God of Fishing

Chapter 2849: 5 Senior Brother, Transcend the Love Tribulation

Chapter 2849 Five senior brothers, cross the love calamity

There are eight million members of the god-born lineage, looking up at the sky, with yearning and amazement in their eyes.

After all, they have limited vision, trapped in the city of the gods, and they can't see from too far away.

At most, at the beginning of the game, I have witnessed the appearance of powerful men like the undead brothers, but most of the people will not be able to see the ominous battles that follow, as well as the battles between Lao Han and the Eternals.

Only the battlefield of Zhonghai Shenzhou can barely be witnessed by the powerful people in the Divine descent in the Emperor Venerable realm.

With one knife and one finger, Han Fei wiped out the two god-killing powerhouses in a row. The terrifying power was imprinted in the minds of countless people.

"Is that the emperor?

So strong. "

"I heard that the emperor is still the peak strength of the emperor. Is this the emperor realm we know well?"

"Sure enough, he is indeed the guardian of the divine realm of the divine prison of creation. If it is not the world's arrogance, how can he take on such an important task?"

"I'm waiting to untie the shackles of the bloodline, can he be so tyrannical in the future?"

"A idiot's dream is the realm of the gods, and it is a major difficulty that countless people cannot overcome.

That requires massive resources, a strong heritage, and a solid foundation.

It's useless to think so much now, but the Emperor has done us a great favor this time, and I should remember it. "

Most of the gods were unable to get involved in such battles, and could only hope for Han Fei's victory.

In the battlefield of Zhonghai Shenzhou, Han Fei killed two godslayers in a row, but he did not rely on his own strength.

The power of creating the chessboard pushed him to a new height, but Han Fei could clearly feel that this power was passing.

Moreover, this kind of power is a bit too much to consume the dragon blood soul orb, and it has even caused a crack in the dragon blood soul bead.

Therefore, Han Fei did not dare to neglect, and when he was about to help Qiu Wanren deal with Fairy Nahong, he heard Senior Sister Shadow, who was fighting fiercely in the sky, suddenly said, "Little Junior Brother, come and help me."

Han Fei suddenly froze. Senior Sister Shadow was only at the pinnacle of the **** realm, and she didn't even reach the god-killing level, but she restrained the god-killing puppet of Zhenhai **** level. Obviously, it was not as easy as it seemed.

Qiu Wanren shouted, "I can solve it here."

Han Fei nodded, only to hear a "boom", which turned into tens of thousands of thunder marks, flashed from the void, and passed by a deity of Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Appearing only for a moment, Han Fei crushed him with one punch, directly crushing the person, instantly blocking the opponent's long river of life and cutting off his vitality.


It was also the moment when Han Fei penetrated this god, Senior Sister Shadow flew out, and the god-killing puppet seemed to have fallen into a violent state because of the fall of its master, and came towards Han Fei in a blink of an eye.

Han Fei didn't dare to introduce the god-killing puppet into the battlefield, otherwise everyone present would be in trouble.

This time, the ethereal drum of good fortune was checked and balanced by the twenty-four heavens, Fairy Hong was forcibly suppressed by Qiu Wanren, and there were only nine strong gods left in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Although there are still more gods than the gods, Granny Meng, Yue Lingke, Chu Hao and others all have the strength to shake the gods. They may not be able to beat them, but if they are restrained a little, it shouldn't be a problem.

However, Han Fei always felt like he was missing something.

But Han Fei didn't think much about it, because he had already killed the Godslayer and had no time to be distracted.

"Jian Wu, break the game."

As soon as Han Fei made a shot, it was the strongest ultimate move he had just realized. At this moment, he was at his peak combat power. Han Fei was confident that even if he could not defeat this God-killing Puppet, it should not be a big problem to repel it.

However, when Han Fei collided with the God Slaughter Puppet and smashed out with one finger, the God Slaughter I was barely stopped, and Han Fei only felt a huge force feedback to him instantly.


Han Fei's phalanx shattered in response, and the god-killer puppet shoved horizontally, making Han Fei feel that he was hit by a galaxy, and the whole person flew millions of miles in an instant, and several bones in his chest were shattered.

"Fuck! So strong"

Han Fei has never fought against Zhenhai god-level powerhouses, so after his strength skyrocketed, his confidence was greatly increased.

But just this round of confrontation made him realize the horror of Zhenhai God.

With his peak combat power, he couldn't even withstand the blow of this God-killer puppet. Is Zhenhai God's combat power exaggerated to such an extent?

The moment Han Fei was repelled, the law of life surged, the phalanges regenerated, and the broken bones were renewed.

The god-killer puppet also tried to attack again, and the next moment, it was flicked by a tentacle-like tail, and instantly collapsed and flew millions of miles away.

Senior Sister Shadow stood in the sky, and glanced at Han Fei sideways. Her face was cold and handsome, but she looked handsome, even a little cool, which matched her violent fighting style very well.

Just listen to Senior Sister Shadow: "Little Junior Brother, you don't need to help me fight, you can help me stabilize the long river of life, continue to live, and recover from the injury."

Han Fei's heart froze, he seemed to understand what Senior Sister Shadow was going to do, it was a life-threatening situation!

I heard before that Senior Sister Shadow entered the God Realm too early, and as a result, the God barrier was stuck. Now it seems that this is to use this battle to break through the God Realm.

Han Fei nodded immediately: "Okay!"

"Follow me."

This time, the God Slaying Demon Puppet came back again, and Senior Sister Shadow stepped on the void, and there was the power of darkness and cold between the fists, and a shadow of nothingness gathered behind her.

"Is this, the Origin Law, or the Companion Spirit?"

Han Fei was a little stunned. The shadow of nothingness behind Senior Sister Shadow reminded him of Ximen Linglan.

When Ximen Linglan awakened the Blade of Vengeance, there was such a scene.

However, at this critical moment, Han Fei didn't have time to think too much. Senior Sister Shadow had already punched out, and the fist brilliance attracted the power of heaven and earth, and slammed into the blow of the God-killing Demon Puppet.


This blow has surpassed Han Fei, who is currently at his peak, and exploded a splendid firework in the sea of ​​​​stars.

The god-killing puppet was blasted directly thousands of miles away, and most of Senior Sister Shadow's body disintegrated into a shadow.

However, with this kind of collision of real absolute power, Senior Sister Shadow cannot be unscathed.

Han Fei immediately sensed that Senior Sister Shadow's vitality was showing signs of collapsing, and the river of life was shaking.

Obviously, because Han Fei came to help, Senior Sister Shadow let go of her hands and feet and no longer cared about her own injuries.

Occasionally, the Godkiller couldn't grasp Senior Sister Shadow, and tried to shoot directly at Han Fei who was nearby, but the next moment, his body seemed to be stuck by the power of Shadow. Attempt to extract the power of the Taoist pattern and the law on the godslayer.

I only heard Senior Sister Shadow's voice ringing in Han Fei's ears: "The treasure of good fortune is extremely difficult to destroy, although the God-killing puppet is only at the level of Zhenhai God.

But without restraint, he can fight almost non-stop.

If you want to stop him, you can either beat him to convince him, or forcibly break the long-term refining of his previous master. "

"bang bang bang"

I saw the body of the God-killing Demon Puppet, countless dao lines began to flicker, and terrifying power burst out from its body, forcibly shattering the shadow power of Senior Sister Shadow.

Seeing that this method would not work, Senior Sister Shadow Shadow returned to the Yuan with all the methods, bursting out the fist of the strongest, and blasting the God-killing Demon Puppet thousands of miles away with a "Boom".

The next second, the two began to tremble and fight in the sea of ​​​​stars.

But in the next moment, the shadow was directly blasted out by the godslayer, and Han Fei stepped forward in time to help him recover.

In this vast sea of ​​stars, I saw Han Fei, Senior Sister Shadow, and the Godslayer Demon Puppet appearing in different places almost every second.

In a short time of 100 breaths, there were as many as a thousand places in the void smashed by Senior Sister Shadow and the Godslayer. Even though Han Fei had mastered the law of life, the treatment speed was too fast to keep up.

Moreover, Han Fei could clearly feel that Senior Sister Shadow's combat power was declining.

If you continue to fight, with a maximum of 100 breaths, Senior Sister Shadow will definitely lose.

Senior Sister Shadow herself has also realized this problem, and only listened to her shout: "Little Junior Brother, I am going to burn my life."


The next moment, Senior Sister Shadow drained her life instantly and gave Han Fei a big shock. Is this crazy?

If this thing is not by her side, even if Senior Sister Shadow wins, she will surely die.

On the side of the city of gods, the six gods were refreshed: "It's about to start, she regards the god-killing puppet as a god-killing calamity, this time, either die or break through!"

Fifth Senior Brother: "There is no way, her strength in the realm of the gods is too strong, and the god-killing tribulation that should exist cannot be used for her to break the shackles.

Only when she is in her ultimate state can she break the shackles, and it will depend on whether she can subdue the God-killing Puppet. "

In the sea of ​​​​stars, Senior Sister Shadow seems to have completely merged with the shadow, and her combat power has soared again.

But Han Fei could hear that the bones of Senior Sister Shadow's body were all shattered by him in an instant.

Han Fei couldn't even tell whether Senior Sister Shadow was a flesh-and-blood creature, or whether she was just a shadow.

At that time, Han Fei also saw a godhead shining, but at this moment, the godhead was squeezed by the power of shadows, and cracks appeared.



Finally, the godhead burst into pieces.

"dong dong dong"

At that moment, in the sea of ​​stars, the death knell wailed, which indicates that Senior Sister Shadow has fallen at this moment.

"not good!"

Han Fei was taken aback, when Senior Sister Shadow's godhead was broken.

The long river of life that he continued to take over suddenly collapsed.

He didn't dare to neglect, and tried his best to reconnect the long river of life and forcibly extend the life of Senior Sister Shadow.

Moreover, Han Fei must lead the long river of life all the time, otherwise the long river of life of Senior Sister Shadow will be completely dried up.

It turned out that this was the real purpose of Senior Sister Shadow calling him.

In this ultimate state, Senior Sister Shadow slapped it with a slap, and the void within tens of thousands of miles was photographed full of cracks, forcibly killing the gods and puppets under her palms.

The next moment, the shadow that Senior Sister Shadow turned into completely covered the body of the God Slaying Golem.

Han Fei can feel that Senior Sister Shadow is fighting for his life with the God-killing Demon Puppet! She even took the Godkiller Demon Puppet as her own skeleton, and was forcibly refining it.

Han Fei had never heard of such a method of fighting for the front.

Let yourself fall first, forcibly break the godhead, and then let yourself continue to live to ensure that the godhead will not fall after being broken.

In the end, conquer the God-killing puppet and complete the breakthrough.

This is not only a matter of whether Han Fei will continue her life, but the shadow is using the will of the god-killer to help her break the shackles of the godhead.

If it does, then Senior Sister Shadow will complete the breakthrough.

If Senior Sister Shadow can't overpower the Godkiller Puppet, then she will eventually fall, even if she masters the original law of life.

"Shadow power, burn."

This sea of ​​stars was ignited, and Han Fei's perception was that some of the Dao pattern marks on the body of the God-killing Demon Puppet were melting away.

After ten breaths, twenty breaths, thirty breaths, until nearly a hundred breaths passed, when the last power of the fortune chessboard was almost exhausted, suddenly, the God-killer Demon Puppet stopped resisting, and even the whole body dao pattern flashed and shone with light. .


Han Fei immediately discovered that Senior Sister Shadow's long river of life has become stable again, and it has widened and expanded. It does not require his own long life in the imaginary world to have infinite vitality poured into it.

"It's done?"

Han Fei was immediately overjoyed: "Congratulations to Senior Sister Shadow, for breaking the shackles of Godhead."

The next moment, I just heard Senior Sister Shadow shout: "It's still early! The robbery is coming."

The next moment, the clouds moved in all directions, the power of heaven and earth manifested the boundless robbery cloud, and the surrounding massive energy gathered and was swallowed into the body by Senior Sister Shadow.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the calamity is continuous, and each of them is almost comparable to the shot of the Zhenhai God.

However, Senior Sister Shadow, reincarnated into a human form and was left unmoved by the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, using the God-killer puppet as a skeleton, to force through the calamity, and **** energy wildly. As long as the God-killer puppet is not broken, it is almost a sure thing for Senior Sister Shadow to be promoted to Zhenhai Divine Spirit.

However, the god-killing puppet is a treasure of good fortune after all, and it is not good to say it.

A treasure that may not be destroyed at the master level, can the baptism of the heavenly robbery at the Zhenhai **** level smash him to pieces?

Since then, Han Fei has directly dissipated the power of the Dragon Blood Soul Orb and returned to the peak of the Great Emperor. Senior Sister Shadow no longer needs his own help.

After finally relaxing, Han Fei was free to look at the battlefield in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Qiu Wanren had completely suppressed Fairy Hong, but if she wanted to kill her, it might not be possible for a while.

After all, Qiu Wanren has only just broken through the god-killing level.

You can win, but it's too difficult to kill.

As for the battlefield of the gods, so far there has not been a single god.

After all, without Han Fei blocking the long river of life in that realm, the gods would not be easy to die in battle.

Even if they are not defeated, they will be hit hard at most, and they need to be slowly wiped out before they can be killed.

However, Han Fei's eyes just fell to the battlefield of the gods, only to see Yue Lingke who was fighting with a god, suddenly stopped, and let the god's sword pierce him.

Han Fei saw a cloud of blood pouring out, and divine energy erupted.

At the peak of Emperor Yuelingke, even if he surpassed the peak of the extreme way, he couldn't bear it! What's the difference between this and courting death?

In the city of gods, the five senior brothers are still carrying wine gourds.

In this battle of the gods, they will not join in unless they have to.

Just as he said, the gods have been under pressure for 100,000 years, and have survived for 100,000 years. Everyone has resentment in their hearts. If they don't play a hearty battle in this battle, they will easily become the demons when they became gods.

However, the fifth senior brother never imagined that the moment before, he was fighting Yue Lingke fiercely, and the next moment he was penetrated, his body was agitated with divinity, and blood was dripping all over his body.

"Damn, bold"

Fifth Senior Brother Ruo Li sword came out of the scabbard and arrived in an instant, holding Yue Lingke's body in one hand, a gray mist appeared in the palm of his hand, and instantly extracted the divine power in Yue Lingke's body.

With the other hand, he smashed the wine gourd in his hand.

I saw that the gourd swelled rapidly and turned into a star comparable to the stars in the blink of an eye.


I don't know if the wine gourd is some kind of treasure, or if the five senior brothers have extraordinary strength. Anyway, the impact of the gourd directly knocked the **** back, and the long sword in his hand shattered with a bang.

"Little Junior Brother."

Fifth Senior Brother was in a hurry. Han Fei had never seen him so complacent, and he roared loudly, his face full of nervousness and anxiety.


Han Fei was also unable to relax for a moment. Before anyone arrived, the chains of life were already appearing on the battlefield.

I saw hundreds of life rule chains, forcibly grabbing the long river of life, forcibly blocking the vitality in that realm.


Han Fei burst into a thousand lightning flashes and ran towards him, only to see him poking around with one hand, grabbing the long river of life, and continuing the river of life of Yue Lingke.

At this moment, he was also provoked into a cold sweat, because Yue Lingke's river of life was almost empty, and if he was one step behind, he would have really fallen.


Healing Shenhui, roaring and wrapping Wu Senior Brother and Yue Lingke in it, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief.


Yue Lingke woke up, but the first time, she grabbed the collar of the fifth senior brother with one hand and a gourd with the other.


Han Fei was speechless, why did Yue Lingke have the same problem with Fifth Senior Brother?

The first thing I did when I woke up was drinking.

Fifth Senior Brother, with a look of anger: "What are you crazy about?

Do you know, if you were a step slower just now, you really fell. "

However, Yue Lingke didn't seem to hear the fifth senior brother at all, so she put her whole face on it and kissed the fifth senior brother all at once. From the corners of their mouths, Han Fei also saw a green liquid flowing.

"Look back again?"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, Yue Lingke was drinking re-review, and at this moment, he forcibly fed re-review to fifth senior brother in this way.


Han Fei was also struck by lightning, and his heart suddenly understood.

Yue Lingke was stuck playing a scene of self-destruction. She saw that the battle on Sister Shadow's side was set, and she knew that she was free, and then she took the initiative to let the gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou penetrate.

But she actually figured it out clearly. For herself, this is a long time, and it only takes a moment. It should be too late to save her life, so she played this game.

"It's crazy!"

At this moment, this scene is extremely discordant. In this war, these two people are kissing in the air. Millions of people have witnessed it with their own eyes.

In other words, the fifth senior brother immediately widened his eyes, and looking back at this mouthful, he had to drink it, or not drink it.

Han Fei saw that the fifth senior brother was shocked at first, but then he stopped struggling and kissed Yue Lingke in the air.


Han Fei turned his face away immediately, and was about to help the gods in the battle, but he heard the voice of the six gods: "Little brother, come back! The rest of the battle, leave it to the fifth brother!"

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, thinking that this will confirm that the fifth senior brother is going to take action?

Han Fei immediately withdrew, and the five senior brothers who were kissing passionately finally "stopped their mouths". After all, this was a battlefield. When the lives of many gods were at stake, they couldn't linger for too long after all.

Only Yue Lingke snorted coldly: "Let you be hypocritical, but you are just a disciple of the Void Temple, what virtue and how can you be your inner demon?"

Fifth Senior Brother's expression is extremely complicated at this moment.

Anyway, after drinking this sip of wine, the fifth senior brother seemed to be struggling, but he also felt relieved, very contradictory.

Han Fei turned back to the city of Shennian, and Xia Xiaochan immediately said, "It's so romantic."

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Fuck, this kind of thing must not be learned, it's terrible."

Immediately, Han Fei looked at Senior Brother Liushen: "Is this the end?"

Senior Brother Liushen had a serious expression and said in a tender voice: "It is difficult to love.

And like the five senior brothers, it is even more difficult to get through the world's true love and love in the fog of history.

Love is a word, I don’t know where it starts, I don’t know where it resides, I don’t know where it ends, I don’t know where it ends, I don’t know where it goes, and I don’t know where it ends.”

Han Fei looked sideways at Senior Brother Liushen: "I think you know a lot, Senior Brother, and have a deep understanding."

Senior Brother Liushen tilted his head and glanced at Han Fei: "When Senior Brother Five came to me for a drink, he often sighed and sighed with me. There are thousands of words in the world, but only love words hurt people the most."

Han Fei: ""

Above the void, Yue Lingke snorted coldly: "This time, let me tell you, I dare.

Next time, you will live forever and never see me.

I dare to say it, and I dare to do it.”


Han Fei just listened, and the fifth senior sighed.

In the end, the fifth senior brother spoke slowly and his voice was firm: "There is no next time!"


Then I saw the clouds move in all directions, the divine calamities gathered, the storms and tornadoes raged for tens of millions of miles, the wind and thunder intertwined, and the dragons and horses roared.

Han Fei was stunned: "Is this going to transcend God's Tribulation?

Such a big move? "

But the fifth senior brother said slowly: "A jug of wine in the world will be heartwarming for all ages."

Yue Lingke holds a wine jug, UU reads www. uukanshu.com hangs in the void, and then looks back and floats in the void, and Yingying said: "I wish to gain a heart, and there is no separation in the world."


I saw that above the sky, two extremely huge vortexes of divine calamity, which were like yin and yang tai chi at first, actually merged into one during the rotation.

Han Fei was shocked and said: "Sharing the vitality and going through the divine tribulation together, is this okay?"

Brother Liushen: "I don't understand, but this kind of crossing method is much more difficult than crossing the calamity alone."

Xia Xiaochan: "It's so romantic."

Han Fei: ""

Brother Liushen: ""

The god-born lineage is still fighting fiercely.

Those gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou, who knew that no matter what today, might not survive, were already crazy.

The **** who was blasted away by the fifth senior brother shouted: "Since you are looking for death, then I will let your divine calamity go up another ladder."

I saw that the god, rushing directly to the vortex of divine calamity, tried to use his own life and strength to induce a more powerful divine calamity.

However, he heard the voice of the fifth senior brother, rippling into the void: "With you, you dare to sully my divine calamity?


Then I saw that the fifth senior brother waved his hand, and the jug that had been smashed and flew out actually opened, and a long sword of dazzling world spewed out from the gourd.

Han Fei looked puzzled, and only listened to the six gods: "That is a fog of history, the five brothers are familiar with the past and the present, and they are familiar with history, but they can draw strength from the long river of history.

This sword, even if it comes at the level of killing a god, can still be cut. "

Just listen to the fifth senior brother: "How many heroic things in ancient and modern times are all paid for with a sword to kill immortals and gods."

I saw that the powerful **** was overturned by a sword, as if turned into a wisp of the dust of history, only the death knell of lamentation seemed to be the last stop for his existence.

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