God of Fishing

Chapter 2865: river of eternal darkness


The Gate of Infinity appeared in the vast sea of ​​stars, but in Han Fei's perception, an extremely unstable void appeared.

"This is?"

Text appeared on the Gate of No Distance: "This is an entrance to the River of Eternal Darkness, but it is not very stable. There are endless turbulent voids, and I have not been to the road behind."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Enough. Lao Wu, thank you."

As long as there is an entrance, the road behind will be fine, anyway, if you have a Navigation Vientiane, you can still get lost.

Han Fei has seen Void Turbulence a lot. With his current strength, it is impossible to stop him.

After the gate of no distance left, Han Fei stepped into the unstable void without hesitation. As Han Fei stepped into it, he only felt that there were countless chaotic spatial suctions around him, and he wanted to involve them.


Han Fei directly ran the Dao of Self and raised his strength to the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit. He saw that he was holding the Navigation Vientiane with one hand, and as the pointer turned, Han Fei shuttled constantly around the edges of countless space cracks and voids.

At Han Fei's current speed, with just one pointing time of the Navigation Vientiane, he continuously penetrated tens of millions of space gaps and came to a void space shrouded in darkness.

Han Fei felt the pulse of eternal darkness in his body vibrate slightly, and it actually resonated with this void space.

"right here."


When Han Fei sank into this darkness, all the unstable voids around him disappeared, and there was the sound of "crashing" in his ears.

"So dark?"

There is almost no visibility here. Even if this darkness is not as undetectable as Xiao Hei's body, it is quite troublesome to walk in it.

Han Fei tried perception, and the range of visibility was still very small, only less than a thousand miles, and the perception picture was extremely dark, as if the perception ability had been reduced.

With only a thousand miles of perception, Zhenhai's god-level speed was a bit of a waste, and Han Fei immediately returned to his normal strength.


A wave slapped on Han Fei's body, making Han Fei's body a little unstable. This wave is not water, but a wave of law, but the law seems strange.

Han Fei immediately frowned. The wave slapped on his body, causing him to feel a burning sensation in his body and soul. It was not like a karmic fire, but there seemed to be a terrifying force tearing at his body. This kind of power is a little weaker than Karma Burning, but not much weaker.

In addition to the pain, this wave also has the power of corrosion. Because I didn't resist it deliberately, I could feel that this power was attached to the body and was trying to corrode myself.

Han Fei couldn't help but look cold. Ximen Linglan has been in this extreme environment for thousands of years. What's the difference between being burned by Karma for thousands of years?

Han Fei immediately restrained his anger, restored himself to clarity, and began to feel the power of this river of eternal darkness.

"The law of terror?"

"No, it's not just the law of terror, it also carries some mixed law power and energy tides. There is even a little divine source power in the energy? It's interesting."

At this moment, in addition to the sound of the tide, there are countless babbles in Han Fei's ears. He doesn't know where it came from, and he doesn't know what creatures are emitting them. It seems to be a babble that comes from the river of eternal darkness.

Han Fei was determined, avoiding interference, and holding the Navigation Vientiane in his hand: "Where is Ximen Linglan?"


When the pointer clearly pointed, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief and did not dare to stop. Although the perception was only a thousand miles away, he did not necessarily need to perceive. With his current strength, it should not be a problem to force through the unknown.

However, when Han Fei tried to move forward quickly, he felt that hundreds of millions of resistances were rolling on him.


Han Fei's current strength, even if he doesn't run the Dao of Self, is still the power of the gods. But even so, with all his strength, Han Fei stepped out less than 800 miles in a single step, and was hit by the tide of the river of eternal darkness, and was shaken back by another 300 miles. Therefore, with his divine realm strength, he only took five hundred miles in one step.

This is a bit outrageous. Han Fei knew that the River of Eternal Darkness would not be easy, but he never thought it would be so difficult. This river is difficult and dangerous, like a sea of ​​sand, walking against the wind and walking with difficulty. Even if it is a god, it is actually limited to such a level, which is beyond his expectations.

"How long will it take to reach the place where Ximen Linglan is located?"

Even in the sea world, it is only a few light-years away. And this is Xinghai. Han Fei doesn't know where Ximen Linglan is at the moment. He just has a direction. If he moves at this speed, he can't imagine how much time he has to spend here.

Han Fei tried again for a while, and walked against the tide of eternal darkness.


Han Fei immediately prepared to run the Dao of Self, and wanted to use the strength of Zhenhai God to flow all the way.

However, before he could run the Dao of Self, a huge meat ball appeared in his perception. When he first saw the meat ball, Han Fei's pupils shrank. This thing was about three hundred miles across. It seemed to be composed of various amputated limbs, and it was not the amputated limbs of a living being, but the amputated limbs of countless kinds of living beings.

On the sphere, there are tens of thousands of eyes, and their appearances are also strange. If these can still be described by distortion, then the meat ball actually has a big mouth, and its mouth is chewing the corpse of some kind of creature.

The spherical creature obviously found Han Fei, spit out the half of the wreckage, and flew towards Han Fei with a smile. That kind of laughter is extremely creepy. Because this thing laughed, the countless amputated limbs on the sphere began to twist and shake, and some of the amputated limbs even tried to grab something, like a living body.

"Oh shit."

Because of the limited range of perception, when this strange ball appears, it is equivalent to being in front of you. When Han Fei raises his hand, it is a punch. A powerful deity is making a move.


The big ball was smashed into half by a punch, and countless stumps flew around, some of which were directly smashed into annihilation by Han Fei, but the part that was not annihilated even pulled the stump and crawled towards the meat ball again.

at the same time. The giant ball actually stuck out a tongue, and it was completely composed of laws.

Han Fei Hua Void's big hand grabbed the tongue, and at the same time, a message appeared in his eyes:

【Name】Fear the Undead

[Introduction] The creatures who died in despair were dominated by fear before their death, fell into the river of eternal darkness, and turned into fearful undead. The fear of each creature is different, so the form of fear of the undead is all kinds of strange. If you are invaded by the fear of the undead, you may lose yourself and become a part of eternal darkness. If a living person enters this room, they should have nothing to fear, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to get out.


【Boundary】The Great Emperor

[Contains the Law of Fear] A little

[Combat Skill] No way to consider

[Can be collected] The origin of the dead

【Not Absorbable】

[Remarks] The origin of the dead can strengthen all non-undead creatures.

"Fear the undead?"

Suddenly, Han Fei only felt that there was a kind of power, similar to Soul Poison, that actually began to corrode his Void Hand.

"In the realm of the Great Emperor, you dare to be murderous? Behead."


The blood sky blade was unsheathed in an instant, the immortal slaying knife was released, and the power of the surrounding laws was pulled, and the strange ball passed by in an instant, and it was directly chopped into hundreds of thousands of pieces.


Han Fei's first reaction was to cut off the connection with the long river of life. He was surprised to find that this thing had no life breath. To be precise, it was not life at all.

"What the hell."

Those stumps are broken, flying around, even if there is no life, but under the action of source power, this thing should be completely annihilated. But there were still a few broken limbs that rushed towards Han Fei.


The light of purification suddenly burst out from Han Fei's body, and then these severed limbs were purified.

Han Fei is not surprised that there are creatures in this river of eternal darkness, but this creature is too weird to be described as distortion. It is simply a mixture of countless strange things, not like a separate creature. .

Moreover, the combat power of this kind of creature does not seem to be weak. If an ordinary emperor is here, he will definitely fight hard, but Han Fei did not give the creature a chance to take action.

When the creature was completely purified, there was still a kind of power left in the air, it was a dark spherical energy.

At the moment when this spherical energy appeared, Han Fei felt the change in the vein of eternal darkness.

"The origin of the dead?"

This should be the only thing that can be collected from the fearful undead. It seems to have some resonance with the vein of eternal darkness.Next page! Current 1 page/Total 3 pages


I saw that Han Fei approached the spherical energy, and the next moment, the spherical energy seemed to be pulled by his body, and it rushed over at once.

Han Fei did not resist. Since it can resonate with the vein of eternal darkness, it means that this thing should be a power that can be controlled.

Sure enough, when this spherical energy entered the body, it was immediately sucked away by the vein of eternal darkness, and then completely integrated into the vein of eternal darkness.


Han Fei couldn't help feeling strange, because he felt that his strength seemed to be strengthened slightly.

When he looked at the refining demon pot, he found that his source power had been strengthened by more than twenty points. It's not much, but it does strengthen.

However, this spherical energy is clearly not the source power, but it can strengthen itself, which means that absorbing this thing can stimulate the slow progress of Supreme Divine Art.

It's a pity that the number of such creatures is not known to be large or not, and the word is short, and I only encountered this ball. If the number of feared undead is rare, it is not enough to improve yourself by absorbing the origin of these undead. Therefore, Han Fei didn't care too much. He still operated the Dao of Self, and when his strength increased to the level of Zhenhai God, Han Fei stepped in again and plunged into this darkness.

Because of the limited range of perception, Han Fei didn't know what was ahead. After the strength soared, the Eternal Dark Tide could no longer stop Han Fei.

This step is hundreds of thousands of miles, and the speed has increased by more than 200 times. Although it is still very slow in Han Fei's view, it is still better than the Great Emperor Realm.


After only three breaths, Han Fei only felt that his body was hit by some kind of force. After the perception was swept away, he was stunned, and he actually collapsed a tower-type building.

Han Fei never thought that there would be buildings here. Isn't this a fool? Could it be that there are still cities in this river of eternal darkness?

Han Fei stopped immediately, and after a scan of his perception, he realized that this so-called abandoned tower seemed to be constructed of some kind of skeleton. It's just that on this hexagonal tower, there are many giant skeletons inlaid on it.


I saw that the tower was full of cracks after being hit by Han Fei, and then I saw the skeletons twisted and struggled out of the tower. The next moment, they all rushed towards Han Fei.

Han Fei stepped on his feet, and his face shook with ripples, only to hear "bang, bang, bang", and the explosions continued one after another. In the blink of an eye the skeletons were shattered.

"It's not weak, but it's also around the Happy Realm."

It was easily shattered by Han Fei, and the tower was completely shattered. The next moment, Han Fei saw a huge and strange skeleton covered with a layer of gray skin appear in front of him.

This skeleton has only the upper body, and half of the head is a skeleton, usually full of tentacles, and on both arms, there are even seven or eight pairs of skeleton palms.

He was shaken by the power of Zhenhai God, but this thing did not collapse, which means that the opponent's strength is at least at the level of God.

No, Han Fei took a closer look, and it really was god-level. But this level is just a symbol. Han Fei doesn't believe that this thing can survive the calamity. It should only be formed by some kind of power in the river of eternal darkness, which gives him the power of **** level directly.

With a backhand slap, Han Fei slapped one arm of the skeleton with the power of purification. The latter let out a painful roar, and saw seven or eight pairs of palms on the other hand, all aimed at Han Fei. The next moment, dozens of dark rays stabbed Han Fei.

This kind of power attack naturally cannot shake Han Fei, and he doesn't need Han Fei's shot, just by activating the surrounding laws, it can be forcibly blocked.

However, Han Fei took the initiative to endure this wave of shocks. He felt the fusion of dozens of laws and forces, which made this attack not weak even in the divine realm. It's just that the opponent's power only possesses a small amount of divine source power. Han Fei confirmed that this power does not come from the skeleton itself, but should come from the River of Eternal Darkness.

Therefore, if this skeleton confronts a real powerhouse in the divine realm, even the most common deity can continue to kill it.


Han Fei slammed the backhand palm, directly crushing the huge skeleton and turning it into powder. The next moment, the power of a large group of the origin of the dead, and dozens of small groups of the origin of the dead were sucked into his body.

This time, Xu Shi's origin was slightly more powerful, so Han Fei's feelings were a little more obvious. He felt that after this power was inhaled by the vein of eternal darkness, the power that escaped from the vein of eternal darkness spread to the vein of eternal darkness and the original vein, and finally merged into the black hole and turned into source power.

"The Supreme Divine Art has been motivated?"

Han Fei was a little happy and a little worried for a while. Fortunately, the subsequent growth of Supreme Divine Art is very passive. Han Fei had eaten the spirit of plants and trees, and thought that the source power contained in the spirit of plants and trees would be quickly absorbed, promoting the growth of Supreme Divine Art.

It stands to reason that as long as there is no bottleneck, there is still a lot of room for improvement in Supreme Divine Art. But the power of the plant spirit was scattered all over the body, as if it was stored. Although it did make the passive growth of Supreme Divine Art a little faster, in his estimation, it would take hundreds of years to completely digest a plant spirit.

But now, the origin of the deceased can actually stimulate the rapid growth of the Supreme Divine Art, and it uses the spiritual meridian to stimulate it. Could it be that the follow-up of the Supreme Divine Art is related to the spiritual meridian?

Han Fei felt it, this time, the source power growth was about 300 points, nearly ten times higher than the previous dozens of points.

How far have you gone? However, within a million miles, the fearful undead of the gods appeared in this river of eternal darkness. Fear of the undead appearing too frequently is not necessarily a good thing, because it is impossible for oneself to run the Dao of Self all the time.

Moreover, now that the realm of the gods is appearing, will there be a god-killing level or even a fearful undead of the Zhenhai **** level in the future?

After a few hours.

Han Fei finally recovered to the emperor realm. During this period, he did encounter a lot of fearful undead, but most of them were below the Great Emperor Realm. The source of the dead that could be collected was limited, and more than a thousand only provided an increase of less than 3,000 points of source power. During this period, I only encountered two god-level fearful undead, and I didn't see any stronger ones.

However, this is only a few hours of improvement. After taking a break for a while, you can try to force a sprint.

Like this, about a month has passed.

Han Fei uses the Navigation Vientiane to fine-tune the direction every day, and this month, his source power has increased by more than 100,000.

If he had known that the increase in strength of the River of Eternal Darkness was so exaggerated, Han Fei might have come a long time ago.

After another month and a half, Han Fei found that he had reached a bottleneck.

I saw that information emerged in Han Fei's eyes:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 119 (Great Emperor)

Cang Hai Wan Genealogy: 2

Source Power: 799999

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish [Level 119]

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 119]

Majoring in exercises: supreme magic, body of gods and demons

"Is this the limit?"

The breakthrough of the body of gods and demons made Han Fei see a new limit. However, this new limit is not too exaggerated. For example, Han Fei directly has a million combat power.

However, the peak of the Great Emperor with 800,000 combat power may not necessarily have happened in the history of the sea world, even if it was the founder of the Supreme Divine Technique back then.

Han Fei knew that if his strength reached this point, it would really mean the end of the Great Emperor Realm. If you want to improve in the future, I am afraid you have to go through the back road. God of War has been stagnant here for millions of years, but he doesn't have millions of years left. I can only go back and do research with Qiu Wanren and these old schoolboys.

Another two months later.

There is no need for Han Fei to take action against the fearful undead, because the origin of the dead has no meaning to him.

One year after Han Fei entered the River of Eternal Darkness, it can be said that he has seen all kinds of dark creatures, most of which are different, but some are very similar.

For example, a faceless humanoid crawling monster bathed in black flames, Han Fei named them Slaves of Flame.

For example, a kind of black mask that will often appear from nowhere, that kind of mask tries to put itself on Han Fei's face, of course they never succeeded, Han Fei calls it a dark mask.

For example, skeleton soldiers, this is more common.

For example, a strange body with mixed limbs, Han Fei calls it a limb monster.

For such a long time, Han Fei also discovered a particularity of them, that is, most of these creatures master the law of fear. Not because they should have mastered this law in the first place, but because the River of Eternal Darkness gave them this law.

Han Fei guessed that it might be some creatures who fell under the law of fear, and a certain part of the soul may be immersed in the river of eternal darkness, but next page! Current 2 pages/total 3 pages

Later, these spirits entangled with each other, thus giving birth to these lifeless but surviving monsters.

Therefore, the river of eternal darkness can actually be called the river of fear. Because of his frequent dealings with these strange creatures, Han Fei's current law of fear can be described as extremely profound.

Two years after entering the River of Eternal Darkness.

On this day, Han Fei ran the Dao of the Self as usual, and hurried on the road with the strength of Zhenhai **** level.

Suddenly, he slammed into a huge object like a mountain. The key is that the thing was not smashed by his own strength.

When Han Fei's perception was swept away, he suddenly let out a "hoo" because he saw an incomparably huge fish head. It was a **** fish with sharp teeth and eyes like two stars. With his own perception range, he could only see half of the head of this big fish.

The big fish also seemed to be a little inexplicable. He didn't do anything, and was suddenly hit.

When he saw Han Fei, he seemed to be interested, and immediately opened his mouth and roared at Han Fei. In an instant, endless laws of terror blew past Han Fei.

And Han Fei, protecting his body with the light of purification, was not disturbed by this power.


Han Fei threw a backhand punch, directly blasting a hole in the head of the big fish. The next moment, Han Fei saw that there were dense small fish blowing bubbles inside the fish head, and the hole was repaired in a blink of an eye.

"Zhenhai **** level?"

Han Fei was startled. This was the first time in a year that he had encountered a fearful undead of Zhenhai **** level in Hanoi of Eternal Darkness. But this big fish seems to be made up of countless small fish.

Han Fei immediately understood that this was another entangled body of countless undead.


The big fish roared angrily when he saw that this man had injured himself. Han Fei only felt his scalp tingling, as if some kind of force was trying to shake his soul and invade his body.

The next moment, Han Fei saw him beside him, and the eyes of heaven appeared, the chaotic Styx flowing, and even god-killing ominous creatures appeared.


Han Fei immediately made a judgment, and even if there is a magical eye of heaven and a chaotic Styx, what happened to the ominous creatures? Could it be that Ominous still opened a passage in the River of Eternal Darkness? Isn't that killing it? There are so many fears of the undead here, and there are laws of fear everywhere. Therefore, Han Fei concluded that this was an illusion.


Just listening to the sound of "hula", from Han Fei as the center, thunder and fire were instantly flooded within a thousand miles.

Thunder has the ability to purify evil spirits, and the power of thunder and fire of Zhenhai **** level, it is impossible for mere illusions to resist. I saw that in the thunder and fire, Tiandao Fayan, Minghe Zhishui, and the ominous creature were directly overturned and purified in an instant before they could make a move.

A large number of holes were burned in the head of the big fish by the thunder and fire, and countless small fish were annihilated.


This big fish opened its huge mouth, and millions of small fish formed like a tidal wave, rushing out, even if the thunder and fire were fierce, they could only burn the outermost layer.

"The Fist of Destruction."

Star boxing, domineering and arrogant, punching out the gods to retreat, ominous and avoiding the edge, when the tide of fish was about to drown Han Fei, the fist burst out, crushed it all the way, and directly broke out of a vacuum.

But the next moment, Han Fei saw that the big fish's mouth actually covered his perception. This was an attempt to eat himself!

"Jian Wu, break the game."

"The trick of time."

"Brush, brush~"

With two consecutive peak strikes, the fish head was cut off, and the cut marks extended beyond his perception. At the same time, thousands of thunders erupted around Han Fei, frantically purifying the strange fish.

This time, the big fish was finally cut off. Han Fei couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his peak combat power has increased to 8 million, which has reached the standard of ordinary Zhenhai gods. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to handle.

Feeling the change in the vein of eternal darkness, the origin of the deceased did not enter Han Fei's body. Although the body should be quite large, it has not been able to enhance Han Fei's strength.

"It seems that the road ahead must retain a certain amount of combat power, otherwise it will be difficult to encounter this monster again."

Han Fei recovered a little and continued to set off.

three years.

five years.

Without Ximen Linglan's precise location, Han Fei could only find it slowly.

Until the seventh year, Han Fei had been numb, and he went through some painless battles every day in addition to hurrying. Of course, they have to endure the baptism and corrosion of the river of eternal darkness that is comparable to the burning of karma.

Seven years later.

Han Fei still sullenly rushed towards the unknown area of ​​the River of Eternal Darkness.


This is already how many times Han Feidi has bumped into something, he instinctively prepares to enter combat mode. However, when he took a closer look, he saw that there was actually a ball cage enchantment entirely composed of the laws of time.


Han Fei suddenly regained his energy and looked happy. Did he find it?

Han Fei's perception was swept away. The time cage was very strong at this time, but it did not block the tide of the River of Eternal Darkness. This means that the purpose of this enchantment is only to get rid of some fearful undead, and it is not a big problem to enter with its own time law.

Just as Han Fei was trying to fit into the time ball cage, suddenly, in front of his eyes, a piece of time intertwined and turned into a man in a cyan suit.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here."

"Who are you?"

Han Fei frowned slightly.

"Temple Temple, the third temple master, Yuan Kong, wait for a long time."


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