God of Fishing

Chapter 826: Arranged for a blind date

Because of the arrival of Han Fei, almost all the people in the huge waterfall have paid attention.

Especially some people in the periphery, because some people can't perceive so far. Therefore, three or five clusters. Nearly everyone in those yards had seven or eight people.

The person being interviewed said, "You talk about you, why is curiosity so heavy?"

Someone chuckled, "What makes us curious? As if we don't come, you don't look like ..."

Someone laughed and said, "Interesting! This is how many are arranged to go to Xiaojiu's blind date? Well, do you think it can be done?"

Someone laughed, "I bet on a superb magic weapon, and I'll be blasted out later."

Someone said leisurely: "I don't think so. Han Fei is also good. He defeated two arrogant figures with one shot. I bet he can at least enter the yard."

"I bet 1,000 pounds of Lingquan, he can't break it."

"You pull it down! I heard that Han Fei yesterday won the game with a formation."

"No wonder, no wonder Xiaojiajia's formation method seems to be stronger!"

Uh ...

Because he didn't feel it, Han Fei didn't know he had been watched. Naturally, he didn't know that a group of people were still betting on him!

Han Fei was looking at the foggy formation at the moment and shook his head helplessly: there are many formations here! Looks outside, the clouds cover the fog.

Actually, Han Fei was sure: the little nine in it might be sleeping a lot! This array method will not affect the light inside.

Han Fei's eyes glanced, looked at the ground, and looked at the railings: "Clouds and fog arrays, light protection arrays, concealment arrays, water magic arrays ... Good guys, they are indeed geniuses! , I can't break it! "

Han Fei thinks briefly: Xiao Jiu's formation method is mainly to close the five senses and six consciousness. Well, if you want to break the array, then you must be hot and windy, and darken the light.

After thinking for a moment, Han Fei's fingers were outlined in the void. Lines appeared, the wind screamed at the gate of the courtyard, and the sky was blazing with hot sun.


Han Fei took this opportunity to step into the hospital. The clouds disappeared and the black mist began to fade.

Han Fei took another step, a light golden light shrouded. An illusory illusion collapsed.


非 When this fantasy collapsed, Han Fei's face suddenly changed slightly. Han Fei stepped on his feet, a water wall in front of him suddenly covered the front, and the old turtle lying on his back.

The result was not the same. At that moment, Han Fei noticed that a large amount of sword thorns pierced into the wall of water.

非 While the sword light was shining, Han Fei saw a wave hitting his face.

"Tidal Sword Formation?"

非 Han Fei's gaze was fixed, two steps back and forth with four strokes.

看 "Look at me breaking the tide."

In front of Han Fei, there is also a big tide, with a knife-shaped aspect.

非 Han Fei smiled slightly. As long as it is not a big kill, it's easy to say! I have already mastered the basic formation method. Ordinary formations can't be beaten now.

However, the smile on Han Fei's face was not more than two seconds. Han Fei suddenly saw the Dahe line that he laid yesterday.

Han Fei was speechless immediately: was this girl yesterday?

I couldn't bear Han Fei's thoughts. I saw a branch in Han Fei's hands.


The sword-drawing technique is performed, and the dazzling sword is deadlocked with a river.

非 Han Fei didn't dare to neglect, and frowned slightly, his fingers in a row in the void, a series of nine strokes, nine kinds of knife arrays combined into one sword. Suddenly, above the imaginary shadow of the river, there was a slash in the water, like a broken bamboo.

非 Han Fei smiled lightly: "I have other ways to break the line. This line is what I think. I can break as much as I want."

After speaking, Han Fei stepped on his feet, and the three spiritual gatherings became one. Han Fei secretly moved, above the sky, under the sun, the dazzling pillars of golden light fell.


For a short while, Han Fei was robbed of the aura of the entire courtyard. Both sides of the formation method, all turned into invisible, disappeared.

Han Fei This is the fifth floor of "Void Fishing" sneakily operated. In the daytime, its speed of sucking spirits is extremely terrible. The surrounding aura cannot support Han Fei's absorption! Therefore, all formations will collapse in an instant.

I waited until everything was calm, Han Fei saw that this was a very elegant courtyard. The bluestone slabs at the feet are all carved with matrix reliefs. The flowers on both sides seem to be transplanted from Yuno, but mostly warm colors.

之外 Beyond the warm colors, the embellishments with some cold-colored plants are a little gray and not bright.

There is a book case on the right side of the courtyard.

Sting the girl, letting her hair drift freely to one side.

At this time, she was holding the pen in one hand and holding her sleeves in one hand. Shui Lingroushan's eyes were a little surprised, a little surprised, and a little flustered. The corners of the mouth are slightly closed, and a little white is exposed.

When she saw Han Fei, she looked slightly red, and then quickly lowered her head.

Han Fei: "?????"

Uh ...


"I drop a sea god!"

"My God, it doesn't make sense!"

"This Han Fei's formation method is so strong?"

"The sun that he borrowed from the sky last, is that also a formation?"

All of a sudden, a crowd of people on the sidelines were surprised.

Someone regretted immediately: "Oh, what a loss! Xiaojiu won't be with Han Fei's troublemaker, right?"

Someone shook his head: "Xiao Jiu's eyes are high, and Han Fei tries his best to fail."

Some people sneered: "It's as if you don't provoke wrongdoing? Under the great waterfall, who wouldn't cause trouble except Yue Twelve and Xiaojiu?"

Only Mr. Wang Shuai went home and muttered, "My young master has a long-term target, don't you know? My young master, you can concentrate on it, don't you see he just returned from the sea?"

Uh ...

In a word, Han Fei looked at the girl who was a little shy, which was completely different from what she imagined!

The matrix method that this girl used was really pressing and interlocking. A little careless ... It can even be said that whenever someone changed over, such as Guan Qingyan, to ensure that the three interest rates did not arrive, he was cut out of the courtyard.

Who would have expected? The girl in front of her was so delicate.

This kind of tenderness is not a pretense, but a natural response. The girl was dressed in white and dressed up with two earrings. You can tell from this simple personality.


非 Han Fei swallowed. I'm not panic, I'm not panic at all! There are more beautiful girls, and they are still a little worse than Xia Xiaochan.

表现 In order to show that he didn't care at all, Han Fei changed his attitude of visiting before and said to Xiao Jiu casually: "Girl, what's your name?"





A lot of onlookers were thundered by Waijo Rinen: What a pity, how do you say that? This, this, this is too hooligan, right?

The King Martial King quickly looked around, quickly got up from the ground, and took a sigh of relief: Thanks to all the eyes, he was paying attention to the younger brother, and no one saw me wrestling. Otherwise, it's a shame!

Xiao Xiaojiu did not seem to expect Han Feihui to be so rude. However, she has never met such a person! From small to large, everyone sees himself as a kind of courtesy. They will try to show a calm, indifferent look to the boy ...

How can this be? As soon as I got up, I called "Niuer"?

Xiao Xiaojiu scowled at his clothes in a panic, "You ... I ..."

Han Fei waved his hand and said, "What are you, me? My name is Han Fei, very good."


Many people really want to rub Han Fei on the ground at this time. Who knows that your name is Han Fei? Still very good? You are enough!

Alas, Xiao Jiu also stabilized from the initial confusion. She rolled her eyes subconsciously, and immediately caused a lot of onlookers to drool.

I seem to find someone watching, Xiaojiu waved his hand, the white dress fluttered, and a layer of cloud covered the courtyard again.

In the courtyard, the sun was not blocked, and it still fell normally. A light breeze blew, and the two of them stood seven or eight meters apart.

非 Han Fei quickly returned to God: "Eh! What ... I came here on the first day and had to visit. What ... what's your name? Come on! I have to go to my brother's house for dinner after I finish talking.


Xiao Xiaojiu couldn't hide a smile, and said softly, "My name is Jiuyinling."

愣 Han Fei stunned: "Is this a surname?"

Xiao Xiaojiu nodded slightly: "Last name Jiuyin."

Han Fei shrugged: very strange name, the first time I heard!

He looked at Jiuyin Ling and found that he didn't know what to say, but he seemed embarrassed not to speak. Suddenly, Han Fei coughed, "Well, come to my house for hot pot tomorrow, don't forget."

"Hot Pot?"

What Jiu Yinling is to hot pot is unheard of! Can not help but also very curious ...

Han Fei thought for a moment and said, "Just ... a kind of food."

Jiuyin Ling smiled abruptly: "Don't be distracted, you just want to stop talking."

非 Han Fei smiled: "People who haven't eaten ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said so. No one who has eaten said so! Okay, I'm leaving, remember to come tomorrow."

"Wait a minute."

Han Fei was stopped shortly after he turned around. As a result, Han Fei couldn't help but look back, wondering, "Well?"

He saw Jiu Yinling stretch out her pen in front of her, "Here."

Han Fei: "?????"

Jiuyin Ling said: "Painting."

Han Fei: "What array do you draw?"

Wu Jiuyinling said softly, "Draw casually."

Han Fei walked over in doubt and saw a table of fish skin.

Suddenly, Han Fei was surprised: Jiu Yinling was still at the level of painting crayfish. Therefore, the seemingly insane combination of formations was actually more prepared by her in advance.

非 Han Fei took a deep look at Jiuyin Ling: "You owe me an adult."


Wu Jiuyin Ling was puzzled, not knowing what to do.

He only saw Han Fei taking the pen from her, and then he drew a line on a blank fish skin picture.

"Well, let's go."

Wu Jiuyin Ling stared blankly at the line on the fish skin for a long time. In her eyes, her head was full of question marks.

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