God of Fishing

Chapter 847: Phantom Glass Wings

韩 When Han Fei broke through the dying wind, those who had been sitting on the chassis of the sea also saw them and raised their heads in amazement.

Someone exclaimed, "What's that?"

Someone wondered: "It seems to be the wind-winged wing ... My sky, the wind-winged wing is too big, and the wings spread 18 meters?"

Someone suddenly got up and pointed to the sky vault: "Look, there seems to be another wind wing fin chasing. However, the wind wing wing behind it has golden wings and spread its wings only 6 meters?"

Someone cursed, "Are you blind? That's a fart, that's a person."


A group of people exclaimed. The news really stimulated their brains.

Immediately, someone drank: "Someone hunted the wind winged king of the sky, go, go and see."

"Go together."

"Go together."

Uh ...

Han Fei's figure was approaching the wind-winged fin quickly, throwing the line of nothingness, and the dragon-spine fishing rod in his hand also hooked.

Because the soul of this wind-winged wing has been controlled, it is just struggling violently. Therefore, at this moment, its speed has plummeted, which gives Han Fei a chance to succeed.

On top of the sky, two sledgehammers smashed into the air, hammering rippling golden ripples in the air, which blocked the dozens of wind blades. Han Fei then turned around and turned on the oncoming Fengtian fin.

At that moment, the information appeared in my eyes.

名称 [Name] Fengtian Wing Soul King

介绍 [Introduction] The rare King of Undead Heroes in the field of wind can't return during his lifetime, but died after death. Live for the wind, die for the wind. Become a soul by not allowing other beings to destroy their resting place. Feng Tian Yi Ying Soul will retain a little of his will before life, timid, curious, like to fly, like to bully weaker creatures than himself. With its four wings open, it can raise the sharp wind blade, and deliciously spray the silent wind.

【Level】 63

[Quality] Undead

[Reiki] 50002 points

[Collectable] Immortal, Wind God Pearl

【Not absorbable】

[Remarks] After taking the Fengshen Pearl, you need to take it within one hundred breaths.

[Note 2] This Fengshen Pearl is shaped like a phantom and looks like a glass.

非 Han Fei took a deep breath, and the king-class species was really incomparable.

Alas, Fengshen Zhuyan looked at her hand.

It takes a few hundred breaths at most, and I can subdue it myself.

At this moment, Han Fei is very grateful that Feng Tian Chi is a timid creature. Even if he became the soul king, he was still timid.

Otherwise, there is simply no chance of conquering a level 63 undead.

In a sense, this is a realm of law enforcement!

Suddenly, Han Fei glanced down, many people vacated, and many others floated above the sea.

"Huh? Cao Qiu, they haven't left yet ... Mo Fei is still there?"

韩 When Han Fei felt that he could not take off the Wind God Pearl here, he glanced at his eyes and found a person standing on the sea.

"Oh! Jiuyin Ling, why is she there?"

Alas, I can't control that much now. Fengtian Wing Soul King is still struggling. Han Fei was chasing around in the sky, breaking the clouds for a while, entering the sea for a while, going straight down, and then going up.

Jain is sour, and the bitme fighter is much sour.

非 Han Fei's seven tricks are bleeding, and that is the injury he suffered from fighting for control with this wind wing. However, this little injury is not enough to make Han Fei hurt his muscles. Victory is already in sight, with some injuries, what else?

"Grandson, give me a break, believe it or not, Grandpa has sealed you?"

Han Fei's heart suddenly moved: Yes! Even if the Fengshenzhu of this goods is picked, isn't it the King of Fengtian Wing without wings? Can I still use it to seal the spirit?


Finally, I don't know if this wind-winged wing is unconscious? At this moment, it suddenly dropped its head and planted it at an incredible speed.

"Crouch! Do you want to hit me, Grandpa?"


Wu Guangying entered the sea and smashed a tumbling wave. Han Fei only felt the five internal organs tumbling. At the moment when he entered the sea, Han Fei felt that he had almost controlled the wind wing.

韩 As Han Fei was preparing to control this wind wing, and when he went into the wind, he suddenly heard a sound: "You absorb it, I help you protect the law."

Han Fei perceives it, but sees Jiu Yinling, she doesn't know when it is within 50 miles of herself.

Thinking for a moment, it seems that he has delayed some time. I heard that as soon as you break through the submerger, the sooner you swallow the wind bead, the better. If you go into the wind and find a place without people, it will take time! Now, there is a law enforcer who defends the law for himself. What else is he worried about? Simply, now!

I saw that Han Fei held the Fengshen Bead in the wind and wings with one hand, without thinking, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Suddenly the moment it was in the downwind **** bead, the wind-winged winged soul king disappeared and disappeared.

What a pity, Han Fei also wanted to put it into the demon pot.

When Feng Feng Shenzhu entered the body, Han Fei immediately felt that a fierce wind was set in his body. The violent power seemed to want to tear his flesh.

However, Han Fei's physique is very accessible!

In particular, after Han Fei broke through the submersible fishermen, it can be said to be a higher level, naturally stronger.

So, forcing the face to twist, just wait for this Fengshenzhu to digest.

At that moment, Han Fei stood proud in the sea water, and Xiao Jin and Tu Fei rounded into their bodies. Behind him, there seems to be something that wants to get out in general. The hot pain wants to grow and give birth to from the back.


Han Fei feels that his skin is torn and something is growing rapidly, like a part of his body.

Near Han Fei, a lot of people came around: Fengshenzhu! Can you see someone absorb Fengshenzhu, how can they not come?

However, listening to Jiu Yinling said lightly, "Everyone must not enter within 50 miles of him."

Cao Qiu immediately said, "Xiao Jiu, our perception range is not that big!"

Shemu Jiaer nodded again and again: "Jiuer, you let me go! I'll see if the liar absorbed it, is it Fengshenzhu?"

However, watching Cao Qiu and Mu Jia'er trying to sneak forward, Jiu Yinling pointed her finger: "Seal!"

The two of them were stagnant, and looked back at Jiuyin Ling with bitter faces.

I only heard Jiuyin Ling say faintly, "It's the **** of wind."

After finishing talking, Jiuyin Ling pointed her finger at an invisible water vein and smashed it.

After a while, she glanced at Mo Fei lightly and said, "No next time."

墨 Fei Yun looks ugly. He snorted and chose to leave.

At this time, she also understood: Jiu Yinling really fancy Han Fei.

Nowadays, as long as he is not a law enforcer, no one can interfere with Han Fei's absorption of Fengshenzhu.

At this time, don't you go? Is it waiting for Han Fei to absorb Fengshenzhu and come to his trouble?

"Damn, Han Fei ... you asshole, sooner or later I ... shoot you."

Momo Feiyu left.

Others are constrained by Jiuyin Ling and can only wait for Han Fei to come out of the sea water.

Among the people present at the scene, there were only two law enforcement officers like Jiuyin Ling, and two mentally powerful eight-star titles. These eight-star people are at the pinnacle of snorkelers, but they are the inspectors here. They can perceive the scene when Han Fei breaks through.

At this moment.

Behind Han Fei, he did not stretch out a pair of white wings at all. They are a pair of wings shaped like a phantom, like a glass, in the void, looming. At this point, the pair of wings slowly extended.

Moreover, the pair of glazed wings seemed to be like human breaths, disappearing and disappearing, which was strange.

There was a faint smile on Wu Jiuyinling's face. Looking at the growing wings, he couldn't help sighing: It turned out that he was so powerful!

Several other people also looked moved.

One law enforcer sighed, "It's really ... awesome! The characteristics of this aeolian pearl are strange."

Another law enforcement officer nodded: "Yes, I remember the last Aeolian Bead, which is the wings of fire, contains the power of Fenghuo, but I don't know the characteristics of this Aeolian Bead?"

那 And the two star powerhouses are full of envy. There are no weak people who can get Fengshenzhu since ancient times. That's all Tianjiao in Tianjiao, which has the chance and luck to join.

Obviously, Han Fei is just such a person.

Among them, some people still remember that they still told Han Fei the rules of the Grand Canyon in the wind ... I never expected to meet again so soon! He even did not expect that Han Fei had the ability to get Fengshenzhu.

Outside, a group of people were restless and impatient.

Shemu Jiaer has rushed to the side of Jiuyin Ling: "Small Jiu, what, what? Is it the wing of fire and flame?"

Wu Jiuyinling shook her head slightly: "No, I don't know."

Shemu Jiaer eagerly said, "What is it like?"


牧 When Mu Jiaer was inquiring hard, suddenly, the water surface exploded, and the waves splashed, and the huge feather-like wings like a glass appeared out of the water.

Followed by more than 10 afterimages, a bit like Xia Xiaochan's shadow. As Han Fei stood still, those dozens of afterimages had not entered Han Fei's body one after another.


Shemu Jiaer folded her hands on her chest, eyes full of little stars: "What beautiful wings!"

Cao Qiu exclaimed: "Oh my god! It's 18 meters ... Han Fei, how did you do that?"

Someone exclaimed, "What are those wings? It's not the fire wings!"

Someone was shocked: "A turtle son, this is too beautiful."

One law enforcement officer said indifferently: "You guys are shocked. More than 60 years ago, that Fengshen Pearl was a Fenghuo wing. This does not mean that all Fengshenzhu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are all Fenghuo wings. For example, more than 100 years ago That wind **** bead is the cloud and water **** wings. "

I only listened to the law enforcement officer saying to Han Fei: "Han Fei, right? What is your name? What are the characteristics? You can show it to everyone and motivate everyone present."

Han Fei said, "I don't know!"

He heard the man laugh and said, "This is simple. It is now part of your body. You only need to move your heart and feel it carefully, and you will know what it has."

瞅 Han Fei glanced at his wings, and information appeared in his eyes.

[Name] Phantom Glass Wings

介绍 [Introduction] One of the strange characteristics of Fengshenzhu. Obtained from the Fengtian Wing Soul King, it can be raised as the realm rises. It has the characteristic of multiplying speed and can master the wind's agility. Traveling between shadows and shapes, like dreams, has the power to shuttle the void.

【Combat Technique 1】 Void Phantom can travel through the Void indefinitely within a hundred meters, leaving 9 residual shadow clones at the same time.

[Combat Skill 2] The speed of the wind is 3 times faster, the aura is not dry, and the speed is more than constant.

【Combat 3】 The blade of the wind can cut out two winds of silence, and then you need to absorb the wind.

[Remarks] The power of Phantom Glass Wings will grow with the growth of the owner, until it breaks through the explorer and no longer grows.

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