God of Fishing

Chapter 833: Nothingness Line Puppet

非 Han Fei is curious enough about the hanging waterfall. The old tortoise, which can be jealous of law enforcement or explorers, is probably not cultivated for many years.

At the beginning, when the stone turtle came out, he gave him "Amazing Picture" and embroidery needles. This made Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: Will this turtle have something good?

At least, to listen to Rhubarb, this turtle is not terrible.

非 Han Fei pondered: Even a cat does not feel terrible, so I am not afraid?

I think so, Han Fei thinks, starting tomorrow, you can go fishing in the lake.

In the night.

非 Han Fei Hula Ladi, from the refining world, dumped a lot of superb materials, even more than superb materials.

In the monster channel, Han Fei did not give all the materials to the musicians. At least, Yu Hanjia didn't give the best materials in that shop.

After all, at the moment, Han Fei lacks weapons.

The frost's sorrow cannot be used lightly.

Embroidery stitches, do not recognize the Lord.

Qian Qiankun sword, dare not let it recognize the Lord at will, although it can recognize.

The harpoon is for Siren ...

For the rest, Han Fei only has the golden seal and endless water.

Endless water is not a weapon. The use of this drop of water, Han Fei feels that it can be used in combination with a thousand swords. Previously, it was because of his low level and poor matrix method that he used endless water frequently.

But the effect of using it is not as good as expected, mainly because the attack power is not enough, or it may be that you have no way of doing it. After all, it can be regarded as a treasure, and it is impossible to use only knives and mimicry.

The day before yesterday, the reason why Han Fei was outside the carnival shop was so high-profile that Dahe was the sword. In addition to demonstrating his tactics, he is actually famous for using endless water in the future.

The purpose is to tell others: I am very talented in turning water into a knife.

Of course, in addition to these, the blood-drinking knife must be refined, and the fishing rod also needs a better handle. After all, after a while, you have to refine the line of nothingness.

Among a lot of materials, Han Fei's highest priority is naturally the bones of the dragon, and there are nine dragon tendons from the old Han.

The line of nihility is not made by means of refining, but by the fire of its own soul.

This means that every time you refine a line of nothingness, it means that you will refine a little of your own soul fire. When the soul fire and the fishing line blend together, nothing can be born.

At this moment, Han Fei's face was embarrassed, and the three small group souls flew out. Later, the soul fire was attached to the dragon's tendons. Through the method of "God Control", Han Fei's face was slightly twisted, and it seemed that something was in his mind.


"Soul Line?"

Yes, Han Fei feels that this fishing line is no longer a line, but a strange line of soul. These lines can be attached to the fishing rod in an instant, just by moving your mind.

What makes Han Fei even more confused is that this soul line can be split. In fact, you don't need to refining three dragon ribs at once, you only need to refining one, you can control the line of soul and split into dozens.

非 Han Fei just wanted to mourn his loss, but immediately found out the problem.

"咦! A line is split into multiple lines, and it seems that the strength and controllability are reduced. So it is ... with my current strength in the realm, a line can be turned into three lines of nothingness, and the sense of control is just right."

In this way, Han Fei raised his corner of the mouth and smiled slightly: the three lines of nothingness can be effectively split into nine at present, which is quite easy to control.

Han Fei tried to use his finger as a fishing rod to control the pile of material on the ground with a line of nothingness. Although not completely satisfactory, as far as handling is concerned, there is no problem at all.

"Fantastic technique! However, for the time being, three are enough, otherwise the spirit will weaken ... You have to make a fishing rod with a wire to confuse others."

With Han Fei's thoughts, the refining demon pot came out.

There are five or six kinds of demigod materials, one dragon tendon, and one dragon tooth sucked into it.

After a while.

With more than 800,000 points of nimbus, it consumed all, and a light blue and white fishing rod floated out.

[Name] The Dragonthorn Bar

介绍 [Introduction] It is made by smelting the veins of the dragon, the ribs of the dragon, the teeth of the dragon, and the iron essence of the wind stone. The rod and line are integrated. When not fishing, the dragon thorn can be used as a dragon thorn.

[Quality] Demigod

[Remarks] If you can attach a creature with a strange and strange mutation soul level or higher, you have a chance to become a sublime soldier.

With this whip, Han Fei couldn't help grinning: In that case, he actually has two kinds of fishing lines now. One is a normal fishing line that can be used for normal fishing, and the other is a void line that can be controlled at will.

In addition to these two.

I went on for a while.

A sharp kitchen knife, a silvery-white long stick, and three spikes made of millennium monster thorns were set in front of Han Fei.

Seeing these three things, Han Fei couldn't help sighing.

Originally, I was wondering if I could make Yulong Bow into a demigod? But Han Fei was surprised to find that the materials were not enough.

"Yes, the materials on the top are too rare. It is better to wait for a chance in the future to replace them with magic weapons."

At this point, all weapons are ready.

In addition to Yulong Bow, he is not a demigod. The demigods he owns include a blood-drinking knife, a dragon-stabbed fishing rod, a gold seal, a gold battle suit, a demon thorn, and a silver stick.

Among them, the demon stab is a hidden weapon, but it is used for sneak attacks. Only when there is nothing to do, it will be used.

When this happened, Han Fei was going to find two powerful stick combat techniques and Indian combat techniques. Finally, through these people, you can find out which combat technique is most suitable for you.

Until the end, Han Fei intends to focus on invincibility and the most suitable combat technique, and the rest are auxiliary.

At this moment, Han Fei has planned the routes for the submariners and levels, and is waiting to break through the submariners.

Uh ...

早 The next morning.

Han Fei's yard was clean again. Han Fei cooked a shrimp porridge himself, and when he saw him, he dispersed the clouds.

As a result, Han Fei suddenly saw a man and a cat squatting in the corner of the outer wall of the courtyard, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

"Green barley? Rhubarb?"


青 宸 grinned, "Brother, are you eating?"

非 Han Fei shook his eyelids: Are these two faceless and skinless, waiting to come to their own home for dinner?

非 Han Fei said silently, "Qing Ye, you are too much. Will you want to come to my house every day to eat?"

青 宸 said lazily: "Where, where? Brother, if you have any help, you can help me, even if you find me!"

Han Fei reluctantly beckoned, "Come here, come in! Rhubarb, I will make a pot for you!"


After all, cats are still cats. Although they can talk, meowing is by nature and difficult to change.

Han Fei boiled shrimp porridge, which was not much in the past, was quickly eaten up.

I saw Han Fei carrying a long-stabbed fishing rod and said, "Okay, I've finished eating, I'm going fishing. Rhubarb, can you?"

"Meow! Go!"

Han Fei looked at Qing Ye, who patted his belly and said, "I won't go. I'll go first, I'll be at noon ..."

非 Han Fei quickly stopped: "Don't cook at noon."

Tong Qingquan looked straight at Han Fei: "I will come back tonight."

After a while, one cat per person came to the edge of the waterfall.

Han Fei is still a little speechless, he couldn't help but ask: "Rhubarb, that young man who has been haunted by ghosts all day long, why does he go on weekdays?"

Dahuang Huang squatted on the stone and looked up at the hanging waterfall: "He is climbing a mountain."

Han Fei followed the rhubarb's gaze and stumbled: "Climb this?"

Dahuang Huang nodded his head: "Yeah! In the beginning, he was often washed down, but then he wouldn't. He would climb to the top to practice."

非 Han Fei was even more surprised: "Qing 宸 is a stream of refining?"

Rhubarb meowed, and saw it crouching on the side of the stone, fluttering its tail, quickly changed like a fishing line, and began to fall.

非 Han Fei couldn't help laughing: it was a magical cat, fishing with its tail! However, Han Fei perceives it a little, and he is surprised to find that when the cat's tail fell into the water, I do not know when it changed? The yellow hairs hang down, which is exactly the same as the fishing line.

Dahuang Huang whispered to Han Fei Meow: "Don't perceive, the fish scares you away. You'd better not perceive yourself, the fish here is very fine."

"Very fine?"

非 Han Fei smiled slightly and did not speak to Rhubarb anymore. It seems that the fishing rod has been thrown out. In fact, the fishing line is not hidden, but it is pretended.

Because he didn't use perception, Rhubarb didn't know how Han Fei was fishing. This facilitates Han Fei's use of the Nether Line.

When the line of nothingness dives into the water, Han Fei finds that spiritual power can still perceive the area within 100 meters through the line of nothingness. Soon, Han Fei found some red fish with butterfly wings, half a meter in size, floating in the water.

嗯 "Huh? This kind of fish is strange, should it be a kind of butterfly fish?"

Han Fei controlled the line of nothingness and slowly reached out to the nearest butterfly fish. I don't know if it was out of some alertness, the butterfly fish shook twice, and suddenly sank seven or eight meters underwater. Then, the round eyes seemed to be alert.

This scene made Han Fei subconsciously stop manipulating the line of nothingness.

It lasted for about seven or eight breaths, and the butterfly fish was still standing upright, and was sucking something.

非 Han Fei's heart moved a little: Sure enough, she was alert, and could even perceive the line of nothingness?

This time, Han Fei took back his mental power a little, his perception became blurred, and he no longer saw the butterfly fish clearly. However, this did not affect the line of nothingness, and extended towards the butterflyfish again.

This time, the butterfly fish didn't have any special reaction, and the eyes rolled a few times, seeming a little confused. Then, just do nothing and continue to suck.

Nine lines of nothingness landed around the butterfly fish at a very slow speed. When Han Fei tried to hold this butterflyfish with a nothingness line, the latter suddenly suffered a shock ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and tried to escape.

非 Han Fei hurriedly shot. At the same time, three lines of nothingness simultaneously hooked the tail, head, and fin wings on one side.

"Hoo! What a smart fish."

非 Han Feijian caught this butterfly fish, and the other six lines of nothingness quickly caught other parts of this butterfly fish.

When the nine lines of nothingness caught the butterflyfish, Han Fei's heart moved and his vision began to blur.

It took about 10 minutes to work, and Han Fei found that he had an extra vision, which was actually a fish vision.

视野 This field of view is extremely strange. The range that can be observed is 270 degrees even without 360 degrees. Everything that appears in the eyes is deformed.

However, this is not the key, and Han Fei is inexplicable at this moment.


He took a breath: It turns out that the line of nothingness can not only catch its spirit, but also deprive the other's body of will.

Once the hooked creature is completely locked and unable to escape, then he can dominate his soul.

"Great magic control."

Han Fei's face changed. If so, wouldn't he be able to have multiple avatars? All the figures in the hooks have become puppets. How terrible is this?

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