God of Fishing

Chapter 2841: old man

Chapter 2841 old murderer

The Ten Directions Heavenly Ghost is not a substantive creature, but a kind of Heavenly Energy derived from the Ten-eyed Heavenly Ghost Squid with the help of the Heavenly Law.

At this moment, the ten-eyed ghost squid has fallen, and there is no main body to maintain their existence. Coupled with the siege of a group of ghosts and Qiu Wanren, they only exist for less than thirty breaths, and then gradually fade away.

However, it is worth mentioning that this kind of power has completely suppressed Qiu Wanren.

If he didn't have a treasure like Fortune Chessboard in his hand, I'm afraid he would have been run away by the guy.

This also made Han Fei realize what is called the God-killing level of Wanzu.

This is ominous and the God-killing level. They are basically two concepts. The latter can be killed in seconds with three times the God-killing arrow, but this God-killing level of ten thousand races is as expected by Qiu Wanren, which is equivalent to hundreds of gods. He took half of his own fortune-telling chessboard.

That's it, with Qiu Wanren's help, otherwise, even if the Ten-eyed Ghost Squid is no match for the Fortune Chessboard, if he refuses to fight, he will not be able to kill it.

"It's strange that there are so many strong men, but they can still be guarded by the ten thousand clans.

It seems that combat power is the fundamental difference. "

Han Fei muttered in his heart, thinking that if the God-killing level has such combat power, it would be replaced by the Zhenhai God of Ten Thousand Races. Han Fei really doubted that the Dragon Slayer Bureau might not be able to kill the opponent.

Among the stars of Han Fei's life, Han Chanyi's eyes were blurred, and she almost fell asleep: "Mother, I have a headache... He, did he win?"

Xia Xiaochan was full of shock at the moment: "I won."

Hearing that he had won, Han Chanyi immediately fell asleep.

In this battle, Xia Xiaochan first experienced the power of the god-killing level, which can be described as terrifying. To be able to fight a hundred gods alone, it simply subverted his own cognition.

And although Han Chanyi tried hard to see it, she didn't actually see the real battle at all.

With the speed at which the gods and the god-killing powerhouses shot, it was not at all that her eyesight could see clearly.

Even if Han Fei used the knife, she was stabbed by the knife to tears.

However, it was not nothing, at least the image of the knife was barely imprinted in her mind. Although it could only be imprinted for a moment, she still felt that her spirit was impacted, and it seemed that many insights appeared in her mind.

In addition to Han Fei's knife, the image of the gods appearing together later also brought an unparalleled shock to her heart. All of this was accompanied by a divine verve, the heavens and myriad laws.

Therefore, Han Chanyi fell into a deep sleep just after watching a few fragments.

Her spirit had to digest all that she had seen.


The death knell of the Dao of Heaven is still wailing, and the five major divine states are pouring blood and rain, seeming to be sighing.

Ordinary people don't understand what kind of powerhouse fell. Most people just think that this celestial phenomenon is similar to the death of ordinary emperors, but it is more than the ordinary emperor. They don't even know the death knell of heaven. exist.

However, under the undercurrent of the Western Wilderness at this moment, the powerhouses of all parties discovered that something was wrong at the first time.


No... If it's just a god, the death knell of Heaven's Way will only strike nine times at most, this is already the tenth time, and it is a god-killing powerhouse. "

"God-killing level?

In the sea world, who can kill a god-killing powerhouse? "

"Could it be that there is still a Zhenhai deity hidden in the sea world?"

This battle broke out in the East China Sea, and the hidden gods of the Shendu Dynasty and Emperor Dongwu couldn't sit still.

Zhonghai Shenzhou, a chaotic protoss, has an ancient sword cultivator, and when he looks at the sky, it seems that dragons and snakes are gushing out of his eyes.

"The ten-eyed ghost squid is dead, has the plan failed?"

This person doesn't even need to look at it to know the plan has failed.

If the plan is successful, in his calculations, the Ten-eyed Ghost Squid will not die.

Even if the Void Temple makes a move, with the power of the ten-eyed ghost squid, it really wants to be reduced to the level of fighting for life, then Han Fei's close relative will surely die.

Therefore, since the ten-eyed ghost squid is dead, it means that the plan has failed.

I saw that this person burst out with a sword intent, condensed into a void pattern, pierced the sky, shattered the void in a blink of an eye, and broke into the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

Fierce God Valley.

Waiting for a tavern for one.

Yue Lingke and the others all looked at the sky, and after waiting for seven days, they finally got the good news.

Lerenkuang: "The death knell of heaven, my master told me that when the gods fall, there are nine death knells.

This has exceeded nine times, indicating non-success. "

Henry Zhang was amazed: "How did he do it?"

Luo Xiaobai: "Get ready! If the god-killing level falls, it means that the first battle between the gods and Zhonghai Shenzhou will be started by Han Fei in East China Sea Shenzhou.

The battle...has begun. "

The waters outside the Oriental Sword Pavilion.

"Old Wu, open the door."

Han Fei was carrying a huge squid whisker and shouted violently.

In the battle here, Han Fei has done his best, and it took less than a stick of incense.

But at this moment, when the God-killing level fell, the sea world was bound to be in turmoil.

This god-killing level is beheaded, but the crisis on the Human Race side has not been resolved, so Han Fei did not dare to stop for a while.

The boundless mining area, the western mining area.

It is shrouded in mist all the year round, and it is the only way to go to the hidden emperor city.

At this moment, the mining area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles has been flattened, and there are terrifying sword marks everywhere.

At this moment, Li Tiangan only had one left arm left, standing proudly in the sky, the power of a giant mineral vein under him was drained, and turned into a great sword that was a hundred thousand miles long. The palm was dragged, and the sword body was covered with cracks.

On the other side, the Goddess of Light was covered in blood, and her battle clothes were in dire straits. There was a big hole in her chest and abdomen, which could not be recovered.

At this moment, standing on the edge of a sword abyss, holding a longbow, a bright and dazzling arrow shot out.

And the main enemy of the man in red is not Li Tiangan, nor the goddess of light, but a man in black, not a devil, who can it be?

At this moment, the demon **** is like an unparalleled power that opened up the world. His fists broke through the seven layers of void black holes. The fists rubbed against the void, and the demonic fire that was born escaped for more than tens of millions of miles, turning the area into a sea of ​​flames.


The fists met, and the arm of the man in red was smashed to the point where he was completely bloodless.

Moreover, the spirit power of the two sides confronted, like countless stars bursting, directly turning this land into a Jedi.


The death knell of the Heavenly Dao sounded between heaven and earth. Li Tiangan completely disregarded his injuries and completely detonated the great sword that was hundreds of thousands of miles away, forcibly knocking the man in red back.

The next moment, I heard the devil speak: "The growth rate of that kid is indeed amazing, but after a thousand years, it has already reached this point, my way is not alone..."

The goddess of light said weakly: "Don't be emotional at this time."

Li Tiangan raised one arm, the kendo frenzy behind him pierced the sky and the ground, only to hear him say coldly, "Leave him."

The goddess of light rolled her eyes directly, and you don't even look at my current state, how can I stay?

I saw that behind the demon god, in addition to the heaven-penetrating demon body, another huge figure appeared. Unlike the demon body, this second figure was bathed in golden light, and the wheel of God was spinning behind him. of the divine law.

The body of gods and demons has both gods and demons, but Han Fei didn't know that this technique could raise two gods and gods at the same time.

At this moment, the two signs of gods and demons, each point a finger, and all laws return to their originality.

Under his two fingers, he forcibly intercepted the man in red.

"Blood sacrifice."

Hearing that, the man in red gave a low voice, his qi and blood surged into the sky, his strength seemed to skyrocket, and he broke his arm across the sky, forcibly opening the space locked by the three of them.

"Close it to me."

The Demon God's second finger gave up his shot at the man in red, and killed it against the sky, forcibly crushing the space channel.

However, just above the sky, when the space collapsed, several people suddenly felt a boundless pressure suppressing them.

They were horrified to discover that the heaven and earth were no longer under their control.

"Puff puff~"

The goddess of light was directly shattered by this pressure, and Li Tiangan's other hand also burst with a bang.

The devil glared at the sky: "Shen Hai Zhenling?"

I just heard the man in red sneer: "Do you really think I'm going to run away?"

A man in golden armor fell from the sky. This man suppressed the three demon gods with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to grab the city of human freedom.

"A group of little gods are also trying to subvert Zhonghai Shenzhou. Who gave you the confidence?"

I saw that this hand actually covered a small half of the boundless mining area all at once. Even the demon **** felt powerless with that boundless big hand.

Tucao in my heart, Han Fei has already killed the gods, why hasn't he arrived yet?

The Demon God has a very clear understanding of his own strength. Although he has become a god, he has walked this road alone, and everything still needs to be explored, so he cannot directly achieve the level of killing gods.

And in the God Realm, no matter how talented he is, he can only reach the limit of the ordinary God Realm.

At the God-killing level, he might be able to fight reluctantly, because no matter in terms of strength or physique, he will not be weaker than the God-killing level, or even stronger.

However, Zhenhai Divine Spirit, that is an existence that he can't reach now, unless he immediately comprehends the realm of the unity of the gods and demons.

City of Liberty.

Not only the human race gathered here, but also the major races of the East China Sea.

Originally, everyone was still full of joy, because the Human Race Gathering Day was a day for welfare.

However, when the blood is pouring down, the death knell of heaven, and the screams and tremors, who doesn't know that this is an accident?

At this moment, the big hand that covered the sky was coming very fast, and almost at the moment when the Zhenhai God appeared, he was about to grab the entire human race.


It was also at this very moment that the gate of no distance was opened, and it was not affected by the pressure of the sea town **** at all.

"Get away from me."

Han Fei was suppressed the moment he felt that he appeared, and immediately knew that it was impossible to kill a **** at all.

At this moment, with his full combat power, he has more than 1.8 million combat power, and he almost wants to catch up with the god-killing level.

Under such circumstances, if he can be suppressed in an instant, he must be the Zhenhai God.


Han Fei admitted that it would be amazing if the other party could come to kill the gods. Who knew that Zhenhai God was dispatched, which meant that he was going to be killed!


However, he saw that Han Fei suddenly exploded into a blood mist. He did not hesitate to blew himself up and broke free from the suppression of the Zhenhai God by lending his life.


"Hey sir.

Old fierce, go to battle..."

However, as soon as Han Fei sacrificed the Divine Creation Prison, he felt that there was some kind of power, as if he had stripped off the coat of his own avenue of life, and even broke his avenue of life.


Han Fei was horrified. This was the first time that the avenue of life had failed.

Fortunately, at this moment, he sacrificed the God of Creation.


A roar that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly exploded in Han Fei's ear, almost deafening him.

"Which bastard, dare to touch me to get the descendants of the gods?"

However, he saw a white light rushing out of the prison of God of Creation. Before Han Fei saw his appearance, he saw the world and the world turned into a big mouth, and it was bitten off by the boundless big hand.

That's not to mention, the three claw marks followed the direction of the big hand, rolling over it all the way.

Heaven and earth were torn open with a knife, and in that crack, a hook tail shattered the void and hooked directly to the Zhenhai God.

At this moment, Han Fei saw a giant beast appearing above the sky.

The giant beast was shaped like a white tiger, with two big sky blue horns on its head, the horns were like cows, and on its back was a pair of wings that gradually changed from dark blue to sky blue, with thundering vertical and horizontal on it.

Its tail is like the tail of an arrow, and the tail has a hook, which looks very fierce.


At this moment, with that hook tail shattering the void, the repressive power of the Zhenhai God was shattered by one tail.

Han Fei suddenly felt his body recovered.

I just heard Han Fei shouting violently: "Old fierce, it's that bitch.

The gods who died in his hands were countless. "



Han Fei's voice just fell, and the old murderer crossed to the western mining area in an instant. The speed was so fast that Han Fei didn't react at all.

When he hurriedly looked towards the western mining area, he saw that the old murderer had collided directly with the sea town god, and on the two large blue horns, it was as if stars were detonating, and he pointed out that the void shattered.

The old fierce forcibly pushed the Zhenhai deity all the way through the mining area for hundreds of millions of miles, and the place where he was was completely reduced to a void storm.

"Fuck! Is the old man so irritable?"

At the moment when the Zhenhai God was blown away by the old murderer, the god-killing red-clothed man suddenly retreated. He did not expect that there would be a Zhenhai God on Han Fei's side.

If Zhenhai God was restrained, it would be of little significance to stay here.

If you forcefully take down the Terran, it is even more impossible. Obviously, these people will not let him succeed. Moreover, Han Fei has returned, but he has not won the Terran, which has already lost the opportunity.

If you want to take the human race, it is impossible.

If Han Fei uses the Void Mark, it is possible that both he and the Zhenhai God will perish.

The man in red thought about this, and immediately retreated, not reluctant to fight.

The Demon God and the others were suppressed by the Zhenhai God just now. Han Fei is still a long way from the battlefield, and he is not as fast as the old fierce.

Therefore, this person may not be able to stop him.

If you want to hunt down a god-killing powerhouse, even if you give the opponent a blink of an eye, people may run away.

Even if Han Fei called out Qiu Wanren now, he was afraid that he would not be able to catch up.

Han Fei sighed in his heart, if he can't stay, he can't stay! At least the human race is safe and sound for the time being, this time it is considered safe.

However, just when Han Fei and the Demon God felt that the man in red would run away.

The old murderer, who was holding the sea-suppressing spirit, suddenly twisted and jumped back, and suddenly burst out with thousands of times the speed of light. Anyway, Han Fei couldn't see the old murderer's movements at all.

"Roar~ I'm going to die, where are you going?"

The extraordinary speed of the old fierce is also something that the man in red did not expect. He thought that the Zhenhai God would not be able to take care of himself when he faced the Zhenhai God.

But who knew this, and gave up fighting the Zhenhai God.

The speed of the old murderer was extremely fast, and his roar turned into a soul-killing technique, like a thunderbolt, directly hitting the red-clothed man and leaving.


The man in red only felt a bang in his mind, and then he saw a sharp claw shattering the source method of the whole body, and even his battle clothes were pierced.


The man in red was horrified, he wanted to block it, but the speed of this monster was too fast, and he couldn't stop it at all.

Fortunately, just as he was pierced, a big hand grabbed the monster's tail, and a layer of ice crystals instantly covered the old murderer.

The man in red was free and quickly left the battlefield.

It's a pity that the battlefield has left, but Han Fei has blocked his way.

The old fierce dragged him for a while, and Han Fei naturally wouldn't let it go.

"Go away!"

Of course, the man in red would not take Han Fei in his eyes. With a casual blow, two cold beams immediately slashed towards Han Fei.


It's just that although Han Fei at this moment is not at the level of killing gods, he is not that weak. How could he be able to defeat it with a single blow?

The Immortal Slaying Sword superimposed the time trickery, and only one slash smashed these two cold lights.

Following that, the man in red felt the sudden pressure behind him, and a soul cone appeared behind him at an unknown time.

Feeling the soul power that was stronger than himself, the man in red had to give up Han Fei, stretched out his backhand, and a giant claw came out.

"bang bang bang~"

Han Fei took the opportunity to blast out thousands of punches, but most of them were blocked by a layer of red enchantment.


The man in red was finally pierced by Han Fei. Seeing that his chest and abdomen were about to be cut off, he finally turned into a big red lobster.

"not good."

Hearing Qiu Wanren let out a low voice, he instantly appeared beside Han Fei and pulled Han Fei out.

Han Fei: "?


? "


Han Fei had just retreated, and the ice crystal covering the old murderer exploded with a bang. It was because the Zhenhai God had been strengthening the crystal seal and could not control it.

He just heard Qiu Wanren say, "This guy is the second best eatable among the Hundred Ghosts God Race. It's fine if this lobster doesn't show up, and it's over if he shows up."

"Second can you eat?"

Han Fei didn't understand the meaning for the first time, but he saw a big lobster appearing under the inexplicable mouth.

"Cock bang~ clack bang~"

The old fierce only had time to take a bite, and was blasted out by the Zhenhai God.


The old murderer who was punched didn't seem to care. Han Fei looked at it again, good guy, the tail of the big lobster is gone.

But being beaten, the old murderer was very satisfied and chewed vigorously.

Han Fei could even see clearly that the law was surging in the old fierce's mouth.

He seems to be converting the flesh and blood of the lobster into the power of law and swallowing it.

And the carapace, which seemed to be very hard, turned into countless dao lines, submerging into the old fierce body.

As the old fierce was chewing, a roar sounded in his throat: "The blood clan, blood-sucking lobster, tastes good..."

The big lobster was horrified at the moment, this human being is so fierce, and there is a talent barrier on his carapace, can this be chewed?

In front of his own face and eating his own flesh, his heart was challenged enormously.

The Zhenhai God seemed to have no idea about the existence of the old murderer. However, since this thing came out of the God of Fortune Prison, I am afraid it is not a powerhouse in this era at all, and it is possible that it has lived from the prehistoric era to the present.

However, seeing a long sword in the middle-aged man's hand, he snorted coldly, "Hundred Ghosts and Gods, Ox-Tiger Vision, are you from the Qiongqi lineage?

You and the others, all of them are extremely vicious people who entered the God of Creation Prison, but they didn't die? "

The old fierce screamed in the sky, roaring like thunder, and turned from beast form to beast man form, it looks very similar... God child?

Han Fei was taken aback, yes, the Son of God.

In the past, on the Shiwanda Mountain, on the Peak of the Son of God, the appearance of the Son of God with the head of a sheep and the tail of a fox left a deep impression on him.

As for the old fierce, he is very similar to the Son of God in terms of shape, with a tiger head, a body and a tail.

However, the top of the head is raised back, and the hair, eyebrows, and beard are extremely elegant.

There are bone spurs sticking out from the flesh and blood on the back, like the wings of thunder.

"Hundred Ghosts God Race?"

There was a scarlet in the old fierce eyes, and the world, the infinite energy, was gathering in his body.

After staying in the God of Creation Prison for too long, he didn't eat any energy, and he was extremely hungry.

"Roar...haha, hahaha...this seat finally came out."

But I saw the old fierce laughing loudly, and the laughter was empty, shaking endlessly.


Han Fei was not ready to join the battle, the old man looked fierce, and Qiu Wanren deliberately pulled himself out of the battlefield, which should have a deep meaning.

At this moment, he quickly came to Li Tiangan where they were.

In addition to the devil, Li Tiangan and the goddess of light were seriously injured.

The Goddess of Light was almost crushed, and her body was crushed.

Han Fei's mind moved, the long river of life here was flowing, and the Goddess of Light quickly recovered and reunited her body.

On Li Tiangan's broken arms, his body was white.

Although the Demon God was also injured, it seems that it was mainly from the Sea Zhenling Spirit, and the intentional injury is also recovering quickly.

Only listen to the devil said: "You almost asked the three of us to explain here."

Han Fei: "Today, the three seniors took action, and Han Fei will keep it in his heart. If he asks for it in the future, Han Fei will answer it."

The goddess of light let out a long breath: "When you become a **** and help me seal the ominous battlefield, that will be the best reward."

Li Tiangan and the Demon God didn't speak, and all looked at the field.

Demon God: "Hundred Ghost God Clan, I didn't expect that there are still powerful people in this clan."

Han Fei: "What is the Hundred Ghost Clan?"

The devil glanced at Han Fei: "You don't know who you released?"

Han Fei: "I didn't have time to find out."

Before waiting for the devil to answer, Qiu Wanren also withdrew, and said leisurely, "In the past, this is the second ominous return.

In terms of current strength, there will be one master and ninety-nine Zhenhai Shenling-level powerhouses forming a superpower to fight against the ominous together, known as the Hundred Ghost God Race in history.

These hundred clans, bloodline rankings, are all among the thousands of clans in the sea…”

Han Fei opened his mouth involuntarily: "Old fierce?"

Qiu Wanren: "No, he was not one of the hundred people at the time...because he was the patriarch of the Qiangqi line at that time, and his brother was one of the hundred people.

But there are too many tribes in the sea.

People will remember the Hundred Ghosts and Protoss, but that doesn't mean they will remember the Qiongqi lineage.

Therefore, later people couldn't remember the Qiongqi lineage, but they remembered that there were Qiongqi in the Hundred Ghost God Race. "


At this moment, the old murderer who had transformed into a human figure was skinny and skinny, and he was probably hungry.

But his hunger is different from that of the dragon family. The dragon family is really hungry, and the old fierce needs energy. He seems to be able to devour and transform the laws and avenues of others.

I saw that the old murderer opened his hands, and the five fingers and claws had the unity of all laws.

His eyes were cold, and his target was completely locked on the big lobster.

But I heard the Zhenhai God speak: "Your strength is not yet at the peak, even if you can fight, you can't take people away from me."

"Wow~ The food chosen by this seat cannot be escaped."

The Zhenhai deity stood in front of the big lobster, then glanced at Han Fei without any emotion in his eyes.

The void moved under his feet, he left the battlefield in a blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, the opponent gave up the fight.

The old murderer did not pursue, but opened his mouth wide and swallowed the energy and law rhythm left in the surrounding battles.

After about half a column of incense, Han Fei smiled bitterly, the western mining area has really turned into a wasteland.

The energy and ore veins in these billions of miles were actually swallowed up by the old fierce.

In this way, the old murderer seems to have a little flesh on his body.

Then, the old murderer looked at Han Fei: "Kid Han Fei, the surname is Qiu, the matter of the blood of the gods is left to you.

This seat, I'm going to have something to eat, don't worry about the two people just now. "


After speaking, the old murderer disappeared without a trace.


Han Fei was stunned, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn't help but look at Qiu Wanren: "This is, go?"

Qiu Wanren smiled slightly: "Don't worry, in the war in the Western Wilderness, it is impossible for the Zhenhai deity to have another chance to intervene.

As for the lobster, it is sure to die, just wait and see the celestial phenomenon! "

Han Fei: "Will that person escape back to Zhonghai Shenzhou? After all, that's their territory."

Qiu Wanren sneered: "I forgot to tell you, the speed of Qiongqi, the sea of ​​ten thousand people, under the same environment, can be ranked in the top ten.

But to be honest, I haven't seen a few faster than him.

Of course, I have never seen anyone more violent than him.

Even if he hasn't recovered, but if he wants to keep this guy, I'm afraid that the people from Zhonghai Shenzhou don't have the qualifications.

But these are not important, the top priority is to go back to the West Wasteland, the other party has no Zhenhai God, and another god-killing level has fallen, and another one is about to fall, our chance has come. ” 5168/11032696

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