God of Fishing

Chapter 883: Facing the sunset, fighting Siren

The practice of shocking maps has always been Han Fei's shortcoming, which is also the most helpless thing.

The growth of Divine Power is not like power, but there are many ways to increase it.

If you want to strengthen the spirit, either take the time to visualize the shocking figure, or eat the soul crystal, or win the soul without the master. Fortunately, Han Fei now has a line of nothingness. However, the power of the soul captured by the Nothingness Line is very small, and it will not grow rapidly.

And it is too time-consuming to visualize the picture!

As for the soul without subject, it is difficult to encounter. Only swallowing the soul crystal is the best way to grow the power of the soul.

Consume a large number of soul crystals, which can be manifested through spiritual power.

At this moment, Han Fei looked at his message and thoughtfully.

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 56 (Intermediate Diver)

Reiki: 4328681 (36999)

Spiritual power: 3999/3999

Perception: 44999 meters

Spirit Pulse: Grade 7

Talented Soul Beast: Twin Yin and Yang Swallow Spirit Fish [Level 49]

Major training method: "Flying Fishing", the fifth layer of "God Control" [God Class]


Han Fei is wondering: The power of his soul is so much higher than just now.

100 secondary soul crystals, swallowed by myself. Shocking picture fragments, already remembered the 70th block. Although it is still less than one-tenth, the increase in perception range is definitely not small.

For more than 80 miles, Han Fei believes most people can't.

However, from this information, I seem to be in an absolute bottleneck period. Whether it's the upper limit of aura, the mental power, or the range of perception, it's stuck in a bottleneck.

This is the price that comes from quickly increasing your strength!

To completely break through the bottleneck, it may take a lot of time to digest slowly.

"Oh! Enough, it's fast enough. It's a little worse than Jiuyin Ling, but my fighting ability is strong!"

Han Fei gave himself a lame excuse. At this time, Han Fei suddenly found out that Xiao Bai had finished drinking 20,000 kg of Qiling Liquid from Shrimp Ritian, and drank one third of the 30,000 kg of Qiling Liquid left on his own side.

At this moment, Qi Lingye has a total of 350,000 kilograms left, and Xiao Bai is still at level 49.

"Oh! Girl, do you have a bottleneck too?"

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless: the road to spiritual practice, the more we go, the more we go. It seems that nothing is wrong.

Even if the resources are sufficient, it will take time to kill and absorb these forces.

Folding up Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, Han Fei was moved by the thoughts and appeared on the surface of the sea.


The setting sun is half set, and the huge sun seems to rise and fall in the waves, like a wonderful picture.

Two days have passed since I entered the refining world.

And the undersea chimney was almost emptied by itself long before the surface emerged.

However, Han Fei still controlled Fengshenzhou and flew over to take a look.

When Han Fei arrived, he found that there were a lot of bugs, all kinds of devouring dead marine creatures.

Most corpses have now become bones. And that bottom chimney, half of which was cut off, seems to have experienced a war.

Han Fei's perception swept through and found that there was no hole in the bottom chimney, and the rest was just a piece of rubble.

"It's all gone. Should I go back to Star Island at this time?"

Han Fei fell into hesitation. Coincidentally, this time was hit by several law enforcement officers. Want to say that the other party did not recognize himself? Han Feina is unbelievable.

The other party does not need to know themselves at all, as long as the other party can recognize Phantom Ruri.

And grabbing the chimneys under the sea, it seems that it is not small. Han Fei is a little guilty! It seems that my brothers and sisters have never returned to the island because they grabbed the chimneys under the sea? Wang Shuai also pitted an undersea chimney and was banned.

"Well, look around first."

Han Fei flew above the sky. It didn't take more than 5,000 miles to find that he could often see the little mermaid and red demon haunting the sea.

Moreover, these Krakens are always waiting in groups, as if the battle on Broken Star Island is not over.

At this moment, Han Fei felt more than 80 miles away, and a group of more than 20 mermaids led more than 50 red demon and more than 100 little mermaids on their way to Broken Star Island.

"There are a lot of people! Let's see?"

Han Fei pondered: Anyway, he is a little bit fragile now. He needs to pass a lot of actual combat and grinding, and quickly digest the power that he doesn't know where to accumulate in the body.

Yes, Han Fei really doesn't know where the Qilingye has been drinking? If it is a rule, then it must be reflected?

However, Han Fei still has this consciousness that the things he drinks can be digested through actual combat.

As a result, Han Fei "slipped" and controlled Fengshenzhou, sweeping a red light on the sea.


Han Fei went directly to the sea and fought with a kitchen knife: "Hey, grandson, where are you going?"

These siren were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Han Fei.

All of a sudden, they all looked vigilant, thinking that humans came out to find them ... A group of mermaids felt released and ran across the surrounding waters frantically to see if there was an ambush?

Han Fei grinned, "Don't look for it, just me."

Han Fei has felt that in this group of mermaids, there are only two Kraken peaks, five advanced, seven or eight intermediate ... the rest are all one-size-fits-all.

The really tricky thing is the two Kraken captains, and one Kraken Tianjiao. All three have a gold suit. If nothing else, the two captain-level powerhouses, at least, will have such a secret method of Poseidon.

This is not the same situation as in the monster channel! At this moment, from the peak of the sea monster, the method of the advent of the sea **** can directly give these people the power of law enforcement.

Previously, the one that was killed on the East Coast was because he didn't give the other party time to directly hang the line of nothingness, so that the other party could not even use the immortal seal.

At this moment, the two captain-level strong men looked at each other and sneered sneered: "A middle-level snorkeler, dare to stop us?"

They thought it was too funny. However, out of caution, the two captains only signaled to two of the senior Krakens and asked them to kill Han Fei.

The two high-level Siren mermaids did not hesitate to exhibit a trick that Han Fei was particularly familiar with, a streamer.

When the two were close to Han Fei within a hundred meters, all of a sudden, they only saw Han Fei's Phantom Glazed Wings showing up, and the ground appeared beside them.


With only two knives, two half-mermaids were split by Han Fei.

Han Fei sneered: "Hey! Don't take it too seriously! I dare to come to you alone, don't you have any skill? You don't even need the companion soul and the Neptune's secret method, who is this to look down on?"

Han Fei also didn't know, did these two people die? Anyway, when he flashed over, the line of nothingness had already shot at the same time. Because they are too fast, they should not be able to react.

Sure enough, after Han Fei's two breaths, he didn't feel anyone coming out of the void.

What made him more certain was that he passed a line of nothingness and sucked a small amount of spirits back.

Han Fei secretly said: Yeah, not all of them are arrogant, not necessarily immortal. If everyone has it, then this one is still hitting?

The two captains and strong men who were on the opposite side were horrified: One face to face, not one breath, it was an instantaneous matter, the two senior Krakens died?


One of them shouted, "Note, this son is not an ordinary snorkeler. All shots and besieged him."

Han Fei sneered: Do you think I can't understand you when you speak in Kraken?

Siege? The higher the realm, the smaller the meaning of the siege. Unless it comes from the same realm to siege ...


Han Fei's figure rushed. It's just that he didn't use wind speed and overlord tactics. To sharpen oneself, if you can not use the secret method or the like, try not to use it.

But even if Han Fei does not use the secret method, his speed is staggeringly fast, after all, this is a flash stream.

Han Fei didn't hit the captains at all. This time, the siege was smart enough to use the secret method of Neptune.

However, in the advanced Kraken realm, is it useful to use the Kraken secret method? Even those powerful men in the middle-level sea monster realm, using Shanghai's mysterious method, are only as powerful as Han Fei now. However, in the face of such a character, a sword-drawing operation was killed.

Even the line of nothingness is too late to hang, at most two can be hung at a time, but how long does it take to absorb the soul? In such a high-frequency, fast-paced battle, there was no time to let Han Fei draw the soul.




A group of sea monsters, facing a person's scuffle, began so absurdly.

If these two captain-level strong men knew that Han Fei could flash infinitely, they would never be foolish to surround everyone.

However, at this moment, it was already late.

Just listen to the two men roaring, "Quickly withdraw, quickly withdraw ... blood slap, take me away."

In a short period of three or five breaths, Han Fei killed more than 30 people and is still hunting, almost catching one is a knife.

And those two captain-level strong men, at this moment, used the secret method of Poseidon's advent. Whether it's strength or speed, it's five times stronger.

If Han Fei equates their strength with himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, then it is close to the power of 3 waves. It's still pretty strong by calculation, but I don't know how much life a Siren will consume if I use this secret method once.

Han Fei's mouth widened, and a line of nothingness caught a red demon, "brushing" the sword. After slicing the red demon, he hummed, and Han Fei's speed surged.

The same secret method, your sea **** is not as good as my overlord tactics! Compared with me, what do you think?

"Hey," Han Fei once again caught up with a half-mermaid in the early stage of Kraken, slashing to death.

This chase lasted for more than 30 minutes. Han Fei killed more than 40 sea monsters in total, and he didn't care about any of the little mermaids, because that would not be the climate.

At this moment, Han Fei was standing above the water, and five people surrounded him.

Of the five, two were captain-level, two were senior Krakens, and one was Tianjiao.

At this moment, these people's sea gods came to the mysterious body and the associated spirits appeared ...

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