God of Fishing

Chapter 857: Encounter in Zhuzhu Port

Fengshenzhou can travel as fast as 60,000 miles a day.

非 Han Fei regrets that after mastering the formation, he has not yet carved all kinds of speed formations into Fengshenzhou.

Alas, this speed is relatively slow. It took two and a half days for everyone to reach the big ship in the center of Pearl Sea.

He is not so much a ship as a fortress standing in the middle of the sea. That wasn't the shape of a ship at all. Below it was an indestructible mountain, as if nailed to the bottom of the sea.

Above the sea surface, from about 300 meters, there are various stairways, walkways and porches, and many windows. As you go up, the structure becomes more complicated, like building a small city on a boat-shaped mountain peak.

Luo Xiaobaidao: "The pearl-loving people like to call this port Zhuhai. Here, it has become a small town. Although the products are not as rich as Broken Star Island, they are not small. And because this is the Pearl Sea It is the source of money for Broken Star Island, Thousand Star City, and 36 Towns, so there are often large transactions here. Therefore, there are often huge wealthy people staying here. "

非 Han Fei's eyes brightened: "Huge rich?"

Luo Xiaobai glanced at him: "Don't make a bad idea. Because it is rich here, it has a lot of facilities, and it often sells rare items. Don't worry about any accidents in the auction here? At any time in Zhugang, at least 10 strong men in the realm of law enforcement will be retained ... "

Han Fei took a breath and looked at Luo Xiaobai one after another: "Where are we going now?"

Luo Xiaobaidao: "Go to pay the money to go to the sea. We ca n’t pluck pearls without getting permission. Zhuzhu port itself is nothing to visit, but the building types are different. The other corresponding facilities are not much different from Broken Star Island . "

非 Han Feidao: "What about the auction? When will it be held?"

Luo Luo Xiaobai said: "This is not clear. I just read the information and said it is irregular. However, if there is an auction, it will be posted in the registration office."

After a while.

Under the leadership of Luo Xiaobai, all the people set foot on an empty port.

In fact, you don't need Han Fei and others to deliberately seek.

As long as you walk up the Airport City Road, you can see it with your naked eyes. The minaret-shaped building standing about 3,000 meters away. Except that building, the other places here are squares.

Luo Xiaobai explained: "The registry has two functions, one is the pearl picking transfer service for pearl pickers, and the other is the issuance of temporary sea-going cards. Recently, everyone knows that there is something wrong with the Pearl Sea. Therefore, there are many people. There are many people who want to explore. "

Han Fei went to the registration office and listened only to Han Feidao: "The temporary card has expired? What if I have to come here to renew my bill? Wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Luo Luo Xiaobaidao: "The temporary card is presented to you in white. Once it expires, it will appear in black. At that time, as long as you are in Zhuhai, someone will come to you and pay you on the spot."

非 Han Fei nodded: "It's really expensive! 5,000 top-quality pearls a day! Is this too expensive?"

Qi Leren nodded madly: "Really, this is too expensive. We need to catch more marine creatures and go back ...?"

Luo Xiaobai said: "No! The area of ​​the Pearl Sea is a low-level creature. Because of the many species here, those aura mussels are more likely to prey and better breed high-quality pearls. If they are randomly killed and found, Is to be fined. "

Han Fei and others were surprised to hear: How could there be such rules?

Han Fei thought for a moment: "Forget it. However, once the temporary card expires, will it be known immediately here? And, can we determine our position?"

Luo Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, Pearl Sea is not small. We stay here for 20 days. If no problems are found for 20 days, we will leave."

Han Fei nodded: "I agree."

The happy people booed, "400,000 top-quality pearls, is this gone?"

Zhang Xuanyu said lazily: "Things that can attract so many people's attention. Once they find that there is something else here, its value is more than 400,000? But I wonder if they want to lie to us for money? "

Luo Luo shook his head and smiled lightly: "Not yet."

After a while.

非 On the way to the registration hall, Han Fei found that most of the people coming and going were in the realm of angling fishermen.

Among them, many people's bodies are defective. Some people have one arm missing, some have half an arm missing, some have problems with their legs and feet, and some have masks on their faces.

In fact, many injuries can be recovered except for the broken limbs that cannot grow. Otherwise, why should we gather together?

Luo Xiaobai said: "Most of them came down from the battlefield. Most of these people are disabled, which means that even the gathered spiritual masters are helpless to their injuries. They also have no money to invite stronger spiritual masters or alchemists, Go to buy medicine to see a doctor. So, to be a pearl picker is to make money. After treating the pain, most people will not continue to be pearl pickers. "

Finally came to the registration hall, Han Fei deliberately banged on the wall 瞅. However, no auction news was posted here. So Han Fei entered the registration hall.

In the hall, there was a lot of vocals.

There are some reception windows, which are facing the pearl pickers. The method of distinguishing pearl pickers is actually very simple. Just look at which groups of people have a disability, basically those people are pearl pickers.

Han Fei: "Hello, four temporary waist cards, 20 days."

The waiter said, "Please pay 400,000 fine pearls."

Han Fei attracted many people's attention when they paid the money. Mainly Luo Xiaobai, they may be too outstanding.

Someone in the pearl picker team next to Xu was surprised: "Someone came to find the secret of the Pearl Sea shock?"

Someone shook his head slightly: "How many people have these people? They really don't give up? And what's so good about that fireball."

Someone said, "Idiot, do you see someone else's waistband? Six star killers, only one is a five star blood guard. That slap can shoot you dead."

He only listened to the man laughing and said, "What are you afraid of? This is Caizhugang, and no one has ever had trouble here."

Han Fei just listened to their conversation. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the two people: "Two brothers, how many fireballs did you say?"

Suddenly asked by Han Fei, the two were immediately shaken, and one of them said: "Master Bao, there are not many fireballs. However, you will find them occasionally when you pick pearls. But only for a while, they disappear. Now. "

非 Han Fei said, "What's that fireball?"

The pearl picker hurriedly said, "It ’s like a frisbee coral. However, it is a bit fatter than a frisbee coral. When it appears, it is always three or four, and it runs sideways in the water. The color is blue and purple, it is quite bright You can see it all the way. "

Another person added: "The lilac flame has been seen by many people. Some people have observed it closely, and someone has reached out and touched it! As a result, there is no temperature at all."

Han Fei was surprised and said, "Oh! So, have you all seen this?"

The two nodded: "In the Pearl Sea, just after the earthquake, basically all the pearl pickers have seen it. Later, it has become less and less. Until now, it is difficult to see it again. However, the most famous Yes, it's not the mysterious flame. "

Han Fei smiled and said, "Oh? What's that?"

I saw the man, glanced at Han Fei, and whispered, "Sir, this is a secret."

Han Fei walked down the door, the two of them smiled, and soon followed Han Fei to the door.

Han Fei: "It depends on your intelligence. How much is it worth?"

He saw a man hey he smiled and said, "Sir, Zhuzhu Port has not been announced to the public. That's because, during this time, some pearl pickers have disappeared inexplicably."

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes flashed lightly: "This makes sense. Otherwise, it would shock twice, and a few fires would burst out, I am afraid that no one would pay attention to it?"

Luo Luo Xiaobai glanced at the two of them: "100 fine pearls per person."

These two are not too few, and took the money with a smile.

I mean outdated information. Just to say a few words, the two of them made 200 top-quality pearls. Why not?

非 Han Fei looked at Luo Xiaobai and said: "It seems that there is indeed a secret! However, we seem to be late!"

Han Fei suddenly remembered: As soon as he came out of Broken Star Island, Luo Xiaobai seemed to mention it. However, at the time Luo Xiaobai said very casually, Han Fei didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that Pearl Sea, what secrets it seems to be hiding!

As the four went out, Luo Xiaobai said, "It's a bit late. Someone should have come to investigate. However, I think if your little white fish can have such a tracking ability, Maybe we still have a chance. "

Zhang Xuanyu and the musicians nodded again and again, they still believed in Xiaobai.

Han Fei grinned: "Then try it. If we can't find it, let's take a vacation here. Anyway, we have been here for a long time on the broken island, and we have n’t gotten together. This time Let ’s go out and explore. "

Zhang Xuanyu and the musician are crazy, and at the same time look at Han Fei.

Zhang Xuanyu said: "Well, you are obviously busy yourself? Busy with the refining machine, busy ... Later, just staying outside for so long!"

非 Han Fei laughed: "It's not too late to start now! Anyway ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's more than two years before we leave Broken Star Island! This is enough for us to explore many places ..."

Suddenly, at the corner of Han Fei's eyes, he found an acquaintance: Jiang Tong?

When Han Fei saw Jiang Tong, Jiang Tong also saw Han Fei.

This is a person with very low presence.

At the time, in Fenglei Town, the partnership cheated money ... 呸呸呸 ... When the partnership made money, this Jiangtong made a great effort.

Later, when he first came to Broken Star Island, Han Fei also saw Jiang Tong as he participated in the battle of the Heaven and Man Strait.

Later, Han Fei never met. But at this moment, he found that Jiang Tong had already become a sub-fisher, and his waist card was like six stars.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly realized: This person doesn't seem easy! He could quietly get the six-star title, faster than the madman! And no one knew him yet. This made Han Fei quite curious.

Qi Jiangtong saw Han Fei, his eyes staggered, and he went to the registration hall.

Han Fei immediately shouted, "What are you running? Come here, I haven't seen you for a long time, shouldn't you tell the old one?"

Tongjiang Tong cried with a sad face and turned back: He is special, and he did not expect that he would meet Han Fei at this time!

Qi Jiangtong laughed: "Oh! Coincidentally, coincidence, are you ... come to pick pearls?"

非 Han Feipi replied without a smile: "Do you think the four of us are like pearl pickers?"

Tongjiang Tong's mouth froze: "Not like."

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