God of Fishing

Chapter 821: Challenge from the Dark Hunting Legion

Revelry shop.

With the roar, the noise and noise finally came to peace.

Han Fei seems to have a hunch: Someone is here.

Luo Luo Xiaobai reacted first and looked up at the door: "What's wrong?"


The door of the private room was pushed open, and a group of people rushed in, all fierce gods and evil eyes staring at Han Fei.

The puppet crowd gave way, and Han Fei appeared in front of them: two young men, one male and one female. Judging by their age, it doesn't seem to be a few years older than Han Fei.


非 Han Fei snapped his fingers and the sound insulation array dissipated. He looked at the man and the woman quietly, his voice leisurely: "The visitor is not good!"

Luo Luo Xiaobai's eyes were cold: "Nancheng Dark Hunting Legion, Wu Yue and Wen Rong, also called the twin killers. Together, they have hunted 8 people in the sea monster realm continuously."

Luo Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei: "One of the broken stars."

Zhang Xuanyu patted the table directly: "Where is the bastard? Didn't you see that we were eating?"

Qi Leren shook his face madly and gave them a glance: "Two idiots, hunters who walk in the shadows all year round, come to fight?"

This man and a woman, the man's femininity, his eyes are full of fierce, the woman's arrogance, with his eyes, look at Han Fei several of them.

He heard the proud woman look at Han Fei, and her eyes were provocative: "I heard that you broke into the dark hunting legion and killed in public."

养 Raised a few days with the old Han, Han Fei's pressure is even higher. At this moment, slowly, letting his body lean on the chair, Erlang's legs were raised: "Is it, how?"

Seeing this action by Han Fei, the other hunters were full of anger.

"Hmm! Han Fei, no one has ever despised the Dark Hunting Corps. You will kneel here today and confess to Yang Ying."


Han Fei pointed his finger upwards into the air, and a line appeared. The next moment, the horrible sword flow, such as the pouring waterfall, directly wrapped the speaker.


A little starlight shone and cut the finger that stretched out to Han Fei.

Qi Wenrong shot.

Han Fei knew the talented soul beast for the first time, wasn't it the star fish that she had just eaten?

Wu Wuyue also shot at the same time. Turned into dozens of figures, blocking the figure of the person who spoke. That phantom seemed to freeze, and hundreds of daggers appeared in front of him, colliding with the array drawn by Han Fei.

Seeing the twinkling starlight, Han Fei just sneered, his fingers hooked, another line came out, and a large shield appeared.

"Dang ~"

The violent collision directly shattered the house.

On the other hand, although Wu Yue's side blocked Han Fei for a while, the walls of the private room burst into pieces as the waves swept through.


A cold mang rushed to him. The terrible gunman, point straight to Wen Rong.

The latter figure was blasted with a shot, leaving some gray smoke, and the horrible gunman directly bombarded the entire carnival shop. Those who watched, knew at the first time that the carnival could not be maintained and evacuated one after another.

Fortunately, they evacuated early. Otherwise, Zhang Xuanyu's gunfire at least hit a few.

At this moment, from the private room to the shop, a large hole appeared and was shot by Zhang Xuanyu.

Dozens of hunters shot and saw an obese figure with orange-red luster on their bodies.

"Swallow Heaven."

Outside, many people evacuated along the street.

声音 When Han Fei first attacked, his voice was already vocal, which attracted pedestrians from other carnival shops around him, looking at Han Fei's carnival shop.

From the outside, everyone saw only a large black hole in the air. Half a carnival shop smashed under the entrapment of this big hole.

Someone wondered: "Hisse! Who is this? Aren't you afraid the law enforcement team is in trouble?"

Someone was speechless: "Which lunatic is fighting here?"

Someone wondered: "Breaking a carnival shop, it costs a lot of money?"

Someone pointed to the ruins: "Look! Is that ... Han Fei?"

"It's him, it's Han Fei's lunatic."

"No, that's Wen Rong of the Dark Hunting Corps?"

"Oh, Zhang Daxuan, a young man? How many people are these thugs."

有人 When someone called out the flowers, Han Fei gave Zhang Xuanyu a faint glance. The latter looked slightly embarrassed and said, "Don't listen to them, I'm serious."

The original carnival shop has been crushed into ruins. A vine swept across and shot out other hunters who had just tried to shoot. Six others were sucked into the air by the musicians, and their faces changed. If the musicians go crazy at this time, these people will not have a way to live.

非 Han Fei said lightly: "Fat, throw it out."

Qi Leren snorted loudly, an invisible force, flung out of the black hole, and flew these people directly for dozens of meters.

Han Fei slowly got up from his chair and looked at Luo Xiaobai and Zhang Xuanyu: "It's because of me that you don't have to take any action."

Zhang Xuanyu snorted softly, turned her hands, and speared into her body.

Xiao Luo's arm hangs down, and the vine penetrates into the ground and disappears without a trace.

Han Fei then looked at Wu Yue and Wen Rong: "Do you want to fight? I give you a chance. I heard that you two can add up to hunt down snorkelers. Well, starting today, you can at any time, In any case, try to hit me. "

Wu Wenrong still held her head high, and proudly said, "In the future? Today's affairs, today's resolution."

Wu Wuyue responded coldly, "Yes."

嗤 Han Fei laughed and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you? The hunters of your dark hunting legion are fighting head-to-head, what is different from the ironhead? But ... if you want to fight, come on!"

Luo Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly: "You just came out."

非 Han Fei grinned and said softly: "Rest assured, now I want to go in, I'm afraid he won't let me in.

He was Zhang Xuanyu, and he smiled with a bachelor: "This is domineering. Then, we don't need to take a shot. Hey, boss, you have to find the Dark Hunting Corps in this place, but they shot first."

狂欢 The owner of this carnival shop is not low in strength. If it weren't for the snorkeler, he wouldn't be eligible to set up a shop here. Just now, where did he think that these two groups would hit and fight?

I know early, he stopped!

Because the carnival shop has always been one of the most lively places in Broken Star Island and one of the most conflicting places, there are always people from the law enforcement team here.

At this moment, I saw a team of five-man law enforcement squads rushing forward.

The captain, headed by Wu, yelled, "What are you doing? Are you going to rebel? Stop me."

I ca n’t speak to Han Fei, just listening to that Wen Rong has taken a step forward: "We have to challenge Han Fei, which is in line with normal regulations."

Wu Wenrong and Wu Yue naturally knew that it was impossible to kill Han Fei.

However, it is necessary to defeat him.

They need to beat Han Fei in a crowded place like a carnival.

In this way, we can restore the reputation of the Dark Hunting Legion, and let those self-righteous **** reduce the contempt for the Dark Hunting Legion.

The captain looked at Han Fei with a surprise: "You are Han Fei?"

The captain rubbed his head. Today, Han Fei's name is spread throughout the Broken Star Island. The incident of forcing the dark hunting legion will not occur once in decades. But now, twice in a row, Han Fei made it. Who can stand it?

I saw the captain looking at Han Fei: "Are you accepting the challenge?"

非 Han Fei nodded slightly: "Accept."

The captain of the squad flashed slightly: "You can't fight here either. Don't affect others, you can choose to fight on the river."

Wu Wenrong turned her head, her body turned into a gray smoke. By the time she appeared again, people had appeared on the river not far away.

非 Han Fei looked calmly at Wu Yue: "Come on together! I don't have the spare time to challenge you one by one, let's go together."

Wu Wuyue's soft face, with a fierce expression: "Are you sure?"

非 Han Fei also made nonsense and slowly walked towards the river. When he reached the river, he folded a branch on a small tree beside him.

This scene has seen many people inexplicable.

Only Zhang Xuanyu and others shook their eyelids and twitched the corners of their mouths: This guy is always like this.

Ji Leren trembled with fat on his face, and said, "I think these two people will have no face in the future."

Zhang Xuanyu hooked up on the shoulders of the music fanatic: "Little madman, do you think it would be very strong if you come back this time! It is so fierce that no wonder you are thrown to the overhanging waterfall."

At this moment, thousands of people have surrounded both sides of the river. Han Fei stepped on the water step by step, dragging a tree branch in his hands.

Many people are speechless: it is obviously a tree branch, 愣 is like you dragged into a big sword.

Wu Wuyue and Wen Rong stood side by side, about two hundred meters from Han Fei. When Han Fei came to the middle of the river, he crooked his head and looked at them: "Come!"


I only saw the figures of Wu Yue and Wen Rong, who disappeared instantly without a trace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while Han Fei stood still without moving, the branches of his hand were engraved on the water surface, and water lines appeared, but did not dissipate .

Sui Lian didn't breathe, and a strange swordman suddenly appeared over 10 meters to the side of Han Fei.

非 Han Fei left a punch with his left hand. The golden fist prints crushed the daomang in an instant and spared no effort, crushing all the way forward.

In the eyes of everyone, after the blow, Han Fei's body shifted slightly by less than three inches. The surface of the foot was split by an invisible blade.

He followed, thousands of knives, and Han Fei appeared in all directions. Like the sword torrent of the armored division, North Korea killed Fei.

角 Han Fei's mouth slightly evoked a smile. Seeing that it would be swept by that invisible blade, an invisible barrier, I do not know when it will appear.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

非 Han Fei still portrays the formation method unhurriedly, occasionally his body suddenly shifts.


Suddenly, Han Fei looked up and found that in the sky, a full moon ghost appeared in the sky.

"No trace knife flow."

Twenty meters away, Wu Yue appeared, and Han Fei was pointed at the sword. Beginning at his feet, the river flowed as if cut by a horrific blade.

Han Fei suddenly looked behind his hands and looked at them with a smile: "Is this the Tianjiao of the Dark Hunting Corps?"

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