God of Fishing

Chapter 824: Xuantian Waterfall Characters (Part 1)

In the twisted jungle, after eating and drinking, Han Fei and Tang Ge talked for a while.

Han Fei didn't spend much time here and rushed directly to the hanging waterfall.

After all, he and Tang Ge have grown up, and they are not in the same way, but as long as they are going forward.

Tangge stopped Han Fei: "You can practice in the waterfalls for a while. You will basically have reached the sub-fisherman's level during your absence."

非 Han Fei nodded slightly, and smiled, "Rest assured, I want to break through the snorkelers, and it's fast. It is you, the seventh-level spirit vein talent, now only the junior snorkelers, you must hurry up!"

Tang Ge grinned and laughed, "I'm still very strong. When should we discuss with each other again?"

非 Han Fei waved his hands and said, "When the next time, when there is a task, there will always be opportunities."

Uh ...

The twisted jungle is very close to the hanging waterfall. Once out of the jungle, you can see the high peaks and the faint clouds between the peaks. Therefore, the old man lives in seclusion here, and he will not choose a place ...

Xuantian Waterfall, when it was just discovered, there were many bones under the waterfall.

At this moment, it seems that this place has become another prisoner.

Some messy people, such as stingers, restricted seagoers, and serious negligence, are here.

According to the number of people, the Xuantian Waterfall is divided into two layers, the inside and outside, and the total households have more than 300 houses.

Among them, there are 38 households in the inner periphery and 279 households in the outer periphery.

Regardless of whether they are in-house or out-of-house occupants, at least all of them have a rank of six stars or higher, and even three have reached the eight-star rank.

There are as many as 12 people with seven stars.

This means that there are 15 submariner-level households in this area.

But in fact, the number of sub-fishers far exceeds this number.

However, as long as the people in Broken Star Island, almost no one thinks that there are only 15 strong fishermen. For example, Mr. Wang, this guy has a six-star title. Is he a catcher?

At this moment, Han Fei fell on the periphery of the hanging waterfall. He was thinking: Is he going to live on the periphery or on the inside?

From the theory, there is no difference between inside and outside, you can live anywhere. But intuitively, Han Fei always felt that the inner circumference was more dangerous.

"Will you live with your brother?"

"It's not good. It would be better if I could live a little bit! Otherwise, why would I meet with Wang Shuai every day? Why? Fight the landlord every day and eat hot pot?"

Han Fei's field of vision is about a few hundred meters away, and you can see a house.

From Han Fei to here, dozens of sensations passed by his body.

Han Fei didn't care, and was ready to find a suitable location, and then build the house by himself.

No, just not too far away, Han Fei saw someone holding a large bowl. I wondered when he was squatting at the door and looked at him quietly. This look is no different from the old farmers in the countryside. Are these masters of emotion living to a certain level?

I do n’t know when it appeared on the roof, biting a dried fish in his mouth and saying hello to Han Fei.

Someone leaned on his door frame and looked at Han Fei.

Han Fei is also speechless: some of these individuals, the more they live, the more they look like old farmers, and the more they live, the more they look like little rural boys ...

He passed dozens of houses in a row. Han Fei saw a man holding two daggers in his hands and looked at himself lightly.

韩 When Han Fei passed by, the man suddenly said, "Wen Rong is my sister."

非 Han Fei stopped, tilted his head, and looked at him: "Oh? Why? You want to avenge her?"

The man put a corner of his mouth and said, "She is not as good as herself, no wonder others. But, if you have a chance, you can learn?"

非 Han Feihe, laughed dryly: "Wait for me."

After passing by this house, Han Fei saw not far away again, a girl in a flowing gown was trimming the flowers in her yard.

The girl looked up, and saw that Han Fei was looking at herself, and suddenly pouting the corner of her mouth, she looked up slightly: "If you need to raise some flowers and plants at home, you can come to me and transplant it for you."

Han Fei looks awful in this courtyard.

Immediately, Han Fei knew: this girl, I am afraid that he is a powerful spiritual master! In front of her house, the flowers and plants around it seemed to be planted irregularly. It should be said that this woman is also an array mage. Those who like flowers are more likely to be controllers.

非 Han Fei couldn't help but be shocked. What talents are there?

It's just that this girl's formation is not as good as herself. Of course, it is sure to be better than myself.

Han Fei also passed by. To be precise, that's not home, it's a big rock. A young man in white sat on the stone with a sword on his knee.

300 Within 300 meters around this man, there are sword marks everywhere, it should be a sword repair, even the house is too lazy to make a sword repair.

Han Fei walked about half the way, and suddenly a figure flew into the air. Moreover, the other party wasn't flying forward, it was flying horizontally.

"Duang ..."

The man crashed into the ground and smashed a hundred meters away from Han Fei's location.

"Brother handsome?"


A big blue door slammed to the ground, and smashed two meters away from Mr. Wang, and the ground was shaking.

Han Fei perceives and swept over, and said in his heart: Who is it that he can throw Wang Shuai out?

I just ... Sweeping this perception, Han Fei saw a burly woman. However, the woman nodded slightly.

Immediately, Han Fei's perception was broken.

Han Fei: "?????"

Han Fei couldn't help but think: Is this the handsome brother, the daughter-in-law who grabbed it back?

I ca n’t!

This kind of body, this kind of power, can throw both Wang Dashuai and Da Qingmen out, brother he can grab it back?

Immediately, Han Fei heard someone shouting, "Master! How can you be stiff? How many times have you done this?"

Someone's voice came from afar: "Master, you have to build this way! That hole in your house ... forget it, you have to build it."

Behind Han Fei, the girl who had planted the flowers before, poked out her head and shouted, "Master, the spiritual grass I just planted here can promote blood circulation and stasis. Would you like to come?"

After listening to this voice, the King Martial King suddenly hesitated, and he quickly got up from the ground and waved his hands again and again: "No, no, I'm here to pick up my little brother."

Han Fei speechless: How did you pick me up?

Mrs. Wang climbed up, picked up Daqingmen, came to Han Fei, and smiled: "Don't blame, don't blame. Your sister-in-law is hot and cold outside, we were just having fun?"

Han Fei gave a strange glance at Mr. Wang: "Brother, isn't Xunzi not welcoming me?"

King Shuai immediately shook his head: "That will not work, it will never be possible. Mainly, mainly ... I said two words to Yu Ye today."

Han Fei wondered: "Who is Yuno?"

Master Wang's eyes secretly glanced behind Han Fei, and immediately closed it back.

非 Han Fei suddenly looked back and found that the girl who kept flowers smiled at them both.

Han Fei suddenly understood why Wang Shuai was thrown out?

The girl behind her was really handsome and gentle and restrained. However, when thinking of Wang Shuai's wife, Han Fei could not help but have a chatter.

Han Fei couldn't help but pat on the arm of Mr. Wang Shuai and said, "Brother, take care of yourself."

King Wang Shuai smiled: "It's OK, it's OK. In the future, you will live under the overhanging waterfall. People here, you must know each other. Can I take you for a walk?"

非 Han Fei nodded: "Okay!"

King Marshal whispered: "Actually, the people here in Xuantian Waterfall are all the best, and they are not as unbearable as the outside world says ..."

Han Fei at the time ...

How about a chicken? I came all the way and didn't see it ... I felt that the atmosphere here was very abnormal!

He only listened to Wang Shuai and said, "But ... there are a few weird people, I have to tell you in advance. However, you have to remember! They are just weird, not bad."

非 Han Fei blinked and looked at Mr. Wang: I can make you say something strange, I'm afraid there aren't any good people?

Mr. Wang Shuai pointed to the way when Han Fei came, and laughed: "Just now, you have seen Yuno, she likes to cultivate flowers. But you have to remember, unless she transplants it to you, you must not touch her. flower."

非 Han Fei was curious: "What?"

Mr. Wang Shuai booed: "Originally, there was another person living next to her house. Just because I had breakfast with her in the morning, I picked up a flower from her house, and she hung under the hanging waterfall with a ghost rattan and washed away Three days and nights."


瞅 Han Fei stunned the high waterfall, swallowed, and said to my heart: That girl, I look good! He was kind and smiled softly.

King Marshal pointed again at the sword sitting on the stone and practicing: "You just call him nameless, that's all."

"Nameless? Will he sword twenty-three?"

Suddenly, a voice floated over: "Sword twenty-three? Sounds like a strong sword skill?"

Han Fei immediately turned back and smiled at the big rock: "Ah! No, no, it's an ordinary sword skill."

When Wu Ming heard it, it was an ordinary sword skill, but he didn't respond immediately.

King Shuai smiled and said, "Don't worry too much. Let's chat with us, you don't have to be close to the unnamed 300 meters."

Han Fei wondered: "Why?"

King Shuai laughed and said, "If you want to challenge him, you can go in and try."

King Marshal Wang said, "When you came in, did you see a guy squatting at the door to eat?"

Han Fei nodded.

King Wang was handsome: "His name is Yue Twelve. He has a good temper and is the only good old man in our waterfall ..."

The King of Kings didn't finish talking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Various voices came over.

"Mrs. Wang, what are you talking about?"

"Mrs. Wang, usually I embarrass you or how can I drop it?"

"Master, you're hurting!"

"Brother, I don't like to listen to you."

Han Fei looked weirdly at Mr. Wang and said, "Brother, you are going to be beaten again!" The sister-in-law probably heard it.


King Marshal continued to introduce a few of the most typical.

"The guy lying on the roof and looking at the sky is called Ning Jingyao, Dao Xiu."

"The girl who was just called the big handsome brother, called Liluoluo. People sent nicknames: Variety magic boy."

"The one leaning at the door is called Du Jiangliu, a barbarian soul master."

After a moment, Wang Shuai laughed and said, "Do you live in the inner wall or the outer wall? If you live in the outer wall, then the inner wall will look back to introduce you. If you want to live in the inner wall, let's walk around now."

Han Fei thought for a moment: "I'm going to live in a more remote and quiet place. By the way, are there any fish in the pond?"

Suddenly, the air suddenly quieted down.

King Marshal surprised: "Are you going fishing in the lake?"

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