God of Fishing

Chapter 812: Kill in public

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Thanks to the silent leader, plus a chapter)

In the dark hunting army, Han Fei was surrounded by hundreds of hunters.

Among them, there are even a few strong stars. The strength of several people is already the realm of snorkelers.

Among them, Gong Wenhai and Yang Ying's former captain, Shui Ran, are now prominently listed.

I only heard Shui Ran reprimanded: "Han Fei, no matter what happened to you or what happened, you better put Yang Ying now. Otherwise, you will die."

"Must die?"

Han Fei opened his mouth and smiled, "My dear, I have been in the open seas for so long, and I haven't died. You told me that when I return to Broken Star Island, I will die without doubt?"

Sure enough, toothache: Han Fei's strength is not weak.

Moreover, now he clasped Yang Ying's neck with one hand, no one dared to do anything at this time.

As long as Han Fei pinches gently, even if they move fast, Han Fei will not die, they don't know, but Yang Ying will definitely die.

Shui Ran said, "Han Fei, I have something to say. I do n’t know what news you learned about Xia Xiaochan? But this is not related to Yang Ying. What are you doing to arrest her?"

Han Fei gave a cold glance at Shui Ran: "It has nothing to do with her? Oh ..."

After that, Han Fei turned to look at Shui Ran: "There are few people who escaped with amphibole in Broken Star Island. Time is not good. Do you think I will give you a chance? Oh, right ... more than a year ago, On the Skeleton Coast, the one following me, are you? "

Seeing Yang Ying's hatred, Han Fei had already confirmed it.

Han Fei said, "You want to kill me? Yes. You are not a sea monster, even if you are a sea monster, there is no reason to shoot at me and Xia Xiaochan. So, you are my enemy? I have forgotten, I When have you been such an enemy? "

Seeing Yang Ying's eyes crimson and staring at himself, Han Fei snorted: "Whether you say it or not, you are going to die today. I will give you a chance now and say ... why did you attack Xia Xiaochan with a demon? How do you know she'll get sick? Who the **** are you ...? "

Many of the people in the Dark Hunting Corps could not understand this. However, from Han Fei's tone, there seems to be an inextricable hatred between him, Xia Xiaochan and Yang Ying.

Shui Ran also hesitated: Yang Ying shot Xia Xiaochan? What's wrong with Xia Xiaochan? Although Xia Xiaochan is occasionally irritable and irritable, why don't you know that Xia Xiaochan is sick?

Shui Ran felt that he didn't know, how could Yang Ying know?

Gong Wenhai yelled, "Han Fei, don't believe in female sex, it's Xia Xiaochan who has a problem ..."

Han Fei stared at him with a stare, and Gong Wenhai stepped back subconsciously. Immediately, he felt as if he had been greatly insulted. He was frightened by Han Fei's eyes, which was too shameful.

But, before Gong Wenhai continued to speak, Han Fei said lightly, "Are you going to die?"

Gong Wenhai knew from the last time Han Fei forcibly sailed to the sea, that Han Fei was a lunatic, a complete lunatic.

Not a lunatic, he dares to break into the dark hunting legion?

Not a lunatic, he dares to break through the waters off Sing Tao alone?

Not a lunatic, the first time he returns, he will break into the dark hunting legion and want to kill in public?

Being so intimidated by Han Fei, Gong Wenhai blushed and dared not to speak.

Han Fei smiled sneerly: "Come on."

Gong Wenhai was almost irritated again by the two words. However, a hand was put on Gong Wenhai's body immediately.

But it was a figure, flashing from the sky, it was Pei Yi, the deputy head of the Dark Hunting Corps.

Pei Yi landed and looked coldly at Han Fei: "Let ’s let go of you. I will hand you over to the Broken Star Prison and handle it impartially."

"Hahaha ..."

Han Fei laughed loudly, and looked at Pei Yi in a frenetic face: "Forgive me for not dying? By yours? Little Master, I have killed the Sea Monster Realm. There are no 30 and 20. You forgive me for dying? I want you to forgive ? "


Many of the hunters surrounding Han Fei took a breath of air.

Han Fei pointed out the sea monster realm, which is equivalent to the sub-fisher level. He killed so much? He was the pinnacle of the angler. Why did he kill so many?

Pei Yi was also shocked on the spot. Do not know why, intuitively told her that the letter Han Fei said.

However, she still believes that no matter how vertical Han Fei Zizi is, there is no reason to be better than herself.

Han Fei did not bother her, but continued to look at Yang Ying: "You still have a chance to speak. After that, I will send you on the road. Why follow me? Why frame Xia Xiaochan? Who are you? "

"Oh ... heh ... heh ..."

Yang Ying hung her body weakly and was caught by Han Fei in the air. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and she slowly raised her head: "You, you **** it. You **** it, Xia Xiaochan, also **** it ... heh ... unfortunate , I only killed Xia Xiaochan, I couldn't kill you ... heh ... "

Shui Ran, Gong Wenhai, including Pei Yi and others were surprised: really Yang Ying's hand?

Han Fei didn't speak. Looking at Yang Ying, the intensity of his hands relaxed a little, so that she could talk.


Yang Ying took a breath and then laughed: "Do you know, what's my little name?"

Han Fei frowned: "???"

Yang Ying "coughed" and said in a difficult way: "Guoer, my nickname is Yang Guoer. I kill you and Xia Xiaochan just to get revenge."

For a while, Han Fei seemed to be familiar with the name, but couldn't figure it out.

Seeing Han Fei's blank expression, Yang Ying laughed at himself: "I was born in Kaixuan Town, Xiaomen Village ... I have a lover. His name is ... Lianchi."

Suddenly, Han Fei remembered: the third-level fishing ground, the undersea desert city on the way to the sea steps, even seven and others teamed to hunt themselves and Xia Xiaochan.

At that time, Xia Xiaochan also exaggerated Lian Qi, saying that his strength was okay.

Han Fei chuckled coldly: "This is the third-level fishing ground. This is the case. Even the seven people surrounded me and Xia Xiaochan. I killed him, and it was justified."

I saw Yang Ying mad, struggling and roaring: "Meditation, life and death are common. You can kill him, but why do you insult him? You hang him on the mast, you throw his bones to a group of crazy people ... Practice, practice, everyone's blood is cold. You are the devil, you are evil, you **** ... "

Yang Ying said more and more excited, and said madly: "Every one of you is guilty and you deserve to talk about your feelings? Just give me one more time, ten times, one hundred times, and I will try my best to kill you. I'd rather I be a fish, a crab, a sea mussel than to be born in this sinful world ... "

The dark hunting legion, everyone was silent.

Han Fei was expressionless and looked at Yang Ying quietly.

In the sky, Zhang Teng and the leader of the Dark Hunting Corps, who had just arrived, were also silent, and did not rush down.

I only heard Yang Ying whispering in the end: "Just hate ... Although Xia Xiaochan is dead, you are not dead yet. You are the culprit."

Han Fei was silent for a moment.

"Sorry, this is a belated apology."

"Also, Xia Xiaochan is not dead."

"Finally, I hope you have the next life."

Yang Ying suddenly looked up, but at that moment, just listening to the "click", the luster in Yang Ying's eyes gradually dissipated.

Han Fei didn't know what Yang Ying was thinking in the last second? However, after killing Yang Ying himself, he was not very happy.

Han Feidan said indifferently: "Which is more sinful in the world? All sinful in the world. Birth, old age, sickness, resentment and hatred, cultivation against the sky, condemnation and killing, the heavenly path circulates and never stops. I will not stop, and no one will stop ...

After speaking, Han Feishong held his hand, looked up at Zhang Teng in the sky, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Come here?"

Zhang Teng's expression changed, he didn't know what to say, and finally "um".

Some hunters shot at Han Fei, and Han Fei didn't even look at it. He punched out with one hand and blasted the man directly: "Even if you want to kill me, it's not your turn."


Another fishing boat arrived quietly, Luo Xiaobai, Lerenkang, Zhang Xuanyu, and the commander in charge of the door, one after another jumping from the sky.

The man carrying the door didn't say anything comforting, and the big hand patted it on the shoulder of Han Fei twice, then looked at Zhang Teng: "Little brother ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's okay. I want to see today, who dares to treat you Take it? "

"Mrs. Wang, for the second time, how can you treat me as a secret hunter, can't heal you?"

Mr. Wang Shuaishu opened the Qingmen Gate and lowered it to the ground: "You try one."

Zhang Xuanyu came to Han Fei for the first time: "No ..."

With just one word, Zhang Xuanyu didn't know what to say. He knew that Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan were not dead, and the things in his heart were released a few months ago.

At that scene, they all saw and heard it. At this moment, I really don't know what to say ...


Suddenly, I heard Han Fei said with a small smile: "Brother, Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, and the music mad ... don't worry about me first, Starbreaker! It just happened that I ran so long outside. I was a bit tired Now, just go in and rest for a few days. "

Everyone: "???"

Zhang Teng was speechless: What do you think of me as Starbreaker? Want to come, do you want to go to the inn?

My star-breaker, did you give it a rest?

Mr. Wang Shuai: "Little brother, what's your name? Want to rest, go to rest with me!"

Han Fei gave Wang Shuai a look: "No, I just want to go to Starbreaker to rest."

Zhang Xuanyu was speechless: "No! Are you stimulated? Is it a place to rest?"

Just when Luo Renkang was about to speak, Luo Xiaobai stopped him. He only listened to Luo Xiaobai and said, "He wants to go, let him go."

After speaking, Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei: "How long?"

Han Fei grinned: "It depends! Maybe come out soon, or it may be a little later."

Zhang Teng felt as if there were 10,000 iron-headed fishes in Pentium: Co-authored, do you really treat me as an inn?

Fourth more ... plus more ... what ...

(End of this chapter)

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