God of Fishing

Chapter 838: Swallowing Fish

The violent wind was whistling, and it seemed that a huge endless wind wall fell from the sky and went straight into the deep sea.

This scene reminded Han Fei of the cracks in the abyss of the tertiary fishing ground. That crack also runs through tens of thousands of miles. At least, at the beginning, I couldn't go to the end, and I didn't even dare to enter the secret place in front of me.

The wind wall of the windy Grand Canyon is very similar to the wall of Jianqi outside the cracks of the abyss.

The angry waves are rolling, the big waves are stacked, and one wave follows the other. In this case, an ordinary ship can basically be sunk in one case.

The only difference between the ridge and the abyss crack is that the sword gas wall of the abyss crack appears only on both sides of the crack, and the wind wall of the windy grand canyon is filled with the entire crack and the surrounding area. The farther to the center, the more outrageous the storm.

This is just the wind wall over the Grand Canyon.

In fact, at this position where Han Fei is, he has been involved in a huge hurricane vortex. The clouds are not visible in the sky, or the clouds and fog above the sky have been rolled up by the hurricane, forming a huge vortex.

Stepping into the vortex, Han Fei felt that if he did not use the aura to stabilize, he could be immediately rolled up.

Han Fei can't help but sigh, this level of wind, said it was a 20-level cyclone, I'm afraid it's too much, right?

When Han Fei is a little closer, I occasionally see the sky ... Yes, there are occasionally white wings flying in the sky, which is a blue fish with two pairs of white wings.

The two pairs of wings are a pair of large wings and a pair of small wings. The large fins replace the shark fins in the head and abdomen, and the small fins grow near the tail. On the tail, a fan-shaped white feather was dragged.

呵 "Oh! Birds don't dare to be so long, how can a fish grow like this?"

风 The windy wing in Han Fei's eyes was soaring in the wind. It ’s just that no one grabs it, because its wingspan spread is only about 4 meters, less than 5 meters. Obviously nobody wants to grab it!

When the boat was within a hundred miles, the fishing boat would not move. Here, the water is surging, and Han Fei can only walk on the waves.

Looking up in the sky, I often saw blue and white figures flashing across the hurricane. That kind of speed is terrible and fast. These wind fins are flying with the power of the wind. They know the wind, and with the naked eye, they can often only see a white shadow flashing through the sky.

I waited for Han Fei to walk forward step by step, still no one was seen. Except for the wind wall that was incompatible with the crazy style, there seemed to be no other creatures here.

Even if he entered the bottom of the sea, Han Fei didn't perceive the existence of a creature of fish and shrimp, not even sea clams, let alone plants such as seagrass. The bottom of the sea is full of large reefs, and the soil is rare.

I was walking all the way in Han Fei. When the huge canyon crack was only 30 miles away, a white shadow flew out of the crack instantly, followed closely by a figure.

I waited for Han Fei to understand. It turned out that someone had forcibly caught the wind wing with a fishing rod and flew into the clouds.

The figure of one person and one fish quickly lifted into the sky, and the speed was astonishing. This is the effect that natural wind can achieve.

Han Fei did not rush into the canyon. He looked up and noticed that the man's face had been deformed in the sky, forcibly controlled the retracting fishing rod, and tried to approach the wind wing.

In order to avoid being caught by the man, Fengtianfeng directly flew to the edge of the central wind eye. Han Fei could see that a layer of frost had quickly condensed on the human body, and that frost covered his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From this, Han Fei can judge that the temperature is extremely low, and he does not know how much it has reached minus zero.

However, Han Fei did not think that these frosts could stop a submerged fisherman. He felt that it was sooner or later that this wind wing was caught.

However, just when Han Fei felt that this man was about to succeed, suddenly, the battle suit on this man began to shatter. Immediately afterwards, blood seemed to surge out.

"Oh! Is it torn? Why?"

Han Fei is a little moved. If only the power of the wind or the power of frost, how can you make the best clothing tear?

"Quiet wind?"

非 Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly. Yes, the simple wind does not have such a terrifying attack power, but the silence of the wind can.

Howling wind fin is a kind of wind-eating fish, it can devour the silence of howling wind, but humans cannot.

I saw the submerger-level strongman and quickly released the fishing rod. The whole person, letting the wind swept away, quickly broke away from the area of ​​the dying wind. Flying all the way dozens of miles away, this talent stabilized his body and landed slowly.

A moment later, when Han Fei saw the man at the entrance of the Grand Canyon again, the man was pale and there were countless bloodstains on his body. I saw him smile at Han Fei: "I'm smiling."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "You have chosen a 7-meter wind-winged wing, you can consider a 6-meter one."

The man shook his head slightly: "No, the snorkeler and law enforcement both need wings, and the stronger the wind, the better."

非 Han Fei smiled slightly: "Good luck."

I said, the two didn't talk anymore, but walked into the canyon together.

韩 The moment Han Fei stepped into the windy Grand Canyon, he found a weird wind blowing from the canyon. The cold gust of wind fell on the body like a wind knife. Although this kind of lethality was only felt for the first time, Han Fei felt that it had the strength when he first entered the angler.

人 The man walked down without hesitation, seemingly disregarding such a little faint wind of silence.

Han Fei was also quite curious, and he swooped down, leaning on the aura of shock, he could easily break through these very weak winds of silence. After falling 1000 meters, Han Fei discovered the power of the dying howling wind, and faintly reached the realm of tearing the primary angler.

After his Majesty reached 3,000 meters, Han Fei felt that the dying wind was even tearing up the intermediate fisherman.

After His Majesty reached more than 4,000 meters, Han Fei found that the power of the extinct howling wind can already tear the senior angling fisherman.

And here, it is already the bottom of the sea, there are many, many people sitting on the bottom of the sea. There is no water here, only the wind, and the clothes are blown by one by one.

More people are wearing battle clothes, because the wind of silence can easily tear ordinary clothes into pieces.

Looking at the huge canyon, there was a person sitting cross-legged every few hundred meters, Han Fei could not help shaking his head and smiled: It seems that this is not a dying cemetery.

呼 "Hello, there must be at least 500 people! Some are still at the peak of suspenders, some have broken through."

And just now the man just fell, and someone laughed, "Old man, didn't get caught? You're the third time?"

Someone said: "Lao Jia, within three days, you must succeed! Otherwise, you choose the same level of wind winged wing 51, the wingspan 6 meters is enough."

"Yeah! Old man, you've spent a day and a half."

The guy named Laojia put a spirit fruit directly in his mouth and sneered: "I have grasped the rhythm. Once again, it must succeed."

He said, he didn't listen to other people's advice, he sat cross-legged and began to recover.

Only then did someone notice the arrival of Han Fei. It may be because Han Fei has been out of the island for too long. At this moment, no one remembers him.

Moreover, listening to them from Luo Xiaobai, Sun Mu's group of people have already broken through to the snorkelers. I want to come. I have already caught the wind winged wings and got the wings?

Someone glanced at Han Fei: "Brother, did you come to adapt to the dying wind in advance?"

Someone was slightly surprised: "Oh! You look familiar, where do you seem to have seen it?"

Someone teased: "You look familiar to everyone."

Someone joked: "Brother, how many levels of wind wing are you going to catch?"

Someone asked, "Brother, if you want to make a breakthrough, and wait a few days. Someone has arranged a breakthrough in the next five days, but don't coincide with the breakthrough time of others. It will lead to aura competition and unstable realm!"

Uh ...

Listening to a group of people talking arrogantly, Han Fei secretly said: These people are half-footed into the snorkeler. Therefore, the bleak winds of high-level anglers can only be torn here, and they cannot be threatened.

It is for this reason that they have someone here to chat and chat.

I saw Han Fei's mouth slightly twitching, "Excuse me, how do you get to Silent Cemetery?"

Suddenly, the various transmissions disappeared.

Many people stared at Han Fei stupidly. Some people who were practicing looked at Han Fei in amazement. Some people who were just joking were stunned ...

I just arrested Feng Tianyi's unsuccessful hometown, and suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at Han Fei up and down, "You're going to silence the cemetery?"

非 Han Fei nodded slightly: "I try."


A lot of people took a breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed to marvel at Han Fei's courage.

Someone was surprised: "Brother, which department of Tianjiao are you?"

Some people said in a deep voice: "The ones who dare to silence the cemetery usually don't appear one in a few months. This month, they are already the fifth one."

Han Fei was surprised: "Fifth? Are there many people going to the silent graveyard?"

Someone laughed at himself: "Yeah! A well-armed little fat man, the talented craftsman Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer, a glamorous woman in the law enforcement group ... and you."

非 Han Fei's heart moved slightly, and Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer also came?

Alas, it's true to think about it, those two guys are refiners. Armed here, it must be ready.

He only listened to the old man saying, "It is said that the Silent Cemetery is in the middle of the Grand Canyon. You must walk at least 3,000 miles before you can see the Silent Cemetery."

Someone said: "Brother, don't blame us for not reminding you. The further forward, the stronger the wind of silence, the more water of silence, the more powerful the wind wing will attack you."

非 Han Fei nodded slightly: "Thank you for your reminder."

Waiting for the person to finish speaking, Han Fei has gone forward.

After a short while, Han Fei passed everyone and stepped into that even more violent wind of silence.

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