God of Fishing

Chapter 850: Little girl

非 Han Fei felt very uncomfortable about Jiuyin Ling's present appearance. Even if you are in love, you haven't talked about it that way!

So what is the law of freedom? Pure, is to make people uncomfortable. This is clearly uncomfortable! Han Fei once suspected that Jiuyin Ling was forced to helplessly because of practicing this free law?


非 Han Fei said solemnly: "Xiao Jiu, is there some problem in your practice of freedom?"

Jiuyin Ling blinked her eyes: "No! Freedom Law, also known as" Freedom Path ", is a magical method inherited from the bloodline. It seems that someone in our family also got it more than 300 years ago. But, That ancestor fell in the realm of snorkelers and failed to go higher. "

Han Fei groaned for a while, then suddenly smiled: "In fact, I am from a village, and I can't compare with your Qianxingcheng clan ..."

"I do not care!"

非 Han Fei's face froze for a moment, then smiled: "So, you have to tell me your origin, identity?"

He saw Jiuyin Ling nodding his head again and again: "In fact, our family is also a declining family of Qianxing City. Because of its thin bloodline, the family's existing population is less than 100 people ..."

After a short while, Han Fei heard it. What the girl said was very thorough. In addition to their family, there is a younger brother, and this generation is hers. Her brother is only 5 years old this year, and has not passed on the "Freedom Path". Because it depends on the chance.

So her family can only pin her hopes on her.

As a result, the girl was practicing with no ambition since she was a child.

Foreseeable is that once Jiuyin Ling breaks through the realm of explorers, their family will inevitably rise.

非 Han Fei couldn't help but sigh slightly: the existence of the family, he never had any concept.

At this moment, after listening to Jiu Yinling's description for a long time, he suddenly said, "Can you show me your" Freedom Method "?"

非 Han Fei pondered: If it really doesn't work, help her put the "Freedom Path" free of charge and try it out? In case, you don't need to be uncomfortable?

Jiuyin Ling nodded slightly, nodding. After a while, she took out a jade bamboo slip and handed it to Han Fei.

At the same time, Jiuyin Ling said: "However, the" Freedom Path "requires a special bloodline to cultivate."

非 Han Fei waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't practice. Let me help you see if there is any problem with this method?"

It is no surprise that Han Fei gave Jiuyin Ling the Hesitant Way without hesitation.

Anyway, others cannot cultivate.

Anyway, Jiuyin Ling now wants to fall in love with herself, and it is only natural for her.

Han Fei took Yu Jian and passed it by.

"Enlightenment Method" [Tianjin Shenpin]

Introduction: In ancient times, some powerful people intercepted the nine sounds of heavenly path and merged them into the blood and spirits, deducing the strange method to conceal the way of heaven and man. This method of cultivation should be free in heaven and earth, also known as humane law. To practice this method, you must have the bloodline heritage of this strong person, you must have no side in your heart, you must have a sense of life, and you must have entered the world. Once the obstacle is broken, the strength will increase extremely quickly.

Deduction consumption: 0/1 billion

Deduction result: unknown

Note: More than nine sounds? This method is necessarily incomplete.

"Sure enough!"

非 Han Fei secretly praised his wit. There really is something wrong with this exercise! Although it is a heavenly god, this method has great problems when it was created.

Wu Lian Yaohu said: Heaven is more than nine sounds? Han Fei felt more than that.

非 Han Fei grinned suddenly, as long as he could find the problem, there would be a solution. There is no need to be so complicated as old lady Yin said ... what came from the ancient book? Look for it in heaven? So what separates a person into three people, if you meet and do it yourself, do something with yourself?

Seeing Han Fei's mouth twitching a smile, Jiuyin Ling couldn't help wondering: "You, can you understand?"

"Oh! I just feel funny ... Xiaojiu, how much do you think?"

I saw Jiuyin Ling very seriously, "Jiuyin!"

非 Han Fei grinned suddenly and looked up at Jiuyin Ling: "Do you believe me?"

Jiu Yinling nodded seriously.

非 Han Fei smiled lightly: "That's good! Get me 100,000 catties of Lingquan, don't ask me why."

Jiuyin Ling froze for a moment, then nervously pinching her horns, and suddenly blushed: "I, my family is poor."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei's smiling face suddenly froze there. Isn't your home a thousand stars city? Your poor family, you can't get 100,000 jinlingquan?

Wu Jiuyinling lowered her head and said nervously: "In order to cultivate for me, my family has all given me resources ..."


非 Han Fei sighed. Don't look at Jiu Yinling's current state of affairs, but in fact, she is still like a worldly girl! Could it be that I have to paste this one hundred million aura?

That's not possible! Now that he has aura of reserve, although there are still more than one hundred million lost, he can't stand the deduction of "Freedom Path" once! After deduction, do it yourself?

Han Fei couldn't help but say, "Little nine! Let me tell you so, your exercises are incomplete."

Jiu Yinling suddenly looked up: "No, that's impossible!"

非 Han Fei sneered: "There are more than nine sounds in heaven? There are three thousand avenues, many sounds in heaven, and billions of stars. How can there be only nine sounds?"

Wu Jiuyinling was at a loss for a moment: "However, it is recorded in the exercises ..."

Han Fei got up and said leisurely: "Gongfa is Gongfa. Maybe your ancestors made mistakes when creating this Fa. But don't panic, I don't think there is a method of entering the WTO in this Gongfa? Have you seen The world on earth? Have you seen these billions of lives? Have you ever been to villages, towns, farms, vegetables, and cooking. Have you really penetrated the ordinary people? "

Jiuyin Ling paused for a while, then shook her head slightly.

Han Feihe laughed: "You see, this is not right. Do you think that if you fight with the Kraken on the Broken Star Island, even if you join the WTO? You have to try to start from an ordinary person and experience the ordinary life. It's accession to the WTO. You haven't even joined the WTO. What's the use of just dating? "

Jiuyin Ling frowned slightly, at a loss: "So ... that ... Are you going with me?"

"Cough! Cough ..."

Han Fei is almost one 踉跄: It does n’t make sense to this girl!

Don't watch when Jiuyin Ling is showing the style of the strong, five people and six people are actually stupid and sweet, this problem is very serious.

Han Fei was very uncomfortable and said nothing: "You have your freedom, I have my heart ... Well, you want to be my girlfriend, you want me to take you into the WTO experience, wait for my law enforcement . "

I did n’t wait for Jiu Yinling to speak, Han Fei quickly said, "My way is no easier than yours. I bet if you are in the same realm with me, you are not my opponent."

Jiu Yinling thought for a moment, nodded slightly, then weakly said, "I can help you."

At the corner of Han Fei's mouth, a smile appeared: "No, my way, I have to travel by myself, has nothing to do with others. Even when Xia Xiaochan was here, she never interfered with my way. This is a girlfriend's Basic cultivation. "

Jiu Yinling was silent for a long time: "Oh!"

非 Han Fei secretly exhaled, and finally flickered past. Flee first, then ... law enforcement? Oh, the speed of promotion, law enforcement is early.

如何 Even if you break through the law enforcement agencies, what? Jiuyin Ling is only in the early days of law enforcement. She can at least continue to practice, and she still has time later.

I'll wait for the law enforcement myself in the future, maybe one hundred million auras, maybe we've got it a long time ago. It really doesn't work, why don't I take you to be an ordinary person, all right? When you are an ordinary person, you may be promoted, or you may reach the peak of law enforcement.

非 Han Fei felt that he was about to be persuaded by himself. So he hit the railroad while he was hot: "What the hell? Let me arrange a task for you?"

Jiu Yinling: "???"

非 Han Fei's face was filled with a bright smile: "In the future, you will go shopping more."


Han Fei nodded earnestly: "Yes, that is shopping. Go meet some friends, observe and observe what normal people do normally. Just right, you are right, I just became a snorkeler, and I need to be stable. I go to the unknown Fighting. Let's ... work together, yes, just work together. "

Wu Jiuyinling gradually ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a smile on her face: "Together ... hard work ... shall we?"

Han Fei nodded if the chicken pecked rice: "Yes, yes, love, not talking about it. It ... it takes time to buffer. Well ... yes, yes, it is buffering. Only when The opportunity is here, and it feels right, let it all go, naturally ... you know? "

Jiu Yinling shook her head blankly.


Han Fei patted his thigh violently: "I do n’t understand, that's right. This is the type of entry into the WTO! You have to go through this process. How can anyone fall in love when they fall in love? What do you talk about? In this way, you first Go back and think about it. This is not anxious, as the so-called craving is not reached, the desire is just ... "

Uh ...

I finally got Jiu Yinling away from Huyou. Han Fei sat down directly in his chair.


"Scared me! Well, let's talk for two years."

非 Han Fei pondered: If these people force themselves again, I have to find a way to go and be a sea monster.

The matter was temporarily resolved, Han Fei suddenly stood up and walked out of the hospital.

Now that I'm back, I'm going to fight.

As for the Pearl Sea? Let it go for two days, and wait until you are completely familiar with your current physique and combat power ...

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