God of Fishing

Chapter 2839: Father and daughter recognize each other, capital embarrassing

Chapter 29 Father and daughter recognize each other, capital embarrassing

In the sea of ​​​​stars, Han Fei did not immediately summon the Gate of Infinity.

As the saying goes, sharpening knives does not fail to chop woodworkers.

Chu Hao was right, the god-killing level ominous and the god-killing powerhouse of Wanzu are two concepts.

If you underestimate the god-killing level, you will be wrong. This is an existence that can break the shackles of the gods.

Qiu Wanren, who was still floating in the sea of ​​stars outside Han Fei's life, saw Han Fei appear again, and couldn't help but say, "Are we going to start a war?"

Han Fei: "Senior, the war is about to begin, but we will face a lot of trouble."

Qiu Wanren: "The old man has already killed a god, and the bandit **** you mentioned before, isn't that enough?"

Han Fei: "Senior, what if I say that the enemy may have the Zhenhai God level?"

Qiu Wanren immediately suffocated: "The Zhenhai deity is nested in such a small place?"

Han Fei: "The sea world is the origin of all races, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Zhenhai God is here.

Besides, he is not necessarily in the sea world, but he may arrive at the sea world at any time. "

Just a moment ago, before Han Fei left the tavern waiting for one person, he searched with the Navigation Vientiane, but did not find the Zhenhai God-level powerhouse in the sea world.

However, this does not mean that the Zhenhai God will not appear in the battle of the gods.

Qiu Wanren frowned deeply: "Then what do you mean, this battle is still impossible to fight?

Otherwise, I secretly go to the god-born lineage and restore their bloodline? "

Han Fei shook his head: "It's useless.

Restoring the kinsmen bloodline now would push them to a dead end. "

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that Qiu Wanren didn't believe it, Han Fei explained Luo Xiaobai's speculation to him.

After a while, Qiu Wanren's face was extremely ugly, but his expression changed a few times: "Even if the other party has Zhenhai God, it's not impossible to fight."


Han Fei hurriedly said, "Old murderer?"

Qiu Wanren nodded: "Well, the problem is that it is a little difficult to let him out now.

If you want to unlock the third layer of the God of Creation Prison, you have to kill the God-killing level.

But you haven't become a **** yet, even with my help, I'm afraid it's impossible.

After all, this old man has just been promoted to the God-killer level, and even though the means may be a little different, it would be very difficult to kill the God-killer level. "

Han Fei's heart moved: "Senior, can you tell me how powerful the God-killing level is?

I've never had a good idea of ​​this.

For example, after you advanced to the God-killing level, how much stronger than the God-level? "

Qiu Wanren: "In terms of sheer strength, it's probably twice as strong!"

Han Fei was stunned: "Breaking the shackles of the godhead is twice as strong?"

Qiu Wanren said, "It's a big fuss.

You may have misunderstood one thing. As far as gods are concerned, the standard of combat power cannot be completely determined by who is strong and who is weak.

Even, in a sense, the god-killing level is not completely beyond the god-level, they are only different in magnitude.

For example, the **** is a water scoop, and the law of heaven is water.

Then, the god-killing level is a mouth tank, which can hold more water.

Water is water, maybe the water in the scoop of the gods is muddy, that's because the laws they master are not deep enough.

The water in the godslayer tank is relatively clear.

But in essence, they are all water, and there is no change, so the difference between the power level of the gods and the gods is not much, only one or two times the difference.

But the reason why the God-killing level is so powerful is the change in magnitude between a scoop and a jar.

So, if you ask me how much stronger the gods and gods are, I can tell you clearly, it is the magnitude, not the power, that is stronger. "

Han Fei: "After calculating the magnitude, it can't be attributed to the strength of the power. The gods have one point, and the god-killing level has ten points."

Qiu Wanren was speechless: "Co-author with me and speak for nothing?

The gods and the god-killing level are both one point. The difference is that the gods have only one point.

Anyway, that's what it means, you know? "

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "Senior, I understand.

That is, you have a fruit knife, I have ten kitchen knives, if you cut me with one knife, it will be gone or the edge will be rolled, and I may have ten knives, which can hack you to death. "

"What kind of metaphor are you doing?

But not too bad! "

Han Fei: "Senior, after you advance to the God-killing level, how many god-level yourself do you feel you can beat?"

Qiu Wanren pondered for a moment and said, "Theoretically, hitting a hundred is not a problem.

But that's not the case.

As I said just now, the power levels controlled by the gods and the godslayer are basically the same. Since the gods can kill the gods, the gods can actually kill the gods.

Therefore, if you really want to fight hard, the god-killing level is also invincible with two fists and four hands. Even if you can really win a hundred, you are almost useless and need to rest and recover. "

Han Fei couldn't help but nodded, and suddenly he said, "Senior, what is your current combat power, such as soul power?"

Qiu Wanren: "It's a little inappropriate for you to use the old man as a measure, because the old man is stronger than the extreme way of refining the soul.

Probably, 4 million! "


Han Fei was stunned, this was still Qiu Wanren just breaking through the god-killing level.

Perhaps as he said, he created the way of pure soul. Although he has not embarked on this path, he is considered to have created a precedent, and it will indeed be better than ordinary god-killing powerhouses.

But with 4 million combat power, this still made Han Fei feel powerless.

Even if he uses the Dragon Blood Soul Orb, his peak combat power is only over 1.8 million, which is simply incomparable.

Just listen to Qiu Wanren: "However, if you want to kill a god-level powerhouse, according to your combat power, the minimum is more than 2 million.

It seems that my 4 million combat power may be very strong, but the power level is the same, so it is difficult to directly kill even a 2 million combat power level God-killing powerhouse, but the suppression is certain.

If the sneak attack is good, there is also the possibility of killing. "

Han Fei couldn't help but ask, "What do you think about the Zhenhai Divine Rank?"

"no idea."

Qiu Wanren sneered and said, "You are a great emperor, don't think too much about it.

Just the two of us, it's not that difficult to kill Godslayer.

I advise you, don't think about fighting, just quietly gather your human race.

Then try again to see if you can stealthily attack and kill a God-killer. This is the best choice. "

Han Fei shook his head: "I can't go dormant in the short term, and I don't have the time to try again.

Senior, believe me, if you kill a god, I will kill you. "

Qiu Wanren: ""

After putting Qiu Wanren into the Divine Creation Prison, Han Fei went directly to Hongyue's natal star city and called him out.

"Lord Human Sovereign?

But what happened? "

Seeing that Han Fei appeared again, Hong Yue immediately became nervous.

Every time Han Fei appears, it is always hundreds of years apart, and every time, something happens more or less.

This time, needless to say, something must have happened.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Go back, find Xie Wukuan, let him secretly contact the return of the devil, and say that the matter is serious, and the thousand-year contract between me and him will end ahead of schedule.

This time, let me ask him for help, so that he must be very careful not to be discovered by others. "


Hong Yue's spirit was shocked immediately. Is the millennium peaceful and prosperous era of the human race coming to an end?

Do you even need to use the gods this time?

Hong Yue's face immediately became tense: "I, my subordinates will do it later."

Han Fei nodded: "Hurry up, after the devil returns, you need to notify me as soon as possible."


Han Fei: "Besides the Demon God, find any reason to go to the Hidden Emperor City.

Find the goddess of light, ask her to protect the human race in the past few days, and say that this is my favor. "

Hong Yue's eyelids trembled: "Lord Human Sovereign, but what danger is there for the human race?"

Han Fei: "Don't ask.

By the way, is the Human Race Gathering Day still going on? "

Hong Yue nodded: "Yes, Lord Han Xuan said that for the human race to rise, we must give up resources.

Therefore, the Human Race Gathering Day has always been held.

On average, once every ten years. "

Han Fei: "How long has it been since the last time?"

Hong Yue: "It's been almost eight years."

Han Fei: "This time, it will be done in advance, and the scale will be unprecedented. It is said that it is to seek benefits for the people in all directions."

Hong Yue: "I'm afraid this resource consumption is not that much."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter even if the current human race reserves resources are all drained."


After explaining Hong Yue, Han Fei closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

Although the Navigation Vientiane did not point out that there were god-killing powerhouses ambushing near the boundless mining area, this matter should not be taken lightly.

The group of people in Zhonghai Shenzhou have already begun to do whatever they can, and they can't pin their hopes on their conscience and bottom line.

So, the preparation to do is still to prepare.

As long as the Demon God returns, with his strength, even if there is no god-killing level, I am afraid it is not too far behind.

Shuangmai became a god, even if he first entered the realm of gods, he was by no means comparable to ordinary gods.

Han Fei waited in the Xinghai for seven days until Hong Yue appeared, and the demon **** Yandao had quietly returned.


Han Fei activated the token and summoned the Gate of Infinity.

When the gate of no distance reappeared, Han Fei said: "Lao Wu, this time, I want to do a big thing.

During this time, I may need you many times, but I don't have time to kill Ominous, can I? "

The Gate of No Distance: "What are you doing?"

Han Fei: "You don't need to worry about what I'm doing, anyway, you just need to know that no matter what I do, it's for the better of cleaning up the ominous in the future.

You see, last time I went to the Sea of ​​Watch and killed three Doomsday-level and one God-killing level, these are just the beginning. "

The Gate of No Distance: "Are you going to fight infighting?"

The Gate of No Distance is not stupid either. Although he doesn't get involved in the affairs of Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou, it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

Han Fei said solemnly: "The sea world needs to be unified, Zhonghai Shenzhou is already rotten, and I want to rectify the sea world.

I don't expect you to understand. I've borrowed you a lot so far, so you should know my ominous attitude.

Far more firm than those in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

They harbor a bunch of gods and avoid the ominous war, you should know that? "

The Gate of No Distance: "Do I count as participating in the infighting of all races?"

The Gate of No Distance seems to have thought about it. The meaning of his creation is to send people to participate in the war, but it is not a civil war.

This caused some contradictions in his self-definition.

Han Fei said bitterly: "The gate without distance has a total of nine doors.

The meaning of your existence is to better help the strong forces of all races to march quickly and deal with the ominous.

However, you have existed for such a long time, and you should know that the ten thousand clans are not one clan, except when the ominous full-scale invasion may be able to unite the people, and at other times, it is mostly different.

This time, it was the third time after the Chaos Era and the Great Desolate Era, a real unknown invasion.

As the gate of no distance, you should know what kind of war is happening at the end of the star sea.

At this time, do you count on the wastes of Zhonghai Shenzhou to continue to lead the sea world, or do you count on me, the owner of the refining demon pot, to lead the ten thousand races? "

The Gate of No Distance: "Okay, I believe in you.

But after this time, I hope you can better snipe the ominous, rather than continue a bigger infighting.

Otherwise, I will never help you in the future. "

"It's a word.

Lao Wu, your hard work will eventually pay off.

He will treat me as a god, and I will take you to the end of this sea of ​​stars. "


Han Fei's words seemed to pierce the heart of the Gate of Infinity, causing its entire door to tremble slightly.

"I'm waiting for you."

Han Fei smiled slightly, thinking that after all, it is a door, and wisdom is still limited, and flickering twice makes flicker excited!

However, he can't be considered a complete fool, after all, he does have to embark on an ominous road of confrontation after all.

But the premise is that he has to break the bottleneck of Supreme Divine Art.

Donghai Shenzhou, Dongfang Jiange.

This is a sea of ​​hidden swords. Throughout the ages, countless swordsmen have come with full expectations, but they have returned with regret.

Not everyone can enter the Dongfang Jiange, but their sword intent and sword energy often leave a trace in the trials of trying to enter the Dongfang Jiange.

There are three forbidden areas in the Eastern Sword Pavilion, they are:

Hidden swords, hidden countless peerless swords, waiting for those who are destined.

The Prehistoric Sword Tomb is the place where countless sword cultivators have tried swords and buried swords throughout the ages.

Jianhuo Shenshan, where the ancient sword energy of the Eastern Sword Pavilion gathers, every once in a while, Jianhuo will naturally be born, and the Divine Sword will be nurtured from it.

At this moment, in the Honghuang Sword Tomb, a young girl with a delicate face and sharp eyes used a thin grass as a sword and danced gracefully in the sword tomb, with a red tie on the back of her neck, dancing with the wind.

The boundless sword qi around him came pouring out one after another, like a river bursting its dyke, rushing towards the girl.

Even though the girl was strong and strong, like a fish and dragon dancing, with grass and swords flying between her fingers, it was still difficult for her to move forward.

Just as the girl's body was getting more and more sword energy, almost drowning her, a kind of fierce and strong sword energy burst out from the girl's body.

As soon as this intention came out, Wan Jian surrendered.

Unfortunately, this is not enough, there is always some sword energy, ignoring this strong and powerful sword energy, and continue to gather towards the girl.

Not far from his side, a young man stood proudly in this endless sword qi, but all the sword qi around him passed by, and no sword qi touched his body.

Only to hear the man speak: "Have you ever seen a few girls take such a path of extreme strength?

Your sword intent should match your own characteristics.

This intent is not as good as your Tai Chi sword intent, come again.”

Hearing the girl take dozens of steps back, she immediately curled her lips: "Master, I have understood 192 kinds of sword intents, why are you not satisfied with any of them?

Then what kind of sword intent do you say is the strongest? "


Li Tiangan snorted softly: "It is futile to understand ten thousand kinds of sword intents that do not fit.

Sword Intent comprehends that what suits you is the strongest.

Forget it, after all, it may be that you have seen too little of the world, go back and pack up and prepare for the teacher to bring you into the world tomorrow.”

"Ah! Really, Master?"

The girl is naturally Han Yiyi, and she jumps up and down happily at this moment, the experience of the world! She thought about it for a long time.

Li Tiangan: "Of course"

However, before Li Tiangan finished speaking, suddenly, his eyes suddenly looked into the depths of the Honghuang Sword Tomb, and his pupils shrank.

Just listen to him: "Your appearance surprised me."

Han Chanyi looked puzzled: "Master, who are you talking to?"

She instinctively realized that something was wrong, because the Li Tiangan she saw most of the time had an indifferent face, but at this moment his face turned solemn.

But I saw that in the depths of the Great Desolate Sword Tomb, there was a sudden riot of sword intent, and the infinite sword intent burst into power, as if resisting something.

In Han Chanyi's eyes, there was only a vague figure coming from the depths of the Prehistoric Sword Tomb.

And wherever that figure passed, the sword intent of the nearby struggle was all dyed into a bright golden color.

A kind of sword intent that Han Chanyi had never seen before, covering all the intent of swordsmanship.

That kind of sword intent seems to be unmatched, but Han Chanyi is no stranger to it.

"Invincible Sword Intent?"

Han Chanyi's eyes are bright, and the invincible sword intent represents the invincible road, and as far as she knows and has seen, there is only one person who is currently walking the invincible road, and that is her own father.

Moreover, at this moment, Han Chanyi felt a slight vibration in his bloodline, which was a resonance from the bloodline.

Yes, she already knew who was coming.

Li Tiangan snorted softly and said, "Don't show off your half-assed invincible road. When you realize the real invincible road, you will be qualified to suppress the Great Desolate Sword Tomb."

After he finished speaking, Li Tiangan just waved his hand, a kind of unparalleled sword intent that was soaring in the sky, and the height was invincible, and suddenly broke through the invincible sword intent that was suppressing the ten thousand sword intent.

"Senior, don't sweep my face in front of my daughter!"

"Then show up well."

In the words, Han Fei has come out from the depths of the prehistoric sword tomb, dignified and a little embarrassed at the moment.

Han Chanyi's eyes widened, looking at the man in front of him who looked no different from the human statue. At the moment, he was bathed in a golden light and was a little lost.

But immediately, the little girl's face turned pale, her chin was slightly raised, and she snorted softly: "The uncle opposite, please pay attention to your words, there are only me and the master here, but there is no daughter of yours. "


Han Fei was stunned, am I so clueless?

However, Han Fei smiled immediately, Han Chanyi played such a small temper, and it was not a small temper.

She was born in the sea world, unlike when she was a child, she didn't know who her parents were at all, and she didn't have any sources of intelligence.

So, this girl is just **** off, as if she is saying to people, come and coax me.

"Oh! That's right! Whose girl is this? She looks so pretty.

If no one wants it, I will abduct it back and raise it as a daughter. "

Han Chanyi's cheeks were flushed, and she tried her best to look vicious: "Who are you! Who is smiling with you?

Master, please drive this uninvited guest away, away from you. "

Li Tiangan: "The visitor is a guest. It's not easy to be a teacher, so I still have to rely on you."


Han Fei smiled, licking his face and leaned over to Han Chanyi, who immediately grabbed Li Tiangan's sleeve nervously, then snorted and tilted his head.

"Stranger, please stay away from me."

Han Fei shamelessly took out a large bag of potato chips and said: "Daughter, look at your master's face, you give me face.

Here are my perfectly cooked potato chips, crunchy and delicious. "

"Who is your daughter?

You don't shout. "

"Hmph, it's just potato chips. It's like no one has seen the world. I grew up eating and grew tired of eating."


Han Fei looked at Li Tiangan embarrassedly, and Li Tiangan said, "Don't look at me, coax your own daughter."

"Master, don't talk nonsense, my father is a wooden man, he spends his days raising flowers, trees, and birds, and he's still alive.

However, the wooden people will also make people happy.

Unlike some uncles, who jumped out from nowhere, and they randomly recognized their daughters when they came out. "

Han Fei was embarrassed again, thinking that this child has not been brought with him for a day, and communication is indeed a bit awkward!

Han Fei was discouraged: "Okay! Then ask this girl, how can I calm down?"

"I'm not angry, why am I angry with a stranger?"

Han Fei's head grew a little bigger, and he buzzed: "I'm your father. You are an uncle and a stranger. I am very shameless."

"Huh! You go to save face!"

Immediately, Han Chanyi rolled her eyes: "Besides, you can't be my father.

My father once entrusted others to tell me that he would appear in front of me in the most solemn way.

Geez, it's really grand! I, Han Chanyi, have never seen such a grand way since I was a child."

"Cough cough!"

Han Fei was in a bad mood at the time. He seemed to have said that to Hong Yue.

Yes, now the arrogance is blowing up, and it has been disgraced by others.

Hearing this, Li Tiangan couldn't help shaking his head slightly, even if he was a cold sword cultivator, he felt embarrassed for Han Fei at the moment.

In the end, Li Tiangan couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "You came back alone?"

"Oh no, and my wife."

Hearing this, Han Chanyi's eyes lit up.

She was right to be angry with Han Fei, but she couldn't be angry with Xia Xiaochan.

Born in a thug academy, she knew too much about Han Fei's past history.

From Han Fei as a small fisherman in Tianshui Village, until he led the Terran to the boundless mining area, everything was recorded in exceptional detail. This is already a major history of the Terran, and it was hard for her to know.

However, about Xia Xiaochan's deeds, we can only listen to the principal's grandfather and the others.

It is said that in order to conceive her, he had to reincarnate and was on the verge of death several times.

Moreover, she knew exactly why Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan left, so she would be angry with Han Fei as soon as they met, but she would not really hate them.

And she couldn't even get angry with Xia Xiaochan.

Beside Han Fei, the shadow of the world appeared, and Xia Xiaochan appeared.

Xia Xiaochan also saw the scene just now, but when she really stood in front of Han Chanyi, UU read www. uukanshu. com couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Yiyi, you are so big, and my mother has only come to see you now."

Han Chanyi had already turned her head to look at Xia Xiaochan. She could see Han Song and Zhang Daqian. In a sense, she did see Han Fei often.

However, since she could remember, apart from the portrait, it was indeed the first time she saw Xia Xiaochan.

At this moment, seeing Xia Xiaochan's choked expression, she couldn't help but sniff, tears welling up in her eyes.


Han Fei couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, why is this being treated specially?

Don't they all say that the daughter is the father's little padded jacket?

Is this leaking?

Xia Xiaochan wiped away her tears, and then wept and laughed: "Yiyi, the way your father appeared is really embarrassing.

However, this time we have to come back, no matter how embarrassing it is, we have to come back. "

Han Chanyi didn't understand what Xia Xiaochan meant for the first time, but Li Tiangan directly interrupted their reminiscence: "What happened?"

Han Fei glanced at Xia Xiaochan, and the latter said, "Yiyi, mother hugged you when you were born.

Would you like to tell me how the years have gone by?

Mother would love to hear it. "

However, Han Chanyi is actually quite old. In the eyes of Han Fei and the others, it seems that only a few hundred years have passed and Han Chanyi is still a child.

But in fact, Han Chanyi is hundreds of years old now, and her strength has reached the peak of opening the sea, and she is extremely powerful.

At this moment, the independent personality is actually very strong.

I just heard Han Chanyi say, "Mother, I want to hear it."

Xia Xiaochan was stunned for a moment, and Li Tianqian also said: "The ominous return, I don't know if the ten thousand clans will have a tomorrow, everyone needs to carry their weight, let her listen!"

Han Fei paused for a moment, then nodded slightly: "There is a god-killer who wants to attack Yiyi"

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