of our own disciples.

However, these disciples died in battle more than 100,000 years ago.

Now, these five are the emperors who survived back then, and after 100,000 years, they have just achieved the positions of gods. "

Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly: "Six, isn't it enough?

If there are only six gods, it should not be enough to give you the confidence to fight against Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

Yue Lingke said, "The three big bandits in the Western Wilderness will be our allies."

Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei, and Han Fei nodded slightly: "I have seen the strength of Nanye, and it is true that he can fight the gods, but fighting the gods does not mean that they can fight for how long, even if they surpass the peak of the extreme way."

Yue Lingke: "The bandit **** is on our side, you should know."

Han Fei: "Even if there are nine gods, one god-killer, plus the protection of the Honghuang Pagoda"

While speaking, Yue Lingke looked at herself, and Han Fei laughed.

Yes, I mentioned to Yue Lingke that there are gods in the divine descendant lineage in the God Creation Prison, plus myself, there are barely 11 gods, one god-killing level.

If, coupled with the containment of the four major Shenzhou on Zhonghai Shenzhou, in terms of god-level combat power, it is indeed possible to be equal to Zhonghai Shenzhou, if there are only 13 gods in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Only Yue Lingke said: "Luo Xiaobai is right, if you want to restore the blood of the gods, you have to pay a little price.

I will discuss this matter with the clan. "

Luo Xiaobai: "Why let Han Fei keep the Void Mark?"

Only Yue Lingke said leisurely: "Now that you all know the history of my gods, then you should know that my gods have had problems with their blood since the prehistoric era.

But at that time, my ancestors still survived, and they were extremely powerful.

So no one dared to move the gods at that time.

And the ancestors had no choice but to choose the master of the **** of creation, and they could only leave us a legacy of treasures beyond our imagination.

As long as someone inherits the God of Creation and restores our bloodline, we will start the inheritance and help the gods return to the peak. Unfortunately, in the age of the gods, ominous attacks have also struck several times, and the ancestors have suffered heavy losses.

There are people from all ethnic groups who coveted the inheritance of the treasures left by the ancestors to the lineage of the gods, and plotted against the ancestors until they fell.

And the inheritance of the treasures left by the ancestors also fell into the hands of others.

Although I don't know whose hands it fell into, I know that it must be among the forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

We may not be able to find it, but you, Han Fei, can. "

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "If the inheritance of this treasure is really enough for a family to rise, how could Zhonghai Shenzhou be guarded by a group of gods?"

As he spoke, Han Fei's eyes turned green: "So, do you want to borrow the powerhouse of my Void Temple to inherit the treasure back?"

Han Fei understood, if this treasure house was held in the hands of a Zhenhai god-level, or even a master-level powerhouse, with the current gods, don't even think about it.

Yue Lingke: "Half!"


Yue Lingke: "The gods need to rise, but the human race also needs to rise.

There are few gods, although there are no gods, but the general strength is very strong, and there are many strong emperors.

As for your human race, there are very few strong emperors, but there are too many ordinary practitioners.

If this treasure house can be recaptured, the gods are willing to share with the human race. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, this time, let alone him, Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, they all thought deeply.

Although I don't know how much the resource is, I'm afraid it can't be less.

If it can really get half of it, the Terran may rise.

But several people immediately thought, can't this thing be swallowed alone?

Including Han Fei, had this idea.

But he just gave up after thinking about it.

To swallow this treasure alone is equivalent to ruining the relationship with the gods.

The reason why Han Fei is so active in helping the gods is mainly because he hopes to have such an ally.

Once the gods rise, they will not only be the most steadfast allies of the human race, but also help the human race to rise rapidly.

Even Han Fei thought in his heart that when he united with the gods and won Zhonghai Shenzhou, he would let go of the throne of the emperor.

At that time, with the help of the gods, the human race can be safe for eternity.

When Han Fei fell into contemplation, Luo Xiaobai took the lead to recover: "This condition cannot be agreed to you now.

As far as the strength of the gods is currently displayed, it is still a question whether they can compete with Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Besides, Han Fei is the owner of the refining demon pot, and this journey will never be peaceful, and it is difficult to guarantee that nothing special will happen, requiring the Void Mark.

Therefore, if you want to use the Void Mark, this matter cannot be promised to you.

But this is not impossible. "

Han Fei's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes! Even if there is no Void Mark, I have a Navigation Vientiane.

As long as the treasure is found and the means of stealing the treasure are found, there are infinite possibilities. "

Han Fei understands Yue Lingke's thoughts. She wants to get the resources as soon as the crisis is lifted after the bloodline of the gods is restored, so that the gods can break through and rise.

But this abacus is indeed too loud. No matter how good the treasure is, is it more important than life?

The void mark is more than just a mark, it is a kind of confidence.

The Void Temple pays attention to experience and growth, and the reason why it gives the protection of the Void Mark is just to ensure that its disciples will fall under the force majeure.

However, you can't encounter something irresistible every time, then it's not a question of trials, it's simply death.

The Void Temple doesn't need a brainless disciple, it needs a strong man who can stand alone.

The premise of being on your own is that you have to ensure that you are safe. Only by living can you become a real powerhouse.

It's not that Han Fei is afraid of death, he can't actually die now.

But he is too concerned about it now and can't indulge.

Although he couldn't die himself, he didn't want to wait for him to come back to life and find that things were different, and all the people he knew had disappeared.

Therefore, he cherishes this life at the moment.

Although the temptation of the treasure is indeed great, with it, you will have resources for your future breakthroughs.

Terrans are also more likely to rise.

However, relatively speaking, he is still not as precious as his last Void Mark.

Han Fei: "Let's not talk about the treasure, let's talk about the next step!"

"and many more!"

Luo Xiaobai stopped and only listened to her: "The next step is what should be discussed.

Someone in Zhonghai Shenzhou should have guessed that you have another Void Mark, but they still dare to do it?

What is their confidence?

What means can they rely on to prevent your Void Mark from being valuable? "

Chu Hao: "Xiao Bai! I know you are smart, have you guessed something?

Don't give a shit, just say it. "

Zhang Xuanyu also said: "I really can't think of this."

Luo Xiaobai's face became slightly solemn: "The most direct possibility, of course, is that the opponent has a dominant-level powerhouse who can compete with the Void Temple.

However, Senior Yue said that there is no way that the sea world can be dominated.

Then, there are only two possibilities left."

"Which two?"

Everyone looked at Luo Xiaobai with a curious expression.

Xia Xiaochan blinked her eyes, God knows how Luo Xiaobai came up with such a clear idea from these details, she couldn't think of it anyway.

Others probably felt the same way, Han Fei frowned slightly, Luo Xiaobai's remarks made him feel a bad premonition.

Luo Xiaobai gave Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan a deep look: "Humans, and Yiyi.

Both of these possibilities are Han Fei's weakness. "


Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan's expressions changed drastically.

Although the Terran and Yiyi are protected, if Zhonghai Shenzhou is determined to take down the Terran or Yiyi first, it can be done, as long as the God-killing level shot.

At that time, there is a high probability that Han Fei will be forced to use the Void Mark.

And they are holding hostages, even if they use the Void Mark, they can only throw the rat-proof weapon.

But he heard Luo Xiaobai continue: "Don't panic! For the time being, the human race and Yiyi are safe."

Han Fei: "How do you say?"

Luo Xiaobai: "If Zhong Hai Shenzhou really wanted to get to this point, they would have made a move long ago, so there is no need to wait until now.

After all, the divine prison of creation is on you, as long as you are forced to hand over the bloodline of the gods that have been sealed, the gods will be abolished.

But they didn't do it, why? "

Han Fei's face was ugly, but he quickly calmed down: "If they are not afraid of the void mark, then there is only one answer. They hope that the gods will restore their blood."


Luo Xiaobai said decisively: "The reason why they haven't done anything to Yiyi or Human Race now is because they don't want to confront your Void Temple in advance.

But I don't want to, doesn't mean I don't want to. "

"Wait! You told me that I was confused, Zhonghai Shenzhou hopes that the gods will restore their bloodline?"

Chu Hao was surprised, is Zhong Hai Shenzhou crazy?

But I heard Luo Xiaobai say: "If Senior Yue hadn't mentioned the inheritance of the treasure before, I wouldn't quite understand it.

But now, the answer should be more obvious.

The purpose of Zhonghai Shenzhou is twofold, one is to unlock the treasures of the gods. "

Yue Lingke: "What about the second one?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Even if Zhonghai Shenzhou allows the restoration of the blood of the gods, they will not give you the chance to restore your former heyday.

On the contrary, for the gods who have completely recovered their bloodline, it should be more meaningful for them to seize the power of the bloodline, right? "

Xia Xiaochan: "That is to say, they won't really do it until the blood of the gods is restored.

On the contrary, only after the bloodline of the gods is revived, will they really do it. "

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "That's right.

What I'm still curious about is, how can the treasures of the gods be unlocked?

This method of opening, I am afraid that Zhonghai Shenzhou has already mastered it? "


Yue Lingke shook her head: "The treasure of the gods must meet three conditions to be opened.

First, of course, the blood vessels are intact.

Second, we need the same origin of thousands of veins. The blood we inherit comes from different gods, thousands of veins, that is, thousands of different blood lines. "

Han Fei: "But 100,000 years ago, the descendants of the gods were swept away, and there were many people who fell. This may not be difficult for Zhonghai Shenzhou."

"So there is a third condition: the order to return to God.

There are eight of these objects, originally in the hands of the eight elders of the gods.

In the battle 100,000 years ago, although three were lost, there are still five on our side.

For example, I have one on me. "

Han Fei: "Can it be copied?

Just do it again. "

Yue Lingke shook her head: "No.

This was transformed from the flesh and bones of the ancestor of the past, and that ancestor fell in ominous circumstances, so the decree of returning to the gods cannot be reproduced. "

Luo Xiaobai: "If there is no possibility of a remake, it means that your situation is even more dangerous.

If Zhong Hai Shenzhou dares to revive your bloodline, it must be fully prepared.

In other words, they have absolute certainty that they can destroy the gods.

Confidence comes from strength, which means that they have a stronger strength that we don't know at all. "

Yue Lingke: "You mean, there is a Zhenhai God in Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

Luo Xiaobai: "It's hard to say, if Zhonghai Shenzhou can keep a god-killer level, it may not be impossible to hide a Zhenhai god.

Even if it is not Zhenhai God, then they also have the trump card to deal with the gods. "

Immediately, Luo Xiaobai continued: "Actually, the news that the gods can know is not necessarily what they want you to know.

As for the things we can consider, those people in Zhonghai Shenzhou may have already considered it, so they have no fear.

Because, in the eyes of the powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou, the gods, even if they recover their bloodline, will undoubtedly lose, but there is a variable in this."

Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei: "Your existence is a variable, you brushed the records of the Honghuang Pagoda, and you have a void mark.

They have to control you as a variable first, in order to be foolproof.

Therefore, I think, you need to break the power that can check and balance you first, and this is the real way to break the game.

Instead of going to restore the bloodline to the gods now. "

Luo Xiaobai's analysis is logically complete, and it is indeed closely linked.

If Zhong Hai Shenzhou really has the confidence to force himself to use the Void Mark on the Terran or Yiyi side.

If, Zhonghai Shenzhou really has Zhenhai **** level powerhouse.

Once there is a war on the Xihuang side, there is no doubt that they will lose.

As for whether Luo Xiaobai's analysis is accurate, that's simple.

I saw that Han Fei took out the Navigation Vientiane on the spot, and at the same time displayed the map of the East China Sea.

But he heard Han Fei ask directly: "Point out the specific location of Zhonghai Shenzhou god-killing powerhouse in East China Sea Shenzhou."

The reason for asking this is because it is impossible to deal with Yiyi or the human race under the watchful eyes of Li Tiangan, Xie Wukuan and Yindicheng with only a god-level powerhouse.

Then, if Zhong Hai Shenzhou wanted to use Yiyi or the human race to force itself to cast a rat, or even waste a Void Mark, it could only dispatch a god-killer-level powerhouse.

Immediately, everyone looked at the Navigation Vientiane, and Xia Xiaochan's breathing became a little short.

However, I saw that the Navigation Vientiane really turned, and the position pointed to was less than half a light-year away from the Dongfang Jiange.


Han Fei's body was surging with blood, and his face was extremely ugly.

Lerenkuang: "Are these people in Zhonghai Shenzhou already so despicable and shameless?"

Zhang Xuanyu also scolded: "It's just shameless, the dignified god-killing level, UU reading www.uukanshu.com actually want to shoot at a child?"

Xia Xiaochan's eyes were cold: "Damn it, which force is this God-killer?"

Yue Lingke: "Don't panic now, since Xiaobai has calculated this, it means that we now have a chance.

Those people in Zhonghai Shenzhou may not know that we have expected all this by now. "

Chu Hao: "Indeed, the question now is, what to do with this god-killing powerhouse?

Can you kill without relying on the Void Temple? "

Han Fei's pupils shrank, and he pondered for a long time: "Can kill."

Chu Hao: "How to kill?

I know that you killed a god-killing ominous, but the god-killing ominous and the god-killing powerhouse of all ethnic groups are probably two concepts. "

Luo Xiaobai also said again: "I have to remind you that since Zhonghai Shenzhou has set up an ambush in Donghai Shenzhou, and they want to take down their clothes to coerce you, it means that they already have the means to deal with the Void Temple, otherwise they will never Dare to be so unscrupulous.

As for what means, I really can't guess.

However, I suggest that you first quietly bring Yiyi and Human Race into your natal star.

Then whether to fight or retreat, at least you can guarantee that you have no weakness. "

Han Fei was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "All complicated things, in the end, will eventually become stronger and weaker.

Now that Zhonghai Shenzhou has started to do whatever it takes, it seems like I've ever talked about the means, girl, do you want to go see the girl? "

Xia Xiaochan immediately trembled slightly: "Of course."

Zhang Xuanyu: "And us."

Han Fei shook his head: "There is no need to go back too many people, Xiaobai is right, I can't have a weakness.

From today onwards, our war against Zhonghai Shenzhou has already begun.

This battle, until the Zhonghai Shenzhou Zhuqiang is destroyed. "

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