God of Fishing

Chapter 817: The formation method is not difficult

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Han Fei was embarrassed at the moment.

What kind of formation? The question is: I ca n’t read the book Canghai!

Although he can use the matrix lines in the book, he does not know what kind of lines correspond to which matrix.

Han Fei could not help asking: "A single line, can it be formed?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, "Yes, but you have to analyze the matrix method construction in this single line."

"Ah? Isn't that just a line?"

The middle-aged person shook his head slightly: "A little reiki, is it a little reiki?"


Han Fei froze for a moment: It doesn't seem to be, a little aura can be dismantled ...


Suddenly, Han Fei exclaimed: "Teardown?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Understanding, not bad!"

Han Fei's heart suddenly beat quickly: if this is the case, if he can really understand the book of the sea, does it not mean that he will soon have thousands of formations? At the same time, can you learn the mystery of the combination of formations?

Therefore, disassembly is the key.

Only by letting you understand each line and each matrix method can you turn these lines into your own use.

However, the question came again: how to dismantle?

Han Fei looked at the middle-aged man again, and seemed to be asking.

The middle-aged man said lightly: "You get the ground and Qingshitai first."

Han Fei: "..."


As a concentrator, it's no simple matter to restore the grass. But in a breath, the grass grew back.

Qingshitai is even simpler. Han Fei ran to the woodland and moved a few stones. With a glance of Jianguang, a few squares of Qingshitai were ready.

As for the self-built house, he only officially moved into a small bungalow for one night. Han Fei scratched his head and had to rebuild it.

Only this time, Han Fei never wanted to build a small house. He directly built his old house, which took three hours. If it wasn't for middle-aged people who were very picky about the construction techniques and details, Han Fei didn't even need half an hour, even if it took a while to make incense.

After all this, Han Fei ran back to Qingshitai again.

This time, he found that the lobster picture appeared on the stone platform again, and still let him copy the lobster!

But this time, Han Fei stood for a long time and he didn't write.

The first method of writing is completely wrong, and can only outline the form.

The second way of writing is even more wrong, which is blind use.

This made Han Fei curious: what exactly is right?

At this stop, I came to a meal.

Reminded by the middle-aged man, Han Fei immediately rolled over to cook.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Han Fei stood for three days without a move.

At this moment, it is time to go to bed. The middle-aged person has already returned to the room to sleep.

Han Fei was lying alone on his bed, his mind was mixed.

"Drawing a lobster? Why should you draw a lobster? What's so special about a lobster? Lines, teardowns, formations, graphics ..."

Suddenly, Han Fei sat up suddenly: "What is the purpose of painting lobster?"

Han Fei took a breath: this middle-aged man who asked himself to draw lobsters must have something to do with the formation method.

However, he said that the essence of the formation method is the disassembly of lines.

So, it's not a lobster, but a line.

Han Fei immediately realized that he didn't care much and would get up immediately.

Suddenly, I heard a voice lingering: "Your heart, when it is time to sleep, you need to sleep."

Han Fei's action stiffened: forget it, don't worry about it at this hour and a half, wait for tomorrow morning!

Han Fei had no sleepiness, and he became more and more curious about the identity of the middle-aged man. It ’s a trick of this tactics that has surpassed the old man in Jiang? When Jiang was teaching himself, he was talking about how to draw a matrix, or how to draw a matrix quickly.

But this middle-aged man is teaching himself the essence of the formation method, which are totally two educational concepts.

Moreover, why should this middle-aged person teach himself something so secretive and so inscrutable?

Han Fei couldn't help but think about it, and gradually fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Fei jumped out of bed when he wrote in his ears.

When he reached the door, trying to calm himself down, he walked to Qingshi again.

Han Fei grabbed the pen and looked at the lobster picture. The pen was hanging in the air, and he kept saying to himself: "This is a line, this is a line. Since it is a line, that is a stroke, and you need to be in a stroke In the meantime, finish this picture. "

For this, Han Fei is quite experienced. This can be a reason to step out of a spirit gathering with one foot.

In order to verify his conjecture, Han Fei was not in a hurry to paint the lobster. But at the time of writing, a few hundred points of aura fell all at once, and a line appeared on the fish skin.

The next moment, the surrounding Aura rolled in.

The middle-aged man did not look up and continued to paint his paintings. However, on the other corner of Han Fei's invisible mouth, there was a slight arc.

Yes, Han Fei drew a spirit gathering.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct, this lobster is just a line."

Immediately, Han Fei brewed for a moment. Between the pens, the nib of the pen scattered and floated. The reiki floats, converging the lobster's posture within a single line.


I saw the line springing out, and a lobster more than ten meters large appeared in the open space outside the bluestone.

The ghost image of this lobster was drawn by Han Fei's 200 Auras. Therefore, the aura contained in this lobster is only 200 points.

When Han Fei was moved, the lobster clamped himself towards him. Han Fei pinched with one hand and broke in one blow.

Han Fei probably had a judgment. This is a lobster with a level of novice fishing.

At level 40, Han Fei made a judgment.

Immediately, Han Fei grinned.

However, the smile stopped abruptly. What I know now is to draw a creature and a matrix method in one stroke.

However, the middle-aged man waved another hand, and Han Fei saw that the lobster picture in front of him had changed into a one-line picture.

Han Fei's dumbfounded: Right! You can draw a matrix one by one, how can you disassemble a line matrix into a complex matrix?

Looking at the middle-aged man around him, Han Fei sighed secretly.

Suddenly, Han Fei made a copy with a spirit to try. But in this copy, Han Fei found that it was more difficult than copying the soul and sea mystery in the 72 Demon Realm.


"Lintong cannot see the array. However, it can be felt vaguely that this array seems to be related to water."

Suddenly, he listened to the middle-aged man and said lightly, "Look at the one you painted before."

Han Fei lifted up his pen and drew another stroke, drawing a spiritual gathering. However, Reiki immediately came over. It seems that once I paint it, I can't save it!

Han Fei's mental strength fell again. This time the spiritual strength was swept away. The gathering of spirits immediately stopped gathering spirits.

Han Fei knew it immediately: It turned out that with mental power, he could seal the matrix method he drew.


Han Fei was a little surprised, one stroke was painting and one stroke was sealed. A stroke is tangible and a stroke is intangible.

Han Fei found that it wasn't that he wanted to go to Lintong, but that he needed to uncover the spiritual power on the fish skin map.

How to expose?

Han attacked very mentally.


Suddenly, Han Fei's head, like a drop of water, drenched him.

Han Fei subconsciously looked at the middle-aged man, who ignored him.

Han Fei speechless: Prank, this is definitely a prank! This is me. The mental force on the formation method cannot be broken. What should we do?

I only listened to the middle-aged person and said lightly: "The method is right, but in strange places, you suddenly see such an array. If you try to attack, it may be more than just a basin of water. Break slowly. It is impossible for a person to learn all the formations at once. "

Han Fei looked at the fish skin again, swept away mentally, immersed in it, and found that it was just a simple gathering of water ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Han Fei couldn't help but be a bit shocked: if it was not a basin of water just now, It's a knife, a killing line, isn't he in the path?

The middle-aged man again said: "So, the way of the formation, either to learn the existing formations; or to uncover the unknown formations, but dangerous; or, to create."

"Create? How do you create it?"

Middle-aged people put down their pens and leisurely said, "Mind. If you want to kill, you will enter the battlefield by killing; you want to be invisible, you will enter the battlefield by hiding; what you want is what you want. This is a avenue that requires you Do it yourself. "


Han Fei thinks: The characters are understandable, but they don't understand the meaning too much. To enter the battlefield on your own terms, this realm seems a bit high!

However, Han Fei immediately thought of the book. It doesn't seem to be urgent! The Canghai Book was developed by the demon pot. Even if there was a spiritual seal on it, it is now gone. You can see it one by one.

Thinking of this, Han Fei asked again: "If you want to get the known formations and formations, how can you create a powerful formation?"

The middle-aged man slowly said, "How do words combine with words?"

Suddenly, Han Feiyu was in place.

After a full scent of incense, Han Fei murmured, "It turns out that the painting is like writing, wonderful! But, isn't this a bit simple?"

Han Fei saw that there was no one around him, and when he looked back, he found that the middle-aged person had gone to drink tea.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "The avenue is simple, but it is extremely difficult to do. You have learned the essence of the formation method. What will happen in the future depends on how you are."

Han Fei took a deep breath, and in just three or five days, this middle-aged person completely overturned his understanding of the game.

Suddenly Han Fei felt that the formation was not difficult.

First more ... ask for a ticket ...

(End of this chapter)

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