God of Fishing

Chapter 863: frank

Han Fei found another great use of "God Control": not only can he control the soul and deprive the other body of control; after the death of the living beings, he can even deprive the other side of the soul without the body.

However, Han Fei did not dare to extract all these souls without subject. Only a relatively small part was pulled back by the line of nothingness, not even one tenth of the mussel **** spirit.

But even so, it's not small.

Han Fei felt that the soul of the owner who was pulled out of the line of nothingness was not violent at first and was within his acceptance. So, he was not polite at all, and directly took away these souls without subject.

Jo Mo, after a while of incense, Han Fei completely reunited with these souls. He quickly looked at his message:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 51 (junior snorkeler)

Reiki: 4619667 (23886)

Spiritual power: 3392/3392

Perception: 31999 meters

Spirit Pulse: Grade 7

Talented Soul Beast: Twin Yin and Yang Swallow Spirit Fish [Level 46]

Major training method: "Flying Fishing", the fifth layer of "God Control" [God Class]


At this point, Han Fei found that his mental strength had increased by more than 200 points, and his mouth widened immediately.

"Good guy, it is worthy of being a Hailing-level powerhouse! This spiritual strength is growing more than crossing a realm."

Han Fei opened his eyes, and the enthusiast has recovered. At this moment, the musician yelled immediately: "We have to find a way to go out, it seems a little unstable here."

Han Fei quickly looked around and found that there were cracks everywhere on the rock wall, and it seemed that he could collapse at any time.

Luo Xiaobai pointed at the jasper-like star and said: "It should be this shell. You collected it and tried it after refining?"

Han Fei glanced at the star shell, which is of course this thing. This space should be created by this shell.

Han Fei immediately stepped forward, pressed the shell with one hand, cut his palm, and let the blood drip.

As a result, Starbucks did not respond.

"Well! Don't you confess your blood?"

Han Fei was branded with a spirit, and the scenery changed in the next second. Four of them suddenly appeared in the sea. Han Fei was holding a small jasper shell.

Han Fei sensed it out for the first time, and found that 30 miles away, someone flew by fishing boat.

Immediately, Han Fei said: "We fought with the mussel girl, it seemed to have attracted the attention of the outside world. Walk around, leave this area and pretend to be a passerby ..."


After more than an hour, Han Fei and the four sat on the Fengshen boat and looked at each other.

On the way, they met at least 10 people, but fortunately there were no law enforcers among them. Otherwise, Han Fei had already discovered it.

However, after fleeing so far, Han Fei also pretended to be a treasure hunt team and began to explore nearby.

After less than a hundred breaths, some people passed by Han Fei.

The man was exactly a law enforcer. When he saw the four Han Fei, he couldn't help but wonder: "When did you come?"

Han Fei pretended to be slightly weird: "We have just arrived!"

The law enforcer, seeing Han Fei's temporary waistband and Six Stars waistband, nodded slightly: "This time the movement is relatively large. However, there is no purple fire, please be careful!"

Having said that, the law enforcement officer left, leaving Han Fei to face each other again.

The musician hurriedly said, "We seem to be quite lucky."

Zhang Xuanyu nodded: "I almost found it out for law enforcement."

Han Fei arrives: "Let's fly to the sky, and the madman will control the fishing boat and fly anywhere. Don't hurry up. I'll take a look at this time.

All the harvest this time, all in the star shell.

At the moment of his appearance, Han Fei had discovered that the interior of Xingchen Bei became a huge space with a range of 20 miles. This is much better than that sun and moon! It even said that it was much larger than the space for refining the world at the moment.

Unfortunately, there aren't that many babies. Han Fei discovered the first time and pulled out a token and a sea word.

Luo Xiaobai said in surprise: "Same as yours."

Zhang Xuanyu was pleasantly surprised: "I don't know if this token can only be used by one person? If only one per person would be fine. No, do you still have it?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes and said, "What do you think is Chinese cabbage? I suspect that this Tianjiao strongman was killed by this mussel demon, and then this sea word order was left."

Luo Xiaobai handed the Haizi Ling to Han Feidao: "Let ’s keep it! At that time, let ’s see what the token does?"

The musician nodded frantically: "This token is not easy to get. Forgot that Sun's family, because of this token, it took a long time to hunt?"

Han Fei grinned: "I'm not too few for two pieces."

Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Feidao: "Where is the place where the bones are buried? What is the Dinghai chart? I am sure there is no such place as an underground city."

Han Fei surprised Luo Xiaobai and said, "Don't you know?"

Luo Xiaobai shook his head in confusion: "Should I know?"

Han Fei laughed: "Maybe I think too much. Cao Qiu knows this. However, what I said next should be a secret ..."


Han Fei did not hide them from Luo Xiaobai. Countless life and death experiences have long witnessed their relationship.

Although this exploration is extremely dangerous, everyone is now scalp. However, this should be considered a good thing.

This exploratory experience tells them that the mysterious and mysterious events near Broken Star Island are really terrible. If you are not careful, even the strong fishermen will be cool.

With this experience, Han Fei didn't care about others. The dead fat man must be intensified to practice. Just look at Tieqing's complexion now.

After a while.

Luo Xiaobai said in surprise: "Is this related to the fall of our thug college?"

Han Fei nodded: "Yes. If nothing happened, the Thug Academy would have fought against some people in Qianxing City because of the fixed chart. In the end, the thug college turned into what it is now ... "

Zhang Xuanyu took a deep breath: "You wait for a while ... So many things that the strong did not fight for, let's fight for it?"

The musician madly nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, the Thug Academy was destroyed by others, didn't you grab it? And, no, your big sword turned out to be Dinghai Yibao? I always thought it was God. Where is the soldier? "

Luo Xiaobai and Zhang Xuanyu both looked at Han Fei. Zhang Xuanyu did not participate in the battle of Yao Sen last time, but he also heard the music people say wildly. Looking at it now, it is clear that Han Fei had not told the truth before.

Han Feiyu smiled: "I said Xia Xiaochan left it to me. Do you believe it?"

Zhang Xuanyu crooked her head and said, "Xia Xiaochan has a treasure of Dinghai?"

Luo Xiaobai: "If Xiao Chan has Dinghai Yibao left to you, at least he will leave us a magical soldier. Do you think carefully and lie to us?"

The musician froze, "That's it, that's it."

Han Fei scratched his head: "Oh, I can't hide it! Well, this is what I got in Snow Temple. You should have heard of it?"

Luo Xiaobai nodded: "Know, that is the task you performed before Xiao Chan disappeared."

Han Fei nodded: "Yes! That's right there ... Also, what I need to tell you is: If you get weapons above the top grade soldiers in the future, don't immediately recognize the Lord. It will drain your blood."

The musician madly said, "Really?"

Han Fei sneered: "Especially if you haven't broken the sub-fisher level, even if you encounter Dinghai Yibao, you can only take it, you can't recognize the Lord."

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly: "This, I probably know."

Zhang Xuanyu did not envy Han Fei's Dinghai Yibao. He knew that Han Fei could not play Dinghai Yibao's strength.

In fact, Han Fei can't show his strengths now, so much more!

For example, Snow Sorrow, Han Fei dare not use it by himself. Afraid that after one attack, the aura was drained, instead giving the opponent a chance.

For example, embroidery needles are not even recognized by the owner, and can only be used as a very hard stick.

For example, endless water, until now, I do n’t know why to use it except for the knife? No clue.

As another sword, Han Fei has been hesitant to confess the Lord. It is necessary to have a superb soldier in hand.

It ’s just that Han Fei is n’t sure. He used the Qiankun sword. Should he still learn the sword?

Although Qiankun Sword comes with Qiankun Sword, Han Fei has always been inexperienced in learning, even he himself knows.

I just listened to Zhang Xuanyu: "It's so difficult to just get a sea word order ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm very doubtful that we really went to that buried place. We will not even touch the picture. Was killed? "

The musician nodded madly: "Yes, yes, I want to say."

Han Feiyu laughed: "So, I want you to improve your strength quickly! To be honest, at that time, the people who decide the chart will most likely be peers. We can all go."

Luo Xiaobai: "Huh? You can go without the sea word?"

Han Fei laughed: "I'm just guessing. As far as I know, there are 99 sea word orders, but I firmly don't believe that only 99 people will grab them. As for the specific use of this sea word order? I don't know yet, I may You know. So we all have to continue to improve. "

The musician took a deep breath and said, "I will break through the angler when I go back."

The third one ... Ask for a ticket ... Today is three more ... Thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket ... The story is long, not done overnight, and upgrading is not the key. It is mainly around the main story ... What a ...

(End of this chapter)

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